

Suidooster is a small shopping- and business hub near Cape Town. Here three families live and work together and share in each other's joys and sorrows: The Octobers, the Samsodiens and the Du Plooys.
Denise Newman, Cedwyn Joel, Marcel Van Heerden

Assista aos episódios completos de Suidooster

Ver Suidooster Temporada 10

  • Episode 258

    Episódio 258 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem advises Carlo to win back Lee-Ann's favour while Gary and Justin are at loggerheads. Riaan offers Kate an olive branch, but Rhafiek complicates Bianca's plans.
  • Episode 257

    Episódio 257 - 22 Minutos
    Lee-Ann finds out that Carlo is neglecting his schoolwork. Gary works himself to the bone to fix the problem with his app, and Kate is bitterly disappointed in her son.
  • Episode 256

    Episódio 256 - 22 Minutos
    Unforeseen obstacles scupper Riaan's excitement for his weekend getaway. Mymoena gains new insight into her role as a granny, and Carlo plays with fire.
  • Episode 255

    Episódio 255 - 22 Minutos
    Carlo’s money is burning a hole in his pocket. Kate has to put out fires, while Mymoena's escapades cause her embarrassment.
  • Episode 254

    Episódio 254 - 23 Minutos
    Justin and Gary’s project gets a setback, while Mymoena tries her best to talk sense into Rhafiek. Carlo finally gets the freedom he craves, but will Nazeem exploit it?
  • Episode 253

    Episódio 253 - 22 Minutos
    Rhafiek has to fight for his job. Carlo and Nazeem make a plan with his debt, while Frankie broke something at Bridgette’s house.
  • Episode 252

    Episódio 252 - 22 Minutos
    Frankie regrets having wormed her way into Bridgette's fine-dining dinner. Justin wants to release their app, while Wade and Riaan wonder what makes Carlo so popular in high school.
  • Episode 251

    Episódio 251 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek is struggling, and Nazeem gives Carlo strict instructions. Frankie gets herself into a difficult situation, while Gary and Justin's progress with the app is brought to a halt.
  • Episode 250

    Episódio 250 - 22 Minutos
    Rhafiek gets a chance to make up for his mistake while Justin and Gary find another place to work. Lee-Ann is at her wit's end with Carlo.
  • Episode 249

    Episódio 249 - 23 Minutos
    Frankie is determined to make it on her own, and Carlo keeps getting into trouble. Gary and Justin's project builds momentum, while Rhafiek does something that leaves the JPD team gobsmacked.
  • Episode 248

    Episódio 248 - 22 Minutos
    Rhafiek is on a slippery slope. Nazeem manipulates Carlo into doing something illegal, while Gary must decide whether to accept his fate or fight.
  • Episode 247

    Episódio 247 - 22 Minutos
    Gary and Justin get bad news about their project, while Rhafiek still struggles to balance his work and personal life. Carlo makes sneaky plans with Nazeem, but will they work out?
  • Episode 246

    Episódio 246 - 22 Minutos
    Bridgette subtly pressurises Rhafiek to return to work. Nazeem tests Carlo with a sly plan and Kate keeps a stranger's backpack in the pharmacy.
  • Episode 245

    Episódio 245 - 23 Minutos
    Elana is confronted by her greatest fear. The peace between Rhafiek and Mymoena is short-lived, while Nazeem sets his plan with Carlo in motion.
  • Episode 244

    Episódio 244 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena gets hold of Kaashifa while Nazeem tests Carlo. Gary and Justin clash over their app, and Elana says goodbye to Cilliers.
  • Episode 243

    Episódio 243 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena is worried about Kaashifa's whereabouts. Lee-Ann discovers what Carlo did while Gary and Justin's new business is full steam ahead.
  • Episode 242

    Episódio 242 - 23 Minutos
    When an unexpected incident foils Carlo's plan, he does something that impresses Nazeem. Cilliers realises Elana knows more than she lets on, and Kaashifa takes a big step.
  • Episode 241

    Episódio 241 - 22 Minutos
    Carlo wants to avoid Nazeem, while Justin tries to stay out of Gary's way. Elana struggles with Cilliers' illness, and Kaashifa must make a very difficult decision.
  • Episode 240

    Episódio 240 - 23 Minutos
    The family is shocked by Rhafiek's behaviour, and Kaashifa makes a desperate decision. Justin feels bad about his role in Gary's misfortune, while Elana tries to get through to Cilliers.
  • Episode 239

    Episódio 239 - 22 Minutos
    Bridgette oortuig Lee-Ann om Carlo uit Nazeem se kloue te kry. Rhafiek sukkel om die realiteit te verwerk, terwyl Justin te ver gaan met Gary.
  • Episode 238

    Episódio 238 - 23 Minutos
    Gary en Justin se vennootskap is op dun ys. Bridgette raak al hoe meer agterdogtig oor Nazeem se planne met Carlo terwyl Rhafiek `n finale besluit neem.
  • Episode 237

    Episódio 237 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa rig 'n moeilike versoek aan Mymoena, terwyl Nazeem sy band met Carlo versterk. Gary vererg hom vir Justin en Cilliers sukkel om sy swak gesondheid weg te steek.
  • Episode 236

    Episódio 236 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena hoop sy kan tot Rhafiek deurdring. Gary het opwindende nuus om te deel, en Lee-Ann lees vir Nazeem die leviete voor.
  • Episode 235

    Episódio 235 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa weier om besoekers te ontvang. Carlo doen iets wat Lee-Ann se bloed laat kook. Susan bly agterdogtig oor Cilliers en wanneer hy uiteindelik bieg oor sy vreemde optrede, is sy stomgeslaan.
  • Episode 234

    Episódio 234 - 23 Minutos
    Die Jacobs-susters straf Carlo, Zoe en Riaan terwyl Gary se selfoon-app belowend lyk. Rhafiek vertel vir Kaashifa die waarheid, maar sal sy hom glo?
  • Episode 233

    Episódio 233 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek sukkel om Kaashifa se gedrag te verwerk, terwyl Gary op sy nuwe app fokus. Cilliers verwag 'n pakkie uit Angola en Susan bied aan om dit te ontvang. Carlo is in die moeilikheid.
  • Episode 232

    Episódio 232 - 23 Minutos
    Susan besluit om haar instink te vertrou en Cilliers te agtervolg. Carlo doen iets agter Lee-Ann se rug, terwyl Kaashifa vir Mymoena smeek om haar te help.
  • Episode 231

    Episódio 231 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa se familie en vriende is geskok na wat sy gedoen het, terwyl Susan wonder oor Cilliers se finansies. Angie gee vir Gary 'n idee, en Carlo word in die verleentheid gestel.
  • Episode 230

    Episódio 230 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa beplan om die ondenkbare te doen. Susan en Cilliers wend van beide kante af 'n poging aan om oor die weg te kom, terwyl Wade en sy vriende hulle vryheid vier.
  • Episode 229

    Episódio 229 - 23 Minutos
    Elana bring vir Susan tot nuwe insig oor Cilliers, en Rhafiek ontdek iets skokkend. Nazeem se onlangse neerlaag laat hom soos 'n mislukking voel, terwyl Kaashifa iets in die mou voer.
  • Episode 228

    Episódio 228 - 23 Minutos
    Susan kry nie vat aan Cilliers nie en Wade is op hete kole. Kaashifa maak uiteindelik 'n deurbraak, maar hoe lank gaan dit hou?
  • Episode 227

    Episódio 227 - 22 Minutos
    Is daar 'n flikker van hoop vir Wade? Rhafiek is verslae oor Kaashifa se vreemde besluite. Susan ontmoet Elana se ou skoolvriend, maar iets aan hom pla haar.
  • Episode 226

    Episódio 226 - 23 Minutos
    Speurder Malherbe kry 'n nuwe leidraad. Kaashifa probeer uitwurm uit haar terapiesessie, maar Mymoena gee nie skiet nie. Elana kry 'n teken dat Susan vroeg huis toe gaan kom.
  • Episode 225

    Episódio 225 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa sukkel om Dullah agter te laat wanneer sy vir haar doktersafpraak gaan. Bianca vertel vir Riaan presies wat sy van hom dink, terwyl Wade en Zoe `n deurbraak in hulle ondersoek kry.
  • Episode 224

    Episódio 224 - 23 Minutos
    Wade en Zoe loods hulle eie ondersoek, terwyl Bianca vir Riaan bederf. Rhafiek is raadop met Kaashifa se paranoia.
  • Episode 223

    Episódio 223 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette gee vir Lee-Ann raad, terwyl Mymoena moederlik met die nuwe ouers praat. Stella is uit haar vel om weer vir Riaan te sien.
  • Episode 222

    Episódio 222 - 23 Minutos
    Elana is stomgeslaan oor Kaashifa se gedrag. Bridgette ontdek iets wat haar snuf in die neus gee en veroorsaak dat Wade se dag tot 'n onverwagse einde kom.
  • Episode 221

    Episódio 221 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan moet 'n besluit neem. Kaashifa begin al meer uithaak, terwyl speurder Malherbe se ondersoek begin vrugte afwerp.
  • Episode 220

    Episódio 220 - 22 Minutos
    Wade is seker sy probleme met die polisie is verby, of misgis hy hom dalk? Riaan is bereid om vir Hanli 'n finale kans te gee. Kaashifa raak toenemend angstig oor haar en die baba se veiligheid.
  • Episode 219

    Episódio 219 - 23 Minutos
    Wade se dade het nagevolge. Bridgette voel skuldig dat sy so gedruk het vir antwoorde, terwyl Bianca besluit om vir Rhafiek en Kaashifa 'n blaaskans te gee.
  • Episode 218

    Episódio 218 - 22 Minutos
    Bridgette ruik 'n rot wanneer sy sien Justin dra dieselfde hangertjie op die Dassie plakkate as wat in haar swembad gevind is. Riaan is op die oorlogspad.
  • Episode 217

    Episódio 217 - 23 Minutos
    Wade maak 'n bekentenis teenoor Zoë, terwyl Bridgette vir Malherbe 'n leidraad gee. Rhafiek maak Kaashifa die josie in, en Hanli worstel weer met haar begeertes.
  • Episode 216

    Episódio 216 - 23 Minutos
    Siya gee vir Rhafiek 'n ander perspektief oor Kaashifa se uitdagings. Nazeem se romantiese eskapades het gevolge, terwyl Zoë twee en twee bymekaar sit oor Damian.
  • Episode 215

    Episódio 215 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa voel oorweldig en doen iets wat sy nie gewoonlik sou doen nie. Nuwe verwikkelinge oor Damian het Wade, Justin en Gary op hol - sal hulle kan kophou?
  • Episode 214

    Episódio 214 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa sukkel om aan te pas by haar nuwe omstandighede. Bridgette vra vrae wat Wade baie ongemaklik maak, en het Hanli haar verlede werklik agtergelaat?
  • Episode 213

    Episódio 213 - 23 Minutos
    Wade en sy vriende is seker hulle geheim is veilig, maar Bridgette jaag 'n leidraad. Riaan kry onverwagse raad, terwyl Mymoena en Kaashifa koppe stamp oor hoe die nuwe baba behandel word.
  • Episode 212

    Episódio 212 - 23 Minutos
    Wade het besluite om te neem, en Gary twyfel ook oor wat om te doen. Kaashifa is onnodig lelik met Mymoena. Hanli probeer eers oorkompenseer vir haar foute, maar bieg dan.
  • Episode 211

    Episódio 211 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek en Kaashifa se baba kry sy naam, maar Kaashifa is omgekrap omdat Mymoena die koek vir die doopmaal gebak het. Hanli swig voor die versoeking.
  • Episode 210

    Episódio 210 - 23 Minutos
    Gary, Justin en Wade sweet bloed, terwyl die realiteit van ouerskap by Kaashifa en Rhafiek insink. Hanli worstel met haar begeertes.
  • Episode 209

    Episódio 209 - 23 Minutos
    Wade, Justin en Gary staan saam. Mymoena en Rhafiek staan bont om van die kat se stank ontslae te raak, terwyl Riaan en Hanli op 'n goeie plek is.
  • Episode 208

    Episódio 208 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan is in die wolke, en onverwagse struikelblokke maak Rhafiek se eerste pappa-pligte 'n uitdaging. Lee-Ann probeer vir Hanli oortuig om die eerbare ding te doen.
  • Episode 207

    Episódio 207 - 23 Minutos
    Wade moet versigtig trap na sy onderonsie met Damian terwyl Kaashifa en Rhafiek bekommerd is omdat hulle baba nie melk wil drink nie.
  • Episode 206

    Episódio 206 - 23 Minutos
    Zoë probeer afstand tussen haar en Damian skep. Riaan en Hanli se planne loop skeef, terwyl Kaashifa en Rhafiek 'n groot verrassing kry.
  • Episode 205

    Episódio 205 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem ontmoet vir Damian en Zoë ervaar eerstehands dat Wade reg was oor hom. Riaan en Hanli wil 'n oplossing vir hul probleme vind.
  • Episode 204

    Episódio 204 - 23 Minutos
    Damian laat Wade stoom van woede, terwyl Riaan en Hanli vir Stella raakloop. Angie is moeg vir toneel speel en beraam 'n plan om die kat uit die sak te laat.
  • Episode 203

    Episódio 203 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan is onseker oor of hy die regte besluit geneem het. Lee-Ann kry vir Wade voor stok, terwyl Siya in die moeilikheid is oor waar hy gisteraand was.
  • Episode 202

    Episódio 202 - 23 Minutos
    Siya moet sy ritme vind, terwyl Riaan en Hanli opgewonde is oor hulle toekoms saam. 'n Roekelose besluit laat Wade in die kookwater beland.
  • Episode 201

    Episódio 201 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan en Hanli probeer aanbeweeg, maar Bianca is nog erg ontsteld. Ruiterbosch se nuwe paartjie blaas warm en koud, terwyl Wade in Damian se hande speel.
  • Episode 200

    Episódio 200 - 22 Minutos
    Die wedywery tussen Wade en Damian bereik kookpunt. Riaan kom te staan voor struikelblokke op pad na sy nuwe toekoms, en Ruiterbosch se nuwe paartjie probeer mekaar opnuut vind.
  • Episode 199

    Episódio 199 - 23 Minutos
    Angie gaan op 'n date. Wade versag teenoor Damian, maar Damian raak geniepsig wanneer hulle alleen is. Riaan en Hanli neem 'n groot besluit.
  • Episode 198

    Episódio 198 - 23 Minutos
    Wade val vir Damian se manipulasie en besluit om hom 'n kans te gee. Angie klap Siya speels op sy boud, terwyl Hanli 'n drastiese voorstel vir Riaan maak.
  • Episode 197

    Episódio 197 - 23 Minutos
    Die nuwe jaar skop af met dramatiese gebeure. Riaan moet 'n baie moeilike gesprek hê, terwyl Wade bedreig voel. Angie en Siya moet besluite neem.
  • Episode 196

    Episódio 196 - 23 Minutos
    Ruiterbosch maak gereed vir Nuwejaarsvieringe. Kate lees vir Hanli die leviete voor, terwyl Damian nog steeds 'n oog op Zoe het.
  • Episode 195

    Episódio 195 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan soek toenadering tot Bianca, maar gaan sy haar hart versag teenoor hom? Siya en Angie se geheim begin al hoe swaarder weeg, terwyl 'n enigmatiese figuur in Ruiterbosch opdaag.
  • Episode 194

    Episódio 194 - 22 Minutos
    Riaan voel onder druk en Kate waarsku hom teen 'n oorhaastige besluit. Almal dink Siya het 'n nuwe meisie, terwyl die Kersgeskenke wat Gary omgeruil het hom 'n duur les leer.
  • Episode 193

    Episódio 193 - 23 Minutos
    Siya en Angie kom al nader aan mekaar, terwyl Bridgette desperaat 'n nuwe plan maak met haar kookpligte. Riaan wil dinge met Hanli uitsorteer.
  • Episode 192

    Episódio 192 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette het haar Kersete verbrand en moet kanselleer. Mymoena verdedig Bianca by Kate, terwyl Hanli vir Riaan verras.
  • Episode 191

    Episódio 191 - 23 Minutos
    Siya en Angie voel albei ongemaklik oor 'n toneel in die radiodrama. Kate se Oukersete word kortgeknip terwyl Hanli met Bianca swaarde kruis.
  • Episode 190

    Episódio 190 - 23 Minutos
    Bianca doen moeite met Riaan. Aiden ontdek iets skokkend, terwyl Susan stres oor die radiodrama. Bridgette en Zoe bak vir iemand 'n poets.
  • Episode 189

    Episódio 189 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem gee vir Susan 'n idee wat vlam vat. Riaan hoor JPD gaan saam met Hanli se hotel werk. Elana hou vergadering met die vyand.
  • Episode 188

    Episódio 188 - 22 Minutos
    Hanli kry klein bietjie hoop, terwyl Bridgette 'n wilde idee in Justin se kop plant. Aiden spook om sin te maak van Tarryn se vreemde gedrag, maar gaan hy hou van wat hy uitvind?
  • Episode 187

    Episódio 187 - 23 Minutos
    Gary en Aiden het 'n plan om agter die kap van die byl te kom. Riaan sukkel om met die verlede vrede te maak, terwyl Wade en Zoe in die sop beland.
  • Episode 186

    Episódio 186 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden neem desperate stappe om die apteek se reputasie te red. Riaan sukkel om sy geheim aan Bianca en Kate te verduidelik, terwyl Siya 'n nuwe romantiese afspraak het.
  • Episode 185

    Episódio 185 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem se nuwe planne vir Emir maak Rhafiek bekommerd. Aiden se situasie word al hoe erger en die gort is gaar wanneer Bianca iets skokkend ontdek.
  • Episode 184

    Episódio 184 - 23 Minutos
    Elana en Kate is oortuig dat Aiden die een is wat die mediese afval in die natuurreservaat gestort het. Hanli word op haar plek gesit, terwyl sake lelik skeefloop vir Nazeem.
  • Episode 183

    Episódio 183 - 23 Minutos
    Dis Kaashifa se eerste dag terug by Emir. Elana is woedend vir Aiden, terwyl Riaan 'n onthulling maak.
  • Episode 182

    Episódio 182 - 23 Minutos
    Anker beleef 'n nog erger terugslag en Kaashifa klop by Bridgette aan vir hulp. Hanli maak haar intensies duidelik aan Riaan.
  • Episode 181

    Episódio 181 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa en Nazeem stamp steeds koppe, maar wie gaan wen? Aiden en Elana het probleme by die werk, terwyl 'n nuwe gesig dinge deurmekaar kom krap in Ruiterbosch.
  • Episode 180

    Episódio 180 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa het 'n moeilike besluit om te neem aangaande Emir. Elana se kroeg kry swaar onder die protesaksie en Riaan se verlede haal hom in.
  • Episode 179

    Episódio 179 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan stoei met sy gewete, terwyl Justin 'n desperate plan maak om 'n kompetisie te wen. Nazeem se skelm plan vir Emir verloop goed, of sal Kaashifa besef wat aangaan?
  • Episode 178

    Episódio 178 - 23 Minutos
    Nog twee voëls word dood gekry buite Anker en Bennie is oortuig dis Elana se skuld. Lee-Ann en Debbie neem finaal 'n besluit oor hul vriendskap.
  • Episode 177

    Episódio 177 - 22 Minutos
    Debbie en Lee-Ann neem drastiese stappe, terwyl Aiden en Elana 'n nuwe veldtog loods. Nazeem ontvang 'n moeilike versoek en Kaashifa beleef iets spesiaals.
  • Episode 176

    Episódio 176 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann moet weer by Clayton 'n draai gaan maak. Kate en Aiden vang vir Justin met 'n slap riem, terwyl Bianca nie gelukkig is met Nazeem se nuwe plan nie.
  • Episode 175

    Episódio 175 - 23 Minutos
    'n Wonderlike geleentheid kom oor Aiden se pad, terwyl Nazeem sy bes doen om Emir uit die rooi te kry. Lee-Ann gee Debbie se pistool vir haar terug.
  • Episode 174

    Episódio 174 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem tries to cut costs. Aiden discovers something fishy about the big pharmaceutical group, while Lee-Ann is torn between her guilt and responsibilities at home.
  • Episode 173

    Episódio 173 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann wants to cover her tracks at Clayton's flat, but gets a massive shock. Aiden is furious about Kate and Mymoena's behaviour at the pharmacy. Nazeem takes another risk.
  • Episode 172

    Episódio 172 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena and Kate are still in each other's hair, while Nazeem is worried about finances. Meanwhile, Lee-Ann and Debbie are making plans to get rid of Clayton.
  • Episode 171

    Episódio 171 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann confesses about something major to Debbie while Kaashifa has started working. Mymoena rubs Kate up the wrong way and Gary takes huge chances.
  • Episode 170

    Episódio 170 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa's blood pressure has stabilised and Riaan is forced to lie to Bianca. Lee-Ann finally makes a breakthrough.
  • Episode 169

    Episódio 169 - 22 Minutos
    A Bollywood star is on their way to Ruiterbosch, and Nazeem is determined to reap the benefits. Clayton shares something shocking with Lee-Ann. Wade is left bewildered after a strange interaction.
  • Episode 168

    Episódio 168 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa prepares for a very important guest. Aiden finds out about something that's worrying, and for how long can Lee-Ann still live with Clayton?
  • Episode 167

    Episódio 167 - 23 Minutos
    Can Nazeem and Kaashifa find a solution to their problem? Lee-Ann has doubts about the attacker, while Kate wonders about Aiden's mysterious appointment.
  • Episode 166

    Episódio 166 - 23 Minutos
    Everyone makes peace again after the Mo debacle. Kaashifa is still worried, despite everyone's reassurance. Kate gets some of her own medicine, while Lee-Ann has a new plan with Clayton.
  • Episode 165

    Episódio 165 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa is furious when she finds out that Nazeem didn't do what she asked. Clayton confronts Lee-Ann and she has to think on her feet, while Mo and Jacques makes a decision.
  • Episode 164

    Episódio 164 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann tries to catch Clayton out, while Nazeem takes a big risk. Mo is desperate and does something drastic.
  • Episode 163

    Episódio 163 - 23 Minutos
    Tension runs high in Ruiterbosch. Brendan struggles to control his anger, and nothing will stop Mo from pursuing her future plans.
  • Episode 162

    Episódio 162 - 23 Minutos
    Clayton keeps on giving Lee-Ann a hard time, while Justin and Gary are at odds. Kaashifa faces another obstacle, and to make things worse, she's not feeling well.
  • Episode 161

    Episódio 161 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem and Kaashifa work diligently to put out fires. Siya is confident that the truth will eventually be revealed, while Lee-Ann is resolute in her commitment to helping Debbie.
  • Episode 160

    Episódio 160 - 23 Minutos
    Peace is restored in Kate's house, but will it last? Lee-Ann commits to helping Debbie, while Mo's brother causes trouble.
  • Episode 159

    Episódio 159 - 23 Minutos
    Kate has good news but also bad news that she struggles to communicate. Lee-Ann helps Debbie, while Kaashifa discovers that Rhafiek connived behind her back.
  • Episode 158

    Episódio 158 - 23 Minutos
    Carlo is still upset by what he saw, while Bridgette swallows her pride and asks Debbie for a favour. Meanwhile, an unknown man is on Mo's tracks.
  • Episode 157

    Episódio 157 - 23 Minutos
    Carlo uncovers a shocking revelation, while Lee-Ann's anxiety deepens. Kaashifa devises a strategy to relieve her work-related stress, and Zoe delivers some unfortunate news to Kate.
  • Episode 156

    Episódio 156 - 23 Minutos
    Siya makes an important decision concerning Mo, and Kate insists that the sale of the house goes ahead. Lee-Ann and Debbie get revenge but then things go wrong.
  • Episode 155

    Episódio 155 - 22 Minutos
    Mo has big plans for the evening but Brendan comes home with shocking news. Mymoena's birthday dinner is full of surprises, while Lee-Ann plays with fire.
  • Episode 154

    Episódio 154 - 22 Minutos
    Oos-Wes is verplig om vir die dag te sluit, Siya ontdek dat Mo verlief is op iemand, en Lee-Ann bereik haar breekpunt.
  • Episode 153

    Episódio 153 - 22 Minutos
    Lee-Ann struggles to keep her anger in check. Kate has new rules for her tenants, while Kaashifa tries to take the day easy, but things turn out differently.
  • Episode 152

    Episódio 152 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette enlists the help of her family and friends. Kaashifa's suggestion for a name for the new restaurant is rejected, while Kate trumps her young tenants.
  • Episode 151

    Episódio 151 - 22 Minutos
    Bridgette makes it clear to Debbie what her duties are, and the Jacobs family receives more shocking news. Kaashifa uses a family meal to get her way, while Lee-Ann's attackers are released.
  • Episode 150

    Episódio 150 - 23 Minutos
    Debbie reveals something shocking to Lee-Ann, while Kaashifa has renewed hope for her restaurant. Mo is on cloud nine.
  • Episode 149

    Episódio 149 - 22 Minutos
    Detective Malherbe isn't impressed with Wade and Bridgette. Kaashifa finds the perfect venue for her new restaurant, while everybody feels terribly sorry for Mo.
  • Episode 148

    Episódio 148 - 22 Minutos
    Kaashifa is frustrated with Rhafiek, and Siya makes a shocking discovery about Mo's aunt. Debbie gives Lee-Ann something to think about, while Bridgette is determined to take revenge.
  • Episode 147

    Episódio 147 - 23 Minutos
    Mo is hopeful that they will find her aunt, while Kaashifa hides something from Rhafiek and Mymoena. Lee-Ann struggles to face reality.
  • Episode 146

    Episódio 146 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann hides something from her family. Siya makes a difficult decision to support Mo, while Kaashifa receives an unexpected offer.
  • Episode 145

    Episódio 145 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette and Lee-Ann are looking for clues. Kaashifa's idea to open a new restaurant sparks up again, while Mo insists on repacking Siya's cupboards.
  • Episode 144

    Episódio 144 - 23 Minutos
    Siya and Susan have good news for Mo. Bridgette is determined to uncover the truth, while Rhafiek stands in for Mymoena and helps Kaashifa with Mufti Badr's dinner.
  • Episode 143

    Episódio 143 - 23 Minutos
    Disaster strikes Ruiterbosch, and the Jacobs family's world falls apart. The Samsodiens receive big news, while Siya and Susan try to help Mo.
  • Episode 142

    Episódio 142 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan breaks shocking news to the Jacobs family. Rhafiek goes overboard with Kaashifa, while Mo finally lets the cat out of the bag.
  • Episode 141

    Episódio 141 - 23 Minutos
    Susan tries to ease Siya's mind about Mo, while Rhafiek's past comes back to haunt him. The Jacobs clan faces sadness, stress, clues and disappointments.
  • Episode 140

    Episódio 140 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette takes charge at JPD. Zoe is worried that Wade hasn't contacted her yet and Mymoena plants a seed in Kaashifa's head.
  • Episode 139

    Episódio 139 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem's words cause trouble between Zoe and Wade. Kaashifa gets a big opportunity, but immediately hits a setback. Susan and Siya want to help Mo, but will she accept?
  • Episode 138

    Episódio 138 - 23 Minutos
    Imelda's true colours come to light but Kaashifa comes to her defence. Nazeem gives Carlo a solution for the disaster in Bridgette's garden, while Siya is surprised about Brendan's new friend.
  • Episode 137

    Episódio 137 - 23 Minutos
    Zoe is forced to tell Wade about the affair she had with Nazeem. Kaashifa gives Riaan a clue and Imelda is in a hurry to leave Ruiterbosch.
  • Episode 136

    Episódio 136 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden and Riaan are on Imelda's trail, while Lee-Ann and Wade clash over Zoe. Gary is desperate and does something drastic.
  • Episode 135

    Episódio 135 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden tries to figure out where his brother can be. Bridgette steps in when Angie confronts Zoe, while the church calendar is an unexpected hit.
  • Episode 134

    Episódio 134 - 23 Minutos
    Angie keeps pressing Zoe's buttons. Imelda does something that stuns Riaan and the entire JPD team, while Gary ends up in a life threatening situation.
  • Episode 133

    Episódio 133 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan is still suspicious. Zoe tries to reach out to Angie, while Siya is searching frantically for the missing flash drive with the photos.
  • Episode 132

    Episódio 132 - 23 Minutos
    Wade and Zoe are sure about what they want, but will the rest of Ruiterbosch accept it? Gary and Riaan each have their respective problems with Imelda. A flash drive with Siya's gym photos goes missing.
  • Episode 131

    Episódio 131 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan realises he might have been wrong about Imelda, yet again. Kate is shocked by Siya's sexy photo, while Wade is finally honest with Angie about his feelings.
  • Episode 130

    Episódio 130 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann is furious with Riaan, while Siya and Aiden partake in an iron-man challenge. Kaashifa's day is spoiled, while Riaan takes Imelda to task in front of everyone. 
  • Episode 129

    Episódio 129 - 23 Minutos
    The Samsodiens and Riaan make amends with Imelda, while Lee-Ann notices something between Wade and Zoe. Bennie and Carlo have a shocking experience.
  • Episode 128

    Episódio 128 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette takes Riaan to task over his accusations. Siya faces temptation everywhere, while Susan gives Zoe food for thought.
  • Episode 127

    Episódio 127 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan discovers something strange, but his findings get mixed reviews. Wade's day is full of disappointments, obstacles and a very unexpected twist.
  • Episode 126

    Episódio 126 - 23 Minutos
    Wade is heartbroken about his future. Siya is on a mission to lose weight, while Riaan wonders if Imelda has a hidden agenda. 
  • Episode 125

    Episódio 125 - 23 Minutos
    JPD has a building crisis, or can Imelda solve the matter? Angie refuses to just sit and watch. Kaashifa becomes increasingly desperate to connect with Imelda.
  • Episode 124

    Episódio 124 - 22 Minutos
    Kaashifa and Mymoena try to convince Bridgette to invite Imelda for lunch, and Justin takes charge of a very unfit Siya. Things go pear-shaped in Kwaggabaai.
  • Episode 123

    Episódio 123 - 23 Minutos
    Imelda opens up to Bridgette and reveals a few things about herself. Riaan has to go to Kwaggabaai urgently, while Gary reveals something shocking to Angie. 
  • Episode 122

    Episódio 122 - 23 Minutos
    Wedding bells ring in Ruiterbosch while Nazeem comes to Bennie's rescue. Imelda tries to do the right thing.
  • Episode 121

    Episódio 121 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann discovers there is an issue with Imelda's project. Justin has some good fortune, while Kaashifa comes to a shocking conclusion.
  • Episode 120

    Episódio 120 - 22 Minutos
    Riaan has his hands full with Imelda while Kasshifa asks questions that ruffle a few feathers. Kate and Justin find themselves in hot water, and Zoe tries to do the right thing.
  • Episode 119

    Episódio 119 - 23 Minutos
    Will Gary keep quiet about Zoe and Wade? Imelda puts Riaan under pressure, and the biggest obstacle to what Kate and Justin are secretly planning is Justin himself. 
  • Episode 118

    Episódio 118 - 23 Minutos
    Bianca wants to tell Riaan the truth, but will he forgive her? Wade and Zoe fight about their feelings for one another, while Justin and Kate butt heads.
  • Episode 117

    Episódio 117 - 23 Minutos
    Bianca discovers something about Riaan. Susan makes up an excuse when Elana insists on the truth, while Zoe makes a decision about her and Gary.
  • Episode 116

    Episódio 116 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan knows where he stands with JPD, while Elana and Susan are not on the same page. Kaashifa swears she met Imelda before, but apparently, she's mistaken.
  • Episode 115

    Episódio 115 - 23 Minutos
    Wade needs to get used to Gary and Zoe as a couple, while Riaan has a difficult decision to make. Elana and Justin's debate takes an unexpected turn.
  • Episode 114

    Episódio 114 - 23 Minutos
    Riaan will be receiving an award for a previous project he worked on. Susan has something up her sleeve, while Angie can't wait to see Wade again. 
  • Episode 113

    Episódio 113 - 23 Minutos
    Angie finds herself in an impossible situation while Lee-Ann fights for what she believes is right. Gary gets reprimanded, and Zoe does something unexpected.
  • Episode 112

    Episódio 112 - 23 Minutos
    Susan wonders about her past and future with Elana. Bridgette is worried about Zoe's relationship with Gary, while the photos that Angie took boomerang on her. 
  • Episode 111

    Episódio 111 - 23 Minutos
    Kate returns and immediately tries to cheer Angie up. Justin and Elana butt heads over their new debate while Gary rubs Bridgette the wrong way again. 
  • Episode 110

    Episódio 110 - 23 Minutos
    Angie discovers her naughty photo didn't reach Wade, but Justin. The winds of change blow through Ruiterbosch.
  • Episode 109

    Episódio 109 - 23 Minutos
    Elana is ready to show Justin why Dolly Parton is better than Elvis Presley. Mrs J makes a big decision, while Gary is humiliated in front of Zoe.
  • Episode 108

    Episódio 108 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette walks in on Gary in an awkward position, while Elana and Justin have another disagreement. Mrs J has second thoughts about her plans.
  • Episode 107

    Episódio 107 - 22 Minutos
    Angie is surprised to hear that Gary and Zoe left early at Anker. The Samsodiens breathe a sigh of relief while Mrs. J's daughters are unhappy about her big decision.
  • Episode 106

    Episódio 106 - 23 Minutos
    Zoe decides to move out of her comfort zone, while Riaan tries to give Bianca perspective. Mymoena fights to stay in control of a volatile situation, and Mrs J makes a big decision.
  • Episode 105

    Episódio 105 - 23 Minutos
    Mrs J looks forward to her next visit to Ronald while Angie finds out who sent Wade muffins. Bianca and the Samsodiens are at a fork in the road.
  • Episode 104

    Episódio 104 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden and Kate get bad news about the pharmacy and the CognoZee drama. Mymoena tries to fix what she has messed up, but is it easier said than done? Angie becomes suspicious of Zoe's decisions.
  • Episode 103

    Episódio 103 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette and Lee-Ann discover something is horribly wrong with Mrs J. Wade and Zoe are awkward with each other, and Mymoena reaches rock bottom.
  • Episode 102

    Episódio 102 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek wants nothing more to do with Mymoena and it breaks her heart. Aiden has to do damage control to save his pharmacy while Lisa's world collapses.
  • Episode 101

    Episódio 101 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena is desperate, while Aiden makes a shocking discovery. Mrs J reaches a low point, and Wade confesses something to Angie.
  • Episode 100

    Episódio 100 - 23 Minutos
    Lisa puts her secret plan in motion. Justin and Susan plead for mercy with Bridgette while Nazeem takes control.
  • Episode 99

    Episódio 99 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden gets shocking news, and Bridgette is on the warpath. Mymoena ends up in hot water, but someone unexpectedly comes to her rescue.
  • Episode 98

    Episódio 98 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette is determined to find out who the big boss of the casino is. Aiden becomes suspicious when more people fall ill, and the Samsodiens see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Episode 97

    Episódio 97 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena has a lot to explain, but is it too late? Thys has a new plan for the ingredient Aiden is doubting, while Angie tries to make peace with Wade after their big fallout.
  • Episode 96

    Episódio 96 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette notices a slight discrepancy in Texas's backstory. Rhafiek decides to follow his mom for the day while Aiden gets shocking news.
  • Episode 95

    Episódio 95 - 22 Minutos
    Aiden is worried when he hears that Justin has also collapsed. Wade has made his choice regarding Zoe, while Rhafiek finds out something about his brother.
  • Episode 94

    Episódio 94 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette hosts a braai for Texas while Elana has another dizzy spell. Mrs J's friends worry about her, and Zoe confesses something to Wade.
  • Episode 93

    Episódio 93 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek isn't impressed with the car his mother bought. Zoe takes a chance with Wade while Mrs J is anxious about Ronald's visit.
  • Episode 92

    Episódio 92 - 23 Minutos
    Thys acts irrationally, which complicates things between him, Lisa and Aiden. A small white lie leaves Wade in a sticky situation while Mymoena gets the opportunity to do the right thing.
  • Episode 91

    Episódio 91 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden announces his engagement to the world while the claws emerge between Angie and Zoe. Mymoena launches a shocking plan to escape her predicament.
  • Episode 90

    Episódio 90 - 23 Minutos
    Will Mymoena break the law to save herself? Zoe feels unsure about herself after a fight with Gary. Aiden is ready to pop the question, but will Lisa be ready to give an answer?
  • Episode 89

    Episódio 89 - 22 Minutos
    Bridgette's matchmaking plans for Zoe boomerang. Texas discovers something about Mymoena, and she becomes more desperate. How far will she go?
  • Episode 88

    Episódio 88 - 23 Minutos
    Texas tells Justin and Gary that the casino is a thing of the past, while Aiden plans a special night for Lisa. Mymoena lies to Rhafiek.
  • Episode 87

    Episódio 87 - 22 Minutos
    Nazeem and Texas feel the pressure. The love triangle between Aiden, Lisa and Thys becomes even more complex, while Gary is left disappointed.
  • Episode 86

    Episódio 86 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem sees red about a so-called 'Maude'. Angie thinks Zoe used Gary while a new product is launched at the pharmacy.
  • Episode 85

    Episódio 85 - 23 Minutos
    Thys tries to do damage control after his reckless actions, and Lisa says something that complicates matters even more. Gary wants to help Mymoena, but it seems she has everything under control.
  • Episode 84

    Episódio 84 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena is like a cat on a hot tin roof. Aiden has big plans for him and Lisa, but Thys isn't pleased at all.
  • Episode 83

    Episódio 83 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena wants to do the right thing, but can she stick to it? Angie looks forward to her eye operation while tension builds between Lisa and Thys.
  • Episode 82

    Episódio 82 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena needs to make drastic plans. The noose is tightening around Aiden, Lisa and Thys.
  • Episode 81

    Episódio 81 - 23 Minutos
    Thys is furious when he finds out that Lisa and Aiden are making business decisions without him. Elana's cupcakes give two Ruiterboschers new hope, while Mymoena is tempted.
  • Episode 80

    Episódio 80 - 23 Minutos
    The danger lights are flashing for Mymoena. Lisa is worried about her relationship with Thys, while Kate and Siya make a plan to help Angie and Brendan.
  • Episode 79

    Episódio 79 - 23 Minutos
    Gary warns Mymoena. Thys is upset because Lisa came home late, while Kate and Siya are still struggling to agree.
  • Episode 78

    Episódio 78 - 23 Minutos
    Lisa and Aiden's relationship takes an interesting turn, and Siya makes a decision that is met with mixed feelings. Gary sees something that he wishes he didn't see.
  • Episode 77

    Episódio 77 - 22 Minutos
    Angie's eyes start bothering her and Mymoena's lies are catching up with her. Meanwhile time is running out for Lisa to reel Aiden in.
  • Episode 76

    Episódio 76 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena is led into temptation. Aiden is in love, which affects his business decisions, while the Ruiterbosch congregation becomes a beneficiary of the 'Good Samaritan'.
  • Episode 75

    Episódio 75 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena's phone picks up a virus, while the church's faulty sound system becomes problematic. Lisa discovers that Thys pitched his product to Aiden behind her back and that Aiden isn't eager to invest.
  • Episode 74

    Episódio 74 - 23 Minutos
    Nazeem tries to convince Zoe to forget about Texas. Mymoena shocks her children while the so-called good Samaritan is unmasked.
  • Episode 73

    Episódio 73 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden and Lisa get to know each other even better, while Zoe has a setback. Susan is looking for the 'Good Samaritan', and Mymoena does something that goes against her values.
  • Episode 72

    Episódio 72 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden takes a chance and is rewarded. Mrs J makes a big whoopsie and Susan is on a new mission.
  • Episode 71

    Episódio 71 - 23 Minutos
    Gary sees something that upsets him, but Aiden thinks he's just overreacting. Zoe tries something new, while Mymoena's day comes to a surprising end.
  • Episode 70

    Episódio 70 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena's new pastime keeps her busy. Gary doesn't think Lisa is the right girl for Aiden, while Siya and Kate fight over the 'Good Samaritan's' donations.
  • Episode 69

    Episódio 69 - 23 Minutos
    Justin struggles with his conscience, but will he do something about it? Aiden makes a rash decision about Lisa, while Mymoena's new cell phone game messes with her routine.
  • Episode 68

    Episódio 68 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette reaches out to Mymoena while Gary takes Justin in his confidence. Mrs J means well but unwittingly spoils Siya and Kate's plans.
  • Episode 67

    Episódio 67 - 23 Minutos
    Siya decides to give the ring to the police, but something makes him doubt whether he should do that. Zoe's second date is also a flop, while Angie and Justin have questions about Gary.
  • Episode 66

    Episódio 66 - 23 Minutos
    Gary wonders why the new laundromat is so extremely busy while Aiden asks Lisa out. Bridgette worries that Zoe is trying to move on too soon, and Bennie tells on Kate.
  • Episode 65

    Episódio 65 - 23 Minutos
    Lonestar Laundry opens its doors. Justin makes a play for Lisa while Zoe receives her divorce documents from the lawyer.
  • Episode 64

    Episódio 64 - 22 Minutos
    Siya and Kate play detective while Aiden struggles to make sense of Lisa. Elana's tea leaves bring about a final revelation, while Riaan sees something that worries him.
  • Episode 63

    Episódio 63 - 23 Minutos
    A new business is causing major disruption in the centre. Gary is convinced Angie wants to kill him, while a very ambitious lady makes her appearance in Ruiterbosch.
  • Episode 62

    Episódio 62 - 23 Minutos
    Justin is on a warpath, but will he achieve anything? Kate is in a spin about the church's missing collections, while Lee-Ann reaches out to Wade.
  • Episode 61

    Episódio 61 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette discovers Zoe went over her head, and Justin is on the warpath. Texas must convince Bridgette that he's a businessman. Lee-Ann and Wade both hit breaking points.
  • Episode 60

    Episódio 60 - 22 Minutos
    There is even more tension between Lee-Ann and Wade. Elana reads Gary's tea leaves, while Bridgette turns down Nazeem's offer to help.
  • Episode 59

    Episódio 59 - 23 Minutos
    Carlo is informed that Wade is moving out, while Justin, Susan and Nazeem unknowingly compete for the JPD lease agreement. Gary has a change of heart regarding Elana's tea leaf readings.
  • Episode 58

    Episódio 58 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann is livid about Wade's interference, while Justin asks Elana to read his leaves. Stella has suddenly become Riaan's biggest fan.
  • Episode 57

    Episódio 57 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa tries to find her rhythm again, while Riaan is left frustrated and surprised by the women in his life. Justin gets a wild idea, and Wade feels desperate times call for desperate measures.
  • Episode 56

    Episódio 56 - 23 Minutos
    Kaashifa prepares for a big change, and Riaan feels bad that Stella doesn't like him. The friction in the Daniels home becomes unbearable.
  • Episode 55

    Episódio 55 - 22 Minutos
    The tension between Wade and Lee-Ann boils over. Rhafiek and Kaashifa are extremely careful around each other after making peace, while Elana wonders if she has a secret gift.
  • Episode 54

    Episódio 54 - 23 Minutos
    Carlo is up to no good and manages to fool Lee-Ann. Wade is in denial, and Angie has to bear the brunt. Riaan anticipates problems with his awkwardness with kids.
  • Episode 53

    Episódio 53 - 22 Minutos
    Riaan's surprise for Stella boomerangs, while Rhafiek tries to stay out of Kaashifa's way. Lee-Ann finds out that Wade went to see Carlo's principal behind her back, and that's the last straw.
  • Episode 52

    Episódio 52 - 23 Minutos
    Wade tries to treat Carlo, while Kaashifa and Rhafiek keep clashing over her future. Riaan admits something to Bianca.
  • Episode 51

    Episódio 51 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann still wants Carlo to accept responsibility and apologise for his outburst. Justin and Gary make Riaan anxious, while Kaashifa shocks everyone with her unexpected announcement.
  • Episode 50

    Episódio 50 - 23 Minutos
    Rhafiek gets reprimanded, while Bianca throws Riaan a major curve ball. The people of Ruiterbosch assemble to pay homage to a loved resident, but things don't go as planned.
  • Episode 49

    Episódio 49 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette can't find Rhafiek anywhere, while Riaan and Bianca try their best to make the evening special for each other.
  • Episode 48

    Episódio 48 - 23 Minutos
    Ruiterbosch's residents receive shocking news. While Riaan is adamant about making his next date with Bianca work out, Rhafiek resorts to a desperate plan to help Kaashifa.
  • Episode 47

    Episódio 47 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann has reason to be excited. Kaashifa begs Bridgette for a last chance with her new restaurant while Riaan and Bianca try to organise another date.
  • Episode 46

    Episódio 46 - 22 Minutos
    Kate is shocked when she finds a serviette with another girl's number in Riaan's pocket. Kaashifa still blames Rhafiek, while Wade gets a call that makes everyone's day.
  • Episode 45

    Episódio 45 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette puts Kaashifa in a difficult position while Bianca tells Mymoena about Riaan. Lee-Ann and Wade clash over Carlo.
  • Episode 44

    Episódio 44 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann buries her head in the sand regarding Carlo. Angie and Kate come up with a sly plan, while Kaashifa wants to cook her problem away.
  • Episode 43

    Episódio 43 - 22 Minutos
    Carlo is a handful and gives Lee-Ann a hard time. Bianca does someone a huge favour, while Kaashifa is desperately looking for a solution to her challenge.
  • Episode 42

    Episódio 42 - 23 Minutos
    Susan has an impossible day. Elana follows her heart, and Kaashifa makes a shocking discovery.
  • Episode 41

    Episódio 41 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann regrets her appointment of JPD's new employee. Kaashifa is afraid of what lies ahead and Herschel makes his next move.
  • Episode 40

    Episódio 40 - 23 Minutos
    Susan has an uncomfortable moment with Herschel. Zoe gets irritated when her new colleague once again impresses everyone at JPD, and Kaashifa nervously gets ready for her operation.
  • Episode 39

    Episódio 39 - 23 Minutos
    Herschel meets Bennie and someone takes the wind out of Bianca's sails. Kaashifa's personal crisis reaches breaking point.
  • Episode 38

    Episódio 38 - 22 Minutos
    Kaashifa gets a golden opportunity but her insecurities stand in the way. Bianca is asked on a date. Herschel snaps at Elana and she decides that she's had enough.
  • Episode 37

    Episódio 37 - 23 Minutos
    Mymoena tries to get through to Kaashifa, while Elana becomes increasingly worried about Susan's relationship with Herschel. Nazeem spots an opportunity to make extra money.
  • Episode 36

    Episódio 36 - 23 Minutos
    Herschel experiences a difficult at Anker and there is a new employee at JPD. Kate plans a surprise, while Kaashifa opens up to Mymoena.
  • Episode 35

    Episódio 35 - 23 Minutos
    Kate learns not to judge people at face value, while Bianca's friendliness and patience are put to the test. Kaashifa grapples with a deep emotional wound that keeps gnawing at her self-confidence.
  • Episode 34

    Episódio 34 - 22 Minutos
    Herschel has a rollercoaster ride of a day, while Gary is on a mission. Rhafiek swallows his pride, while Kaashifa can hardly believe what her husband suggests.
  • Episode 33

    Episódio 33 - 23 Minutos
    Someone's presence upsets the residents of Ruiterbosch. Gary feels bad because he lied to Noelle and Kaashifa plans to share her good news with Rhafiek over dinner.
  • Episode 32

    Episódio 32 - 23 Minutos
    Tension runs high in Ruiterbosch after Herschel's release, and Rhafiek is shocked by Kaashifa's secret. Gary tries to get rid of Noelle, but will it work?
  • Episode 31

    Episódio 31 - 23 Minutos
    Susan organises a Welcome Back celebration for Herschel. Gary finds a way to escape his relationship with Noelle. Kaashifa agrees to attend a water aerobics class with Mymoena.
  • Episode 30

    Episódio 30 - 23 Minutos
    The Supreme Court has decided to review Herschel's case, while Gary and Noelle's date is once again heading for disaster. Kaashifa decides to continue with her plan, despite Rhafiek's warnings.
  • Episode 29

    Episódio 29 - 23 Minutos
    Elana is fed up with Susan's obsessive behaviour, while Gary is unsure about his future with Noelle. Kaashifa dreams big and Bianca gets to know someone better.
  • Episode 28

    Episódio 28 - 23 Minutos
    Gary gets to know Noelle better and Rhafiek misses being in nature. Justin and Aiden catch a 'thief', while Susan and Elana are at loggerheads.
  • Episode 27

    Episódio 27 - 23 Minutos
    Gary has an emotionally challenging day, while Bridgette makes a big gesture. Aiden swallows his pride and Susan has a major breakthrough in her investigation.
  • Episode 26

    Episódio 26 - 23 Minutos
    Susan finds a clue. Siya and Aiden butt heads, while Bridgette is determined to turn things around.
  • Episode 25

    Episódio 25 - 23 Minutos
    An unexpected twist occurs for Tim. Susan discovers new information about Herschel's situation, while Justin and Gary vie for Noelle's heart.
  • Episode 24

    Episódio 24 - 23 Minutos
    Tim is desperate. Susan comes up with a new plan to help Herschel, while Siya rejects Aiden's sympathy in front of everyone.
  • Episode 23

    Episódio 23 - 23 Minutos
    Susan kry 'n deurbraak met Herschel se saak, maar speurder Malherbe is glad nie beïndruk nie. Gary en Justin se afsprake met Noelle verloop ewe sleg.
  • Episode 22

    Episódio 22 - 23 Minutos
    Susan visits Herschel in prison again, and Gary and Justin challenge each other. Zoe doesn't know who to trust, while Bridgette keeps looking for evidence.
  • Episode 21

    Episódio 21 - 23 Minutos
    Gary gives Justin some of his own medicine and Susan discovers new information that makes her doubt again. Bridgette and Nazeem form a dangerous alliance.
  • Episode 20

    Episódio 20 - 23 Minutos
    Tim manipulates Zoë and enjoys his new position of power. Susan decides she can only do so much while Gary tries to comfort his brother.
  • Episode 19

    Episódio 19 - 23 Minutos
    Susan still tries to do the right thing, and Danni takes a leap of faith. Just as Zoë thinks things are back to normal, something unexpected happens.
  • Episode 18

    Episódio 18 - 23 Minutos
    Tim's evil plans are working out nicely. The Booysen brothers are unlucky in love and Susan sneaks around, playing detective.
  • Episode 17

    Episódio 17 - 23 Minutos
    Tim has a plan, but will it work? While Danni finds herself at a crossroads, Susan gets new information about the court case.
  • Episode 16

    Episódio 16 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette is suspect number one. Susan is torn but promises Elana not to make any irresponsible decisions.
  • Episode 15

    Episódio 15 - 22 Minutos
    Kate and Aiden are worried about Gary but he couldn't care less. Susan gets more calls from the strange man and Bridgette tries to pull herself together, but then things go awry.
  • Episode 14

    Episódio 14 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette's loved ones try to lift her spirits, while Zoë wonders if Tim knows about her history with Nazeem. Aiden and Danni go on another date, and Susan receives another worrying phone call.
  • Episode 13

    Episódio 13 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette thinks she finally has the upper hand over Tim, but he levels her. Danni wants to keep things discreet while Wade isn't taking any nonsense at home.
  • Episode 12

    Episódio 12 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette has disappeared, and her family is worried. Siya is surprised to find a completely different setup at JPD, while Aiden and Danni can't stay away from each other.
  • Episode 11

    Episódio 11 - 23 Minutos
    Angie doesn't know how to save her nail bar's reputation, and Susan decides to help. Things reach boiling point at JPD, while Danni's day comes to an unexpected end.
  • Episode 10

    Episódio 10 - 23 Minutos
    Angie is depressed about her business losing customers. Siya and Danni argue over Aiden, while Bridgette is pushed into a corner after another shocking article is published.
  • Episode 9

    Episódio 9 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette tries to make peace with Tim and Zoë, while Angie is furious when Susan does a radio insert about her business. Aiden asks Danni out again, but will she give in?
  • Episode 8

    Episódio 8 - 23 Minutos
    Aiden is serious about Danni, while Siya wants to make a last attempt at reconciliation. Bridgette takes on Zoë, but it makes things worse.
  • Episode 7

    Episódio 7 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette thinks her relationship with Zoë is on the mend, while Susan does something that upsets Justin. Aiden asks Danni out on a date.
  • Episode 6

    Episódio 6 - 23 Minutos
    Danni loses her cool with Siya, while Susan is fuming after her new shoe broke. Zoë confronts Bridgette. Is it war?
  • Episode 5

    Episódio 5 - 23 Minutos
    Tim sets his sly plan with Nazeem in motion. The future looks bleak in the Daniels house, and there's an incident at JPD.
  • Episode 4

    Episódio 4 - 23 Minutos
    Bridgette makes a big announcement that leaves Tim and Zoë with mixed feelings. Siya is caught in a battle between his heart and his head, while Lee-Ann's world is turned upside down again.
  • Episode 3

    Episódio 3 - 23 Minutos
    The Daniels family is at a crossroads while Mymoena shares news with her children. Bridgette tries to reach out to Zoë, but is it too late?
  • Episode 2

    Episódio 2 - 23 Minutos
    Lee-Ann and Wade get a new clue, while Kaashifa is nervous about her new challenge. Mymoena tries to be honest with Sammy.
  • Episode 1

    Episódio 1 - 23 Minutos
    Tim has a way for Bridgette to lure Zoë back to JPD, and Kaashifa is considering a promising option. Nazeem reveals Ty's plans to Lee-Ann. Do we hear wedding bells in Ruiterbosch?


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