Umkhokha: The Curse
Umkhokha: The CurseThe critically acclaimed series revolves around the ensuing fight to take over the leadership position of one of the biggest churches in KwaZulu-Natal, Ithempile Lenkosi.
Nay Maps Maphalala, Deli Malinga, Gcina Nkosi
Watch Full Episodes of Umkhokha: The Curse
Watch Umkhokha: The Curse Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 1 - 23 MinsUmkhokha shows its wrath on Mabusi while Siphamandla is away. MaMzobe's dark past comes back to haunt her. MaNzimande gives Siphamandla a devastating call.Episode 2
Episode 2 - 22 MinsIn the calm stillness of the night, Difa's prayers rise, calling for divine rescue. The Mthembus are still devastated by the events of the past hours.Episode 4
Episode 4 - 22 MinsLove lives at the Gumede house, while Difa does all he can to keep his family safe. Zodwa continues receiving unclear messages from Mzobe but stays hopeful.Episode 5
Episode 5 - 22 MinsZodwa starts taking the search for izikhwama very seriously. Khulekani wants to see his wife, but MaNzimande forbids him.Episode 8
Episode 8 - 21 MinsZodwa turns to a Sangoma for help to understand what Mzobe is trying to say to her. Council discusses a new wife for uMkhululi. Difa fast and prays for his family's safety.Episode 9
Episode 9 - 22 MinsMkhululi's possible wife is introduced. Zodwa comes close to discovering who stole Izikhwama. Nomkhosi tries to address the elephant in the room.Episode 10
Episode 10 - 23 MinsZodwa goes on a quest to find the missing Izikhwama - will she find them and reclaim her destiny? Ndlovu is on a mission to get his daughter to win uMkhululi over.Episode 11
Episode 11 - 22 MinsSiphamandla refuses to take a wife, but the councilmen insist. Zisebenzele bets with Khululiwe that Siphamandla will do it within a week. Difa does a ceremony for the ancestors.Episode 12
Episode 12 - 22 MinsUmkhokha strikes again in the Gumede home. Someone in the Mthembu house still believes uMkhokha is coming for them.Episode 13
Episode 13 - 22 MinsSiphamandla's baby cries uncontrollably, giving signs that Umkhokha has struck again. MaMzobe has to lash the body this time.Episode 14
Episode 14 - 22 MinsThe Gumedes and the Mthembus mourn the loss of one of their own. Nomkhosi takes matters into her own hands and kicks Sibahle out.Episode 15
Episode 15 - 22 MinsEmotions surge like tides as the finality of the funeral looms. Sibahle exposes Nomkhosi, and MaNzimande comes at her like a tornado.Episode 16
Episode 16 - 22 MinsNdlovu is determined to see his daughter remain Mkhululi's wife. Difa is resigned to his family's fate from Umkhokha.Episode 17
Episode 17 - 22 MinsDifa's grieving continues; he's lost all hope. Gabisile finds Mzobe's izikhwama.Episode 18
Episode 18 - 22 MinsMaMzobe tries to threaten Gabisile not to tell, but Gabisile calls her a bluff and tells the whole family about the secret MaMzobe has hidden for years. Ndlovu's ambition becomes dangerous.Episode 19
Episode 19 - 22 MinsMaMzobe outsmarts Gabisile, but Difa's suspicion rises. Nokubonga finds a friend in her fellow makoti who helps her enter a new day.Episode 20
Episode 20 - 22 MinsMaMzobe's relief is short-lived when the echoes of her oceanic deeds wash up on her doorstep - some things can't be buried at sea. Nokubonga learns the devastating news about her womb.Episode 21
Episode 21 - 22 MinsMabusi and Nokubonga bond over their pain. Isangoma tells MaMzobe that Izikhwama needs to be inherited by the rightful owner, or there will be a calamity.Episode 22
Episode 22 - 22 MinsWill MaMzobe succeed in her mission to rid herself of the troublesome Izikhwama? Ndlovu has his eyes set on Difa's position in the church.Episode 23
Episode 23 - 22 MinsMaMzobe finds herself in a tight spot when Mabusi asks an uncomfortable question. Ndlovu is determined to see his daughter rise to be Mamkhululi.Episode 24
Episode 24 - 22 MinsMaMzobe manages to threaten Gabi, but it comes at a very high cost. Nokubonga receives her miracle, and Ndlovu's wish finally comes true.Episode 25
Episode 25 - 22 MinsDespite her concerning mental state, MaMzobe still digs in her heels and refuses to confess. Ndlovu's ambition leads him to do the unthinkable.Episode 26
Episode 26 - 22 MinsThe Gumedes and the Mthembus are worried after finding someone digging in the Gumede yard at night. The walls are slowly closing in on MaMzobe.Episode 28
Episode 28 - 22 MinsSiphamandla and Mabusi circle back to where their love began. Khulekani oversteps and offers Difa a solution to end Umkhokha once and for all.Episode 29
Episode 29 - 22 MinsThe Mthembu's are experiencing tranquil times while MaMzobe is dwindling insanity, much to MMaNzimande's concern. Ndlovu intends to make his name great by hook or crook.Episode 30
Episode 30 - 22 MinsNdlovu uses this opportunity to prove himself as the best right-hand man for uMkhululi. Gabisile tricks MaMzobe into showing her where she hid Izikhwama.Episode 31
Episode 31 - 22 MinsMabusi's choice to turn away a sickly woman spirals into haunting regret. A plea unheeded, a shadow cast - in her refusal's wake, a deepening mystery unfolds.Episode 32
Episode 32 - 21 MinsThe police have bad news for the Mthembus, while MaMzobe's lunacy deteriorates to alarming levels. A young couple returns from globetrotting.Episode 34
Episode 34 - 21 MinsMzobe shows Mabusi what he's capable of. Menga's father reaches boiling point and gives him an ultimatum.Episode 35
Episode 35 - 22 MinsIzikhwama dribbles MaMzobe so hard that she's forced to raise a white flag. Zamcolo comes to his wife's aid. Two young lovers take their relationship to the next level.Episode 36
Episode 36 - 22 MinsThe rightful owner refuses to accept Izikhwama. Menga and Nobuntu find themselves out in the cold.Episode 37
Episode 37 - 22 MinsA young mother returns home to her son, but things are not the same anymore. Two young lovers declare their independence from their respective families.Episode 38
Episode 38 - 22 MinsMabusi vows to make things right after accepting her gift. MaMzobe faces the consequences of her actions.Episode 41
Episode 41 - 23 MinsSpha opens the church doors for a known heathen. Difa hardens his heart for Nobuntu. Mabusi sends Nokubonga into a total tailspin.Episode 42
Episode 42 - 22 MinsNobuntu's lifestyle charms Sibahle. Mabusi continues to push Nokubonga into a corner. It's make or break for BuMenga.Episode 43
Episode 43 - 22 MinsMaNzimande sticks her neck out for an arch-enemy. Nokubonga gives in to an indecent proposal. Menga and Nobuntu make the first impression.Episode 44
Episode 44 - 22 MinsMenga and Nobuntu hit the jackpot. MaKhoza gives MaMzobe a life-changing task before she can join the repentance class.Episode 45
Episode 45 - 22 MinsMaMzobe's confession journey hits a pothole. Ndlovu's position hangs in the balance. Menga has a big surprise for Nobuntu.Episode 46
Episode 46 - 22 MinsMaMzobe continues her journey of repentance; some people forgive her, and some don't. Gabi gets a life-changing opportunity.Episode 49
Episode 49 - 22 MinsNobuntu's life is thrown into total disarray. MaMzobe redeems herself while Khulekani witnesses the power of God.Episode 50
Episode 50 - 22 MinsKhulekani performs a miracle in front of the Mthembus. Sibahle finds herself in hot water.Episode 51
Episode 51 - 22 MinsThe police are after a fugitive. Nobuntu drives to the Gumede home with a tail between her legs. Khulekani sees the power of God.Episode 53
Episode 53 - 22 MinsSibahle confesses her sins, risking Ndlovu's position in the church. Nobuntu learns what happens when you defy your parents. Difa shuts his heart for Nobuntu.Episode 55
Episode 55 - 22 MinsA fistfight ensues in church, shocking Amajudiya. Khulekani gets a horrifying visit from the dead.Episode 56
Episode 56 - 22 MinsIt never rains it pours for the Gumedes as MaMzobe puts her life in danger. Difa's actions put him at odds with Mkhululi, and Nobuntu faces hostility from Ndlovu and Menga.Episode 57
Episode 57 - 22 MinsMaMzobe's sins begin to haunt her, and she can't take it anymore. Nobuntu tries to apologise to Mabusi, but it goes south. Difa pays back the money, but Ndlovu demands a public apology.Episode 58
Episode 58 - 21 MinsMaMzobe bares her soul out to Siphamandla and confesses all her darkest sins. Khulekani and Nomkhosi have differing ideas on how to spend their newly found fortune.Episode 59
Episode 59 - 22 MinsSiphamandla gives MaMzobe a stern warning not to be baptised. Khulekani gets a prime-time TV offer from a Christian channel after the success of his YouTube channel.Episode 62
Episode 62 - 22 MinsSfociya pleads with Siphamandla to do the right thing. The Gumedes fear the worst, and Ndlovu is on tenterhooks over the baptism.Episode 63
Episode 63 - 23 MinsMaMzobe thanks Siphamandla, but he casts a lifetime curse on her. Nomkhosi wishes Khulekani well on his trip, and Menga shows up at the Gumede house.Episode 65
Episode 65 - 22 MinsKhulekani prepares for his trip to America when calamity strikes. Nobuntu falls for Menga's charm. MaMzobe returns to the church.Episode 68
Episode 68 - 22 MinsDifa delivers the news of their family's tragedy to the Mthembus. Gabisile unexpectedly comes through for Nobuntu. Khulekani pledges his support to his leader.Episode 69
Episode 69 - 21 MinsKhulekani faces a serious backlash. Ndlovu believes he's indispensable in the church, but fate has other ideas. Siphamandla has a new role for Khulekani.Episode 71
Episode 71 - 22 MinsNobuntu's long nightmare ends tragically for someone. Khulekani learns the meaning of to whom much is given; much is taken.Episode 77
Episode 77 - 23 MinsSiphamandla is in love and awe of his woman. Gatsheni is excited when he realises how lucrative the water business can be. Zisebenzile strikes out with Ntombi.Episode 78
Episode 78 - 23 MinsMabusi and Siphamandla are head over heels, and their future looks rosy. Ndlovu shamelessly takes credit for a colleague's ideas. Ntombi plays hard to get.Episode 82
Episode 82 - 21 MinsSiphamandla intently studies the contents of Mabusi's letters, and whirls of emotions come to the fore. The Mthembu family is turned upside down by Mabusi's letters from the future.Episode 84
Episode 84 - 22 MinsThe healer in Mabusi is rising, bringing contentment. Ndlovu's greed knows no bounds. Zisebenzele continues to court his queen of Sheba.Episode 87
Episode 87 - 22 MinsMabusi helps everyone but struggles to help someone who matters to her. Ndlovu's devious ways come back to haunt him. Zisebenzele's lies land him in hot water.Episode 92
Episode 92 - 22 MinsNdlovu's chickens come home to roost, and he resorts to lies. Siphamandla's prayers get answered, and the Gumedes face a scare with MaMzobe.Episode 96
Episode 96 - 23 MinsSiphamandla leaves the throne in capable hands while he goes to Mozambique to support Mabusi. The Gumedes want to pick up the pieces of their lives.Episode 97
Episode 97 - 22 MinsKhulekani finds himself profoundly daunted when entrusted with stepping into a divine role. Ndlovu attempts to make the council members challenge Siphamandla's decision.Episode 99
Episode 99 - 21 MinsMabusi has to watch the most important thing in her life taken away from her. Ndlovu refuses to perform his duties at the church, while Nobuntu's life seems to make a turn for the better.Episode 100
Episode 100 - 21 MinsFeelings of doubt and inadequacy plague Ithempeli Lenkosi's new sheriff-in-waiting. A prodigal daughter finally finds something worthwhile. Speculations are rife about the state of the Mthembu family.Episode 102
Episode 102 - 22 MinsSiphamandla and Mabusi finally leave for Mozambique. Khulekani and Nomkhosi take their new positions as acting Mkhululi and MaMkhululi. Makhoza's confrontation with the Gumedes goes south.Episode 103
Episode 103 - 21 MinsNdlovu and his family storm into the Gumede household. Ndlovu re-ignites a fiery confrontation after Gabisile unleashes a brutal attack on Sibahle.Episode 104
Episode 104 - 21 MinsNdlovu's day of reckoning arrives. Nobuntu gets a job offer that opens old wounds. Gabisile is pleased with the blossoming of her parents' relationship. Sibahle's actions land her in hot water.Episode 105
Episode 105 - 22 MinsThe prodigal son returns. Khulekani's feet fit into his father's shoes. The Gumedes celebrate the rise of the phoenix. KaMadondo tries to help pick up the pieces.Episode 106
Episode 106 - 22 MinsA witty remark plants a seed in Nomkhosi's head about Khulekani's stance. Gabi's threats have Sibahle on tenterhooks. MaNzimande gets her praises.Episode 107
Episode 107 - 23 MinsNomkhosi suggests that Khulekani is the chosen one, and he squashes the idea. Ndlovu thinks Difa outed him to the council but learns that Difa is a better man than he is.Episode 108
Episode 108 - 22 MinsNobuntu tells her parents she's leaving, but they are against it. Sibahle convinces her mothers to support Ndlovu during a difficult time. Gabisile and Sibahle bump into each other.Episode 110
Episode 110 - 21 MinsA young wife grows obsessed with power. There's a light for the Gumedes at the end of the tunnel. MaZungu's unwanted guest has other plans for her.Episode 112
Episode 112 - 22 MinsMaMzobe and Difa have come full circle and appreciate each other more than ever. Zisebenzele is unsettled by an innocent interaction between Ntombi and one Church Member.Episode 113
Episode 113 - 22 MinsMaZungu learns that Nokubonga declined Khulekani's help. Maphalala's uncle comes dangerously close to doing the unthinkable.Episode 116
Episode 116 - 21 MinsKhulekani is relieved when Siphamandla makes a request that perfectly aligns with his plans. Maphalala is surprised by MaZungu's anger and wonders why she's upset with him.Episode 118
Episode 118 - 22 MinsSiphamandla announces to the family that he's taking the throne back. Maphalala struggles to put out the fires in his house.Episode 119
Episode 119 - 22 MinsMabusi plans a family dinner to thank everyone, but little does she know that Khulekani and Nomkhosi have plans of their own. MaZungu's luck changes for the better when Mabusi comes through for her.Episode 120
Episode 120 - 22 MinsThere is no turning back for Nomkhosi and Khulekani's dangerous mission. Maphalala has a stern warning for Nomkhosi. MaZungu starts a new chapter of her life.Episode 121
Episode 121 - 22 MinsThe Council is divided about who should lead iThempele Lenkosi. Ndlovu expresses his worry to his wives about the war brewing in their church.Episode 123
Episode 123 - 22 MinsDifa rallies the Council to do the right thing. Ndlovu claims he has learnt his lesson and wants to be brought back to the gravy train.Episode 124
Episode 124 - 22 MinsSiphamandla removes Khulekani from his covering. Tension continues brewing between the Mthembu Makotis. The Council orders Khulekani to make the right decision.Episode 125
Episode 125 - 22 MinsSiphamandla continues to extend an olive branch to Khulekani. MaZungu chides Maphalala for not trusting her. Ndlovu tries to sass out what's happening at church.Episode 126
Episode 126 - 22 MinsKhulekani rewrites the history of Amajudiya. MaMzobe deals Difa a card he didn't see coming. The church is split, sending everyone into a tailspin.Episode 131
Episode 131 - 22 MinsKhulekani pushes for MaNzimande's punishment forcing Siphamandla to take drastic measures. The new faction causes Gabisile heartburn.Episode 133
Episode 133 - 22 MinsSiphamandla's heart breaks when he fully grasps the depth of his rivalry with his brother. Ndlovu makes a big sacrifice for Khulekani and MaNzimande wants to square up with Nomkhosi.Episode 134
Episode 134 - 22 MinsSiphamandla refuses to carry a fake staff. Ndlovu impresses Khulekani with a new genius idea to differentiate themselves from the original amajudiya.Episode 135
Episode 135 - 22 MinsChaos reigns supreme at the table as two heirs face off. MaNzimande stares shame in the face. MaMzobe hasn't learnt any lessons.Episode 138
Episode 138 - 22 MinsThe fight for Mamkhululi intensifies despite Nokubonga's best attempts to bring peace. MaMzobe finds the opening she was looking for and makes a grand gesture for her Mkhululi.Episode 141
Episode 141 - 22 MinsThe commotion and violence amongst Amajudiya claim an innocent life. The two camps blame each other for the day's calamity.Episode 149
Episode 149 - 22 MinsKhulekani is conflicted about telling the truth. The two churches are almost shut down before the killer confesses.Episode 150
Episode 150 - 22 MinsKhulekani gives up the church grounds, but Mthembu demands even more. MaNzimande's trials are far from over, and Ndlovu's plan faces resistance from his wives.Episode 151
Episode 151 - 22 MinsSecrets and accusations fly as Mabusi and Nobuntu confront each other about past betrayals. Someone steps in to prevent chaos from engulfing his home as tensions escalate.Episode 154
Episode 154 - 22 MinsKhulekani prays for the deaf man to heal, while Siphamandla learns that Nokubonga may not be happy with the Mthembus. Ngema has found his Makoti.Episode 158
Episode 158 - 21 MinsKhulekani decides to reclaim his power. Maphalala believes the Mthembu family should take Nokubonga back, but Siphamandla tells him the cruel truth.Episode 162
Episode 162 - 21 MinsAmajudiya gather to welcome their Mkhululi with songs of praise. Siphamandla delivers devastating news.Episode 169
Episode 169 - 22 MinsSiphamandla makes peace with his brother's demise, but Ndlovu has a plan. MaNzimande turns on Mthembu.Episode 170
Episode 170 - 22 MinsNomkhosi does everything in her power to save Khulekani's church. Makhoza expresses worry to KaMadondo about Ndlovu. Nobuntu receives unexpected, good news.Episode 176
Episode 176 - 22 MinsNomkhosi's quiet evening shatters when an entire family storms into the house, declaring their unexpected return. Gabisile's heart starts to betray her. MaNzimande makes serious accusations.Episode 177
Episode 177 - 22 MinsKhulekani's branch collects more money than Spha's branch. Ndlovu and his family occupy space and cement themselves at the mission house. Gabisile and Lwazi go on a date, and they bond.Episode 178
Episode 178 - 21 MinsNomkhosi fights tooth and nail for Ntuthuko. In an attempt to keep the church from Ndlovu's greedy paws, MaMzobe offers Difa the church. Gabisile and Lwazi share their first kiss.Episode 179
Episode 179 - 21 MinsNomkhosi is desperate to turn over a new leaf. The vultures circle Khulekani's vacant throne. Jabulile ambushes Gabisile.Episode 180
Episode 180 - 21 MinsNomkhosi finally packs and leaves. Gabisile learns that she's trending for all the wrong reasons and decides to have the best matric dance of her life.Episode 181
Episode 181 - 21 MinsThe council learned of the lie about the night Zamcolo was born. To the sounds of blaring horns, the chickens come home to roost. The elephant in the room haunts Gabisile and Lwazi.Episode 182
Episode 182 - 22 MinsSiphamandla and Mabusi make big plans for their future. Ndlovu ridicules the council's threat.Episode 183
Episode 183 - 21 MinsJust as the horns torment Nomkhosi, she suddenly has to deal with the consequences of her actions. Mthembu interferes and brings someone back home.Episode 184
Episode 184 - 22 MinsThe Mthembus discover that Ndlovu is behind Khulekani's rebellion, and MaNzimande turns dark. Gabi's heart is broken into a million pieces.Episode 186
Episode 186 - 21 MinsNomkhosi returns to the Mthembu home, but MaNzimande wants nothing to do with her. Ndlovu's wives fear Mthembu's wrath.Episode 187
Episode 187 - 21 MinsMaNzimande's rage erupts as she confronts Mabusi, leaving a chilling forewarning about the future. Gabisile blames Nobuntu for her heartbreak.Episode 189
Episode 189 - 21 MinsMabusi has to console Nomkhosi, who feels she has nothing to live for. When money is concerned, no tragedy is big enough for Ndlovu.Episode 190
Episode 190 - 21 MinsThe proverbial prodigal son is buried. A grieving mother issues a stern warning to a family foe. A grieving brother blames himself for his brother's death.Episode 192
Episode 192 - 22 MinsMaNzimande begins to spiral. MaMzobe wants to preserve the legacy Khulekani left behind. Mabusi is worried about MaNzimande.Episode 195
Episode 195 - 21 MinsNomkhosi finds herself forced to do something she no longer believes in. Ndlovu ignores his wives' pleas for repentance and self-preservation and forges ahead on his power trip.Episode 198
Episode 198 - 21 MinsThe Mthembus receives troubling news that leaves them shattered and fearing the worst. Rage and vengeance send Nomkhosi into a dark place, and she does the unthinkable.Episode 200
Episode 200 - 21 MinsAmidst the harrowing exhumation, MaMzobe fiercely battles to stop the lashing. The young lovers are determined to sacrifice everything to be together. An evil man sits on the throne.Episode 201
Episode 201 - 21 MinsIn the dead of night, Mthembu appears to Siphamandla and commands him to bring home the scattered flock before the lurking devourer strikes. MaMzobe insults MaNzimande in the worst possible way.Episode 202
Episode 202 - 21 MinsSiphamandla and MaMzobe learn of news that might derail their plans. A dark cloud rolls in and brings with it an old friend, on a new mission.Episode 204
Episode 204 - 22 MinsNdlovu has exorbitant demands of Zamcolo for his cooperation. Sibusiso visits Siphamandla unexpectedly, and Gabisile gets trapped in the closet.Episode 205
Episode 205 - 21 MinsTwo young former lovers find themselves in hot soup. A man's greed makes him overplay his hand. A potential granny-to-be lashes out at her daughter.Episode 206
Episode 206 - 21 MinsMaMzobe makes a blood covenant guided by Sibusiso. Ndlovu gives the council another list with more demands. MaXimba makes Lwazi cut all communication with Gabisile.Episode 207
Episode 207 - 21 MinsSiphamandla's careful diplomacy unravels at Ndlovu with chilling resolve. MaMzobe makes a puppet out of Ndlovu, and MaZungu is unnerved by this new version of Sibusiso.Episode 208
Episode 208 - 22 MinsMaMzobe reaps what she has sown, and she loves the harvest. Sfociya sees Sibusiso for who he truly is. Zisebenzele hints at a future of marital bliss.Episode 209
Episode 209 - 22 MinsMaMzobe praises Sibusiso for everything going well for her. Sfociya finds himself stuck in a rut after trying to help Sibusiso. Ntombi receives a life-changing surprise.Episode 211
Episode 211 - 22 MinsMaMzobe has full reign over Ndlovu's life and sends his home into an uproar. Zisebenzele tells Ntombi they're caught in a crossfire that has nothing to do with them. Mabusi loses her powers.Episode 212
Episode 212 - 22 MinsDifa is in disbelief when he finds Ndlovu clenched onto MaMzobe's feet. Mabusi's patient returns in a critical condition than before. Nzimande refuses to give Zisebenzele her blessings.Episode 213
Episode 213 - 21 MinsMthembu accuses Siphamandla of failing in his duties. Sfociya stares down evil Sibusiso. Zisebenzele's premarital woes come to a head.Episode 214
Episode 214 - 22 MinsDifa confronts MaMzobe about Ndlovu kneeling for her. Siphamandla makes a promise to Mthembu, which might be challenging to execute.Episode 215
Episode 215 - 21 MinsNdlovu humiliates his wives in public. MaXimba compliments Jabu to spite Gabi. Sphamandla and Mabusi make a grand entrance at Khulekani's church.Episode 216
Episode 216 - 21 MinsWhen MaMzobe's spell is finally broken, and the search is on for the culprit who stole izikhwama, will Mabusi find them?Episode 217
Episode 217 - 22 MinsThe council tries to negotiate with Sbu but gets more than they bargained for. MaMzobe and Gabisile's relationship worsens, and Zisebenzele takes another step in claiming Ntombi.Episode 223
Episode 223 - 21 MinsSibusiso attempts Siphamandla's life, while Gabisile and Lwazi have to come clean to their parents.Episode 225
Episode 225 - 21 MinsA traitor steps into Ithempeli Lenkosi, and his body begins to betray him, leaving the congregation stunned. Fear overwhelms a young girl with a child, and she has no choice but to flee.Episode 226
Episode 226 - 22 MinsGabisile takes a walk of shame back home. The chickens have come back home to roost for Ndlovu. Sibusiso turns a new leaf.Episode 227
Episode 227 - 22 MinsDifa questions Mthembu's existence in his life. Ndlovu's wives are facing a major decision that will impact Ndlovu and Sibahle's lives. Sibusiso has an awkward conversation with Sfociya.Episode 228
Episode 228 - 21 MinsA disillusioned father struggles to come to terms with the latest disaster in his family. A loyal and dutiful daughter's strength fails her when she needs it the most. A young prophet begins his journey to redemption.Episode 229
Episode 229 - 21 MinsGabisile and MaMzobe get the shock of their lives on Gabisile's big day. Ndlovu's condition is taking its toll on Sibahle, and MaNzimande gives Ntombi a tough ultimatum.Episode 231
Episode 231 - 21 MinsThe Gumedes and Mthiyanes are at loggerheads with each other. Sibahle gets an unexpected wake-up call. Ntombi and Zisebenzele make a go at married life.Episode 232
Episode 232 - 22 MinsAs Gabisile's world crashes down, Sfociya announces who Lwazi will marry. MaMzobe has triggered yet again, and she's an unhinged woman.Episode 233
Episode 233 - 21 MinsDifa finds out that Sfociya has gone behind his back and betrayed him. Sbu becomes Sbahle's knight in shining armour. Khululiwe feels threatened by Ntombi's presence in the Mthembu house.Episode 234
Episode 234 - 21 MinsThings get very heated between Difa and Sfociya. MaMzobe chooses to defy church protocol. Mabusi is a supportive big sister to Gabisile.Episode 235
Episode 235 - 21 MinsSiphamandla reprimands Difa and Sfociya, forcing them to make peace. Siphamandla makes a grand gesture for Zisebenzele and Ntombi.Episode 245
Episode 245 - 21 MinsMaMzobe's deadly secret about Mthembu comes back to haunt her. Skhumba delivers a chilling warning to MaNzimande and Siphamandla. Meanwhile, Lwazi brings thoughtful gifts to a pregnant young lady.Episode 246
Episode 246 - 21 MinsGabisile finally frees herself from all the secrets. The Mthembus are shocked by the autopsy results, and MaZungu shares a piece of information with Maphalala that leaves him taken aback.Episode 247
Episode 247 - 21 MinsGabisile confesses about what MaMzobe made her do. Lwazi stands up for Gabi. MaMzobe is ready to make a run for it to avoid punishment.Episode 251
Episode 251 - 22 MinsAfter Siphamandla resolved to hold fire with MaMzobe's case, MaNzimande questions his commitment to attending to the issue and calls for the deadliest punishment.Episode 253
Episode 253 - 21 MinsSiphamandla and Mabusi deny themselves of all logic and do whatever they can to locate Mzobe's body. Meanwhile, back at home, MaMzobe's grave is prepared.Episode 254
Episode 254 - 22 MinsMaMzobe sees what's to happen to her in a dream and begins preparing herself. Gabisile struggles to let her mother go like this. Skhumba attempts to avenge his father.Episode 258
Episode 258 - 21 MinsMaMzobe is faced with a painful decision. Will MaNzimande be swayed? A conflicted father has to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve his mission.Episode 259
Episode 259 - 22 MinsMaNzimande gives MaMzobe the taste of her own poison. Difa is exposed for lying to the church. Ndlovu has no powers to stop Sibahle's lobola.Episode 260
Episode 260 - 22 MinsIn the thrilling finale, the Mthembus and Gumedes bury the hatchet, but their number one enemy returns to shatter everything. Sibahle's lobolo day goes well until Ndlovu happens.
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How many seasons of Umkhokha: The Curse are there?
Showmax currently has 1 season of Umkhokha: The Curse available for streaming.

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