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Hans Strydom, Reynardt Hugo, Hykie Berg

Watch Full Episodes of Binnelanders

Watch Binnelanders Season 11

  • Episode 1

    Episode 1 - 22 Mins
    Elvis flees - and shares his decision with Ma Hester. Lexi is concerned about a piece of paper that she found, and a serious discussion is branded as silly ideas.
  • Episode 2

    Episode 2 - 23 Mins
    Danny begin wonder oor Ruan se gemoedstoestand, terwyl Okkie uiters verward is na 'n besoek aan DOEPA. Tracy is bekommerd oor wat Maya se toekoms inhou.
  • Episode 3

    Episode 3 - 21 Mins
    Danny talks to Steve about Ruan, while Conrad's wise words unknowingly is an answer. Okkie is searching for peace of mind, and a confrontation doesn't come without a challenge.
  • Episode 4

    Episode 4 - 22 Mins
    Vicky shares her fears with her grandmother, while elsewhere reciprocated distrust struggles to make place for shared concern. Naomi's conversation upsets Elana.
  • Episode 5

    Episode 5 - 23 Mins
    Steve and Ruan have a deep discussion about family dynamics, and Elvis doesn't want to talk about his past. News about the engineer shocks Maya and fills her with dread.
  • Episode 6

    Episode 6 - 22 Mins
    The new locum makes an impression on everyone, except Annelize. Elvis' biggest nightmare uses the back door, and Helena is a fighter - especially when it comes to her handbag.
  • Episode 7

    Episode 7 - 22 Mins
    George's timing is off when it comes to Elana, but he does let the cat out of the bag. Annelize and Tertius do not agree on Uys's appointment.
  • Episode 8

    Episode 8 - 22 Mins
    Uys doesn't make an impression on Karen - and Annelize has definitely had enough of him. Elana puts her foot down when manipulation is addressed.
  • Episode 9

    Episode 9 - 21 Mins
    Steve and Conrad can't understand George's decision, and Okkie puts his foot down with Elvis. A family fight erupts in the Koster Mansion.
  • Episode 10

    Episode 10 - 22 Mins
    Tertius hears exactly what happened between Annelize and Uys, and Nellie arrives in Pretoria.
  • Episode 11

    Episode 11 - 21 Mins
    Annelize makes a point of focusing Conrad's attention on a budding new friendship. The claws are out when uninvited guests arrive at Steve's penthouse.
  • Episode 12

    Episode 12 - 22 Mins
    A photo places Elvis in an uncomfortable situation - while Louis and Naomi are starting to get a bit scrappy with each other.
  • Episode 13

    Episode 13 - 23 Mins
    Louis asks his burning question, while Piet is roped into helping. Conrad bends Tracy's ear, and Ruan confronts Steve and Elana.
  • Episode 14

    Episode 14 - 23 Mins
    Gaby's theory on Uys's love life is expanding, while Nellie isn't planning on giving up anytime soon. Elvis is behaving in a very secretive way.
  • Episode 15

    Episode 15 - 22 Mins
    Uys asks around about Conrad - and uses Tracy as an excuse against Gaby. Steve is frustrated with who he is becoming...
  • Episode 16

    Episode 16 - 22 Mins
    Steve and Elana try to predict the future with all the information that they have. Gaby thinks she might know what is wrong with Uys.
  • Episode 17

    Episode 17 - 22 Mins
    Okkie is not prepared for the consequences of his confrontation with Elvis. A freak accident in the parking will have a huge impact on everyone's lives.
  • Episode 18

    Episode 18 - 22 Mins
    Karen tries to find a way to make money quickly, while Naomi is caugh off guard when Peet Pretorius phones her. There is no good news coming from the ICU.
  • Episode 19

    Episode 19 - 22 Mins
    Nellie doesn't want George to do the tests, while Kobus is livid about a call. Steve pleads with Elana to give up control, and Gaby suggests that Tertius looks at Karen's finances.
  • Episode 20

    Episode 20 - 22 Mins
    Kobus is in two minds about a call. Nellie upsets Helena, while undeclared love hangs heavy in the air.
  • Episode 21

    Episode 21 - 22 Mins
    Elana skok Steve met 'n besluit. Karen stel belang in Alexis se besigheid, terwyl Steve 'n moeilike belofte maak.
  • Episode 22

    Episode 22 - 22 Mins
    George makes a decision about the tests. Louis gets Naomi to help him with the search, and Steve pleads with Elana to reconsider her decision.
  • Episode 23

    Episode 23 - 22 Mins
    Gaby thinks something is fishy about the way that Alexis is working, while the truth always finds a way to see the light.
  • Episode 24

    Episode 24 - 23 Mins
    Elise rubs her boss up the wrong way, and Steve is on the war path. Conrad tries to come up with a new way of solving their current problem.
  • Episode 25

    Episode 25 - 23 Mins
    Ruan and Vicky starts to realise that something isn't right, and Elise is very positive about the first product that she has to rep - while the same can't be said about Karen.
  • Episode 26

    Episode 26 - 22 Mins
    Tertius doesn't have the heart to word his impressions, while Annetjie confides in Elise. Conrad makes Ruan a promise, and Rian gets an invite to a function.
  • Episode 27

    Episode 27 - 21 Mins
    Conrad confronts Annelize regarding the purchasing of products. Karen is not impressed with Alexis, and Elise is starting to rub Ilse up the wrong way.
  • Episode 28

    Episode 28 - 22 Mins
    Karen begins to become desperate to be successful, and George doesn't want to face anyone. Okkie loses his patience with Elise.
  • Episode 29

    Episode 29 - 23 Mins
    Gaby has a very strong suspicion about what is happening to Karen, and Conrad only wants to see one person. Rian overcomes a big obstacle, and Annetjie is in a lot of pain.
  • Episode 30

    Episode 30 - 23 Mins
    Conrad forces Steve to take a leave of absence. Annelize receives a gift from Mike - while he also encourages Elise to forge stronger bonds with her.
  • Episode 31

    Episode 31 - 23 Mins
    Heartfelt words make Naomi very emotional. Mike is impressed with what Elise has been able to do so far, and Annelize thinks Annetjie should return to the hospital.
  • Episode 32

    Episode 32 - 23 Mins
    Annetjie is not the only one that questions Binneland Clinic's hygiene. Tracy has a hard talk with Karen, and a Saturday morning ritual is performed for the last time.
  • Episode 33

    Episode 33 - 22 Mins
    Gaby reminds Tertius of a dinner date, while there is more than one person that wants to stop Delia in her tracks.
  • Episode 34

    Episode 34 - 22 Mins
    Annelize takes Rian into her confidence. Uys could be the solution to Karen's problem, and Gaby is determined to make the dinner a success.
  • Episode 35

    Episode 35 - 22 Mins
    Gaby and Tertius are at loggerheads, while Louis is worried about Conrad - and then Naomi also lets some sensitive information slip.
  • Episode 36

    Episode 36 - 22 Mins
    Tertius makes a decision when he can't get hold of Lydia, and Conrad hears of someone that has had the same problems as him.
  • Episode 37

    Episode 37 - 22 Mins
    Gaby can't bite her tongue any longer. Elise meets a lawyer, and Noami's fears are realised when there is an emotional outburst in the Koster Mansion.
  • Episode 38

    Episode 38 - 22 Mins
    Tertius's family drama becomes complicated, while Conrad doesn't see the sense in hiding his love life any longer.
  • Episode 39

    Episode 39 - 22 Mins
    Wimpie discusses a suggestion with Okkie, while Elise questions the credibility of the theatre nurse. Tracy tells Conrad that Annetjie is spreading stories about him.
  • Episode 40

    Episode 40 - 22 Mins
    Elise haal haar vrese oor haar toekoms uit op Conrad. Tertius gaan gal af op Uys, en Naomi verseker Conrad van haar ondersteuning. Koos neem 'n beesluit oor 'n behandeling.
  • Episode 41

    Episode 41 - 22 Mins
    Mike is concerned about what Elise knows - and therefore makes a plan. Tertius receives bad news from Bloemfontein, while Koos wants to see the best lawyer in Pretoria.
  • Episode 42

    Episode 42 - 23 Mins
    Rian se leidraad gaan verdere ondersoek tot gevolg hê. 'n Koerantberig saai onmin, en Tertius stel sy voorwaardes om Koos te help.
  • Episode 43

    Episode 43 - 22 Mins
    Naomi is probably not the only one completely in love with Louis now - while Wimpie is not totally happy with where the spotlight falls.
  • Episode 44

    Episode 44 - 22 Mins
    The unpredictability of life becomes the subject of a discussion, and Rian talks to Tertius about matters of the heart.
  • Episode 45

    Episode 45 - 22 Mins
    Gaby doesn't take Koos's setback too well, while the whole Tonik is caught off guard amusingly. Julia's words hits a patient hard.
  • Episode 46

    Episode 46 - 22 Mins
    Delia is full of surprises - and also gives more than one person the shock of their lives. Koos is not impressed with the information he hears.
  • Episode 47

    Episode 47 - 21 Mins
    Okkie's bit of news makes Chanel suspicious. Koos needs Gaby's assistance with a project, and Tracy talks to Conrad about her conditions.
  • Episode 48

    Episode 48 - 22 Mins
    Okkie will have to restrain himself when it comes to Wimpie's ideas, and Tertius is frustrated with the position he is placed in.
  • Episode 49

    Episode 49 - 22 Mins
    The future looks bright for Brandon Samuels, while more than one woman offers Tertius support. Patience is not in the notes for the trio, and Delia is concerned about her blood pressure.
  • Episode 50

    Episode 50 - 22 Mins
    The bride is not impressed by the trio - and it becomes clear that the white flag was raised prematurely. Gaby has more than one secret plan to execute.
  • Episode 51

    Episode 51 - 22 Mins
    Gaby probeer die gemors wat sy veroorsaak het uitsorteer, terwyl Chanel nuus oor haar pa met Danny deel. Tracy se besoek aan Delia laat haar met meer vrae as antwoorde.
  • Episode 52

    Episode 52 - 22 Mins
    Delia blames Tertius for the fact that Tracy knows about her secret, and Gaby needs Okkie's help. Steve is determined to make his new life work out.
  • Episode 53

    Episode 53 - 22 Mins
    Annelize is bekommerd oor Koos se simptome. Tertius doen sy bes om Tracy se vrese te bekamp, maar Conrad help nie die situasie nie.
  • Episode 54

    Episode 54 - 23 Mins
    Koos maak Tertius bewus van 'n onstellende dokument in sy persoonlike lêer, terwyl Conrad besluit om Delia te konfronteer.
  • Episode 55

    Episode 55 - 22 Mins
    Conrad and At makes Brandon an offer, while Steve tries to lighten his workload. Karen tells Annelize the truth about Gaby.
  • Episode 56

    Episode 56 - 22 Mins
    Wendy words her concerns towards Tertius, and Brandon comes to a decision regarding Binneland's offer. Gaby can't handle the reality of Koos's situation.
  • Episode 57

    Episode 57 - 22 Mins
    Delia and Tertius friendship deepens, and Steve makes a decision about the adoption. Tracy's suspicions are strengthened, while Wendy knows what she wants in life.
  • Episode 58

    Episode 58 - 22 Mins
    The Ferreira's new neighbours are extremely noisy, and Delia discusses sensitive information with Tertius.
  • Episode 59

    Episode 59 - 23 Mins
    Concern about Ruan mounts, while a fiery Okkie would like to go meet the new neighbours. Delia has to deal with more than one storm.
  • Episode 60

    Episode 60 - 22 Mins
    Shares makes someone livid, and Okkie has more than one problem to deal with. Steve confronts Conrad about Tracy, while Rex makes Chanel uncomfortable.
  • Episode 61

    Episode 61 - 22 Mins
    Rex is still up to no good - and this forces the neighbours to jump into action. Delia plays her trump card - and opens up towards Tertius regarding her professional wheelings and dealings.
  • Episode 62

    Episode 62 - 22 Mins
    Trouble with the neighbours evolves into a small war. A very upset At asks Piet to solve a puzzle, and the newest presentation is discussed.
  • Episode 63

    Episode 63 - 22 Mins
    Both Conrad and Delia don't trust At's demeanor, and an innocent question from Tracy leads to a confrontation between Lexi and Steve.
  • Episode 64

    Episode 64 - 22 Mins
    The head of the Ferreira's neighbourhood watch has to investigate a complaint, and Gaby's plans are derailed by Karen.
  • Episode 65

    Episode 65 - 22 Mins
    Rex is not done with Louis yet, and Rodney has plans with Karen. A telephone call reveals more than it should, and Gaby has an idea on how to meet new people.
  • Episode 66

    Episode 66 - 22 Mins
    Karen bemoans her fate towards Uys, while Vicky takes Lexi into her trust. Rodney's new roommate is not popular with the nurses, and Janneke give Steve advice regarding Ruan.
  • Episode 67

    Episode 67 - 21 Mins
    Tracy doesn't want Lexi to jump to conclusions, while Tonik becomes the focus of cancel culture. While Chrisna and Louis has the same idea, one of them is quicker on the draw.
  • Episode 68

    Episode 68 - 22 Mins
    Wayne en Chrisna is paniekerig oor die vorige aand se gebeure, terwyl Liam nie tyd het vir een dokter in die besonder nie. Die meisies vis by Karen oor die nuwe man in haar lewe.
  • Episode 69

    Episode 69 - 22 Mins
    Steve has no choice but to call a family meeting after taking Lexi to task regarding her behaviour. Naomi's past is on everyone's lips again, and Liam asks Karen about Annelize.
  • Episode 70

    Episode 70 - 22 Mins
    Brandon se eerste dag verloop nie sonder sy eie gepaardgaande dramas nie. Chrisna rig 'n waarskuwing aan Naomi, terwyl nuwe inligting Gaby versekering gee oor haar afleiding.
  • Episode 71

    Episode 71 - 22 Mins
    Tracy is nie oortuig van Uys se storie nie, terwyl Chanel skokkende nuus met Danny deel. Karen konfronteer Liam oor sy besluit.
  • Episode 72

    Episode 72 - 22 Mins
    'n Intieme oomblik raak dalk hoofnuus op Binneland Stereo. Danny probeer om Chanel te laat afsien van haar hardkoppige plan, en Annelize maak 'n bekentenis oor Liam aan Rian.
  • Episode 73

    Episode 73 - 22 Mins
    The focus of Ruan's school project stuns Steve, while Liam starts opening up towards Karen. Chanel's cold shoulder gets Annelize's attention.
  • Episode 74

    Episode 74 - 22 Mins
    Gaby tells Karen to not pay too much attention to Liam, and Chanel shares her suspicions with Danny. Tertius hears an interesting theory regarding Delia.
  • Episode 75

    Episode 75 - 22 Mins
    Chanel and Delia's conversation becomes heated, while fact and fiction are untangled by an arrest. Liam asks Karen a favour, and Gaby gets the answer she is looking for.
  • Episode 76

    Episode 76 - 22 Mins
    Annelize and Naomi share a moment after an ER patient is helped, and Danny tries to be the mediator between Brandon and Chanel. Liam shares his news with Karen
  • Episode 77

    Episode 77 - 22 Mins
    Ruan se onderhoud met Danny word onderbreek deur 'n noodgeval. Elise is bekommerd oor Annelize na hulle interaksie, terwyl Annelize probeer uitvind of Chanel se vrese bewaarheid is.
  • Episode 78

    Episode 78 - 23 Mins
    Elise has a plan to lift Annelize's spirit, while Tracy poses an uncomfortable question to a doctor. Gaby enjoys giving Uys some of his own medicine.
  • Episode 79

    Episode 79 - 22 Mins
    Louis is very concerned about Ruan when Ruan asks him for help with his school project, while Karen realises Liam is under the impression that she likes Uys.
  • Episode 80

    Episode 80 - 22 Mins
    Karen raak benoud oor 'n komplikasie tydens 'n operasie, en Chanel begin dink daar is beslis 'n slang in die gras met die Max-Roelf-saga.
  • Episode 81

    Episode 81 - 22 Mins
    Danny deel sy vermoedens met Louis, en Naomi merk hoe Liam reageer op 'n boodskap. Annelize is teleurgestel in 'n onpersoonlike gegroetery.
  • Episode 82

    Episode 82 - 23 Mins
    Elise weier dat Annelize kopuit trek met haar afspraak - en sy maak die pap dik aan teenoor Tertius. Danny en Louis se speurwerk kry hulle diep in die sop.
  • Episode 83

    Episode 83 - 23 Mins
    Stefan offers an apology for his past, while Max sows seeds of doubt with his version of the story. The linen room eventually sees a bit of action.
  • Episode 84

    Episode 84 - 22 Mins
    It is Conrad's task to inform Brandon about the newest developments, while Karen tries to vanquish Liam's fears. Annelize's quite drink at DOEPA turns into a surprising conversation.
  • Episode 85

    Episode 85 - 22 Mins
    Tertius is livid when he finds a certain doctor in Binneland Clinic, and Chanel is not alone in the dark. Liam admits something to Uys, while Max tells Danny more about Roelf.
  • Episode 86

    Episode 86 - 22 Mins
    Elise confronts Tertius about his true feelings, while Chanel forms a plan to escape. The wind is taken out of Karen and Gaby's sails.
  • Episode 87

    Episode 87 - 21 Mins
    An assumption quickly becomes a story, while Danny faces a storm. Matters of the heart is on everyone's lips, and Piet's investigation might bare fruit.
  • Episode 88

    Episode 88 - 22 Mins
    Katey and Chanel try to work out who Roelf really is, and Steve gives Annelize more than enough to think about.
  • Episode 89

    Episode 89 - 22 Mins
    Annelize welcomes Xander back to Binneland Clinic. It quickly becomes clear that Uys needs advice when it comes to the fairer sex.
  • Episode 90

    Episode 90 - 22 Mins
    A bride in ER sets the nurse's tongues - and imaginations - free, while Louis shares news regarding Chanel with Naomi. Tracy doesn't give up as easily as Uys.
  • Episode 91

    Episode 91 - 22 Mins
    Elise tries to determine what is fact and what is fiction, and Brandon's emotions catches Karen off guard. Noami tries to silence Binneland Stereo.
  • Episode 92

    Episode 92 - 22 Mins
    A big question flows freely from liberated lips. Elise thinks it is her duty to ensure that Annelize ends up with the right man, while there is no stopping Binneland Stereo.
  • Episode 93

    Episode 93 - 22 Mins
    Xander confronts Elise, but motives her ever more in the process. Honesty shocks Brandon and Annelize, while Uys reveals another side of himself.
  • Episode 94

    Episode 94 - 22 Mins
    A conversation with Uys cheers Tracy up, and Elise just can't let go of her plan. Annelize discusses matters of the heart with more than one person.
  • Episode 95

    Episode 95 - 21 Mins
    A call causes trouble for Danny - and strenghtens Brandon's big idea. Elise will have to think on her feet to execute her plan.
  • Episode 96

    Episode 96 - 22 Mins
    Vida contacts her family, and Tertius discusses Annelize with Gaby. Chanel is caught off guard with news that Martin shares, while Annelize isn't looking forward to the task at hand.
  • Episode 97

    Episode 97 - 22 Mins
    'n Ete-uitnodiging veroorsaak konflik, terwyl Conrad vir Tracy 'n groot guns vra. Annetjie hoor iets wat sy nie moet hoor nie - en wat sy nie vir haarself kan hou nie.
  • Episode 98

    Episode 98 - 22 Mins
    The nurses's night out is spoiled with the presence of 'the enemy'. Danny and Chanel hide things from each other, and Nadine wants to make Danny part of her team.
  • Episode 99

    Episode 99 - 23 Mins
    Annelize unmasks Xander to Steve and Conrad, while Naomi realises Tracy is in the dark regarding the circumstances of the previous night - and Gaby thinks they should get her to help them.
  • Episode 100

    Episode 100 - 22 Mins
    Danny kry sy eerste opdrag, en Gaby het baie vrae vir Tertius. Boeta is dringend opsoek na Naomi, maar sy besef nie die erns daarvan nie. Tracy voel soos die vyfde wiel aan die wa.
  • Episode 101

    Episode 101 - 22 Mins
    Danny moet vinnig op sy voete dink wanneer Tertius iets sien wat hy nie moet nie, en Trudie is nie so rustig oor haar dilemma soos wat sy voorgee nie.
  • Episode 102

    Episode 102 - 22 Mins
    Tracy gets advice on her big project, and Annelize shares more than is necessary with Annetjie. Martin's conversation gives Brandon hope for the future.
  • Episode 103

    Episode 103 - 22 Mins
    After the conversation with Trudie the previous night, there are more questions than answers. Tracy doesn't just ask Annelize's advice - she also offers her help.
  • Episode 104

    Episode 104 - 23 Mins
    The wedge between Danny and Chanel is driven deeper. At gives Conrad advice on Tracy - while both worry about how the board will vote.
  • Episode 105

    Episode 105 - 22 Mins
    Chanel het 'n warboel van emosies wanneer sy 'n ontdekking maak, terwyl Jenna probeer om 'n saak reg te stel. Renate is nie gelukkig met Trudie se nuwe idee nie.
  • Episode 106

    Episode 106 - 22 Mins
    Tracy's interior decorating is a reason for more than one fight, while it seems that not one of the men in Chanel's life is willing to tell her the truth.
  • Episode 107

    Episode 107 - 23 Mins
    Louis hears a conversation that unsettles him. Annelize shares with Steve that she has information that she shouldn't have, and Brandon's words upsets Danny.
  • Episode 108

    Episode 108 - 22 Mins
    Tertius thinks Danny has made a big mistake, while everyone else wants to identify the reason behind his decision. Conrad and At are livid because Annelize found out about their plan.
  • Episode 109

    Episode 109 - 22 Mins
    Naomi takes Trudie to task, after Louis confronts Naomi. Tertius and Annelize are at loggerheads over a patient, while Martin needs to defend his actions.
  • Episode 110

    Episode 110 - 22 Mins
    Louis and Naomi begin to make their own assumptions on what Trudie has done, and Martin thinks he knows how to cheer up Chanel.
  • Episode 111

    Episode 111 - 22 Mins
    The tension between Danny and Martin almost comes to breaking point, while At once again gives Conrad advice regarding Tracy.
  • Episode 112

    Episode 112 - 22 Mins
    Steve kry die datum van die aanneming - en vertel die kinders van die perskonferensie. Danny bevind homself in 'n gevaarlike situasie.
  • Episode 113

    Episode 113 - 22 Mins
    Louis and Naomi makes a suggestion on how to deal with the situation to Trudie, while Hugo talks to Julia about guardianship.
  • Episode 114

    Episode 114 - 23 Mins
    Chanel is teleurgesteld in Danny se optrede - terwyl Jenna sy senuwees op hol jaag. Ruan wil weet wat Steve teen Tracy het, terwyl Renate in 'n toestand is oor Trudie se erkenning.
  • Episode 115

    Episode 115 - 22 Mins
    The head plastic surgeon withdraws from the operation, while Tracy plans to have a fundraiser for the twins. There is a massive fight that breaks out in the Ferreira-household.
  • Episode 116

    Episode 116 - 22 Mins
    Trudie's school is in the headlines of the day, and Steve has it in for Tracy and Conrad because of Tracy's visit to Ruan's school.
  • Episode 117

    Episode 117 - 22 Mins
    Chanel's needs to clear her conscience - and her heart - by talking to Martin about what she did, while Jenna and Danny drink their sorrows away.
  • Episode 118

    Episode 118 - 23 Mins
    Tertius gets more than one surprise, while Louis is surprised with a crisis at Tonik. Hugo and Julia discuss Steve's request, while costs makes Conrad's blood boil.
  • Episode 119

    Episode 119 - 22 Mins
    There is another crisis at Tonik, while Tertius and Annelize's relationship experiences some growing pains. Tracy sows seeds of doubt with Conrad, and Naomi makes a decision known to Louis.
  • Episode 120

    Episode 120 - 23 Mins
    Gaby tries to help Tertius by giving him some female advice, and Conrad tries to bring Hugo to new insights. Wimpie has a lot to say about Rodney's gesture.
  • Episode 121

    Episode 121 - 22 Mins
    Loyalty becomes a contentious issue in a relationship, and Steve takes Conrad to task about guardianship. Delia, weaponed with information, is on the war path.
  • Episode 122

    Episode 122 - 23 Mins
    Conrad and Annelize don't agree about the way forward - and then Annelize says something that embarresses Tertius. Ruan wants to talk to Tracy after finding out more about her.
  • Episode 123

    Episode 123 - 22 Mins
    The ER gets a new locum, and Delia wants to involve Rian with her and Tertius's plans. Steve is forced to talk to Conrad about Ruan, and Conrad takes Louis to task about Tonik.
  • Episode 124

    Episode 124 - 22 Mins
    Delia is tense about her blood tests, and Wimpie sings Janneke's praise. Uys and Gaby gets advice from an unexpected source.
  • Episode 125

    Episode 125 - 23 Mins
    Wimpie clearly has a new favorite in his cross hairs. The day of the adoption has arrived. Annelize's concern about Rian makes Tertius wonder about her feelings for him.
  • Episode 126

    Episode 126 - 22 Mins
    Steve shares Tracy's fundraiser ideas with Ruan, and Ilse is back in Pretoria. Tertius shares confidential information with Annelize.
  • Episode 127

    Episode 127 - 21 Mins
    An amniosynthesis doesn't go without drama. Steve lets Tracy know that Ruan is ready to talk to her, and Delia has made a decision about the work that needs to be done.
  • Episode 128

    Episode 128 - 23 Mins
    Toetsuitslae kan die hele wêreld op sy kop keer, terwyl Delia se eerlike antwoord op Rian se vraag skokgolwe deur die gange gaan stuur. Ilse sit met die hande in die hare.
  • Episode 129

    Episode 129 - 22 Mins
    Ilse ponders on the meaning of Tonik, and Delia unknowingly encourages Rian to investigate the darkest corners of his heart. Naomi takes her bad mood out on everyone.
  • Episode 130

    Episode 130 - 22 Mins
    Chanel sees something that she shouldn't. A confession is greeted with built-up emotions, and Louis has a solution for Ilse's problem. Gaby might be defending the wrong person in a crisis.
  • Episode 131

    Episode 131 - 22 Mins
    Delia's biggest fear is expressed in a threat. Vicky's request catches Steve completely by surprise, and Rian forgets to guard his tongue. An email causes tension.
  • Episode 132

    Episode 132 - 22 Mins
    Janneke opens up her heart to Naomi - but it is not the worst part of her day. Wimpie and Ilse takes Tracy under their wings, while Annelize doesn't hold back in a conversation.
  • Episode 133

    Episode 133 - 22 Mins
    Dr Butler needs to speak to Delia urgently, and Uys pleads his innocence. Conrad has devised a plan to sweep his love of her feet.
  • Episode 134

    Episode 134 - 22 Mins
    Louis is very concerned about his health. Tracy hears about Conrad's other embrio for the first time, while it is not just Delia's life that changes in the blink of an eye.
  • Episode 135

    Episode 135 - 22 Mins
    Elise's idea earns her more on her plate. Uys informs Tertius about the rumours doing the rounds, while Danny and Chanel are uncomfortable in each other's presence.
  • Episode 136

    Episode 136 - 23 Mins
    Conrad is taxed with another secret, while Janneke's patience with Wimpie is tried and tested. Vicky's idea becomes Elise's master plan - but she will need a lot of help!
  • Episode 137

    Episode 137 - 22 Mins
    Tracy is caught completely off guard by Louis's behaviour, while Janneke is caught in the cross fire. Annelize is informed of the big blunder.
  • Episode 138

    Episode 138 - 22 Mins
    Annelize needs to decide whether she is going to share her strong suspicions, and Danny tells Steve about Elise's secret weapon. Rian tries to lead Conrad to new insights.
  • Episode 139

    Episode 139 - 23 Mins
    Delia causes tension between two old friends, and an invitation could mean something more. Louis needs to make a decision regarding his silence, while Chanel is too cunning for a sly trap.
  • Episode 140

    Episode 140 - 22 Mins
    Rian is ready for At's confrontation, while Louis pleads with Rian and Naomi. Steve is concerned about Vicky's behaviour, but more alarmed by a photo. There is a problem with Maria.
  • Episode 141

    Episode 141 - 22 Mins
    At gives Naomi a reality check, while Elise is in trouble about Maria. Steve's acting skills are put to the test, while Delia still can't be found.
  • Episode 142

    Episode 142 - 22 Mins
    Vicky's locket is missing, while Danny devises a plan to ensure Maria takes a bow. Steve needs to make a very difficult decision, and Naomi is concerned about her future.
  • Episode 143

    Episode 143 - 22 Mins
    Steve speel oop kaarte met Danny, terwyl Janneke 'n enorme kopseer raak vir Binneland Kliniek. Elise gaan baie vinnig aan 'n manier moet dink om haar nuutste probleem op te los.
  • Episode 144

    Episode 144 - 23 Mins
    The day of the secret meeting dawns. Everyone is in concerned with the dress rehearsal, and Tracy plays photographer. Janneke confronts Steve about his attitude.
  • Episode 145

    Episode 145 - 23 Mins
    Janneke becomes a topic of discussion, while Rian shouldn't expect a christmas gift from At. Vicky complains about the concert to Father Christmas - and he tries to encourage her.
  • Episode 146

    Episode 146 - 22 Mins
    Annelize and Tertius's work is cut out for them, and an apology might prevent a cold shoulder. Vicky wants to find out more about Father Christmas's family.
  • Episode 147

    Episode 147 - 22 Mins
    Steve has a big task at hand when Vicky starts asking questions about Charlotte, and Naomi is just waiting for the blood test results before sharing news with Louis.
  • Episode 148

    Episode 148 - 22 Mins
    The harassment calls don't stop, while Louis and Naomi gets a big surprise. Steve is concerned about Lexi and Ruan's interactions with the same stranger.
  • Episode 149

    Episode 149 - 22 Mins
    A couple discusses their dreams for the future. Joline's excitement is not contagious. Tracy and Annelize both receive very good news, while Louis's emotional words cut deep.
  • Episode 150

    Episode 150 - 23 Mins
    Jared tells Lexi who he is - and she invites him to spend Old Year's Eve with them. Annelize knows exactly how she wants to greet the new year.
  • Episode 151

    Episode 151 - 22 Mins
    Social Media lets the spotlight fall on one person. Ilse is not the only one with a secret, while Gaby poses an important question to Danny.
  • Episode 152

    Episode 152 - 22 Mins
    Musiek is die perfekte pleister vir hartseer, terwyl Annelize vir Naomi onkant vang met 'n liefdadigheidsprojek. Steve kan nie vir Lexi 'n rat voor die oë draai nie.
  • Episode 153

    Episode 153 - 21 Mins
    Danny thinks he smells a rat, while Steve's past catches up with him quicker than he is prepared for. Rian and Tertius try their best to work together.
  • Episode 154

    Episode 154 - 22 Mins
    Gaby probeer 'n plan beraam om haar vrese te bekamp, terwyl Steve vir Danny kwalik neem vir sy eie aksies. Annelize moet 'n erg emosionele verpleegster huis toe stuur.
  • Episode 155

    Episode 155 - 22 Mins
    Rodney's words hits Gaby hard - and it doesn't go by unnoticed. Annelize wonders how Steve's family drama is influencing him.
  • Episode 156

    Episode 156 - 22 Mins
    Louis's performance has triggerd more interest. Steve shares his dilemma regarding Jared with Marissa, while Annelize's 'advice' to Gaby causes tension between her and Tertius.
  • Episode 157

    Episode 157 - 22 Mins
    Naomi's encouragement could influence Louis's decision, while the ghosts of Steve's past forces him to make a drastic decision.
  • Episode 158

    Episode 158 - 23 Mins
    Steve puts all his cards on the table with Bronwyn, while a project encourages Annelize to think about the future. Conrad is concerned about a shareholder.
  • Episode 159

    Episode 159 - 22 Mins
    A discovery turns Steve into a very hard man, while an accident brings closeness. Naomi's exhausting day goes unnoticed.
  • Episode 160

    Episode 160 - 23 Mins
    Marissa doesn't have the easiest of tasks on hand, while Annelize is caught off guard by something that she observes. Joline tries to remind Louis of what is important.
  • Episode 161

    Episode 161 - 22 Mins
    A confession is the pin that is pulled from a granade, and Tertius is not impressed by Annelize's suspicions. Vicky's anxiety doesn't go unnoticed.
  • Episode 162

    Episode 162 - 22 Mins
    Bronwyn has to silent Steve's fears, and Naomi's patience is put to the test. Vicky's question shocks Tracy almost as much as a massive bill.
  • Episode 163

    Episode 163 - 23 Mins
    Second chances are a rare phenomenon. Annelize words her frustrations while Karen shares her conern for het friend. An interview and a release could change Louis's life.
  • Episode 164

    Episode 164 - 22 Mins
    Conrad is concerned about the future, and Marissa makes a very big promise to Lexi. Louis surprises Naomi with a decision, while Steve has to make peace with Jarod's.
  • Episode 165

    Episode 165 - 22 Mins
    Naomi has to ask a known familiar for assistance, while Uys meets an unknown stranger. Gaby's questions leads to new concerns, and Rian's research gets someone's attention.
  • Episode 166

    Episode 166 - 22 Mins
    A lie leads to a guilty conscience, while Rian is impressed by insight. Louis is surprised by a visitor.
  • Episode 167

    Episode 167 - 22 Mins
    Tertius questions Rian's motives, but Rian thinks Tertius should investigate his own prejudices. Naomi confronts Louis about his deeds, while Gaby gets a lesson in physics.
  • Episode 168

    Episode 168 - 22 Mins
    Yolandi sculpts the truth, and Louis questions Naomi's suspicions. A nasty surprise awaits Gaby, while negative feedback derails someone's day.
  • Episode 169

    Episode 169 - 22 Mins
    Louis's discovery leads to bigger problems. Gaby and Annelize has an uncomfortable interaction, while Ayanda receives good news. Yolandi's seductive stories leads to a huge falling out.
  • Episode 170

    Episode 170 - 22 Mins
    Conrad's doubts aren't silenced by the police, while Yolandi uses her silky tongue to sow trouble on many levels. Naomi is forced to ask Kobus for help at Doepa.
  • Episode 171

    Episode 171 - 23 Mins
    The truth causes harsh words, frustration and pain. Binneland Stereo is on a roll regarding a patient that is admitted - especially when they ask about Elise!
  • Episode 172

    Episode 172 - 22 Mins
    A promise from years ago haunts two friends. Yolandi spins her web very fine, while Louis's plans for the future threatens his life. Karen shares her assumptions with Uys.
  • Episode 173

    Episode 173 - 22 Mins
    A bit of acting could assist in finding out the truth. A radio interview is not the only thing that disrupts the fragile peace. A sleeping tablet lubricates ideas - and a tongue...
  • Episode 174

    Episode 174 - 23 Mins
    Elise asks Annetjie for love advice, but the wind is completely taken out of her sails. Louis and Naomi reach breaking point. Tracy's big discovery leads to more questions than answers...
  • Episode 175

    Episode 175 - 22 Mins
    Forgive and forget is not on the menu, while Tracy is eager to make contact with Bob again. Annetjie and Annelize have contradictory advice for Elise.
  • Episode 176

    Episode 176 - 22 Mins
    First impressions cause fireworks, and a confession won't change the currenct circumstances immediately. It doesn't seem like Tracy is going to change Conrad's opinion.
  • Episode 177

    Episode 177 - 22 Mins
    Uys and Naomi's perspectives differ a lot. Elise's nerves could cost her dearly, while shared pleasures cause bigger impressions. Danny is lost for words when asked an honest question.
  • Episode 178

    Episode 178 - 22 Mins
    Tracy makes a confession to Uys, while tradition causes an interesting squabble. Danny and Louis wrestle with complicated dilemmas, and Elise has a big question for Annelize.
  • Episode 179

    Episode 179 - 22 Mins
    The truth leads to a final decision - and is the reason for reason for avoidance. Conrad can't believe his eyes. Tertius shares good advice with a friend.
  • Episode 180

    Episode 180 - 22 Mins
    Rian's question gives Annelize more clarity about what is happening, while a strange call doesn't give the missing peace of mind. Jenna realises what is going on with Danny.
  • Episode 181

    Episode 181 - 22 Mins
    Timing is everyting on Valentine's Day. Elise confronts Annetjie. Danny is caught off guard by an ultimatum and news, while Wynand's emotions guides his tongue and heart.
  • Episode 182

    Episode 182 - 22 Mins
    Wynand is not going to be swayed easily. A corpse, an accusation and contractions are not the 'welcome home' one would expect! Danny has a lot to think about.
  • Episode 183

    Episode 183 - 22 Mins
    Chanel amusedly listens to Elton's waterfall of words when their paths cross, and Rian's plan (which includes Gaby) are derailed.
  • Episode 184

    Episode 184 - 22 Mins
    Harold's condition doesn't last long, while Elton has firmly set his cross hairs. An arrival at ER has everyone up in arms, while Annelize has no more sympathy for Elise.
  • Episode 185

    Episode 185 - 22 Mins
    A call from At makes time stand still. Annelize's gives all her attention to a medical mystery. Annetjie's plans for the future are influenced by a discovery of her own.
  • Episode 186

    Episode 186 - 22 Mins
    A blushing interaction and an important meeting could predict the future. Conrad asks At the question that everyone else is thinking of, and Naomi tries to encourage Louis.
  • Episode 187

    Episode 187 - 23 Mins
    A murder charge compels the Kosters to jump into action. Annelize has parasitic infections on the brain, while a meeting doesn't get Louis's approval.
  • Episode 188

    Episode 188 - 22 Mins
    Elise is asked to save what can be saved. Rian's solution to a dilemma doesn't sit well with the murder suspect, and Chanel has deduced more than one thing after a date.
  • Episode 189

    Episode 189 - 23 Mins
    Gaby is not impressed with her and Ayanda's tasks for the day, while Louis and Naomi have different viewpoints on the future of a baby. At needs to speak to Piet urgently.
  • Episode 190

    Episode 190 - 22 Mins
    At tries one last time to perform a miracle. Water causes chaos, while there is friction between Ayanda, Karen and Gaby. A cramp causes concern.
  • Episode 191

    Episode 191 - 22 Mins
    Louis and Conrad receive unexpected news, while the tension between Gaby and Ayanda mounts. Karen's heart - and mind - are newly upset by an interaction.
  • Episode 192

    Episode 192 - 23 Mins
    Elton identifies a hurdle, while Annelize is not alone in isolation anymore. Rian receives an upsetting call, and Gaby is unsure whether she should share a 'secret'.
  • Episode 193

    Episode 193 - 23 Mins
    Annelize is frustrated with an investigation, while Gaby's news catches Karen off guard. An unromantic relationship could be on the cards, and Ayanda is concerned about a nurse.
  • Episode 194

    Episode 194 - 22 Mins
    Ayanda and At's words don't fall on deaf ears, and Delia executes a heartbreaking decision. Chanel's advice makes Elton feel bad.
  • Episode 195

    Episode 195 - 22 Mins
    Tertius takes Annelize to task regarding a patient, and Martin's plans for the future are interrupted by an emergency. Danny's test results are back.
  • Episode 196

    Episode 196 - 23 Mins
    Conrad and Tracy's visit turns into an opportunity for teamwork. Tertius tries to get Annelize involved in a family gathering, and Martin confronts Chanel about her behaviour.
  • Episode 197

    Episode 197 - 23 Mins
    Family turns up the heat in a discussion, and Naomi thinks Louis needs to talk to Delia about Social Media. Chanel and Martin gets a chance to clear the air.
  • Episode 198

    Episode 198 - 22 Mins
    Martin offers the gardenflat as a refuge, while Hugo hears about Martin's plans. Annelize reluctantly has to extend an invite, and Rian wants to re-do tests.
  • Episode 199

    Episode 199 - 22 Mins
    Chanel suddenly feels the pressure of Martin's true intentions, while Martin isn't someone that is easily deterred. Tracy thinks she knows exactly what is going on with Conrad.
  • Episode 200

    Episode 200 - 22 Mins
    The nurses are excited about a course, while Tertius gives Annelize a talking to regarding her fighting spirit. Binneland Clinic is in the news, and Louis feels overwhelmed
  • Episode 201

    Episode 201 - 22 Mins
    Conrad's new attitude goes into action, and Martin has something to say! Danny's risky plan is not supported.
  • Episode 202

    Episode 202 - 22 Mins
    Louis is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and Martin places himself in a very dangerous position.
  • Episode 203

    Episode 203 - 22 Mins
    Tracy words Naomi's struggles to Louis. Odendaal is ready to take drastic measures, while Hugo feels very responsible for the situation.
  • Episode 204

    Episode 204 - 21 Mins
    The situation at the hospital is taking its toll, while Danny's attitude - and the linen closet - causes more questions to be asked. Louis and Naomi are eventually on the same page.
  • Episode 205

    Episode 205 - 22 Mins
    Conrad sets his sights on Martin Prins, while the operation reaches a critical point. Tertius becomes aware of discomfort - and Gaby doesn't hold back when she lashes out.
  • Episode 206

    Episode 206 - 22 Mins
    Annelize is panicking about what she should do, and Conrad's wrath will have to wait. Amalia's feature is discussed, while Chanel makes it very clear where she stands.
  • Episode 207

    Episode 207 - 22 Mins
    Naomi shares good news with Annelize, and Tracy realises why Chanel is posing questions towards her, while Annelize and Gaby are forced to have an honest conversation.
  • Episode 208

    Episode 208 - 22 Mins
    Tracy involves Uys in solving a problem. Martin realises that his future is in his hands, and Annelize tries to state her case.
  • Episode 209

    Episode 209 - 22 Mins
    Annelize deel haar opinie oor Delia met Rian, terwyl Rodney die verkeerde goed vir Tracy sê. Gaby besef wie Jazzy is, en die mat word onder Danny se voete getrek.
  • Episode 210

    Episode 210 - 22 Mins
    Rian tries to gain new information, and Louis shares news about Delia with Conrad. Coffee and taxes don't mix in the same conversation.
  • Episode 211

    Episode 211 - 22 Mins
    Piet and Jazzy are not going to divulge the truth easily. Gaby is skeptical about a friendship, while Tracy feels like a bad businesswoman after a discussion with Rodney and Uys.
  • Episode 212

    Episode 212 - 22 Mins
    The truth catches more than one person off guard, and Uys is not the only one with a solution to Tracy's problems. Danny wants to make a success of the next few days.
  • Episode 213

    Episode 213 - 22 Mins
    Jazzy's fears might not be ungrounded. It seems like more than one person is skeptical about the breakaway weekend. Rian warns Annelize about her search for the truth.
  • Episode 214

    Episode 214 - 23 Mins
    Annelize eventually shares her suspicions with Tertius, and revenge is sweet. Piet has to think fast on his feet.
  • Episode 215

    Episode 215 - 22 Mins
    Two doctors are admitted to ER - and Piet, Conrad and At wants to get to the bottom of it once and for all. Martin begins to wonder if Chanel is bored during their breakaway.
  • Episode 216

    Episode 216 - 22 Mins
    Piet tries to establish if Gaby has any useful information, and Jazzy gets a nasty surprise after visiting Annelize. Tracy's plan kicks off.
  • Episode 217

    Episode 217 - 23 Mins
    Rian makes a shocking discovery - and becomes part of a master plan. Delia gives Louis a warning, and Chanel wants to know the connection between Danny and Martin.
  • Episode 218

    Episode 218 - 22 Mins
    Conrad and Tracy come to a new agreement where Tonik is concerned. A fight gets out of hand, and communication is a reason for joy - and a warning!
  • Episode 219

    Episode 219 - 22 Mins
    Conrad welcomes a new batch of doctors who will participate in an intern program. A beauty campaign piques interest, while a doctor's career hangs in the balance.
  • Episode 220

    Episode 220 - 22 Mins
    Uys isn't sure what to make of Zanel. At gets frustrated with Piet, while Naomi witnesses another peculiar situation. Rian makes a discovery that could prove a theory.
  • Episode 221

    Episode 221 - 23 Mins
    Delia's request fills Conrad with fear. Karen feels terrible about the situation with Liam. There is competition between Elton and Dr Vorster. Chanel's issues with her appearance take flame.
  • Episode 222

    Episode 222 - 22 Mins
    Nicolette causes problems between Karen, Gaby and Chanel, and Conrad's questioning doesn't go unnoticed. Tertius and Annelize differ about where their focus should be.
  • Episode 223

    Episode 223 - 22 Mins
    Uys tries to find out more about a new doctor. The truth leads to an epic confrontation, while a white lie is supposed to camouflage the truth.
  • Episode 224

    Episode 224 - 22 Mins
    Chanel is very critical of herself. No one is pleased with Conrad's decisions, and a meeting doesn't go as planned. Nicolette's vulnerable moment softens Gaby.
  • Episode 225

    Episode 225 - 23 Mins
    Social media makes Chanel more obsessive, while Louis shares the consequences of Piet's actions with Naomi. A search is launched: Amalia is not the only one missing.
  • Episode 226

    Episode 226 - 22 Mins
    Steve is caught off guard by Vicky's answer. Tertius doesn't trust the Kosters at all. Liam tries to salvage what he can, and Andries pleads with his daughter.
  • Episode 227

    Episode 227 - 22 Mins
    Jazzy speaks her truth, and Louis has it in for At. A cold shoulder is all that a doctor needs, and Delia wants to see At. Conard's words might fall on deaf ears.
  • Episode 228

    Episode 228 - 22 Mins
    Zee confesses Uys. A party upsets Steve, and Delia shares a huge decision. Emotions can no longer be ignored, while Rian senses tension between a pair.
  • Episode 229

    Episode 229 - 22 Mins
    A plan of action is formed despite the tension, and a PR strategy is laid before the board. The young doctors impress the old guard, while Karen and Liam need to have a serious conversation.
  • Episode 230

    Episode 230 - 22 Mins
    Tertius tries to support Annelize with her plan, while Zee witnesses a romantic gesture. Steve and Hugo bet on the outcome of the internship programme.
  • Episode 231

    Episode 231 - 23 Mins
    Jeremy makes a surprising request - but shows exactly why he shouldn't be trusted! Brandon asks Steve for a huge favour, and Uys shares a little of his heart with Zee.
  • Episode 232

    Episode 232 - 22 Mins
    At is looking for a new henchman, and Karen shares her concerns with Gaby. Liam asks Zee to do him a favour while Annelize plays cat and mouse with a journalist.
  • Episode 233

    Episode 233 - 22 Mins
    It becomes clear that Elton is trying to gain Tertius's favour. Marissa realises what the origin of Chanel's problem is and it pits her against Brandon. The board is at loggerheads over Jeremy.
  • Episode 234

    Episode 234 - 22 Mins
    Chanel and Brandon have a huge fight. Zee's words don't fall on deaf ears, and Conrad gets confirmation of his suspicions - and decides not to bite his tongue.
  • Episode 235

    Episode 235 - 22 Mins
    Marissa rubs salt in Brandon's wounds, and Jeremy makes it very clear who his next target is. Martin's strange behaviour hurts Chanel, and At tries to reach out to Louis.
  • Episode 236

    Episode 236 - 22 Mins
    Zee sees something that she shouldn't, and the men in Chanel's life are not the only reason for her rollercoaster of emotions. Jeremy's interview with At holds big consequences.
  • Episode 237

    Episode 237 - 22 Mins
    Pressure is mounting on Conrad to do something about At, but At is tough as nails. Zee is at the right place - but the wrong time. Annelize's fighting spirit is awakened.
  • Episode 238

    Episode 238 - 22 Mins
    Marissa and Brandon are at loggerheads. A newspaper article - and a quote - makes Annelize see red. Zee talks to Karen about Liam. Martin tries to explain his decision.
  • Episode 239

    Episode 239 - 23 Mins
    Chanel decides about her operation. Conrad and Annelize, for the first time in a long while, do not see eye to eye on the long road ahead, and At is prepared to play very dirty.
  • Episode 240

    Episode 240 - 22 Mins
    The big decision regarding Binneland's future rests heavily on Conrad's shoulders. Elton praises Hugo in a unique way, while Zee is caught off guard with news.
  • Episode 241

    Episode 241 - 22 Mins
    Pressure is applied to reveal all of Binneland's secrets, while Steve is not happy with Conrad's idea. Brandon gives Conrad something to think about.
  • Episode 242

    Episode 242 - 22 Mins
    Tertius is determined to stop At's influence. Marissa gets unexpected news - and an invite! Tracy tries to find out more about Zee, while Annelize is no longer biting her tongue.
  • Episode 243

    Episode 243 - 23 Mins
    Martin's eyes open regarding his future while Steve is asked about Marissa's private life. Tracy thinks Tertius is unreasonable towards Zee, and Steve's time to choose sides is running out.
  • Episode 244

    Episode 244 - 22 Mins
    Tertius forces Annelize to make the biggest choice of her life. Zee digs deep to find the courage to stand up against a doctor, and a birthday surprises an unprepared Steve.
  • Episode 245

    Episode 245 - 23 Mins
    Conrad is firmly on the warpath. Chanel is uneasy about a radiant conversation, while Zee and Tertius are uncomfortable with each other. Zee opens up a little towards Tracy.
  • Episode 246

    Episode 246 - 22 Mins
    Zee is encouraged by Annelize's presence, and Tracy is not taking 'no' for an answer. Conrad gives Steve and Brandon a warning, while Steve takes Brandon to task regarding Marissa.
  • Episode 247

    Episode 247 - 23 Mins
    Annelize forces Tertius to rebuild bridges, while Conrad is not impressed with what he hears. There is more than one person that has it in for Annelize. Gaby receives an unexpected invite.
  • Episode 248

    Episode 248 - 22 Mins
    When the dust settles, Annelize realises that Conrad spoke the truth. The ER staff's unhappiness doesn't fall on deaf ears.
  • Episode 249

    Episode 249 - 22 Mins
    Chanel tells Tertius to do something to lift the morale, and Ruan doesn't want to speak to Steve about Lani. An urgent operation forces two doctors to work together.
  • Episode 250

    Episode 250 - 22 Mins
    Gaby, who acts under a certain assumption, opens up towards Rian. Vicky's shocking discovery leads to many questions, and Steve voices his opposition towards Annelize's idea.
  • Episode 251

    Episode 251 - 22 Mins
    Ruan tries to defend his choice, while Gaby's suspicions are strengthened by Rian's behaviour. Steve is not impressed with a Social Media hashtag - and it leads to a warning.
  • Episode 252

    Episode 252 - 22 Mins
    Gaby looks to Karen for an answer to Uys's question, and Ruan is not impressed with Steve's opinion. Conrad confronts Annelize about Jeremy, while Lani tries to hide one of her secrets.
  • Episode 253

    Episode 253 - 22 Mins
    Ndlovu and Steve give Annelize a headache, and Naomi can't believe what Chanel tells her. Conrad uses a different tactic to get closer to a project.
  • Episode 254

    Episode 254 - 22 Mins
    Gaby's news doesn't excite Rian, and Danny witnesses a reaction when an invite to a braai is made. Annelize confronts Conrad about his movements.
  • Episode 255

    Episode 255 - 23 Mins
    Tracy voices her concern towards Conrad when Vicky tells her what she saw. Naomi needs to share bad news, while Gaby can't talk enough about the previous night.
  • Episode 256

    Episode 256 - 22 Mins
    A piece of cheesecake is not the only reason for a visit. Conrad is concerned about his patient. Ruan has a heart-to-heart with Tracy, while Karen doesn't know where to focus her gaze.
  • Episode 257

    Episode 257 - 22 Mins
    Annelize shares news about Ndlovu's plans, and morning coffee is served with fresh honesty. Gaby plans to build a friendship, while Conrad shares good news with Tracy.
  • Episode 258

    Episode 258 - 22 Mins
    Gaby and Uys's date doesn't have the expected outcome. Conrad's business contact makes Steve a bit envious, while Zee and Tertius's stories don't gel - and Naomi is unsettled by it.
  • Episode 259

    Episode 259 - 23 Mins
    A worried Ruan trusts Danny with his heart. A big meeting causes tension, especially when Annelize wants to handle it on her own. Tracy gives Uys advice about his next date.
  • Episode 260

    Episode 260 - 22 Mins
    Tertius doesn't understand why he knows less than Delia about BlueCor. Steve is on the warpath about his car. Zee realises that she has been lied to. Uys looks to Rian for advice about Gaby.


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