The Rishantes
A thrilling Nigerian drama about power, wealth, lies and family. Seven years after the explosive events surrounding the Zamani family and Lufu Group, three Rishantes seem to be thriving, but nothing is as it seems.
Chisom Agoawuike, Mofe Duncan, Reuben Reng
Watch Full Episodes of The Rishantes
Watch The Rishantes Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 1 - 24 MinsKaza, Prof Chilota and Ahmad do a postmortem on their failed plans. Nene comes with a surprise in tow. Safari accepts to go on a trip with Halita. Matilda has an unexpected visitor.Episode 2
Episode 2 - 24 MinsAhmad worries about being discovered. Halita and safari take a trip to Vom. Kaza reveals his mission to the Rishantes.Episode 3
Episode 3 - 25 MinsAhmad solicits for Matilda's political clout. Kaza is up to no good. The past resurfaces unexpectedly for Halita.Episode 4
Episode 4 - 25 MinsDabot suspects something is amiss with Halita. Prof Chilota and Kaza come to an uneasy agreement. Adi has a plan.Episode 5
Episode 5 - 24 MinsThe new majority leader pays Matilda a visit. Rebecca lets Halita know what she thinks about Safari. Matilda is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.Episode 6
Episode 6 - 24 MinsAhmad makes moves for a future alliance. Adi makes an offer that is turned down and turns down an offer himself. Halita begins an exciting project for her brand.Episode 7
Episode 7 - 25 MinsKaza and his cohort restrategize. Safari receives a surprise at work. Matilda keeps a secret.Episode 8
Episode 8 - 25 MinsRishante group receives another tempting offer. Matilda takes a trip down memory lane. Ladi deals with unpleasant guests.Episode 9
Episode 9 - 25 MinsHalita's staffing decision is questioned by the people close to her. Tensions rise in Kaza's camp. Matilda gets an uncomfortable visitor with a heavy message.Episode 10
Episode 10 - 24 MinsAdi makes Safari an irresistible offer. Matilda stuns the country with her new stance on a matter. Halita receives a sinister gift.Episode 11
Episode 11 - 24 MinsMatilda deals with the repercussions of her decision on several levels. Matilda and Adi speculate on the source of Halita's crises.Episode 12
Episode 12 - 25 MinsMatilda asks of Ahmad and Serena's support. Safari struggles with his new chapter. Adi records a victory.Episode 14
Episode 14 - 25 MinsMatilda battles unease as things heat up at the national assembly. Ahmad is curious about Serena. Has Kaza destroyed the fabric of trust at the Rishante group?Episode 15
Episode 15 - 25 MinsAdi is starting to get frustrated with Kaza's moves. More heat at the National Assembly. Prof Chilota won't give up on Serena.Episode 16
Episode 16 - 24 MinsAdi is determined to protect Halita. Kaza fishes for information about Matilda. Matilda needs to take an urgent trip.Episode 17
Episode 17 - 24 MinsMatilda agrees for an unlikely person to travel with her. The Presidency keeps an eye on Matilda. Nene sets Prof Chilota up.Episode 18
Episode 18 - 24 MinsMatilda makes an emotional visit. Adi confirms that there is a bigger conspiracy going on about him. Safari has a frightening experience.Episode 19
Episode 19 - 24 MinsProf Chilota attempts to bond with Chukwudum. Matilda is accused on insincerity. Adi is confronted by Aregbesola. Matilda and Adi get Halita to face a horrible possibility.Episode 20
Episode 20 - 24 MinsSafari has a crunch meeting with the Rishantes. Kudus is plunged into grief by Halita's “sin”. Prof makes moves to catch an intruder.Episode 21
Episode 21 - 24 MinsNene experiences tension at home. Halita and Safari's relationship is threatened. Adi and Matilda disagree over a matter.Episode 22
Episode 22 - 24 MinsHalita receives troubling news. Prof Chilota makes discoveries. The stakes of the game rise for Matilda.Episode 23
Episode 23 - 24 MinsKaza heats things up. Halita receives another disturbing message. Safari unburdens.Episode 24
Episode 24 - 24 MinsAdi's plan goes forward. Matilda confronts Serena. Halita has an important visitor.Episode 25
Episode 25 - 24 MinsHalita hosts a guest. Matilda hosts a compelling delegation. Things heat up again in Kaza's camp.Episode 26
Episode 26 - 24 MinsHalita seeks solace in Vom. Adi toughens up in his quest to buy Rishante group shares. Ladi is confronted with the past.Episode 27
Episode 27 - 24 MinsDabot supports Halita, Matilda has a showdown with Kaza. Nene is determined to find someone for Chuks.Episode 28
Episode 28 - 24 MinsMatilda has her party members upset. Safari is getting impatient. Adi has an unexpected visitor.Episode 29
Episode 29 - 24 MinsDabot gets things off his chest. Adi scores a victory. Kudus encounters a snag in his quest to spread the gospel. Savannah and safari strike gold.Episode 30
Episode 30 - 24 MinsHalita returns. Nene faces off with Lolo on Amaka and Chuks's relationship, a mishap at Rishantea affects Matilda's image.Episode 31
Episode 31 - 24 MinsNene stumbles on something that leaves her excited. Matilda demands results from Ahmad. Halita has a surprise visitor.Episode 32
Episode 32 - 24 MinsHalita, Matilda and Adi battle with winds of contention from every angle. Adi hits it off with the mining expert. Strong forces gather against Matilda.Episode 33
Episode 33 - 24 MinsSy Johnson makes steady progress in his investigations. Serena proffers a solution to Matilda's bad press. Matilda makes a declaration.Episode 34
Episode 34 - 24 MinsThe aftermath of Matilda's declarations brings its fair share of chaos. Serena is concerned about waning trust. Sy Johnson searches further.Episode 35
Episode 35 - 24 MinsChilota makes a play at the object of his infatuation. Adi reveals his tactics to an enemy. Halita acts on an unpleasant matter.Episode 36
Episode 36 - 24 MinsHalita's dangerous encounter continues. Ladi is shocked with new information. Matilda seeks help from a developing foe.Episode 37
Episode 37 - 24 MinsKaza gets new information about Ahmad. Halita is visited by an old friend. Chilota receives disturbing news.Episode 38
Episode 38 - 24 MinsMatilda and Gehazi have a heart to heart, Balami offers Ladi a shoulder to cry on. Kaza and Prof have a tense meeting, Safari and Savannah make headway with their plans.Episode 39
Episode 39 - 25 MinsSerena and Kaza prepare for their trip. Adi is treading dangerous grounds. Adi receives catastrophic information at work.Episode 40
Episode 40 - 25 MinsHalita tries to find out who hacked Rishantea. Majority leader, Senator Igho, confronts Matilda with rumors of her latest political move.Episode 41
Episode 41 - 24 MinsKaza and Prof Chilota have a falling out. Halita discovers Dabot's aliment. Matilda gets a shocking revelation.Episode 42
Episode 42 - 24 MinsLadi considers a relationship with Balami. Adi and Segi talk, Serena and Kaza go on a romantic getaway.Episode 43
Episode 43 - 24 MinsKaza and Serena go on a romantic getaway, Halita takes matters into her own hands. Matilda reminds Adi of what is important. Safari finally makes some progress.Episode 44
Episode 44 - 24 MinsSerena is distraught at being discovered by Nene. Safari and Savannah infiltrate Rishante Group. Gehazi gives Matilda some shocking news.Episode 45
Episode 45 - 24 MinsMatilda and Gehazi have an honest conversation, Safari makes a deal with the devil. Kaza assuages Serena's worries, Adi gets himself into boiling water.Episode 46
Episode 46 - 25 MinsMatilda gives Halita some advice, Igoh agrees to a meeting with the evil trio. Sy Johnson gets more insight into Barney's activities.Episode 47
Episode 47 - 24 MinsAde Darius refuses to help Halita, Sy Johnson has a conversation with Mbasiti. Halita confronts Sy, Serena receives a questionable gift from Kaza.Episode 48
Episode 48 - 25 MinsKaza struggles to explain himself out of a situation. Mallum reads Sy Johnson the riot act.Episode 49
Episode 49 - 24 MinsSenator Igho takes a swipe at Matilda. Halita receives troubling information. Matilda is confronted by something surprising.Episode 50
Episode 50 - 24 MinsMatilda accuses Kaza of trying to take over Rishante land. Halita needs a lawyer. Adi is confronted unexpectedly.Episode 51
Episode 51 - 24 MinsHalita is at the end of her rope. Senator Igho barks up the wrong tree. Kaza shocks Serena with a difficult request.Episode 52
Episode 52 - 24 MinsHalita prepares to face the law. Animosities rise between Kaza and the Rishantes. Matilda finds the support she wanted.Episode 53
Episode 53 - 24 MinsMatilda makes a stunning announcement. Halita and Safari meet in an awkward place. Kudus delivers a troubling message.Episode 54
Episode 54 - 25 MinsSerena, Joyce, and Ahmad struggle to adjust to Matilda's new reality. Safari refuses to talk to Halita. Sy Johnson oversteps his boundaries.Episode 55
Episode 55 - 24 MinsSerena defuses a tense situation. Adi gets a troubling revelation. Concerned about Matilda, two friends make her reflect.Episode 56
Episode 56 - 25 MinsKaza has an encounter with Halita. Matilda makes her stance clear on Ahmad. Startling evidence emerge, it rocks Adi.Episode 57
Episode 57 - 24 MinsThe Rishantes wait with trepidation for news that may change the trajectory of their lives. Mbasiti makes a bold move.Episode 58
Episode 58 - 24 MinsNene's dramatic plan takes a wrong turn. Matilda graciously gives audience to a foe. Halita makes an unexpected decision.Episode 59
Episode 59 - 25 MinsHalita has a sit down with Mallum. Kudus comes to Rebecca with disturbing information. Igoh is given a picture of a nefarious plot in government.Episode 60
Episode 60 - 24 MinsMatilda and Igoh come to an agreement. Kaza and Karika engage in a war of words. Sy Johnson makes a vital discovery.Episode 61
Episode 61 - 24 MinsMatilda fires Serena and finds out about Ahmad, Chilota and Kaza's alliance.Episode 62
Episode 62 - 24 MinsThe Rishantes and Chilotas have family dinner. Matilda has a strategy meeting with Igoh, Halita and Tutu receive an incriminating video.Episode 63
Episode 63 - 25 MinsLadi babysits Wamari. Chucks flirts with Tutu, Halita chases down a lead.Episode 64
Episode 64 - 25 MinsNene tells Matilda about Serena and Kaza. Sy accosts Tutu. Adi and Halita team up with Safari and Savannah to identify the blackmailer.Episode 65
Episode 65 - 24 MinsMatilda makes Prof Chilota an offer, Adi and Matilda finally come face to face with the blackmailer.Episode 66
Episode 66 - 24 MinsJoyce settles in as Chief of Staff and learns there would be repercussions. Secrets are revealed and received with varying reactions.Episode 67
Episode 67 - 25 MinsHalita is rocked by the revelations from her blackmailer. Matilda experiences more pressure from the President. Kaza makes a shocking visit.Episode 68
Episode 68 - 25 MinsHalita gets wind of the plot being hatched against her. Serena has a visitor. Adi cuts a choice deal.Episode 69
Episode 69 - 24 MinsA piece of news rocks Adi's world. Joyce is given multiple hints about a threat. The Presidency has a new request.Episode 70
Episode 70 - 24 MinsHalita puts Meghan Arkula in a tight spot. Matilda's interview doesn't go as planned. Sy has come to a crossroad.Episode 71
Episode 71 - 24 MinsMatilda is placed in a tight corner by the Presidency. Where is Halita? News about Somma's pregnancy comes in.Episode 72
Episode 72 - 24 MinsAhmad is desperate to see Matilda. Balami makes an impromptu declaration. A new lead as to Halita's whereabouts pops up.Episode 74
Episode 74 - 24 MinsHalita's abduction takes a puzzling turn. Matilda finally sees Ahmad and takes him by surprise.Episode 75
Episode 75 - 24 MinsKarika keeps heating up the polity. Halita gets more disturbing news. Kaza is determined to succeed.Episode 76
Episode 76 - 24 MinsNene meets with the Dabots. Adetutu reveals a secret to Chuks. Kudus finds himself in an entanglement, how does he get out?Episode 77
Episode 77 - 25 MinsThe Rishantes seek to right a wrong. Prof follows up on an ultimatum. Adi and Matilda make game-changing discoveries.Episode 78
Episode 78 - 25 MinsKaza drops a new bombshell. Matilda confronts Karika. Halita and Safari have a deep discussion.Episode 79
Episode 79 - 24 MinsRishantea is launched with a lot of fanfare. Adi, Matilda and Halita sign a major deal. Matilda seeks Chilota's support.Episode 80
Episode 80 - 25 MinsAll good things must come to an end, so does bad things. Matilda makes a bold move that may backfire. Kaza revels in the fruits of his labour.
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How many seasons of The Rishantes are there?
Showmax currently has 2 seasons of The Rishantes available for streaming.

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