

Suidooster is a small shopping- and business hub near Cape Town. Here three families live and work together and share in each other's joys and sorrows: The Octobers, the Samsodiens and the Du Plooys.
Denise Newman, Cedwyn Joel, Marcel Van Heerden

Watch Full Episodes of Suidooster

Watch Suidooster Season 2

  • Episode 255

    Episode 255 - 24 Mins
    The Samsodiens wait anxiously for news after Mymoena's surgery. Bridgette and Ian struggle to process devastating news, while Tim continues to sabotage Danielle's chances with Justin.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 254

    Episode 254 - 23 Mins
    Danielle nooi uiteindelik vir Justin oor na die du Plooy-huis en die speletjies begin in alle erns. Carmen sit vas met die Octobers oor Jerome...
  • Episode 253

    Episode 253 - 23 Mins
    Carmen arrives with more upsetting news for the Octobers. Justin tries to avoid Danielle, while Tim wants to continue with their little game.
  • Episode 252

    Episode 252 - 23 Mins
    Danielle's plan to win Justin's heart is working but she is unaware of what it's doing to Tim. Devastating news awaits residents of Ruiterbosch...
  • Episode 251

    Episode 251 - 23 Mins
    AB is hopeful that Mymoena will make a recovery. Mrs J comes to bless Stella, while the tension between Carmen and her mother mounts. Jerome isn't feeling too well...
  • Episode 250

    Episode 250 - 24 Mins
    Nicole shocks Lee-Ann with an unexpected request, while Bridgette makes a life-changing decision. Mymoena is kept in a induced coma...
  • Episode 249

    Episode 249 - 23 Mins
    Everyone in Ruiterbosch is sick with worry about Mymoena. Bianca gets an unexpected visitor who could change her life with the new baby.
  • Episode 248

    Episode 248 - 23 Mins
    Carmen realises she still has feelings for Jerome, while Michelle is haunted by her second miscarriage. The Samsodiens are faced with great adversity…
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 247

    Episode 247 - 22 Mins
    Die Justin-Danielle-Tim driehoek span al stywer. Bridgette en Nicole het 'n uitval, en Stefan plaas druk op Michelle vir 'n gesin, onbewus van haar onlangse tragedie. Bianca gaan in kraam...
  • Episode 246

    Episode 246 - 23 Mins
    Jerome misses the old days with Carmen. Nicole fishes about the state of Lee-Ann and Ian's relationship, while Mymoena reaches out to Bridgette.
  • Episode 245

    Episode 245 - 23 Mins
    Carmen puts pressure on Jerome to finalise their divorce, while Nicci shares a few home truths with her mother. Stefan is back and his welcome home party almost turns sour.
  • Episode 244

    Episode 244 - 24 Mins
    Ismail says goodbye to the Samsodiens. Jerome thinks Bianca is hiding him from her family, while Chris is concerned about what Tim and Danielle are up to.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 243

    Episode 243 - 24 Mins
    Danielle probeer 'n onwillige Tim steeds oorreed om haar te help om Justin se oog te vang. Bridgette neem 'n groot stap, maar Ismail word herinner aan Ian se dreigemente.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 242

    Episode 242 - 23 Mins
    Ian wil veg vir sy huwelik met Bridgette, maar dit lyk of sy finaal op Ismail besluit het. Jerome en Bianca is onseker oor wat presies Carmen se terugkeer beteken.
  • Episode 241

    Episode 241 - 24 Mins
    Mrs J tries to convince Lee-Ann to give up control of the centre, while Jerome and Nicole find out that they are going to be shareholders in Suidooster.
  • Episode 240

    Episode 240 - 23 Mins
    Michelle bravely hosts Bianca's stork tea. Mrs J makes a shocking announcement and Nicole does something completely unexpected with her knowledge of the affair.
  • Episode 239

    Episode 239 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette is caught between a rock and a hard place. Bianca takes on Ian October and an unexpected visitor shows up at Oos-Wes.
  • Episode 238

    Episode 238 - 23 Mins
    Michelle shares upsetting news with Bianca. Justin's first day at Oos-Wes is a struggle, and Ismail finds out that Mymoena went to see Bridgette behind his back.
  • Episode 237

    Episode 237 - 24 Mins
    AB surprises Michelle with his plans for the future but she has other pressing matters to attend to. Mymoena decides to get involved with Ismail's private affairs.
  • Episode 236

    Episode 236 - 23 Mins
    AB has a difficult choice to make regarding Bridgette and Ismail's affair. Mymoena is unsure if Jerome is the right man for Bianca, and Ian and Danielle get to know each other better.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 235

    Episode 235 - 24 Mins
    Nicole wil dinge uitwerk met Rhafiek, en Ismail probeer om sy verhouding met Bridgette van Mymoena af weg te hou. Jerome het 'n verrassing vir Bianca, terwyl Chris sy nuwe huurder ontmoet.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 234

    Episode 234 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette verwerp Ian se pogings om meer beleefd en romanties te wees. Danielle vind uiteindelik uit van die liefdesdriehoek op kantoor en Lee-Ann fnuik Ian en Tim se planne vir die sentrum.
  • Episode 233

    Episode 233 - 23 Mins
    Michelle and Mymoena decide to plan a baby shower. Mrs J has a serious talk with Ian but she may be too late.
  • Episode 232

    Episode 232 - 23 Mins
    AB is unhappy about Jerome and Bianca's relationship. Rhafiek tries to get an answer from Nicole regarding the future of their relationship, while Bridgette is at a crossroad in her life.
  • Episode 231

    Episode 231 - 23 Mins
    Danielle's accommodation pickle gives Tim a bright idea. Bridgette is close to breaking point and Ismail's rash actions could be the last straw.
  • Episode 230

    Episode 230 - 24 Mins
    Bridgette tries her best to protect her secret affair with Ismail. Chris wants to make amends with Lee-Ann, but she is unable to forgive him.
  • Episode 229

    Episode 229 - 24 Mins
    Bridgette wants to spend Valentine's evening with Ismail, but Ian has something else in mind. Tim is eager for Ian to get rid of Lee-Ann, and Mymoena starts to lose patience with AB.
  • Episode 228

    Episode 228 - 24 Mins
    Tim and Danielle do something naughty, and Danielle tempts Nicole. AB is at wits' end regarding a romantic surprise for Mymoena, while Ian tries to get rid of Lee-Ann.
  • Episode 227

    Episode 227 - 23 Mins
    AB wants to get into Mymoena good books. Chris desperately tries to connect with Lee-Ann again, while Ismail and Bridgette narrowly escape from being discovered.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 226

    Episode 226 - 24 Mins
    Chris keer terug van Pretoria, maar Lee-Ann is nog lank nie reg om te vergewe en vergeet nie. Mymoena het groot planne vir haar en AB, en Jerome maak sy hart oop teenoor Bianca.
  • Episode 225

    Episode 225 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette returns from Mauritius but doesn't get a very warm welcome from her family. Lee-Ann appoints a new receptionist at Suidooster Properties. Rhafiek has a serious discussion with Jerome.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 224

    Episode 224 - 23 Mins
    Stefan kry 'n geleentheid om 'n kookkursus in Italia by te woon, maar gaan hy dit aangryp? Lee-Ann en Ian trek opnuut tou oor die mag by Suidooster Eiendomme.
  • Episode 223

    Episode 223 - 23 Mins
    Nicole is back at home and struggles to adjust. Jerome and Bianca are pressured by the Samsodiens to remain friends only, while Stefan and Michelle dream big.
  • Episode 222

    Episode 222 - 24 Mins
    Rhafiek is devastated when he doesn't hear from Nicole. Ismail gets a gig in Mauritius and invites Bridgette along. Jerome and Bianca finally go on their date and end up in a vegan restaurant.
  • Episode 221

    Episode 221 - 24 Mins
    Chris tries to patch things up with Lee-Ann, while Rhafiek struggles to take his mind off Nicci. Lee-Ann finds someone to blame for all her misfortunes.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 220

    Episode 220 - 24 Mins
    Jerome praat met Bianca oor hulle vriendskap. Ian stres meer oor sy geld as oor enigiemand se welstand. Tim en Rhafiek is ewe seergemaak as Nicole weggaan sonder om te groet.
  • Episode 219

    Episode 219 - 23 Mins
    Nicole has a serious discussion with Rhafiek about the future of their relationship. Mrs J is grateful that Chris and Ian saved Lee-Ann, but they are worried about what she knows.
  • Episode 218

    Episode 218 - 24 Mins
    Chris finds a clue to where Lee-Ann is being held, but will he be in time to save her? Tim and Rhafiek is forced to bury the hatchet. Bridgette finds solace in Ismail's arms once more.
  • Episode 217

    Episode 217 - 24 Mins
    Rhafiek and the Octobers plan an intervention to help Nicole. Chris decides to hand himself in to the police, but Ian has other plans, while Lee-Ann becomes desperate to get help.
  • Episode 216

    Episode 216 - 24 Mins
    Jerome attempts to treat a highly pregnant Bianca with sushi and chocolate mousse. Bridgette is bored and asks Ian for work, while Charlie reveals exactly how Henry Jacobs died.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 215

    Episode 215 - 24 Mins
    Nicole het 'n afspraak met 'n psigiater, maar sal sy gaan? Ismail glo hy en Bridgette verdien om saam te wees, terwyl Chris en Ian instruksies ontvang oor hoe om Lee-Ann terug te kry...
  • Episode 214

    Episode 214 - 24 Mins
    Rhafiek confesses his concerns to AB and sets Nicci an ultimatum. Mrs J decides to look for Lee-Ann on her own. Bianca is livid when she realises that Jerome has a date with one of her school friends.
  • Episode 213

    Episode 213 - 23 Mins
    Mrs J is worried about Lee-Ann and decides to go to the police. Ian and Chris receive a second video recording, while Bridgette is excited about a special appointment.
  • Episode 212

    Episode 212 - 24 Mins
    Lee-Ann is in danger and Chris believes Ian is behind her disappearance. Bridgette can't decide whether she should go to Ismail's exhibition or not. Nicole finds it ever harder to hide her eating disorder.
  • Episode 211

    Episode 211 - 24 Mins
    Both Rhafiek and Tim monitor Nicole's every move. Bridgette decides to create some distance between her and Ismail. Lee-Ann is nowhere to be found.
  • Episode 210

    Episode 210 - 24 Mins
    Bridgette tries her best to avoid Ismail, while Rhafiek and Tim are at loggerheads over Nicole's wellbeing. Lee-Ann discovers something about Chris's past that changes her view of him.
  • Episode 209

    Episode 209 - 24 Mins
    Rhafiek goes out of his way to show Nicci what she means to him and Tim realises he's finally lost her. Ian and Chris pull a risky manoeuvre to get rid of Charlie.
  • Episode 208

    Episode 208 - 23 Mins
    Rhafiek confronts Tim about Nicole's visit to his house, and the Samsodiens invite the Octobers for dinner. Ian comes up with a plan so that Charlie will no longer be able to blackmail him and Chris.
  • Episode 207

    Episode 207 - 24 Mins
    Rhafiek finds out about Nicci's visit to Tim, while Chris and Ian are urgently trying to find Charlie. Meanwhile Bridgette and Ismail are spending a lot of time together.
  • Episode 206

    Episode 206 - 24 Mins
    New information about Charlie comes to light. Nicole is still stuck in a negative spiral, and Bridgette is eager to help with Ismail's exhibition.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 205

    Episode 205 - 23 Mins
    Nicole se strop trek nou, sy val amper flou en Tim konfronteer haar daaroor. Lee-Ann vind uit van Rhafiek se werksaanbod, terwyl Ian en Chris vir Charlie probeer afpers om te verdwyn.
  • Episode 204

    Episode 204 - 23 Mins
    Jerome has an unexpected setback just before the performance. Bridgette tries to do Ismail a favour but offends him in the process. Mrs J and Mymoena get a huge surprise.
  • Episode 203

    Episode 203 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette feels rejected and decides to go out all on her own. Chris tries his best to keep Lee-Ann away from Charlie. Meanwhile Mymoena and Mrs J's show is heading for disaster.
  • Episode 202

    Episode 202 - 23 Mins
    It seems the show is doomed, and Mrs J's patience is wearing thin. Rhafiek accuses Nicole of still having feelings for Tim, and Lee-Ann confronts Charlie about his remark the day before.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 201

    Episode 201 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena en Mrs J sit vas, en hulle repetisies verloop nie volgens plan nie. Almal is steeds bekommerd oor Nicole se vreemde optrede, terwyl Bridgette onverwags 'n uitnodiging kry.
  • Episode 200

    Episode 200 - 23 Mins
    Rehearsals are underway for Mrs J's play, but not everyone is pulling their weight. Charlie is becoming a thorn in the side of Ian and Chris. Rhafiek finds it impossible to choose between Nicole and his career.
  • Episode 199

    Episode 199 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette discovers that Lee-Ann had a part to play in Charlie's new job. Mrs J steals Mymoena's idea, and the Gerbers get more action at their Christmas party than they bargained for.
  • Episode 198

    Episode 198 - 23 Mins
    Nicole is upset when Rhafiek considers a move to Durban. Ian wants Chris to give Charlie a job so that he can keep an eye on him. Ismail is forced to dig into his savings.
  • Episode 197

    Episode 197 - 23 Mins
    Nicole's behaviour is becoming stranger by the minute. Rhafiek has a very important decision to make. Mrs J and Mymoena argue over their play, while Lee-Ann is determined to help Charlie.
  • Episode 196

    Episode 196 - 23 Mins
    Jerome makes the Gerbers second-guess their new friends, while Nicole and Rhafiek are at loggerheads about his interview. Charlie van Zyl oversteps his boundaries.
  • Episode 195

    Episode 195 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena is upset when Ismail shares his new plans with her. Jerome becomes increasingly jealous of the friendship between the Gerbers and their neighbours.
  • Episode 194

    Episode 194 - 23 Mins
    Ian and Chris find Charlie's presence in Ruiterbosch upsetting. The Samsodiens are overjoyed when Ismail gets a chance to exhibit his photographs, but will he make use of this opportunity?
  • Episode 193

    Episode 193 - 23 Mins
    Ian is livid when he finds out about Lee-Ann's visit to Charlie, while Lee-Ann dreads the man's release. Ismail's work prospects look brighter and the Gerbers finally meet their mysterious neighbours.
  • Episode 192

    Episode 192 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann wants to know the truth about her father's death but is not prepared for what she discovers. The Gerbers must patch things up with their neighbours.
  • Episode 191

    Episode 191 - 23 Mins
    Michelle wants to contact the police about the neighbours' activities. Lee-Ann confesses her dark past to Jerome, while Chris and Ian try to keep the truth from her.
  • Episode 190

    Episode 190 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann doesn't know how to process the pain of her father's death. Michelle is fed up with the neighbours and Ismail starts making his dream a reality.
  • Episode 189

    Episode 189 - 23 Mins
    Stefan and Michelle decide to throw an impromptu housewarming. Lee-Ann thinks Mrs J is avoiding reality, while Nicole does her best to convince Rhafiek to return to work.
  • Episode 188

    Episode 188 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette is upset because her father's murderer will soon be released from prison. Rhafiek has a meeting with Lee-Ann and Ian, while Michelle believes the Sea Breeze complex is haunted.
  • Episode 187

    Episode 187 - 23 Mins
    The pressure keeps mounting on Tim after Ian busted him, while Mymoena tries to support Ismail. Mrs J receives shocking news, which could derail the lives of everyone in Ruiterbosch.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 186

    Episode 186 - 22 Mins
    Mymoena is behep met Ismail se bevordering, waaroor hy volgens haar nie opgewonde genoeg is nie. Rhafiek se vermoedens oor Tim word sterker en die bedrogsaak word tot 'n spits gedryf.
  • Episode 185

    Episode 185 - 23 Mins
    Ian has a plan to expose Tim's deceit but keeps Lee-Ann in the dark. Ian makes Chris uneasy.
  • Episode 184

    Episode 184 - 23 Mins
    Chris believes the time is right to make his relationship with Lee-Ann public. Tim is worried that Ian will reveal his secret. Rhafiek is on a mission to clear his name and Mymoena gets an unexpected visitor.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 183

    Episode 183 - 22 Mins
    Ian en Rhafiek se mekaar die stryd aan, maar iets wat Ian hoor, laat hom twyfel in Rhafiek se skuld. Jerome jaag aan by die werk. Michelle is in die wolke oor Stefan se verrassing.
  • Episode 182

    Episode 182 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette discovers where Jerome is working and makes a decision that Ian is not happy about. Stefan has a surprise for Michelle, while Rhafiek tries to find out who is sabotaging him.
  • Episode 181

    Episode 181 - 23 Mins
    As new evidence comes to light, even Nicole starts to believe Rhafiek might be guilty. Jerome is thoroughly enjoying his job at Oos-Wes, while Lee-­Ann tries her best to make peace with Tim.
  • Episode 180

    Episode 180 - 23 Mins
    Mrs J makes breakfast for Lee-Ann and Chris but finds the situation unbearable. Bianca reassures Stefan that he's not her baby's father and she finally confides in Mymoena.
  • Episode 179

    Episode 179 - 23 Mins
    Rhafiek tries to convince everyone that his suspension will be lifted, while Jerome is looking for a job. Bianca gets excited about her pregnancy, until Stefan wants to know who the father is...
  • Episode 178

    Episode 178 - 23 Mins
    Stefan is convinced that Michelle is pregnant but when he confronts her, she forcefully denies it. Rhafiek gets an unpleasant surprise.
  • Episode 177

    Episode 177 - 23 Mins
    Stefan thinks Michelle might be hiding something from him. Lee­Ann thinks there is something fishy with a payment at Sea Breeze and asks Chris to investigate. Kaye and Lauren get a surprise visit.
  • Episode 176

    Episode 176 - 23 Mins
    Stefan struggles with unforeseen problems before the launch of the pizza evenings at Oos-Wes, and the tension between Tim and Lee-Ann goes from bad to worse.
  • Episode 175

    Episode 175 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann is determined to find out if a tenant's complaints about Rhafiek are valid. Jerome gets upsetting news and cancels his media interview. Kaye reveals a painful secret.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 174

    Episode 174 - 23 Mins
    Ian het 'n strategie om die publiek se persepsie van Jerome te verander. Tim se onderduimse plan word al hoe duideliker en Bianca se houding oor haar swangerskap verwar Michelle.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 173

    Episode 173 - 23 Mins
    Rhafiek beland in die moeilikheid by die werk. Kaye probeer Lauren oorreed om huis toe te kom en Stefan gaan voort met sy planne om die pizza-oond te installeer.
  • Episode 172

    Episode 172 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette is livid when she realises that Ian is lying to her, while Lee-Ann struggles to leave Chris's side. Mymoena supports Kaye in a difficult time and Lauren opens her heart to Mrs J.
  • Episode 171

    Episode 171 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette realises that Jerome is not coping with his situation. Rhafiek surprises Mymoena, and Nicole tries to make peace with Michelle.
  • Episode 170

    Episode 170 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena is still determined to meet her Hollywood idol. Chris makes an important decision regarding his job at Suidooster and his relationship with Lee­Ann.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 169

    Episode 169 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena se Tafelberg-planne word gefnuik. Rhafiek vind uit Tim is weer agter Nicci aan, en Jerome vat Ian aan oor sy aandeel in die koerantberig.
  • Episode 168

    Episode 168 - 23 Mins
    Jerome's life turns into a nightmare when Kaye contacts the local newspaper. Lee-Ann directs her anger towards Stefan at Chris, and Tim enjoys the distress his theatrics have caused.
  • Episode 167

    Episode 167 - 23 Mins
    The Octobers receive some welcome news but at the Engelbrecht house matters spiral out of control. AB puts his foot down regarding Rhafiek and Nicole.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 166

    Episode 166 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette en Nicole besoek Jerome, maar hy is nie lus vir gaste nie. Rhafiek en Nicole se verhouding bly nie meer lank 'n geheim nie en Ian besluit om Kaye te gaan besoek.
  • Episode 165

    Episode 165 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena's binge-watching is taking its toll. The October parents finally find out about Jerome's situation and Stefan gets a bright idea for Oos-Wes.
  • Episode 164

    Episode 164 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette suspects her disappearance didn't have the desired effect and Kaye's anger towards Jerome reaches breaking point.
  • Episode 163

    Episode 163 - 23 Mins
    Michelle is hesitant to give Lauren's envelope to Jerome. Tim continues to manipulate Nicole, while Stefan is scared that Bianca will come clean about their night of passion.
  • Episode 162

    Episode 162 - 23 Mins
    Lauren makes it clear that she will never testify against Jerome. Nicole catches Tim off guard when she returns something that is long overdue.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 161

    Episode 161 - 23 Mins
    Jerome soek ondersteuning by Nicole wanneer hy uitvind die situasie met Lauren is ernstiger as wat hulle gedink het. Ian probeer Bridgette oorreed om huis toe te kom.
  • Episode 160

    Episode 160 - 23 Mins
    Jerome is stunned when a detective shows up to talk to him about Lauren. Mymoena struggles to tear herself away from the TV and Tim continues his manipulative game with Nicole.
  • Episode 159

    Episode 159 - 23 Mins
    Jerome is in deep trouble with Kaye about his relationship with Lauren. Stefan struggles to keep head above water at Oos-Wes, while Michelle is ready for a challenge.
  • Episode 158

    Episode 158 - 23 Mins
    Ian appoints Nicole on the RDP project, while Stefan has a tough day at Oos-Wes. Kaye finds out more about Jerome and the real nature of Lauren's connection to him.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 157

    Episode 157 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena sukkel om haar gevoelens oor Bianca se moontlike trek na Kuruman te verbloem. Kaye raak al meer agterdogtig oor die persoon wat Lauren se hart gebreek het.
  • Episode 156

    Episode 156 - 23 Mins
    Kaye confronts Lauren about lying to her. Mymoena stresses about Bianca's adoptive parents, while Tim torments Nicole and Jerome realises that Lauren could have landed him in big trouble.
  • Episode 155

    Episode 155 - 24 Mins
    It's a sad day for the people of Ruiterbosch as they say goodbye to their beloved oom Fasie. Lauren is heartbroken about Jerome, and Nicole plans a surprise for Rhafiek.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 154

    Episode 154 - 24 Mins
    Ian, Nicole en Lee-Ann is dringend op soek na Bridgette en vra Chris om hulle te help. Mrs J is hartseer oor Fasie wat uit Ruiterbosch weggaan. Jerome vind iets skokkends uit oor Lauren.
  • Episode 153

    Episode 153 - 24 Mins
    Fasie reaches a crossroads in his relationship with Hanna: is he ready to forgive? Bridgette goes missing. Bianca decides to tell her adopted family about the pregnancy.
  • Episode 152

    Episode 152 - 24 Mins
    Tim taunts Nicole about her relationship with Rhafiek and Hanna wants Fasie to return with her to Bloemfontein. Lauren is forced to withdraw from the October Drive.
  • Episode 151

    Episode 151 - 23 Mins
    Fasie makes a breakthrough with his therapy and Bridgette makes the final arrangements for the October Drive.
  • Episode 150

    Episode 150 - 24 Mins
    Mymoena is shocked by Bianca's actions, while Tim messes up Rhafiek's attempts to delay his trip to Johannesburg. Jerome finds himself in a new dilemma with Lauren.
  • Episode 149

    Episode 149 - 23 Mins
    The Du Plooys give Stefan and Michelle advice about the ring. Lauren fears that Jerome will discover her secret and Bianca has a very important decision to make.
  • Episode 148

    Episode 148 - 23 Mins
    Chris is worried about the bond forming between Tim and Ian. Stefan makes Fasie an offer. Lauren lies about her whereabouts, while Jerome impresses with a presentation for the October Drive.
  • Episode 147

    Episode 147 - 24 Mins
    Hanna no longer thinks it was a good idea to come to Ruiterbosch. Nicole and Rhafiek's relationship become more intense, while Kaye is worried about her daughter's whereabouts.
  • Episode 146

    Episode 146 - 23 Mins
    Nicole and Rhafiek try to keep their relationship a secret. Stefan makes a decision about the ring, while AB tries to convince Bianca to contact Derick.
  • Episode 145

    Episode 145 - 24 Mins
    Stefan places an ad about the ring and gets an overwhelming response. Bianca goes for her first sonar and reveals her secret. Fasie's sister Hanna arrives to surprise him.
  • Episode 144

    Episode 144 - 23 Mins
    Nicole and Rhafiek are madly in love but decide to keep their romance a secret from the people of Ruiterbosch. Jerome's business plans gather momentum.
  • Episode 143

    Episode 143 - 23 Mins
    Ian puts immense pressure on Jerome. New information about the diamond ring results in new challenges for Michelle and Stefan. Rhafiek refuses to stay out of Nicci's life any longer.
  • Episode 142

    Episode 142 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette confronts Jerome about his fight with his father. Oom Fasie is discharged from hospital and Mymoena realises she might have bitten off more than she can chew.
  • Episode 141

    Episode 141 - 23 Mins
    Jerome mulls over Ian's offer to return to Suidooster Properties, while Michelle is still desperate to find the valuable ring. Fasie has difficulty accepting his condition.
  • Episode 140

    Episode 140 - 24 Mins
    Bianca haat dit dat AB en Mymoena in haar sake inmeng. Lee-Ann stel voor dat die jongmense aan spanbousessies deelneem. Ian probeer Jerome omkoop om terug na Suidooster Eiendomme te kom.
  • Episode 139

    Episode 139 - 23 Mins
    Ian and Lee-Ann try to sort out the problem between Rhafiek and Tim. Mrs. J convinces Lee-Ann to make amends with Bridgette. Ian is worried about his son, while Bianca struggles to accept her pregnancy.
  • Episode 138

    Episode 138 - 24 Mins
    Nicole and Tim both try to make sense of their derailed wedding day. Michelle is anxious about the valuable ring in her possession and Bianca is convinced AB no longer wants her in his home.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 137

    Episode 137 - 23 Mins
    Stefan probeer Carmen kontak om meer informasie oor die ring te kry. Bianca voel ongemaklik in die Samsodiens se huis na sy vir AB en Mymoena die waarheid vertel het, terwyl Nicole tussen Rhafiek en Tim vasgevang is.
  • Episode 136

    Episode 136 - 23 Mins
    Mymoena is worried about Bianca, and Tim returns to work. Stefan and Michelle find out what the diamond ring is worth, while Mrs. J just wants her daughters to get along.
  • Episode 135

    Episode 135 - 23 Mins
    Bianca keeps her big news to herself and Tim is back in Ruiterbosch. Michelle must convince Stefan that the diamond ring doesn't belong to her.
  • Episode 134

    Episode 134 - 24 Mins
    Tim is still missing, while Stefan confronts Michelle about the ring he found in her jewelry box. Bianca takes decisive steps to find out what's wrong with her.
  • Episode 133

    Episode 133 - 23 Mins
    Tim has disappeared after Nicole left him at the altar, and everyone is concerned about his whereabouts. Lee-Ann's first day at work as stakeholder in Suidooster Properties doesn't quite go as planned…
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 132

    Episode 132 - 24 Mins
    Tim en Nicole se troue verloop nie volgens plan nie. AB vat Rhafiek vas oor sy gevoelens vir Nicole, terwyl Mrs. J skuldig voel omdat sy met die troue ingemeng het.
  • Episode 131

    Episode 131 - 23 Mins
    Rhafiek must make a difficult decision, while Stefan is still struggling with the wedding cake. Nicole is getting cold feet about the wedding, while Chris gives both Tim and Mrs. J a gift.
  • Episode 130

    Episode 130 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette is livid about Ian and Lee-Ann's new partnership. Chris hopes to reconcile with Lee-Ann, while Rhafiek struggles to control his feelings for Nicole, on the eve of her wedding.
  • Episode 129

    Episode 129 - 23 Mins
    Ian must find a way to get rid of Lee-Ann, while Tim tries to find out how much Nicole knows about her father's business dealings. Bianca feels left out when Stefan and Michelle reconcile.
  • Episode 128

    Episode 128 - 24 Mins
    Ian and Lee-Ann engage in a tug of war regarding the secret of Ian's abalone smuggling. Jerome appears quite able as the latest addition to the waiting staff at Oos-Wes.
  • Episode 127

    Episode 127 - 23 Mins
    An emergency at Cape2Gold puts Ian in a difficult situation. Mrs. J goes ahead with her planning for Tim and Nicole's special day. The situation between Stefan and Bianca remains tense.
  • Episode 126

    Episode 126 - 23 Mins
    Bianca feels guilty about her and Stefan and asks Mymoena's advice. Mrs. J calls a secret meeting to discuss something important. Jerome asks Bridgette to invest money in his new business.
  • Episode 125

    Episode 125 - 22 Mins
    Chris and Lee-Ann are worried that Ian will reveal their secret. Jerome struggles to stand on his own feet and Stefan gets an opportunity to win Michelle back.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 124

    Episode 124 - 23 Mins
    Tim en Nicole se huwelik is in die weegskaal. Chris probeer wegbreek van Ian se perlemoensmokkelary, maar dis nie so maklik nie.
  • Episode 123

    Episode 123 - 23 Mins
    Ian has a spring in his step after Lee-Ann's kiss, while she must be crafty to dodge him. Stefan and Bianca comfort each other, and Nicole reaches breaking point.
  • Episode 122

    Episode 122 - 23 Mins
    Jerome asks Ian if he can have his job back. AB suspects there is something going on between Rhafiek and Nicole. Stefan forgets about the coffee shop competition.
  • Episode 121

    Episode 121 - 24 Mins
    Jerome is depressed after his father fired him. Ian continues scheming with Gerrard, while Chris becomes suspicious and decides to investigate...
  • Episode 120

    Episode 120 - 23 Mins
    The food critic visits Oos-Wes, but not all goes as well as Stefan had hoped. Ian's plans for smuggling abalone with his new secret partner gather momentum.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 119

    Episode 119 - 23 Mins
    Tim dring aan dat Rhafiek dinge met Nicole regmaak. Mrs. J kry vir sowel Lee-Ann as Chris voor stok. Chris ontmoet Lee-Ann se nuwe kliant, en dis Jerome se volgende partytjie.
  • Episode 118

    Episode 118 - 23 Mins
    Nicole wants to find out why Rhafiek is ignoring her, while Jerome sees a quick way to make money, and Mrs. J thinks that Lee-Ann should ask Gerrard out on a date.
  • Episode 117

    Episode 117 - 23 Mins
    Mrs. J takes Ian to task, and Lee-Ann introduces him to a new client from Hermanus. Stefan gets good news. Ian is tired of Jerome's laxity.
  • Episode 116

    Episode 116 - 24 Mins
    Tim seeks advice from Stefan on how to handle Nicci. Ian summons Lee-Ann to his office. Michelle and Jerome are working together more closely, and the same goes for Stefan and Bianca...
  • Episode 115

    Episode 115 - 24 Mins
    Ian gets Chris to investigate Mike Duff's abalone smuggling network. Rhafiek finds it increasingly difficult to hide his true feelings for Nicole. Stefan and Bianca join forces for the chef competition.
  • Episode 114

    Episode 114 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann takes her dismissal very personally. Ian works poor Stefan beyond the limit, while Nicole and Rhafiek dance a passionate tango.
  • Episode 113

    Episode 113 - 23 Mins
    Ian can't wait to become vice chairman of the golf club, while Stefan tries to impress Fasie with suggestions for the deli's menu. Bianca is nervous about her internship at Be-Dazzle.
  • Episode 112

    Episode 112 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann appears in the newspaper for contributing to the arrest of an abalone smuggler, and Bridgette is upset because Ian didn't receive any credit. Stefan gets excited about life again.
  • Episode 111

    Episode 111 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann hears how Chris and Ian found out about Supa Trans's smuggling and decides to take matters into her own hands. Stefan must appear in court and Ian secretly decides to assist Tim to buy a property.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 110

    Episode 110 - 22 Mins
    Bianca verkeer in lewensgevaar. Rhafiek help vir Tim met 'n verrassing vir Nicole. Chris vra vir Michelle om sin in Stefan se kop in te praat.
  • Episode 109

    Episode 109 - 23 Mins
    Bianca and Michelle both guard the secret that Derick was alone in the pharmacy, while Ian is determined to run Cape2Gold as a clean business. Stefan refuses to accept money from Michelle's family.
  • Episode 108

    Episode 108 - 23 Mins
    Nicole pulls a prank on Tim. Bianca has a confrontation with AB. Chris and Ian try to find out if Supa Trans is busy with underhanded dealings.
  • Episode 107

    Episode 107 - 24 Mins
    Fasie shares new information about Derick with AB. Chris has good news for Lee-Ann and Bianca must decide if she'll join Derick on his extended vacation.
  • Episode 106

    Episode 106 - 23 Mins
    AB is convinced he knows who swapped Mathilda's pills. Meanwhile Lee-Ann wants to find out what the true story is behind the shooting at the harbour.
  • Episode 105

    Episode 105 - 23 Mins
    Stefan urgently needs money to handle the charge of drunk driving against him. AB remains hopeful that Mathilda's domestic worker will be implicated in her death, thereby absolving him of guilt.
  • Episode 104

    Episode 104 - 23 Mins
    Fasie continues his detective work around Mathilda's death, but how will Derick react to this? Stefan finds himself in a big predicament. Chris and Lee-Ann try to give their relationship a boost.
  • Episode 103

    Episode 103 - 23 Mins
    Fasie gets to be an investigative journalist again. Chris and Lee-Anne's relationship is tested. Rhafiek gets an offer to make huge commission, while Stefan is worried about his future.
  • Episode 102

    Episode 102 - 23 Mins
    Stefan has finally found a lawyer but cannot afford his fees. Lee-Ann and Chris make plans to spend more time together. Meanwhile Bridgette had a prenuptial agreement drawn up for Nicole and Tim.
  • Episode 101

    Episode 101 - 24 Mins
    The Labarang festivities are under way. Stefans bail gets paid, but then Michelle discovers something else. Nicole is hurt by Rhafiek's attitude and AB's holy day ends on a bad note.
  • Episode 100

    Episode 100 - 24 Mins
    Stefan is in a tough situation and Bridgette has a huge surprise for Nicole. AB starts to wonder if he made a mistake with Mathilda's medication, while Derick is adamant to avenge her death.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 99

    Episode 99 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette en Ian woon 'n groot jaarlikse funksie by, terwyl Bianca met Derick wil opmaak. Michelle en Stefan se aandjie uit loop lelik skeef.
  • Episode 98

    Episode 98 - 23 Mins
    Bianca must choose between her family's and Derick. Jerome resumes his wild ways after his breakup with Carmen.
  • Episode 97

    Episode 97 - 23 Mins
    Tim wonders why Ian summoned him, while Nicole moves back home again. Bianca is spooked when Derick vows to avenge his mother's death.
  • Episode 96

    Episode 96 - 24 Mins
    The pharmacy remains closed while the police are conducting their investigation. Bridgette asks Nicole to move back home. Jerome and Carmen make an important decision regarding their future. Is this the end?
  • Episode 95

    Episode 95 - 23 Mins
    Fasie's friends try to cheer him up. Nicole wants to tell her parents about her engagement. The police is looking for Derick, Fasie and AB.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 94

    Episode 94 - 23 Mins
    Fasie sukkel om sy emosies te beheer wanneer Mathilda se roudiens aanbreek. Rhafiek wonder of hy sy gevoelens aan Nicole moet verklap, terwyl Bridgette al meer agterdogtig oor Ian en Lee-Ann se noue samewerking raak.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 93

    Episode 93 - 24 Mins
    Tim en Nicole besluit om hulle goeie nuus vir eers geheim te hou. Lee-Ann en Chris loop draaie om mekaar, terwyl sy en Ian nuwe begrip vir mekaar ontwikkel. AB se terapie help hom om iets te besef oor sy verhouding met Mymoena.
  • Episode 92

    Episode 92 - 23 Mins
    Tim packs his bags. Nicole and Shahieda both have the blues, while Fasie is full of beans after the dance the previous evening.
  • Episode 91

    Episode 91 - 24 Mins
    Tim must decide if he is going to stay in Cape Town, while Bianca is confused by Derick's strange behaviour. Chris struggles to keep his distance from Lee-Ann.
  • Episode 90

    Episode 90 - 23 Mins
    Ian shares some important news with Bridgette and Mrs J. Tim tells his father that he applied for a job elsewhere, while Rhafiek ends his relationship with Shahieda. Someone returns home.
  • Episode 89

    Episode 89 - 24 Mins
    AB battles with sleeping problems. Bridgette and Ian fight over the children. Jerome is upset about his mom and Carmen, while Tim still doesn't want to speak to Nicci.
  • Episode 88

    Episode 88 - 23 Mins
    Chris and Lee-Ann struggle to suppress their feelings for one another, and Bianca and Derick's love seems to blossom. Carmen invites the Octobers for supper at their new flat.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 87

    Episode 87 - 24 Mins
    Nicole probeer haar verhouding met Tim herstel. Mrs J begin vermoed dat Chris en Lee-Ann meer as net vriende is, terwyl Jerome uitvind van die geheim in Carmen se verlede. Rhafiek se nuwe meisie twyfel oor sy gevoelens vir haar.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 86

    Episode 86 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann het 'n moeilike besluit om te neem oor haar verhouding met Chris, terwyl Ian probeer om dinge reg te maak met Tim. Mymoena sukkel met die hardkoppige AB, en Bridgette se streke begin haar inhaal.
  • Episode 85

    Episode 85 - 22 Mins
    Tim informs his father that Ian fired him. The treasure hunt to launch the opening of Carmen's shop gets going. AB is back at work, but is clearly suffering from post-traumatic stress.
  • Episode 84

    Episode 84 - 22 Mins
    Bridgette sinks the final nail into Tim and Nicole's coffin. Fasie and Mathilda are making big plans, while Mrs J must yet again put out fires around her.
  • Episode 83

    Episode 83 - 23 Mins
    Lee-Ann struggles with tenants who refuse to renew their leases. Carmen is fired up to move in with Jerome. Tim finally speaks to Bridgette about him and Nicole.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 82

    Episode 82 - 23 Mins
    AB glo hy het genoegsaam van die skietery herstel om terug te keer werk toe, maar besef mettertyd hy is nog ver van gereed. Tim raak keelvol vir Bridgette se inmengery, terwyl Jerome opnuut glo hy kan sy verhouding met Carmen red.
  • Episode 81

    Episode 81 - 23 Mins
    Fasie wants to reconcile with Mathilda but finds it difficult to win back her trust. Ian gives Bridgette a gift and makes her a promise, but can she trust him?
  • Episode 80

    Episode 80 - 23 Mins
    Tim needs advice from Chris. The Octobers try to move on after their traumatic ordeal. Nicole is still uncomfortable with Shahieda and Rhafiek's relationship.
  • Episode 79

    Episode 79 - 22 Mins
    Ian tries to free his family. The Samsodiens are rocked by tragedy. Carmen finds herself in a struggle between the past and the present.
  • Episode 78

    Episode 78 - 23 Mins
    The hostage drama in the October house continues. Stefan is excited about his first martial arts class. Chris fears for Ian and his family's lives…
  • Episode 77

    Episode 77 - 24 Mins
    Carmen's long-awaited treasure chest finally arrives, but something she finds inside makes her sad. A hostage drama takes place in the October house.
  • Episode 76

    Episode 76 - 24 Mins
    Harry gives Ian until evening to find him the things he needs to break into the chemist. Rita begs Chris not to send her back to the sanatorium. Tim asks Nicci to make him a promise...
  • Episode 75

    Episode 75 - 23 Mins
    Rhafiek needs to accept the fact that Nicole has no intention of breaking up with Tim. Rita tries to tell someone that she knows who is responsible for the crime wave in Suidooster.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 74

    Episode 74 - 24 Mins
    Chris wants to find out if Ian is behind the wave of crime in the center. Tim is trying to reach out to Nicole again. Rhafiek meets a beautiful girl with whom he immediately gets along well.
  • Episode 73

    Episode 73 - 23 Mins
    Mrs J decides on the future of the centre after the holdup in the deli. Chris gets a phone call from Rita, while Lee-Ann becomes more suspicious of Harry.
  • Episode 72

    Episode 72 - 22 Mins
    Tim lashes out at Lee-Ann. Chris. AB informs Rhafiek that he invited Bianca and Carmen for dinner. There's big drama at the deli and someone gets hurt...
  • Episode 71

    Episode 71 - 23 Mins
    Peace has finally returned to the Samsodien household. Rhafiek almost tells Nicole how he feels about her. Chris and Tim reach breaking point: there's still no sign of Rita.
  • Episode 70

    Episode 70 - 23 Mins
    Chris and Tim are in a state of panic when Rita disappears. Michelle struggles to process her miscarriage and takes her frustrations out on Stefan.
  • Episode 69

    Episode 69 - 23 Mins
    The crime wave at Suidooster spins out of control. Panic sets in when AB can't get hold of Mymoena after a big accident on the highway. Rita's paranoia makes her lose self-control.
  • Episode 68

    Episode 68 - 24 Mins
    Michelle blames herself for the miscarriage. AB wants to win Mymoena back. Rita's mental health deteriorates. Lee-Ann tries to create positive publicity for Suidooster.
  • Episode 67

    Episode 67 - 24 Mins
    Ian and Bridgette insist that Jerome has his marriage annulled. The Samsodiens are shocked when they find out what happened to Debbie. Harry has a meeting with the Jacobs sisters.
  • Episode 66

    Episode 66 - 23 Mins
    Chris blames Tim for Rita missing her doctor's appointment. Bianca finds out that Carmen and Jerome are married. The charming Harry Galant meets Lee-Ann and Bridgette.
  • Episode 65

    Episode 65 - 24 Mins
    Rita conjures up new lies to avoid taking her medicine. The shop owners are fed up with the sudden crime wave in Suidooster. Rhafiek struggles to keep his feelings for Nicole bottled up.
  • SUIDOOSTER 02 64

    Episode 64 - 23 Mins
    Bridgette puts her foot down on Jerome and Carmen's relationship. Rita begins to feel unsafe in her own home. There is another incident at the center.
  • Episode 63

    Episode 63 - 24 Mins
    Carmen meets the Octobers and Ian immediately takes a liking to her. Stefan is worried about Michelle. Mrs J decides who will get power of attorney over her shares in Suidooster.
  • Episode 62

    Episode 62 - 22 Mins
    Jerome and Carmen try to work out where they stand with each other. Stefan and Michelle dream about their baby while Nicci realizes how much she cares for Tim.
  • Episode 61

    Episode 61 - 24 Mins
    Bridgette demands that Ian tears up the contract giving him power of attorney over her mother's shares, or she will tell Mrs J the truth about the neurologist who misdiagnosed her.


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