MpaliA rich and powerful polygamist marries yet another woman to the disbelief of his wives and many children. Uncover the unique, dramatic and complex family dynamics of a polygamist household.
Monde Mutale, Wanga Zulu, Anita Munawonga
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Episode 1
Episódio 1 - 45 MinutosNguzu returns from the honeymoon with Nancy. Nancy showers the family and the workers with presents only Junza accept it, the rest of the wives rejects the presents.Episode 2
Episódio 2 - 41 MinutosThe wives refuse to cook for Nguzu, they told Nancy to do it. Zondani confronts Nguzu over Mwiza's divorce. Nguzu punches the lights out of Zondani.Episode 3
Episódio 3 - 44 MinutosShupiwe sneaks into the master bedroom to talk to Nguzu,Nancy comes in and asks her to leave. Nguzu fails to defend Shupiwe and asks her to leave.Episode 4
Episódio 4 - 42 MinutosHambe calls Tamara, he wants to go and see how she's doing with the pregnancy. Is she going to allow him to come?Episode 5
Episódio 5 - 42 MinutosMonde, Shupiwe and Tombi are against the idea of hiring a new maid and garden boy and plot ways of sabotaging the whole idea.Episode 6
Episódio 6 - 41 MinutosThe new maid and garden boy are given a tough time by the Nguzu wives. Working at the main house proves to be difficult.Episode 7
Episódio 7 - 46 MinutosNguzu warns the wives against intimidating Nancy. He warns them of serious consequences to anyone who disobeys him. Jairos laughs at Logik for failing the interviews.Episode 8
Episódio 8 - 40 MinutosMonde visits Mwiza and consoles her over the troubles she's facing with Nguzu. Is this concern genuine or is Monde after something else?Episode 9
Episódio 9 - 44 MinutosUncle Dickson meets Mabvuto and gives him a present, trying to win him over. Cephas warns Mabvuto about receiving presents from Uncle Dickson.Episode 10
Episódio 10 - 48 MinutosWho owns the vegetable garden, Nancy or Shupiwe? Nguzu must figure out an amicable way to solve the problem. Tombi suspects Mabvuto is hiding something from her.Episode 11
Episódio 11 - 43 MinutosNguzu's use of Charm goes bad as the wives refuse to give him attention, he suffers and shouts Junza promising to marry another woman. Zulu leaks the information to Daka.Episode 12
Episódio 12 - 43 MinutosTamara is out at some bar and stranded. Zondani probes Mwiza to be with him. Sandra and Jairos have some night out. Nguzu is worried about the missing Tamara.Episode 13
Episódio 13 - 43 MinutosZondani and Mwiza are close in romance, Zulu informs Nguzu. Nguzu beats up Zondani and he got arrested. Mwiza is dragged back home.Episode 14
Episódio 14 - 41 MinutosCheelo uses Nguzu`s arrest to his advantage. Shupiwe knows Mwiza`s affair, she plays hero to get Nguzu out of the police cells. The wives work together to help Nguzu.Episode 15
Episódio 15 - 48 MinutosMwiza finds out her secret is known by Shupiwe. Nguzu Warns Junza to get the issue down, Junza and Mwiza fight hard to get Shupiwe to wait before acting up.MPALI 01 16
Episódio 16 - 41 MinutosSakata la Familia yenye wake sita ,imetawaliwa na mapenzi , usaliti , wivu na visasi , kila mmoja akijaribu kujitetea ili wapate utajiri kutoka kwa mume wao.Episode 17
Episódio 17 - 42 MinutosFamily in jubilation for Nguzu`s return. Monde, Shupiwe, Tombi, Tamara, clash in Nguzu`s bedroom. Nguzu choose Mwiza. Zondani is beaten and his flower shop destroyed.Episode 18
Episódio 18 - 51 MinutosZondani`s wife take Zondani to the police.The wives questions Tamara`s background. Nguzu is arrested.Episode 19
Episódio 19 - 40 MinutosMonde and Junza want to uncover the person who stole the flower pots. Cheelo celebrates his victory. The family catches the thieves and take them to the police.Episode 20
Episódio 20 - 42 MinutosCheelo needs another plan to get Nguzu down. Cephas sees Hambe sneak in Tamara`s house.Episode 21
Episódio 21 - 51 MinutosMonde pretends to be sick to get attention from Nguzu. Nguzu's business is going down and is at stake, Junza see's Hambe and Tamara getting close.Episode 22
Episódio 22 - 43 MinutosMonde`s attention seeking stunts continue. Brown disappears with Mwanida's money.Episode 23
Episódio 23 - 47 MinutosNguzu announces the missing money, he gives the family an ultimatum. Monde gets a chance in the main bedroom.Episode 24
Episódio 24 - 49 MinutosMwanida`s search for Brown proves futile. Tamara prepares food for Nguzu and he gets sick.Episode 25
Episódio 25 - 41 MinutosMonde seeks help from a witch doctor about the whereabouts of Cephas, Tamara and Shupiwe keep fighting, Junza struggles to keep the peace.Episode 26
Episódio 26 - 42 MinutosTombi suspects Zulu of being involved in Cepha's kidnapping. Zulu is worried and tells Cheelo.Episode 27
Episódio 27 - 40 MinutosNguzu needs to find a way to save his farm and family. Cephas is found by a herd boy.Episode 28
Episódio 28 - 46 MinutosMwanida reveals the truth about the money to her father. Cheelo has a big plan to destroy Nguzu. Shupiwe`s past haunts her.Episode 29
Episódio 29 - 46 MinutosShupiwe is in trouble with Mwale, she cannot have him sneaking around. Nguzu is not happy with Mwanida for letting Brown swindle her.Episode 30
Episódio 30 - 46 MinutosMonde loses the charms meant to seduce Nguzu. Cheelo plans to use Junza to bring down Nguzu. Meanwhile, Shupiwe struggles to keep Mwale away.Episode 31
Episódio 31 - 44 MinutosNguzu warn Cheelo and Zulu, tells them he knows about their hand in Cepha's kidnap. Monde is worried about using the second charm, there will be consequences.Episode 32
Episódio 32 - 45 MinutosMwanida announces her plans to leave the farm. Monde develops a grudge against Mabvuto, she wants Tombi to suffer.Episode 34
Episódio 34 - 40 MinutosMonde`s charms go foul, Cephas gets in the way. Shupiwe yields to Mwale`s demand and threats. Tombi suspects Mwale is not Shupiwe`s cousin.Episode 35
Episódio 35 - 45 MinutosHambe denies Sandra`s pregnancy. Malita and Jairos get close. Nguzu looks into his wives work serious. Tombi beats up Zulu, Monde finds them.Episode 36
Episódio 36 - 40 MinutosMonde reveals to Mwiza about Tombi and Zulu`s fight. Beenzu scolds Hambe for being irresponsible. Tamara and Malita have a hard start, Malita calls Tamara a maid.Episode 37
Episódio 37 - 42 MinutosJairos claims Sandra`s pregnancy is his. Monde and Tombi in a fist fight, Tamara captures them on video. Jairos is fired.Episode 38
Episódio 38 - 38 MinutosMwiza campaigns for safe sex and cervical cancer testing. Tombi and Monde reconcile, they delete the video footage from Tamara`s phone.Episode 39
Episódio 39 - 46 MinutosJairos is hired to get information from Nguzu, He is promised a good pay. Nguzu is not happy about Mwanida leaving without telling him.Episode 40
Episódio 40 - 42 MinutosTombi and Shupiwe are not interested in screening for cervical cancer. Tombi and Shupiwe engage Jairos to help get rid of Mwale.Episode 41
Episódio 41 - 45 MinutosNguzu wants Mwiza to quit her job. Shupiwe needs a way out of the farm, she contemplates on stealing the money and run away.Episode 42
Episódio 42 - 41 MinutosMalita finds a dead body in the compound. Officer Mbewe investigates everyone at the farm. Jairos and herd boy debate who the killer is.Episode 43
Episódio 43 - 42 MinutosShupiwe questions Tombi about killing Mwale. Tamara is on her mission to get Nguzu buy her a car. Mwiza threatens to leave Nguzu.Episode 44
Episódio 44 - 41 MinutosMonde takes matters in her own hands using her ways to find out who killed Mwale, the witch doctor warns her.Episode 45
Episódio 45 - 47 MinutosNguzu convinced the school manager to let Mwiza go. Mwiza is frustrated and wants to leave the farm.Episode 46
Episódio 46 - 42 MinutosTamara is on to Nguzu with her car issue, Nguzu promises to buy it for her. Junza ask Mwiza to reconsider her decision to leave the farm.Episode 47
Episódio 47 - 42 MinutosMrs. Kolopa offers Mwiza a place to stay. Meanwhile Shupiwe struggles to keep Mwale`s sister away and Tombi advises her to tell Nguzu the truth before things get bad.Episode 48
Episódio 48 - 40 MinutosShupiwe gets confident and spills the truth about Mwale and her past, Nguzu is not happy she lied to him and wants to know if Shupiwe killed Mwale.Episode 49
Episódio 49 - 42 MinutosMonde offers to be Mabvuto's guardian while Tombi is in jail. Mwiza blames Nguzu for all the misfortune that has befallen the family.Episode 50
Episódio 50 - 43 MinutosMabvuto catches Uncle Dickson on the farm and thinks is the one behind the killing of the chickens. Meanwhile, a drunken Jairos confesses his love for Monde.Episode 51
Episódio 51 - 40 MinutosMabvuto is depressed without his mother and wants her back on the farm so Mwiza promises to take him to the prison to see her.Episode 52
Episódio 52 - 40 MinutosTombi cries and complains about the tough prison life. Mwiza pays Tombi a visit and warns her to control her temper while she is incarcerated.Episode 53
Episódio 53 - 43 MinutosTamara fails to get Nguzu`s attention. Mr Sitali informs Nguzu Junza is fighting to get her share of the plantation in her name.Episode 54
Episódio 54 - 45 MinutosHambe is not happy the child Tamara is carrying will never get to know him. Shupiwe is trying to figure out how to steal Nguzu`s money.Episode 55
Episódio 55 - 41 MinutosJunza`s plans to leave get stronger, and Tamara reveals to her she is pregnant. Junza does not believe her, it's a plan to con Nguzu.Episode 56
Episódio 56 - 45 MinutosJunza tells Hambe to choose either to stay at the farm or leave with her as Cheelo's assassination plan on Nguzu is underway. Junza and Hambe leave the farm.Episode 57
Episódio 57 - 46 MinutosUncle Dickson is asking Mabvuto too many questions, he wants to know his father. Tombi has a good time with Nguzu but Uncle Dickson wants a part of her.Episode 58
Episódio 58 - 45 MinutosTombi reveals the truth about Uncle Dickson,Nguzu will support her.Cheelo makes a call to Nguzu he wants to make peace with him as Shupiwe is shocked by Nguzu`s attitude.Episode 59
Episódio 59 - 44 MinutosTamara uses her pregnancy to win Nguzu`s favor. Shupiwe steals Nguzu`s money and leaves the farm, she plans to start over. Cheelo`s pressure from investors mounts up.Episode 60
Episódio 60 - 44 MinutosHambe wants a part in his child`s life, Tamara will not let him.Monde is told something bad will happen at the farm, she is worried. Nguzu is beaten and left to be dead.Episode 61
Episódio 61 - 46 MinutosCheelo arrives at the farm, he is looking for Nguzu. The wives do not know where Nguzu is. Tombi thinks Nguzu has gone to find MwizaEpisode 62
Episódio 62 - 47 MinutosThe wives don't believe Cheelo's story that Nguzu is missing and could be dead and make accusations against him. Mr. Sitali assures Junza that her land is protected.Episode 63
Episódio 63 - 47 MinutosOfficer Mbewe gives Cheelo some other things that belonged to Nguzu - a wallet and NRC. Shupiwe has settled with Fred but warns him against swindling her.Episode 64
Episódio 64 - 44 MinutosTombi, Monde and Tamara are devastated with the news of Nguzu's death. Cheelo is approached by Uncle Dickson - he knows everything and wants in on the deal.Episode 65
Episódio 65 - 41 MinutosJunza calls Mwiza, they agree to go and see Nguzu's body. The wives fight their way to see Nguzu's corpse in the mortuary but what they find there shocks them.Episode 66
Episódio 66 - 44 MinutosThe workers on Nguzu's farm threaten to down tools if they do not get paid their salaries. Mwiza wants to know if Junza has access to Nguzu's money.Episode 67
Episódio 67 - 45 MinutosNguzu is reminded of how much the wives need him by Mwiza. Jairos keeps his game of pursuing Monde, there is hope.Episode 68
Episódio 68 - 42 MinutosJunza and Mwiza tell Beenzu they believe Nguzu's still alive. Shupiwe catches Fred going through her things. Tamara gets sick and fails to go to the hospital.Episode 69
Episódio 69 - 41 MinutosNguzu dreams of home and starts regaining his memory. Nguzu wants to go back home. Tamara wakes up in a stranger's bedroom - Brown's bedroom.Episode 70
Episódio 70 - 42 MinutosUncle Dickson threatens to tell Tombi the truth in front of Cheelo. Cephas rants about Jairos and Logik/Benson having a murder weapon but Tombi shuts him up.Episode 71
Episódio 71 - 39 MinutosCheelo's land ownership papers go missing, his wife Chanda denies getting them. Monde confronts Junza about her partnership with Nguzu.Episode 72
Episódio 72 - 43 MinutosFred finally manages to get his hand on Shupiwe's phone and ATM. The bond between Tamara and Brown grows stronger and Shupiwe finds herself in trouble with a land-lord.Episode 73
Episódio 73 - 40 MinutosLogik will stop at nothing till he gets the murder weapon. Cheelo tries to convince Junza into handling over the tittle deeds to the farm .Episode 74
Episódio 74 - 43 MinutosJoyce and Lubasi discover Nguzu is missing.Jairos and Logik manage to hide the murder weapon.A huge surprise awaits the Nguzu wives as Shupiwe shows up at the main house.Episode 75
Episódio 75 - 42 MinutosTombi is haunted by Mwale in her dreams. Haambe thinks he is not man enough and decides to man up and take charge of the farm.Episode 76
Episódio 76 - 41 MinutosNguzu is brought back at joyce's house and locked up. Shupiwe and Tombi plan to shut Cephas up and Tamara worries that she might lose the baby.Episode 77
Episódio 77 - 41 MinutosNguzu manages to escape but Joyce follows him. The wives still insists that Junza gives them the key to the safe and Sitali sees Nguzu from afar.Episode 78
Episódio 78 - 44 MinutosMwiza plans to find out what Zondani knows about Cheelo, Jairos and Logik want to sort out Cephas for good and Sitali tells Nguzu that they will bring Nguzu's enemies down.Episode 79
Episódio 79 - 39 MinutosHaambe is not impressed with Browns presence at the farm. Officer Mbewe and Renew are up to something and Zondani decides to finally propose marriage to Mwiza.Episode 80
Episódio 80 - 41 MinutosJoyce is on the run, she sells Lubasi to the Police. Nguzu gives back Logik`s position in the farm. Meanwhile, there is hope for Mwiza to come out of the Police.Episode 81
Episódio 81 - 45 MinutosTamara`s parents arrive at the farm,Nguzu is shocked to know they exist. Mwiza is free and the family welcomes her.She wants to give Zondani a chance for his persistence.Episode 82
Episódio 82 - 41 MinutosMwiza promises to marry Zondani. Nguzu calls the family and introduce Tamara`s parents, the family is not so welcoming.Episode 83
Episódio 83 - 45 MinutosMr.Sitali advises Nguzu to rebuild his Farm.Cephas approaches Tombi telling her that he won't tell anyone about Mwale's death.Episode 84
Episódio 84 - 44 MinutosNguzu and Sitali wonder where cheelo is. Junza encourages the wives to get back to the field and Malita sees haambe and Tamara too close to each other.Episode 85
Episódio 85 - 43 MinutosThere is danger at the farm as a thug tries to burn the plantation. Malita tells Mwiza about Haambe and Tamara. Junza and Joyce are getting along pretty well.Episode 86
Episódio 86 - 42 MinutosJoyce saves Nguzu from Cheelo, the wives do not like it and Joyce uses the attack to get close to Nguzu.The four wives manage to break in the secret room.Episode 87
Episódio 87 - 43 MinutosNguzu is disappointed with the wives attempt to steal the money. Tombi and Hambe take it up in a fight and Logik reminds her of Cephas` declaration of the murder tool.Episode 88
Episódio 88 - 47 MinutosThere is Jubilation in the Nguzu family as Cheelo is taken to the police. Nguzu announces he has forgiven all the wives for their wrongs.Episode 89
Episódio 89 - 42 MinutosHambe wants to speak about his affair with Tamara, Tamara collapses. Nguzu persuades Cheelo to give him the title papers for Junza, he has lost them.Episode 90
Episódio 90 - 41 MinutosHambe wants to speak about his affair with Tamara, Tamara collapses. Nguzu persuades Cheelo to give him the title papers for Junza, he has lost them.Episode 91
Episódio 91 - 43 MinutosShupiwe handles Joyce, the other wives want Joyce to leave the farm, enough is enough. The animals have some diseases, Jairos informs Nguzu that they need a Veterinarian.Episode 92
Episódio 92 - 45 MinutosHambe demands his share of inheritance.Mwiza is disappointed again,Nguzu chose another wife to be in the master bedroom.Cephas reveals to Nguzu, he saw Tombi kill Mwale.Episode 93
Episódio 93 - 45 MinutosCephas narrates the night of the murder, leaving Nguzu shocked. Tamara recalls how she lost her pregnancy. Meanwhile Tombi is saved by Nguzu.Episode 94
Episódio 94 - 43 MinutosThere is a cop in the farm, Tombi is scared and wants to leave.Hambe and Brown fight over Tamara and Monde overhears Nguzu on the phone with Joyce.MPALI 01 95
Episódio 95 - 40 MinutosThere is a white woman on the farm, it’s the veterinarian. Nguzu is getting close to the white woman. Junza is worried about her closeness to Nguzu.Episode 96
Episódio 96 - 46 MinutosMonde finds out where Nguzu has moved Joyce, she informs Shupiwe and Tombi.Meanwhile, Nguzu is served with divorce papers.
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A Showmax dispõe atualmente de 7 temporadas de Mpali disponível para transmissão em direto.

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