A rich and powerful polygamist marries yet another woman to the disbelief of his wives and many children. Uncover the unique, dramatic and complex family dynamics of a polygamist household.
Monde Mutale, Wanga Zulu, Anita Munawonga
Watch Full Episodes of Mpali
Watch Mpali Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 1 - 45 MinsNguzu returns back from honeymoon with Nancy. Nancy showers presents to the family and worker, the rest of the wives reject the presents.Episode 2
Episode 2 - 40 MinsThe wives refuse to cook any special meal for Nguzu saying Nancy must do it. Zondani confronts Nguzu over Mwiza's divorce. Nguzu punches the lights out of Zondani.Episode 3
Episode 3 - 41 MinsShupiwe sneaks into the master bedroom to talk to Nguzu, Nancy comes in and asks her to leave. Nguzu fails to defend her Shupiwe and asks her to leave.Episode 4
Episode 4 - 44 MinsHambe calls Tamara, he wants to go and see how she's doing with the pregnancy. She does not want him to see her. Nguzu arrives at Tamara's place,Episode 5
Episode 5 - 42 MinsMonde, Shupiwe and Tombi are against the idea of hiring a new maid and garden boy and plot ways of sabotaging the whole program. Chanda openly declares war against Nguzu.Episode 6
Episode 6 - 43 MinsHambe visits Tamara despite her protests to see how her pregnancy is coming along. While there Nguzu arrives and Hambe panics.Episode 7
Episode 7 - 40 MinsDickson reassures Chanda that they have a common enemy and they will bring him down. Chanda visits the Nguzu house and openly declares war on Nguzu and his family.Episode 8
Episode 8 - 40 MinsDue to her troubled conscious, Tombi confides in Junza and tells her about the murder of Mr. Mwale. Benson is upset that someone else got his dream job.Episode 9
Episode 9 - 41 MinsTombi goes to Mwiza in the hope that she can talk Nguzu back to his senses. Mwiza, however, wants nothing to do with Nguzu and makes that clear to Tombi.Episode 10
Episode 10 - 41 MinsA hungry Nguzu wakes up in the middle of the night to look for food and almost gets himself in trouble. Monde tells Shupiwe the news of Mwiza and Nguzu's pending divorce.Episode 11
Episode 11 - 42 MinsNguzu begs Mwiza to stay so that they can work on their Marriage but she has her eyes set on another man. Uncle Dickson meets Mabvuto and gives him a present.Episode 12
Episode 12 - 42 MinsWho owns the vegetable garden? Nancy or Shupiwe?Nguzu must figure out an amicable way to solve the problem. Meanwhile,Tombi suspects Mabvuto is hiding something from her.MPALI 02 13
Episode 13 - 41 MinsMonde gets her chance to confront Nguzu about his change in behavior. Meanwhile, rumors of machines replacing workers at the plantation cause the workers to panic.Episode 14
Episode 14 - 39 MinsNancy and the wives are at loggerheads as they fight over who should use the car. Junza becomes secretive with her calls and movements- Who is she talking to?Episode 15
Episode 15 - 41 MinsThe wives are fed up with Nancy and call for a meeting with Nguzu. News reaches the farm about the newborn and Nguzu is over the moon, some of the wives are displeased.Episode 16
Episode 16 - 42 MinsNguzu visits the newly born and finally meets Dorcas. He begins to ask questions which put them in a tight spot.Episode 17
Episode 17 - 42 MinsNot everyone is convinced that Nguzu is the father of Tamara's baby. In addition, Hambe refuses to give up what he thinks is his baby without a fight.Episode 18
Episode 18 - 44 MinsNguzu appoints a new farm manager and Jairos is not too pleased with his decision- leading to tension between the two managers.Episode 19
Episode 19 - 43 MinsMabvuto goes missing sending the whole family in a panic. Taking advantage of all the commotion, Nancy pushes for changes at the Nguzu residence.MPALI 02 20
Episode 20 - 40 MinsNancy confides in Junza about her suspicions that Nguzu is still seeing Joyce and insist that they act upon it quickly.Episode 21
Episode 21 - 47 MinsShupiwe up to her tricks in the kitchen again and gives Nancy a taste of some spicy dust. The wives are outraged that Nancy is still in the master bedroom.Episode 22
Episode 22 - 46 MinsBeenzu advises the wives that the only way they can win their husband's love back is if they give him children.This rattles Shupiwe.Episode 23
Episode 23 - 46 MinsBeenzu advises the wives that the only way they can win there husband's love back is if they give him children. This rattles Shupiwe.MPALI 02 24
Episode 24 - 47 MinsTombi, Shupiwe, and Monde are still in the master bedroom – will Nancy remain stubborn? On the other hand, Shupiwe feels the pressure of giving Nguzu a child.Episode 25
Episode 25 - 46 MinsFresh from a successful visit at Baba Mukulu's Shrine, Monde is determined to put her plans to bewitch Nancy into action.Episode 26
Episode 26 - 46 MinsNguzu addresses his wives and the workers and promises to flash out the enemy. Monde convinces Tombi that Nguzu has a secret woman he is hiding from them.Episode 27
Episode 27 - 47 MinsCliff reports to the wives -Shupiwe, Tombi, and Monde that he knows where Nguzu has been disappearing to.Dorcas finally found a new lover at the farm - could it be Nguzu?Episode 28
Episode 28 - 52 MinsThe panic at Joyce's house continues. Nguzu must find a way out or find somewhere to hide as the banging on the door by the wives gets louder.Episode 29
Episode 29 - 52 MinsShupiwe finally pours out her heart to Nguzu about her inability to give him a child.Nancy informs Nguzu that she cannot stay anymore and she is leaving for her townhouseEpisode 30
Episode 30 - 49 MinsNew look, new Monde. Will Monde's makeover capture Nguzu's attention or will it just lead her into trouble? Dorcas makes crazy demands or else she will reveal the secret.Episode 31
Episode 31 - 50 MinsThe person trying to sabotage the farm if finally apprehended. Mwiza finds Hambe in Tamara's flat and overhears him say something that is very unsettling.Episode 32
Episode 32 - 50 MinsCould Dorcas be growing attached to her newly born child?Nguzu confronts Cliff about his suspicions that Cliff was tailing him. Hambe and Jairos have a fight over Dorcas.MPALI 02 33
Episode 33 - 51 MinsUncle Dickson goes after Mabvuto again. Monde tells Jairos to stop thinking she’s his woman. Hambe expresses his suspicions about Tamara’s baby.Episode 34
Episode 34 - 49 MinsKasanda keeps on pestering Dorcas and insists he wants to see the baby. Junza is upset and feels the Nguzu family has been reduced to a joke.Episode 35
Episode 35 - 51 MinsShupiwe sees Dorcas breastfeeding the baby. Mrs. Kolopa advises Mwiza to leave the farm but Mwiza refuses.Episode 36
Episode 36 - 48 MinsShupiwe reveals to Tombi she has a teenage girl back in her village. Kasanda disappears with the baby. Tamara and Dorcas panic.Episode 37
Episode 37 - 50 MinsUncle Dickson goes after Mabvuto again and suggests that Mabvuto moves in with him. Monde gets an apology from Nguzu for him not being there when she needed him the most.Episode 38
Episode 38 - 51 MinsKasanda keeps on pestering Dorcas and insists he wants to see the baby. Junza is upset and feels the Nguzu family has been reduced to a joke.Episode 39
Episode 39 - 50 MinsShupiwe visits Tamara and sees Dorcas breastfeeding the baby. Kasanda find meets his son. He later cons Dorcas and he disappears with the baby leaving Dorcas devastated.MPALI 02 40
Episode 40 - 51 MinsShupiwe reveals to Tombi she has a teenage girl that she left in her village. Mrs. Kolopa advises Mwiza to leave the farm but Mwiza refuses.Episode 41
Episode 41 - 50 MinsNguzu launches a search for Tamara and the baby; he suspects they have been kidnapped by his enemies. Nguzu's wives are however reluctant to join the search party.Episode 42
Episode 42 - 50 MinsTamara, Dorcas, and the baby finally return to the Nguzu farm. Shupiwe shares with Tombi how she mistrusts Tamara and tells her what she saw at her bar the previous day.Episode 43
Episode 43 - 47 MinsJunza tells Shupiwe and Tombi they have committed a great crime and there is a chance Karma will make them pay for the murder.Episode 44
Episode 44 - 49 MinsNguzu informs Tombi and Shupiwe that he has received a confirmation on the re-opening of the Mwale murder case. Hambe tells Tamara he knows that Mainza is not her baby.Episode 45
Episode 45 - 51 MinsWhodunit? Police interrogate their main suspects at the Nguzu farm. Monde rains fire on Tombi for involving her son in the Mwale Murder saga.Episode 46
Episode 46 - 49 MinsNguzu blames Shupiwe for all the chaos and tension on the farm and tells her if anyone gets arrested it is on her.Episode 47
Episode 47 - 49 MinsWith the arrest of the Mwale murder suspect looming, the Nguzu house falls into agitation as no one knows what will happen next.Episode 48
Episode 48 - 50 MinsGrief and sadness fill the Nguzu farm as Tombi, Shupiwe, Benson, and Jairos are led away in handcuffs.Episode 49
Episode 49 - 51 MinsMwiza visits Tombi in jail. Shupiwe and the prosecutor come to an agreement over Tombi's case. Dorcas leaves the farm, leaving Tamara with the baby.Episode 50
Episode 50 - 48 MinsJunza wants to know what Shupiwe plans to do with Tombi`s case.Shupiwe will not say but she assures her Tombi will be set free sooner than later.Episode 51
Episode 51 - 49 MinsTombi is worried she may stay longer in prison. Nguzu is worried his enemies seem to be winning against him. He wonders what can be done to stop the sabotage at the farm.Episode 52
Episode 52 - 50 MinsShupiwe confronts Tamara and reminds her that she still holds the "Hambe relationship" secret close to her heart.Episode 53
Episode 53 - 49 MinsNguzu appoints Uncle Patrick as the farm's chief security officer and Mwiza is not happy about this.Tombi's case file goes missing and other wives suspect Shupiwe.Episode 54
Episode 54 - 47 MinsBaby's day out - Tamara leaves Mainza with Nguzu for him to babysit while she goes out.Meanwhile,Mwiza shares with Junza the news about Zondani's marriage proposal to herEpisode 55
Episode 55 - 50 MinsTombi returns to the Nguzu residence. However, not all the wives are happy about this. Nguzu talks to his wives and calls for unity amongst them.Episode 56
Episode 56 - 49 MinsTina comes to the farm again to ask Hambe for money to get an abortion. Mwanida finally returns to the farm and this stirs up some mixed feelings.Episode 57
Episode 57 - 49 MinsTina tells Hambe he has to find the money for her to get an abortion by all means possible. Shupiwe tells Nguzu about Sidney.Episode 58
Episode 58 - 48 MinsMwiza goes to Junza to tell her about what Malitha saw. Junza, in turn, lashes out at Hambe and threatens to tell his father everything.Episode 59
Episode 59 - 50 MinsDickson attacks the Nguzu farm once again, this time targeting the bananas. Nguzu tells Mwanida to convince Mwiza not to leave him.Episode 60
Episode 60 - 50 MinsNguzu goes to Chanda and declares war. Joyce spots Mwiza on a date with Zondani and goes to report to Junza. Cephas gets into fight at school because Mabvuto.MPALI 02 61
Episode 61 - 48 MinsTombi gets a restraining order for Uncle Dickson and warns him to stay away from her family.Monde comes to the conclusion that she needs another child.Episode 62
Episode 62 - 49 MinsChanda is given some hope concerning Cheelo's case. Baba Mkuru gives Monde the impossible task of getting him into the master bedroom.Episode 63
Episode 63 - 49 MinsOn a tip from Joyce, Nguzu catches Mwiza and Zondani together and causes a scene. Sandra warns Monde to stay away from Jairos.Episode 64
Episode 64 - 49 MinsJoyce moves into the Nguzu house. Her stay is short-lived as the wives quickly run her out.Jairos and Hambe finally start their lessons and discover a new love interest.MPALI 02 65
Episode 65 - 51 MinsIs Nguzu back to his former glory? Nguzu instructs Junza to make the long-awaited Master bedroom timetable.Episode 66
Episode 66 - 49 MinsMonde is on a mission to get her husband's love but her charms backfire and end up affecting the wrong person.Episode 67
Episode 67 - 50 MinsJoyce returns to the Nguzu farm but this time gets a rude shock as Nguzu does not give her the welcome she was expecting.Episode 68
Episode 68 - 50 MinsMwiza decides to join the wives to work at the plantation. Shupiwe goes to see a Papa for help in having a baby and he asks her to bring a large sum of money as a seed.Episode 69
Episode 69 - 47 MinsThe wives hear about Nancy's pregnancy and aren't pleased. Chanda advises Dickson to take custody of his son, Mabvuto.Episode 70
Episode 70 - 53 MinsCould Tamara be jealous of Hambe's newly found love? - Tamara spots Hambe with Chibale and tries to win back his attention but to no avail.Episode 71
Episode 71 - 52 MinsCephas falls into a depression because of the science project and this worries Monde. Meanwhile, Nguzu gets involved in a car accident and everyone suspects sabotage.Episode 72
Episode 72 - 48 MinsTombi warns Shupiwe about her visits to her prophet and say she might end up swindled. Has Nguzu gotten himself a new enemy?Episode 73
Episode 73 - 47 MinsJunza talks to Nguzu about Hambe and tries to put in a good word for him but Nguzu still believes Hambe is a bad seed.Episode 74
Episode 74 - 47 MinsThe race is on to give Nguzu a child and Shupiwe is determined to have a child and win Nguzu's favour.Episode 75
Episode 75 - 47 MinsCephas tells Monde he will tell Nguzu everything that he saw - could Monde's secret finally be revealed? Tombi begs uncle Dickson to stop bothering her and her son.Episode 76
Episode 76 - 47 MinsMwiza is arrested, she is found with Marijuana in her house. Nguzu vows to help her. Hambe is disappointed to find Chibale with another man.Episode 77
Episode 77 - 50 MinsThe fight to free Mwiza is on as Zondani and Nguzu battle to get her free. Tombi might have an idea who is behind Mwiza`s arrest.Episode 78
Episode 78 - 50 MinsNguzu is not happy with Monde, he wants her to stay away from Cephas. Joyce escapes as the police ask Lubasi`s questions.MPALI 02 79
Episode 79 - 53 MinsJoyce tells the Police Lubasi planted the drugs at Mwiza`s house because he hates Nguzu. Shupiwe enjoys her time in the master bedroom.Episode 80
Episode 80 - 49 MinsJoyce is on the run, she sells Lubasi to the Police. Nguzu gives back Logik`s position in the farm. Meanwhile, there is hope for Mwiza to come out of the Police.Episode 81
Episode 81 - 47 MinsDorcas's mother visits the Nguzu residence in order for her to talk to Nguzu about her grandson. Monde is trying to apologizes to Cephas for putting in harm's way.Episode 82
Episode 82 - 50 MinsTamara's lies and past actions start to unravel as she explains her parent's visit. Junza shares with Mwiza about the shocking resurrection of Tamara's parents.Episode 83
Episode 83 - 50 MinsNguzu calls for a family meeting to introduce the wives to Tamara's parents. Tamara's parents refuse to accept her marriage and tell her she needs to leave it.Episode 84
Episode 84 - 52 MinsTamara's world is on fire as her parents demand that they will not leave the Nguzu farm without her. Chanda and Dickson plan to sell a big chunk of the Nguzu farm.Episode 85
Episode 85 - 50 MinsNguzu suspects that it is one of the wives that sold part of his land. Tamara's parents begin to look for a more suitable partner for Tamara - Will Tamara stand for this?Episode 86
Episode 86 - 51 MinsHambe meets Jacob and suspects Tamara is having an affair. Mwiza confides in Mwanida and tells her about her plans to marry Zondani.Episode 87
Episode 87 - 50 MinsJunza reassures Monde that she will not tell anyone about her and Jairos' affair and encourages Monde to go on with the fling if it makes her happy.Episode 88
Episode 88 - 50 MinsMwiza's big day is finally here.Trouble arises when Cephas discovers the whole plan. Jacob visits Tamara again and tells her he will not give up on his pursuit of her.Episode 89
Episode 89 - 47 MinsNguzu talks to his wives and urges them to unite and reconcile to make the Nguzu family great again.Junza and Shupiwe are mistrustful of all the secrecy concerning Mwiza.Episode 90
Episode 90 - 51 MinsIt's Mwiza and Zondani's wedding and all seems to be going well until an unexpected guest arrives. Junza advises the other wives to leave Nguzu and start their own lives.Episode 91
Episode 91 - 51 MinsA defeated Nguzu goes on an anger rampage and all his wives receive the heat. In the meantime, Mwiza decided to go and tell Zondani she wants to end things.MPALI 02 92
Episode 92 - 50 MinsJunza asks Tamara what secrets she is hiding that Shupiwe threatens to reveal.Shupiwe believes this is the best time to tell Nguzu about her suspicions concerning Mainza.Episode 93
Episode 93 - 48 MinsMonde vows to deal with Tamara after she insults Cephas and calls him mad. Nguzu and Junza get introduced to Tionenji, Shupiwe is left in shock.Episode 94
Episode 94 - 52 MinsThe scramble for the Nguzu farm begins as the wives call for a meeting to discuss their shares of the farm.Hambe begins to sell off Trucks belonging to Nguzu.MPALI 02 95
Episode 95 - 48 MinsDorcas asks her mother for help to get her baby back from Tamara. Junza asks Monde to watch all the wives' movements in and out of the farm.Episode 96
Episode 96 - 48 MinsMonde's and Jairos secret continues to unravel as Tombi discovers their affair. Nguzu catches Junza snooping around.Episode 97
Episode 97 - 49 MinsCliff reports his suspicions about the divisions of the farmland.Tionenji is all over the farm and Tombi cautions Shupiwe that she might get herself into trouble.Episode 98
Episode 98 - 52 MinsJunza persists on trying to make Cephas and Hambe get along despite previous failed attempts. Beenzu appeals to Mwiza to stay with Nguzu and help him fight his enemies.Episode 99
Episode 99 - 52 MinsMwanida and Tamara get into a brawl.Shupiwe gives Tamara a final ultimatum to confess. Hambe gets beaten up,could Hambe have bitten off more than he could chew this time?Episode 100
Episode 100 - 51 Mins'What goes up must come down' - Monde and Jairos' affair dramatically spirals out of control. Trouble follows Hambe home - What did Hambe get himself into this time?Episode 101
Episode 101 - 51 MinsHambe's shady dealings come back to haunt him. The enemy of my enemy - Junza askes Monde to join her and help her plans to bring down Nguzu.Episode 102
Episode 102 - 53 MinsDivide and conquer - Junza is on a mission to have all of Nguzu's wives leave him. Mwiza tells Monde to stay on the farm and swallow the bitter pill of Nguzu's treatment.Episode 103
Episode 103 - 52 MinsNancy advises Nguzu to get rid of the other wives because they are liabilities.Junza calls Jairos for a meeting and offers him an opportunity to work for her.Episode 104
Episode 104 - 47 MinsMonde is up to her old witchcraft tricks again. Tionenji is tired of the constant fights with Shupiwe and decides she should return to the Village.Episode 105
Episode 105 - 50 MinsShupiwe finds a solution to get rid of Tamara from the Nguzu farm. Joyce resurfaces again and reaches out to Nguzu. Malitha is scared for her life and confides in Mwiza.Episode 106
Episode 106 - 47 MinsTombi is suspicious of Junza's recent secretive movements. Chibale and Hambe's love grows stronger. Uncle Patrick catches Hambe red-handed selling stolen bananas.Episode 107
Episode 107 - 49 MinsThe wives suspect Monde of using charms on Nguzu. Tionanji's recent misbehaviour angers Shupiwe. Meanwhile, Monde basks in all the love Nguzu is showering her.Episode 108
Episode 108 - 50 MinsMonde's reign as the favorite Nguzu wife continues as the wives try to find a way to undo her spell.Meanwhile, Tamara is worried about Angela's sudden interest in Mainza.Episode 109
Episode 109 - 46 MinsMwiza tries to reason with Monde regarding Nguzu's current state. Mr. Stalali shares his unease with Nguzu about his recent neglect of the farm duties.Episode 110
Episode 110 - 52 MinsThe Nguzu wives are all on a mission to undo Monde's spell and make an unlikely alliance. Hambe has another protective outburst over Tamara and the guest she receives.Episode 111
Episode 111 - 51 MinsAfter Nguzu's discovery, the Nguzu wives question the fate of Monde's stay on the Nguzu Plantation. Dorcas pays Cheelo a visit in prison in an attempt to seek his help.Episode 112
Episode 112 - 51 MinsThe day of Monde's retribution arrives and Tombi and Shupiwe hastily carry out Nguzu's orders. Mwiza attempt to reason with Nguzu over his decision concerning Monde.Episode 113
Episode 113 - 48 MinsShupiwe meets Chilubanda and she wonders why he wants Junza. Chilubanda disappears on Junza. Mwiza is told about the existence of a Will.MPALI 02 114
Episode 114 - 51 MinsNguzu forgives Tamara and Shupiwe is not taking it. She promises to make Tamara pay. Mwanida and Logik are on to Junza, they stalk her.Episode 115
Episode 115 - 47 MinsJunza knows someone is following her, she warns Jairos. Shupiwe and Tombi have a fight over Tio.Episode 116
Episode 116 - 49 MinsTombi is hopeful of giving Nguzu a child, Shupiwe is not happy. Tamara's secret it threatening to spill out as she struggles to push it down.Episode 117
Episode 117 - 50 MinsNguzu learns the truth about Mainza, Tamara and Hambe fail to keep the truth buried, Nguzu demands to carry a DNA test to confirm paternity of the baby.Episode 118
Episode 118 - 46 MinsNguzu is heartbroken, even Mwiza cannot comfort him. Shupiwe celebrates the down fall of Tamara, she tells her off, her warnings have come to pass.Episode 119
Episode 119 - 48 MinsNguzu tells the family they have to wait for the DNA test, and yet Dorcas comforts Tamara, Nguzu might reconsider her case and let her stay.Episode 120
Episode 120 - 50 MinsThe wives stop Shupiwe from telling Nguzu about Hambe and Tamara, he will not survive another blow. Jairos gets information from the recording in Nguzu's car.Episode 121
Episode 121 - 52 MinsThe time has come for Tamara to face Nguzu - What fate awaits her in the Master bedroom? Hambe offers to be Tamara's saviour by suggesting they runway together.Episode 122
Episode 122 - 51 MinsChibale visits the Nguzu farm baring a message for Junza from her father. Despite his problems, Nguzu is in high spirits and the family wonders why.Episode 123
Episode 123 - 51 MinsJunza encounters an intruder at the Nguzu residence. A pregnant Nancy returns to the Nguzu house and her presence sparks talks and plotting in the household.Episode 124
Episode 124 - 50 MinsNguzu receives the DNA results and calls for a meeting with his wives to have them announced - Can Tamara wiggle her way out of this one?Episode 125
Episode 125 - 48 MinsTombi,Shupiwe and Monde find out about Nguzu's meetings with Joyce and decide they need to antagonise her about it.Junza asks Sitali for Nguzu business bank statements.Episode 126
Episode 126 - 49 MinsTamara has had enough of Nancy and retaliates to her ridicule. Shupiwe advises Tionenji to change her focus from Marriage to going back to school.Episode 127
Episode 127 - 49 MinsThere is a new addition to the Nguzu family - Will this baby restore Nguzu's joy? Mwiza finds out about Nguzu's newly surfaced son from an unlikely source.Episode 128
Episode 128 - 53 MinsAnother wife leaves the Nguzu family. Shupiwe confronts Mwiza about Uncle Patrick and his vigorous pursuit of her.Mwanida is caught snooping around in the master bedroom.Episode 129
Episode 129 - 52 MinsMonde catches Hambe in Tamara's house and decides the report her discovery to Nguzu - How will Tamara get herself out of this one?Episode 130
Episode 130 - 49 MinsDorcas tells Tamara she wants Mainza back and won't leave without him. Mwiza gets distressed by the discovery of Nguzu's newly found son and airs her concerns to Nguzu.Episode 131
Episode 131 - 51 MinsFelix Nguzu arrives on the Nguzu farm and raises a lot of talk, questions and bitterness.Mwiza warns Uncle Patrick to stay away from Shupiwe or he returns to the village.Episode 132
Episode 132 - 50 MinsThe Nguzu farm is in talk and whispers as everyone questions who Felix is and his true intentions. Nguzu announces his plans for Felix to run the Nguzu Plantation.Episode 133
Episode 133 - 52 MinsWith the Mystery surrounding Felix,Mwiza questions Nguzu on who Felix's mother is.Tionenji's new phone gets her trouble as everyone wonders where she got it.Episode 134
Episode 134 - 51 MinsMonde finds out about Tionenji and tried to ambush Shupiwe and Nguzu with the news. Burning with the rage of losing Mainza,Episode 135
Episode 135 - 48 MinsAfter discovering who Chibale's family is, Junza and Nguzu warn Hambe to stay away from her. However, Hambe tells Chibale he is not ready to give up on her.MPALI 02 136
Episode 136 - 52 MinsShupiwe and Tionenji join forces in trying to get Felix. With Tamara's impending departure, she reaches out to Jacob for help.Episode 137
Episode 137 - 49 MinsUncle Patrick bids his farewell to Shupiwe and the plantation. Amidst all the confusion on the farm, Nguzu avails the news of Joyce's pregnancy to his wives.Episode 138
Episode 138 - 52 MinsTamara devises a plan to leave the Nguzu farm for good. With the news of Joyce's pregnancy looming, the Nguzu wives are outraged and Mwiza threatens to have her arrested.Episode 139
Episode 139 - 48 MinsFelix gets to know each mother personally.Tombi is advised by Felix to let Mabvuto know his real father.Beenzu meets Sharon to discuss her efforts to get Cheelo released.Episode 140
Episode 140 - 52 MinsNguzu is dealt with one final blow from Tamara. - Could this be the end of the Nguzu Romeo and Juliet?Nguzu has a feel of how things would be if tables were turned.Episode 141
Episode 141 - 47 MinsJunza and Hambe leave the Nguzu plantation. With Junza's departure, the new Mai Guru takes her place.Nguzu sickness re-kindles the spark between him and Mwiza.Episode 142
Episode 142 - 48 MinsUncle Patrick returns to Mwiza's house. Shupiwe gives Tionenji money which causes a flash of drama between her and Moses. Beenzu begins to push her own agenda.Episode 143
Episode 143 - 50 MinsThe battle to win Nguzu's attention continues as Shupiwe tries to win back his heart from Mwiza.Beenzu turns to Mwiza for help to talk to Nguzu about who to run the farm.Episode 144
Episode 144 - 51 MinsChanda and Junza plan the final blow to hit Nguzu. Jacob and Hambe butt heads over Tamara - Which of them actually has her heart?Episode 145
Episode 145 - 50 MinsTamara discovers why her mother wants her to marry Jacob and she turns to Junza for help. Mwiza warns Nguzu to stay vigilant as she senses dangerous times ahead.Episode 146
Episode 146 - 51 MinsTamara realizes she might have bitten off more than she could chew with Jacob. Shupiwe questions Tionenji on the money she was given.Nguzu makes a shocking announcement.Episode 147
Episode 147 - 49 MinsJunza receives some news that seals Nguzu's fate.Nguzu appoints Mwiza as the official first wife.Shupiwe discovers that Uncle Patrick is back on the plantation.Episode 148
Episode 148 - 50 MinsIn the midst of dealing with their bankruptcy and the arrival of Joyce, The Nguzu family gets another shock when Junza returns and claims what is hers.Episode 149
Episode 149 - 49 MinsThe Nguzu farm is under new management.Monde tells Tombi who was behind her arrest and Tombi vows to get her vengeance.Moses gets his punishment for stealing money.Episode 150
Episode 150 - 49 MinsAs the reign of Junza continues, she reinstated Jairos back to work. Chanda comes to the Nguzu plantation demand her share of it.Episode 151
Episode 151 - 52 MinsChilubanda offers Junza a helping hand in the running of the farm. With Nguzu at his lowest, he quickly learns who amongst his wives truly loves him.Episode 152
Episode 152 - 51 MinsHungry ravages the Nguzu farm as the wives all look for ways to survive Junza's rule. Nguzu comes face to face with Junza's accomplices.Episode 153
Episode 153 - 52 MinsThe wives are tired of the tyrant that is Hambe and decide enough is enough. Nguzu gets an unlikely ally to help him get his property back.Episode 154
Episode 154 - 48 MinsMoses's bad habits finally come in handy. Seeing that none of their tactics to get rid of Junza have worked, Monde proposes the wives get some supernatural help.Episode 155
Episode 155 - 51 MinsJairos has Junza`s papers, he is happy Nguzu will have a way to get his farm back. Tamara is sad Nguzu is not paying attention to her.Episode 156
Episode 156 - 49 MinsSitali tells Nguzu things will get better now that they have the papers and the phone being unlocked. Hambe tells off his father, he can have Tamara since he is n charge.Episode 157
Episode 157 - 48 MinsJunza fires Jairos for working against her and vows to fight Nguzu whatever he might have against her.The business is going down as buyers have stopped coming to the farmMPALI 02 158
Episode 158 - 49 MinsShupiwe wants the wives to stop the workers from working for Junza. Jacob wants Tamara out and Monde`s juju to stop Junza might not just work.Episode 159
Episode 159 - 48 MinsNguzu is told there are texts incrementing Junza over fake documents she obtained. The animals are not well, Dickson is worried they might all die.Episode 160
Episode 160 - 52 MinsNguzu has everything to take down Junza in place. Nguzu has a change of heart towards Cheelo, he tells visits him for reconciliation.Episode 161
Episode 161 - 52 MinsJunza vows to keep fighting for what belongs to her,Nguzu warns her to give it up or risk being locked up for her crimes.Mwiza wonders if Nguzu will fulfill his promises.Episode 162
Episode 162 - 53 MinsNguzu tells Mwiza he cannot divorce the other wives,Mwiza is not happy. Dickson runs away to save himself after hearing Junza has lost the farm control.Episode 163
Episode 163 - 48 MinsNguzu welcomes Tamara back into the farm, much to the disappointment of the other wives. Junza has a meeting with Chilubanda.Episode 164
Episode 164 - 49 MinsHambe and Tamara finally agree to part ways and keep their relation mother and son. The wives are not happy about Joyce's baby coming to the farm, they refuse.Episode 165
Episode 165 - 49 MinsThe wives are not happy Junza has been forgiven, she deserves to eb chased from the farm. Shupiwe wants to leave,Nguzu is not being reasonable in his decisions.Episode 166
Episode 166 - 51 MinsMwiza leaves the farm and Nancy wants to bid farewell to the Nguzu family, she is leaving the country for good. Nguzu sets her free.Episode 167
Episode 167 - 52 MinsNguzu preaches peace to the family, he promises to give the wives a share of the farm each. Junza is remorseful, she needs to work on gaining Nguzu's trust again.Episode 168
Episode 168 - 51 MinsNguzu promises to protect Mwanida and not let anyone get the house from her. Mwiza and Zondani are over each other and Nguzu is ready to let Mwiza go.Episode 169
Episode 169 - 52 MinsThe wives want Nguzu to keep his promise of the land, they are not happy he has assigned allowances to Mwiza and Nancy. Mwiza wants her share assigned to Mwanida.Episode 170
Episode 170 - 54 MinsNguzu gets better but he is in a wheelchair, the wives are afraid he might never walk, and Beenzu and Cheelo announces their take over.
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How many seasons of Mpali are there?
Showmax currently has 7 seasons of Mpali available for streaming.

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