GQEBERHA: THE EMPIREA polygamist with a thriving business empire based in Gqeberha decides to take a fourth wife. Soon his wives and children turn against one another, leading to an epic battle for the throne.
Tembinkosi Ngcukana, Unati Guma, Anele Matoti
Assista aos episódios completos de GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE
Episódio 2 - 24 MinutosLuzuko sets his sights on a new but complicated conquest. Zimkhitha and Msimelelo celebrate their narrow escape, unaware of the fact that their nightmare is only beginning.GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE 01 0003
Episódio 3 - 23 MinutosLuzuko sets in motion his deliberate pursuit of Anathi, while Thulani endeavours to find the girl of his dreams and his father's attackers. Zimkhitha second-guesses herself.Episode 4
Episódio 4 - 24 MinutosThulani is determined to make both of his searches successful. Luzuko makes sure that two of his wives are happy while he courts his next wife.Episode 5
Episódio 5 - 23 MinutosThe Mxenge family gets the church's blessings, and Luzuko is rewarded with the girl of his dreams. Thulani receives more than what he bargained for.Episode 6
Episódio 6 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha's secret threatens to come out. Thulani is devastated by losing his dream girl.Episode 7
Episódio 7 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo wakes up, and Zimkhitha is desperate for a solution. Anathi has doubts about marrying Luzuko. Nobomi is up in arms about her father marrying a fourth wife.Episode 8
Episódio 8 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha confesses to her most trusted son, and he offers his help to keep her secret hidden. Anathi starts warming up to her husband-to-be, while Thulani simmers inside.Episode 9
Episódio 9 - 24 MinutosAnathi makes the wrong decision when she leaves with someone she's supposed to have cut off in her life.Episode 10
Episódio 10 - 22 MinutosThulani has to save Anathi in the absence of his father, and things take an interesting turn. Zimkhitha tries to escape, but her plan fails.Episode 11
Episódio 11 - 22 MinutosLuzuko faces off with the person who allegedly ordered the attack on him and shows zero mercy. Things are awkward between a bride-to-be and her future stepson.Episode 12
Episódio 12 - 22 MinutosThulani is slowly falling in love with Anathi every day that passes. Msimelelo goes behind Luzuko's back and agrees to a copper deal.Episode 13
Episódio 13 - 23 MinutosAnathi and Luzuko start wedding planning, much to Thulani's frustration. Nozuko is desperate to fall pregnant.Episode 14
Episódio 14 - 22 MinutosLuzuko learns that those close to him are betraying him. Anathi sees Thulani in a whole new different light. Nozuko will stop at nothing to have Luzuko's child.Episode 15
Episódio 15 - 23 MinutosThulani has one last task to do before finally going home and being far away from his father's irresistible bribe.Episode 16
Episódio 16 - 22 MinutosA close friend betrays Luzuko. Bulelwa is struggling with the changes in her personal life. And Thulani declares his love for his father's bride-to-be.Episode 17
Episódio 17 - 23 MinutosThulani plans to run away with Anathi. Luzuko and Thulani make amends. Nozuko's visit makes Anathi even more confused about marrying Thulani.Episode 18
Episódio 18 - 23 MinutosCebisa finds out about Anathi and Thulani. Luzuko makes Bulelwa feel loved again. Nonhle accepts that Thulani will never love her as she loves him.Episode 19
Episódio 19 - 23 MinutosTo mask his pain, Thulani proposes marriage to someone he doesn't love and shocks everyone.Episode 20
Episódio 20 - 23 MinutosLuzuko lets nobody get in the way of him marrying Anathi. Anathi sees a side of Luzuko she hadn't seen before.Episode 21
Episódio 21 - 23 MinutosAnathi and Luzuko go on their honeymoon. Msimelelo is rattled when he hears that someone snitched on him. Nozuko's desperation leads to the next crazy plan.Episode 22
Episódio 22 - 22 MinutosNozuko is determined to have a child. Msimelelo is to stay in jail. Luzuko show Anathi incredible understanding.Episode 23
Episódio 23 - 23 MinutosNozuko puts her plans to give Luzuko an heir in motion. Ntando comes to Funeka's rescue. Anathi and Luzuko start to get closer.Episode 24
Episódio 24 - 23 MinutosAnathi's skeletons seem to force their way out of the closet. Nozuko continues to execute her pregnancy plan, while Ntando finds himself in a tight spot.Episode 25
Episódio 25 - 22 MinutosAnathi cannot stay married to Luzuko anymore. Zimkhitha confesses to a terrified Ntando that she was the snitch. Bulelwa finds Nozuko's pregnancy potion.Episode 26
Episódio 26 - 23 MinutosNtando threatens to throw his mother under the bus if she doesn't do something he wants her to do. Luzuko and Anathi make small inroads in their relationship.Episode 27
Episódio 27 - 23 MinutosNtando's determination forces Zimkhitha to cooperate. Luzuko offers Anathi her dream on a platter. Nobomi and Bulelwa plays detective.Episode 28
Episódio 28 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha goes far and beyond to help get Msimelelo out of prison. Bulelwa catches Nozuko red-handed. When Anathi softens up to Luzuko, she thinks about when she made love to Thulani.Episode 29
Episódio 29 - 23 MinutosBulelwa beats the truth out of Nozuko and makes her promise to be a good girl from now on. Luzuko's love is finally required.Episode 30
Episódio 30 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo realises his backside is out in the wind. Anathi's bubble burst.Episode 31
Episódio 31 - 23 MinutosAnathi feels isolated as her sister's wives don't tell her about Luzuko's arrest. Funeka is frustrated that Msimelelo wants to make peace with Luzuko instead of cutting ties.Episode 32
Episódio 32 - 23 MinutosLuzuko tries to reassure his family, but not everyone buys his story. Msimelelo starts making big plans.Episode 33
Episódio 33 - 22 MinutosThe new police captain outsmarts Luzuko. Anathi realises being married to Luzuko has its disappointments. An old friend helps Msimelelo, but not without a price.Episode 34
Episódio 34 - 22 MinutosCaptain Rhoyi goes to taunt Luzuko in his own home. Thulani and Anathi have an awkward encounter in a bathroom. Msimelelo's dream to become a tenderpreneur dies before it begins.Episode 35
Episódio 35 - 22 MinutosNtando is determined to show his dad he's not useless. Msimelelo goes to demand his money back, but Mandla has a much better offer for him.Episode 36
Episódio 36 - 23 MinutosLuzuko receives an unexpected guest in the middle of celebrating Ntando. Msimelelo must do what needs to be done to feed his family.Episode 37
Episódio 37 - 23 MinutosNtando keeps catching heat despite his many apologies. Thulani and Anathi have to work together to throw Bulelwa off. Msimelelo's efforts are thwarted.Episode 38
Episódio 38 - 23 MinutosZimkhitha leaks fabricated documents to a journalist about Captain rhoyi. Luzuko's plan falls apart as Lt. Gen Cethe assures Luzuko that Rhoyi isn't going anywhere.Episode 39
Episódio 39 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo continues his hunt for a councillor. Anathi and Thulani continue to torture each other. Luzuko has began to lose hope, but Zimkhitha refuses to give in.Episode 40
Episódio 40 - 22 MinutosThulani confesses his feeling for Anathi to someone very dear to him but doesn't get the response he was hoping for. Msimelelo comes up with a sinister idea to get Mandla to spill the tea.Episode 41
Episódio 41 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo fakes a politician's death. Bulelwa confronts Thulani about his dangerous desires. Zimkhitha finds out just how untouchable the captain is.Episode 42
Episódio 42 - 23 MinutosBulelwa takes extreme measures to stop disaster from striking between Thulani and Anthi. Luzuko makes a decision that shatters his family.Episode 43
Episódio 43 - 23 MinutosLuzuko struggles to convince his wives that everything will be fine. Bulelwa embraces Nobtle to save her son from disaster. Msimelelo's gamble blows up in his face.Episode 44
Episódio 44 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo is about to be killed by Mandla and his crew. Nozuko isn't happy at all about having Anathi in her house. Bulelwa sets things straight between Thulani and Nontle.Episode 45
Episódio 45 - 21 MinutosBulelwa blindsides Thulani. Msimelelo and Ntando dive into the ocean.Episode 46
Episódio 46 - 23 MinutosLuzuko extends an olive branch to Msimelelo after hearing about his "heroics". Anathi is heartbroken after hearing how Nuzuko dislikes her.Episode 47
Episódio 47 - 22 MinutosBulelwa wants a wedding and will stop at nothing to ensure that it happens. A relative shows up at the Makwetus, but only some are happy about that.Episode 48
Episódio 48 - 21 MinutosNozuko is gunning for Anathi. Gubeva is the hero of the day after the lobola negotiations exceed expectations.Episode 49
Episódio 49 - 23 MinutosNozuko's plan to poison Anathi backfires. Funeka's way of dealing with Gubevu causes tension in her marriage.Episode 50
Episódio 50 - 22 MinutosAnathi has yet to learn of Nozuko's deadly plans. Luzuko's not happy that he has to clean up Thuani's mess. Gubevu continues to drive a wedge between Msimelelo and Funeka.Episode 51
Episódio 51 - 23 MinutosThulani is sent away against his will. Anathi is finally happy again with Luzuko. Funeka feels like an outcast in her own family, because of Gubevu's lies.Episode 52
Episódio 52 - 23 MinutosNobomi's shocked by the return of an old love, while Nomaflower questions Nozuko's sudden change of attitude towards Anathi.Episode 53
Episódio 53 - 22 MinutosNozuko hatches a plan to get rid of a foe permanently. Funeka tries to reason with an impossible man, but it's futile. Lungile has Nobomi perfectly wrapped around his finger.Episode 54
Episódio 54 - 22 MinutosFuneka and Gubevu are at each other's throats. Mpilo tries to warn Nobomi, and the hitman arrives to do his job.Episode 55
Episódio 55 - 22 MinutosNozuko regrets organising a hitman for Anathi. Gubevu pushes Funeka too far. Nobomi is disappointed by Lungile.Episode 56
Episódio 56 - 23 MinutosA near-death experience suddenly has Anathi questioning everything. Msimelelo finds himself caught between two bulls. Nobomi is a fool in love.Episode 57
Episódio 57 - 22 MinutosLuzuko feels helpless that he can't help his wife. Funeka and Gubevu's constant fighting forces Nontle to intervene. Doubts are planted in Nobomi's mind about her boyfriend.Episode 58
Episódio 58 - 22 MinutosThulani comes home and promises his mother he's focus is on the wedding. Funeka and Msimelelo face off. Anathi doesn't want to go back to Luzuko.Episode 59
Episódio 59 - 22 MinutosGubevu does the unthinkable to get back at Funeka. Anathi has a change of heart about her marriage. Nobomi is ghosted after fighting against gaslighting.Episode 60
Episódio 60 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi tread dangerously again. Funeka is annoyed with being seen as a villain. She moves out of her home. Nobomi forgives Lungile again for disappearing on her.Episode 61
Episódio 61 - 23 MinutosIt's a wedding day for Nontle and Thulani, but it's not looking good between his feelings for Anathi and Funeka disappearing. Nobomi's siblings aren't impressed with her bringing Lungile to the wedding.Episode 62
Episódio 62 - 23 MinutosAnathi makes her vow at the wedding. Nobomi sees Lungile's true colours.Episode 63
Episódio 63 - 22 MinutosThulani and Nontle are off to their honeymoon. Fundiswa and Mpilo bag a top designer for their fashion show. Anathi is concerned about the crime in Gqeberha.Episode 64
Episódio 64 - 22 MinutosNtando feels disrespected by his father and stops seeking his validation. Mpilo finds himself making out with someone he shouldn't be making out with.Episode 65
Episódio 65 - 21 MinutosLuzuko finds incriminating evidence that could get Msimelelo in big trouble. Brother and sister get into a heated argument over a man.Episode 66
Episódio 66 - 23 MinutosLuzuko chases a new lead on who killed Sifiso, while Zimkhitha scrambles on how to protect herself from the truth being revealed. Mpilo tries to get Fundiswa to forgive him.Episode 67
Episódio 67 - 22 MinutosNtando and Zimkhitha work together to sabotage Luzuko's investigation. Mpilo is falling hard for Dumisani.Episode 68
Episódio 68 - 21 MinutosLuzuko hits another dead end. A harsh rejection breaks Msimelelo's heart.Episode 69
Episódio 69 - 22 MinutosMpilo's big day is here, but his siblings worry about his love life. Luzuko feels like he's hit a dead-end, but someone unlikely is about to help him find answers.Episode 70
Episódio 70 - 23 MinutosLuzuko tries one last avenue to find the owner of the hospital wristband.Episode 71
Episódio 71 - 22 MinutosLuzuko realises his closest ally has betrayed him. Mpilo is ready to move on after being burnt by love.Episode 72
Episódio 72 - 23 MinutosLuzuko can't bring himself to confront Msimelelo about the hospital wristband. Mpilo dumps Samkelo just as things start between them.Episode 73
Episódio 73 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo worries about Luzuko's behaviour towards him of late. Mpilo is willing to be a side piece after Dumisani explains himself.Episode 74
Episódio 74 - 21 MinutosLuzuko finally comes face to face with the snake in his midst. Mpilo's old flame ignites new problems between him and his siblings.Episode 75
Episódio 75 - 21 MinutosMsimelelo puts on the performance of a lifetime. Fundiswa is worried about the lengths Mpilo will go to, to be with Dumisani.Episode 76
Episódio 76 - 23 MinutosLuzuko plays a mental game of cat and mouse with Zimkhitha. Mpilo burrows himself further into Dumisani and Sandiswa's life.Episode 77
Episódio 77 - 22 MinutosLuzuko tries to get a confession from Msimelelo and his collaborators. Funeka is fed up with Msimelelo and makes a drastic decision about her marriage.Episode 78
Episódio 78 - 22 MinutosFuneka finally decides to track Msimelelo down. Mpilo has a tough decision to make.Episode 79
Episódio 79 - 22 MinutosMpilo is nearly caught in his lies as his rollercoaster affair continues. Zimkhitha panics when the chickens seem to come home roost. Funeka regrets calling Gubevu.Episode 80
Episódio 80 - 22 MinutosMpilo is tired of being Dumisani's little dirty secret. Zimkhitha needs to prepare for Luzuko's surprise.Episode 81
Episódio 81 - 22 MinutosLuzuko reunites the people who tried to have him killed and demands answers within 24 hours. Two enemies bond over Msimelelo's disappearance.Episode 82
Episódio 82 - 22 MinutosThings take a dramatic turn for Mpilo. Msimelelo and Zimkhitha are getting on each other's nerves inside the container. Luzuko lies to his children.Episode 83
Episódio 83 - 21 MinutosLuzuko calls Zimkhitha's bluff with bloody results. Mpilo reels as Dumisani starts a new life and ends a relationship.Episode 84
Episódio 84 - 21 MinutosNtando saves Zimkhithas life and makes Luzuko feel guilty. Msimelelo returns home.Episode 85
Episódio 85 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo's past comes back to bite him in the worst way. Luzuko finds that making amends for his mistakes will take a lot of work.Episode 86
Episódio 86 - 23 MinutosNtando is determined to assert his newfound power over his siblings. Sivuyile threatens to expose the truth to Funeka.Episode 87
Episódio 87 - 22 MinutosNtando starts making big changes to the Mxenge household. Sivuyile's not happy about being kept as Msimelelo's dirty secret.Episode 88
Episódio 88 - 22 MinutosNtando gets a rude awakening when he realises catching a big fish to impress his father is not easy. Msimelelo needs help controlling Sivuyile. Nontle has big plans for the Tshisanyama.Episode 89
Episódio 89 - 22 MinutosNtando makes a deal with the devil. Sivuyile is touched by the word of affirmation Msimelelo uses on him for the first time.Episode 90
Episódio 90 - 23 MinutosNtando has reached a place of no return with the abalone shipping. Sivuyile demands to move into Msimelelo's house.Episode 91
Episódio 91 - 23 MinutosThe abalone deal proves to be very lucrative for Mpilo and Ntando, while Thulani's suspicions grow. Msimelelo is struggling to keep his secret son away from his wife.Episode 92
Episódio 92 - 22 MinutosFuneka questions her generosity when she sees Sivuyile's lack of house training. Ntando is caught with his pants down.Episode 93
Episódio 93 - 22 MinutosThulani has to step up as big brother. Msimelelo squirms as Funeka and Nontle embrace Sivuyile.GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE 01 0094
Episódio 94 - 22 MinutosNtando decides to dabble in illegal activity one last time. Msimelelo tries to do right by his son.Episode 95
Episódio 95 - 22 MinutosNtando's abalone smuggling mission goes wrong. Msimelelo finally apologises to Sivuyile for abandoning him. Mxolisi threatens to kill whoever stands in his way, especially Thulani.Episode 96
Episódio 96 - 22 MinutosThulani has to save Ntando, who has been busted with the abalone by the police. Msimelelo is worried that Sivuyile will tell Funeka the truth.Episode 97
Episódio 97 - 21 MinutosNtando is afraid to face Luzuko when he returns. Anathi gets news that turns her life upside down. Msimelelo is on borrowed time, with Sivuyile holding an axe over his head.Episode 98
Episódio 98 - 22 MinutosAnathi wants to tell Luzuko the truth. Msimelelo is pushed to reveal his secret.Episode 99
Episódio 99 - 22 MinutosCebisa stops Anathi from making the biggest mistake of her life. Funeka doesn't think she can ever forgive Msimelelo's latest transgression.Episode 100
Episódio 100 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo begins the uphill climb to win Funeka back. Anathi struggles to keep things with Luzuko regular while she decides what to do.Episode 101
Episódio 101 - 22 MinutosAnathi has a life-changing decision to make. Nozuko is desperate to fall pregnant. Funeka and Msimelelo's marriage is on thin ice.Episode 103
Episódio 103 - 22 MinutosAnathi's secret is revealed to Luzuko. Msimelelo struggles to pull himself out of the hole he's dug for herself.Episode 104
Episódio 104 - 22 MinutosAnathi's secret is burning her chest. Sivuyile meets an over-the-moon Gubevu.Episode 105
Episódio 105 - 22 MinutosAnathi is caught in the middle of a brawl with her sister-wives. A scorned wife asks for a divorce.Episode 106
Episódio 106 - 22 MinutosThulani realises he could be the father. Msimelelo's hopes of making peace are quickly dashed.Episode 107
Episódio 107 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi are trapped together when Luzuko puts Thulani on Anathi duty. The road back home is harder than Msimelelo thought it would be.Episode 108
Episódio 108 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo asks for help to win back Funeka's heart. Nozuko fears that Anathi's pregnancy will threaten her place in the family. Anathi flexes her skills.Episode 109
Episódio 109 - 22 MinutosAnathi battles with her guilty feelings while celebrating her gift from Luzuko. Msimelelo is committed to crushing Funeka because she dares to divorce him.Episode 110
Episódio 110 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo and Funeka drag each other for filth and will stop at nothing to destroy one another. Nozuko is willing to play along with Anathi to appease Luzuko.Episode 111
Episódio 111 - 23 MinutosThulani gains relief from getting answers, but the pressure on Anathi doesn't ease. Msimelelo's bold move triggers a boiling point in his war with Funeka.Episode 112
Episódio 112 - 23 MinutosNozuko feels like Anathi is living her life. Nozuko decides to see Ixhwele for a solution to help her fall pregnant. Bulelwa's brother arrives with his wife and sparks a fly.Episode 113
Episódio 113 - 23 MinutosNozuko dismisses some information that could destroy Anathi for good. Chumani shows his true colours.Episode 114
Episódio 114 - 21 MinutosNozuko doesn't want to believe the prophet's claims about Anathi's pregnancy. Bulelwa is clueless as Lilitha walks on eggshells around Chumani.Episode 115
Episódio 115 - 22 MinutosBulelwa gets the shock of her life when she sees another side of her brother. Thulani shoots down the idea of having children.Episode 116
Episódio 116 - 23 MinutosNozuko is still looking for evidence against Anathi. Nobomi is the only one who doesn't believe Chumani is innocent of abuse. Fundiswa settles on a new career path.GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE 01 0117
Episódio 117 - 22 MinutosNobomi makes a shocking decision she can't take back. Luzuko sees a new side to Nozuko. Zimkhitha tries to stay two steps ahead of Fundiswa.Episode 118
Episódio 118 - 23 MinutosLuzuko makes a dramatic decision that no one saw coming. Fundiswa stands her ground even though it comes at a great price. Bulelwa discovers a side of her brother she hoped didn't exist.Episode 119
Episódio 119 - 22 MinutosNozuko finds it hard to cope after being kicked out of her home. Bulelwa confronts Chumani after finding out the truth.Episode 120
Episódio 120 - 22 MinutosNozuko confronts the one who stole her life. Zimkhitha kicks her unruly daughter out of her house.Episode 121
Episódio 121 - 22 MinutosThulani finally gets the truth about the paternity of Anathi's unborn child. Nobomi confronts Bulelwa about protecting Chumani. Anathi fears that her marriage is over.Episode 122
Episódio 122 - 23 MinutosA new secret tortures Anathi and Thulani, which they both now share. Fundiswa and Zimkhitha continue to butt heads.Episode 123
Episódio 123 - 22 MinutosThulani insults the supposed love of his life. Bulelwa gets rid of someone close to her heart. Fundiswa plays with fire.Episode 124
Episódio 124 - 22 MinutosThulani reads Anathi to filth. Zimkhitha will stop at nothing to teach Fundiswa a lesson. Lilitha finally breaks free of Chumani.Episode 125
Episódio 125 - 22 MinutosAnathi's life hangs by a thread as she reaches the end of the road. Could spending the night in jail bring Fundiswa and Zimkhitha closer or will it destroy them?Episode 126
Episódio 126 - 23 MinutosThulani saves Anathi and makes the hardest decision of his life. Zimkhitha's loneliness sends her down a desperate path. Nozuko learns the truth about Anathi and Thulani.Episode 127
Episódio 127 - 23 MinutosNozuko acquires damning evidence against a nemesis. Thulani swears he's going to let go of Anathi and his baby. Zimkhitha is left high and dry by an old flame.Episode 128
Episódio 128 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha wants to get Msimelelo back. Anathi's generosity might be her demise.Episode 129
Episódio 129 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo and Zimkhitha reconnect, while Funeka seems to grow suspicious. The chickens finally come home to roost for Thulani and Anathi.Episode 130
Episódio 130 - 23 MinutosLuzuko makes Thulani and Anathi pay for their betrayal. Zimkhitha and Msimelelo are caught sneaking around.Episode 131
Episódio 131 - 22 MinutosThe news of the boat explosion spreads like wildfire. Zimkhitha and Msimelelo are on knife's edge with Ntando on a war path to expose their affair.Episode 132
Episódio 132 - 23 MinutosNtando is distracted from his mother's shenanigans when he realises he's not next in line for the Mxenge throne.Episode 133
Episódio 133 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha gets into Ntando's head and gets him to accept his new position as leader of the family. Bulelwa rejects the idea of a memorial for Thulani.Episode 134
Episódio 134 - 21 MinutosBulelwa is still in denial about Thulani's death and turns to a higher power for answers. Mpilo becomes frustrated when Ntando won't get involved in funeral planning.Episode 135
Episódio 135 - 22 MinutosThe Mxenge family say their final goodbyes to a loved one. Bulelwa skips the memorial service and instead goes to pray for a miracle at the beach.Episode 136
Episódio 136 - 22 MinutosBulelwa hasn't given up on Thulani being alive. Thulani and Anathi resurface alive at Cebisa's. Nontle goes back home and begins grieving.Episode 137
Episódio 137 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi realise just how hard their new life will be. Nontle starts the journey of keeping Thulani's memory alive. Bulelwa continues to spiral as she battles her grief.Episode 138
Episódio 138 - 22 MinutosNontle faces a roadblock in her quest to name a street after Thulani. Anathi and Thulani are concerned, and Bulelwa is unreachable.Episode 139
Episódio 139 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi escape the jaws of a shark. Nobomi is done with her mother and tells her as much. Funeka is forced to accept the idea of keeping the peace in her home.Episode 140
Episódio 140 - 22 MinutosNontle talks about her pain and ends up healing someone. Bulelwa will try anything to bring Thulani back.Episode 141
Episódio 141 - 23 MinutosAnathi and Thulani arrive in East London, but things don't go smoothly. Bulelwa is given life-changing news. Nontle finds herself a new cause to be a part of.Episode 142
Episódio 142 - 23 MinutosBulelwa is more convinced that Thulani is alive, and Luzuko worries that Fakude may expose him to Bulelwa. Nontle's mission is starting to cost Funeka and Msimelelo.Episode 143
Episódio 143 - 22 MinutosNozuko does the unthinkable to keep her and Luzuko's secret safe. Thulani runs into serious trouble while hustling on the East London streets, while Bulelwa loses it in GQ.Episode 144
Episódio 144 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha tries to force Bulelwa to accept that Thulani is dead. Anathi gives Thulani a harsh reality check. Nontle's behaviour worries Funeka.Episode 145
Episódio 145 - 22 MinutosBulelwa comes to terms with her grief while demons torture Nozuko. Thulani finds himself exposed in the worst way.Episode 146
Episódio 146 - 23 MinutosThulani is lost and alone without the Mxenge name. Zimkhitha tells Ntando to prepare himself to take over the throne.Episode 147
Episódio 147 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha insists her kids give up their chance to run the business and support Ntando. Thulani loses his temper and doubles up the blackmail money.Episode 148
Episódio 148 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi fight and Anathi suggests they break up. Stokkie promises to help Thulani find dirt to use on Dali. Nontle finally convinces Sivuyile to music.Episode 149
Episódio 149 - 22 MinutosThulani and Stokkie are on a mission to get dirt on Dali before he exposes his secret. Ntando and Mpilo's competitiveness leads to an all-out fight.Episode 150
Episódio 150 - 23 MinutosThulani manages to get himself out of a sticky situation. Gubevu is confident that he can kickstart his grandson's career.Episode 151
Episódio 151 - 22 MinutosA polygamist with a thriving business empire based in Gqeberha decides to take a fourth wife. Soon his wives and children turn against one another, leading to an epic battle for the throneEpisode 152
Episódio 152 - 22 MinutosAmanda's food truck gets off to an exciting start. Ntando sabotages Nobomi. Sivuyile chokes under the spotlight.Episode 153
Episódio 153 - 22 MinutosNobomi realises who sabotaged her. Nozuko gets a chance to be a star but has to convince Sivuyile and Gubevu to prepare for a big show.Episode 154
Episódio 154 - 22 MinutosNtando's early celebration ends with Luzuko expecting him to unite with Nobomi. Gubevu takes advantage of Sivuyile's first successful performance.Episode 155
Episódio 155 - 22 MinutosNtando hates that Nobomi is trying to outshine him again. Funeka worries about the attention Sivuyile is getting from female fans. Nozuko feels seen and appreciated.Episode 156
Episódio 156 - 22 MinutosMpilo and Fundiswa regret agreeing to be on Nozuko's reality show when she starts oversharing. Gubevu handles Sivuyile's money worries easily.Episode 157
Episódio 157 - 22 MinutosNozuko is jealous of the attention Nomaflower is receiving from the TV crew. Ntando comes up with a plan to frame Nobomi for financial fraud. Sivuyile gets the chance to audition for a record deal.Episode 158
Episódio 158 - 21 MinutosNozuko's newfound fame starts to rub people closest to her the wrong way. Nobomi unknowingly signs her own fate. Sivuyile gets the opportunity of a lifetime.Episode 159
Episódio 159 - 22 MinutosGubevu hides Sivuyile's advance payment from the family. Ntando is anxious for the bomb to drop on Nobomi, but it's taking too long.Episode 160
Episódio 160 - 22 MinutosNtando outplays Nobomi. Nozuko pushes Nomaflower too far. Gubevu is caught out.Episode 161
Episódio 161 - 21 MinutosNozuko's reality show dream turns to horror. The axe Ntando sharpened falls on Nobomi and Bulelwa. Gubevu is made to dance to the music of his music.Episode 162
Episódio 162 - 22 MinutosNobomi threatens to kill Ntando if he does not confess that he has framed her. Nozuko is spiralling because of last night's screening. Gubevu convinces Msimelelo to trade in illegal gold.Episode 163
Episódio 163 - 21 MinutosLuzuko insults Bulelwa when she tries to reason with him. Nozuko seems to have lost all her rights to privacy. Funeka has a setback at the Tshisanyama.Episode 164
Episódio 164 - 22 MinutosNozuko pleads with Luzuko to help her get out of the TV show. After receiving no help from the police, Nontle decides to take action. Nobomi has discovered that Mpilo is involved, but Ntando is not worried.Episode 165
Episódio 165 - 22 MinutosNozuko is left alone after messing up. Funeka and Nontle must learn how to recover from this setback and fight crime.Episode 166
Episódio 166 - 23 MinutosFuneka plays with danger in an attempt to protect her business. Nozuko atones for her actions.Episode 167
Episódio 167 - 22 MinutosMusa tries to involve himself in Funeka's business. Anathi gets sick. Mpilo struggles with his guilt.Episode 168
Episódio 168 - 22 MinutosThings go from bad to worse for Funeka. Thulani's gut tells him there's more to Anathi's symptoms.Episode 169
Episódio 169 - 22 MinutosDesperate to protect her restaurant, Funeka is forced to put her trust in Musa. To ensure Anathi's pregnancy runs smoothly, Thulani calls in some help. Luzuko officially hands the reigns to Ntando.Episode 170
Episódio 170 - 22 MinutosNtando is forced to come clean when Luzuko kicks Bulelwa and Nobomi out of their home. Thulani and Anathi receive bad news about their baby. Funeka finds out the truth about MusaEpisode 171
Episódio 171 - 23 MinutosThulani finds himself with no hope in the face of growing problems. Funeka brings in the big guns to deal with an enemy.Episode 172
Episódio 172 - 22 MinutosBulelwa gets her sister wife's troublesome child arrested, and all hell breaks loose. A gun goes off during a scuffle at the Makwetus.Episode 173
Episódio 173 - 21 MinutosLuzuko fights for Bulelwa's forgiveness, and Nobomi tries to squash the family feud. Funeka is haunted by what she did to protect her children.Episode 174
Episódio 174 - 23 MinutosLuzuko decides to return as CEO with Nobomi by his side. Thulani comes to Bulelwa in desperation. Msimelelo returns with a bag of gold.Episode 175
Episódio 175 - 22 MinutosThulani wants to remain a ghost while life slips out of Anathi. Msimelelo's dream is worth gold. Zimkhitha has run out of charity.Episode 176
Episódio 176 - 23 MinutosWhile Anathi battles for her life, Thulani battles Bulelwa's burning questions of where they've been. Nontu decides that Zimkhitha's not the only Mxenge she can turn to for money.Episode 177
Episódio 177 - 21 MinutosAnathi and Thulani's secret burns a hole in Bulelwa's chest. Msimelelo asks why Funeka doesn't believe in him even after proving her wrong.Episode 178
Episódio 178 - 22 MinutosThulani and Anathi learn of the gender of their baby, and Bulelwa makes a tough decision. Msimelelo signs a deal with the devil. Zimkhitha has made up her mind and refuses to change it.Episode 179
Episódio 179 - 22 MinutosLuzuko is suspicious of Bulelwa's behaviour. Zimkhitha refuses to fall for Nontu's emotional blackmail. Msimelelo's greed is getting the better of him.Episode 180
Episódio 180 - 23 MinutosVathiswa reveals Zimkhitha's secret, not aware that Nontu's listening in. Thulani's call gets Luzuko's suspicions right up. Msimelelo's charm falls flat.Episode 181
Episódio 181 - 23 MinutosBulelwa blames Anathi for bringing shame to the Mxenges. Msimelelo's dream pushes him to do something behind Funeka's back.Episode 182
Episódio 182 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha is worried when a guest extends their stay. The pressure of keeping someone's secret life becomes too much for Bulelwa.Episode 183
Episódio 183 - 22 MinutosBulelwa and Thulani seem to reach a point of no return in their relationship. Msimelelo makes a loss that might cost him everything. Zimkhitha and Nontu's feud reaches a boiling point.Episode 184
Episódio 184 - 22 MinutosNontu is willing to play dirty to get what she wants. Thulani and Anathi turn on each other. Msimelelo can't tell Funeka the truth.Episode 185
Episódio 185 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha gives in to Nontu's blackmail. Someone discovers Msimelelo's secret.Episode 186
Episódio 186 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha snoops around, and she finds out who Luzuko's been meeting with. Thulani and Anathi part ways.Episode 187
Episódio 187 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha is worried that Thulani's return will affect Ntando. Fundiswa wants Mbube to know that she's not a girl but a woman who knows what she wants. Nontle sings Ntando's praises while Msimelelo forgives him.Episode 188
Episódio 188 - 22 MinutosAnathi is determined to solve her problems with Thulani and decides to risk it all by visiting Bulelwa. Msimelelo is not ready for what's in store for him when furious Ntando shows up swinging a golf club.Episode 189
Episódio 189 - 23 MinutosFundiswa shamelessly lusts over an oblivious Mbube. Zimkhitha discovers that Anathi is alive. Msimelelo is in a coma. Ntando feels guilty.GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE 01 0190
Episódio 190 - 23 MinutosZimkhitha is determined to solve the Anathi mystery. Msimelelo comes home, but Funeka still has her walls up.Episode 191
Episódio 191 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha is worried that Thulani's return will affect Ntando. Fundiswa wants Mbube to know that she's not a girl but a woman who knows what she wants. Nontle sings Ntando's praises while Msimelelo forgives him.Episode 192
Episódio 192 - 23 MinutosFundiswa learns that capturing a man's heart takes more than an SMS.Episode 193
Episódio 193 - 21 MinutosThulani wants to make amends, no matter the risk. Ntando declares his love to an old crush. Fundiswa continues playing with fire but doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.Episode 194
Episódio 194 - 22 MinutosThulani goes back to face Luzuko. Nontle gives in to her feelings for Ntando. Fundiswa tells Mbube what she wants.Episode 195
Episódio 195 - 22 MinutosThulani doesn't get the reaction he expected from Luzuko. Mbube and Fundiswa achieve a milestone, but there's still another mountain to climb. Ntando chooses love despite what people think.Episode 196
Episódio 196 - 23 MinutosNontle and Ntando take their relationship to the next level. Luzuko tells Nozuko about Thulani being alive. Luzuko and Bulelwa are both anxious about the secrets they are keeping from each other.Episode 197
Episódio 197 - 21 MinutosNontle begs Sivuyile to keep quiet after he uncovers her secret. Anathi questions whether they are safe now that Luzuko knows they're both alive.Episode 198
Episódio 198 - 22 MinutosThulani receives sad news about his unborn son. Fundiswa drops a bombshell on her brother.Episode 199
Episódio 199 - 23 MinutosLuzuko lays down the law and demands Mbube and Fundiswa to stay away from each other. Zimkhitha fails to get Makwetu's support in stopping Ntando and Nontle's relationship.Episode 200
Episódio 200 - 22 MinutosCan Zimkhitha stop Ntando and Nontle's incestuous affair, or is it too late? Mbube packs his bags and leaves Zimkhitha's house.Episode 201
Episódio 201 - 21 MinutosZimkhitha brings in secret weapons to deal with Ntando and Nontle. Bulelwa covers up for Thulani. Fundiswa makes a choice, but will she get her way?Episode 202
Episódio 202 - 22 MinutosLuzuko doesn't reveal who shot him. Ntando fights for Nontle, while Fundiswa breaks it off with Mbube.Episode 203
Episódio 203 - 21 MinutosChange comes knocking at Thulani and Anathi's door. Nozuko finds herself in a vulnerable position. There's a new sheriff in town, but not everyone in the Mxenge family is pleased.Episode 204
Episódio 204 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha and Nozuko's worst fears come to light, while Thulani and Anathi realise how much their freedom will cost. Msimelelo and Funeka reach a thorny middle ground.Episode 205
Episódio 205 - 21 MinutosNontle is reunited with Thulani. Bulelwa surprises everybody by reinstating Thulani at Mxenge businesses. Zimkhitha is determined to keep her current position in the family.Episode 206
Episódio 206 - 23 MinutosNtando realises that he will always live in his brother's shadow. Bulelwa's efforts to unite the family blow up in her face. Thulani is caught between fulfilling his duties and following his heart's desires.Episode 207
Episódio 207 - 22 MinutosFed up with Bulelwa, Zimkhitha turns to an unlikely ally. Anathi's future seems more uncertain than ever.Episode 208
Episódio 208 - 21 MinutosBulelwa pushes her son to get intimate with his wife. Matilda wants the Mxenges to pay for Anathi's misery.Episode 209
Episódio 209 - 23 MinutosNontle continues to fight temptation. Anathi decides to go back to the Mxenges but with a plan. Zimkhitha comes up with a way to solve the Bulelwa problem.Episode 210
Episódio 210 - 22 MinutosNew Anathi torments Nozuko. Zimkhitha's hell-bent on getting Nozuko to kill Bulelwa. Nontle's stuck between a rock and a hard place.Episode 211
Episódio 211 - 22 MinutosNozuko agrees to work with a nemesis to eliminate a common enemy. Anathi refuses to back down from her grand demands, even when a former lover tries to make her see reason.Episode 212
Episódio 212 - 23 MinutosZimkhitha and Nozuko's plans to kill Bulelwa don't come together because they are fighting. Bulelwa takes charge of motivating Zimkhitha's kids, which makes her happy.Episode 213
Episódio 213 - 22 MinutosNozuko and Zimkhitha can't agree on how to deal with the Bulelwa problem. Thulani confronts Nontle.Episode 214
Episódio 214 - 22 MinutosThulani's marriage woes give Ntando hope. Zimkhitha and Nozuko humble themselves to Bulelwa. Bulelwa is kidnapped.Episode 215
Episódio 215 - 22 MinutosThe kidnapper reveals himself to Bulelwa. Funeka reveals Nontle's affair to Msimelelo.Episode 216
Episódio 216 - 22 MinutosWhat will it take for Zimkhitha and Nozuko to get through Thulani to pay the ransom? When Nontle assures Ntando that there's nothing between them, is it her mind or her heart speaking?Episode 217
Episódio 217 - 22 MinutosBulelwa tries to connect with her kidnapper to free herself. Anathi and Thulani worry when they become the star witnesses in the police's search for Bulelwa.Episode 218
Episódio 218 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha wants to take out Bulelwa. Anathi is glad to be leaving Mxenge homestead. Mpilo has something to say about Ntando's sexual behaviour.Episode 219
Episódio 219 - 22 MinutosAnathi decides to return home, this time for good. When it comes down to finishing the job, Luyolo chokes. Nontle comforts Thulani and tells him she will stand by him as his wife.Episode 220
Episódio 220 - 22 MinutosA vengeful Bulelwa wants to burn her tormentors. Msimelelo confuses Funeka's kindness with forgiveness. Luzuko makes an ally.Episode 221
Episódio 221 - 23 MinutosMsimelelo and Funeka's marriage is sinking further and further. A revelation of secrets sees the Mxenge house falling like a house of cards.Episode 222
Episódio 222 - 23 MinutosLuzuko has a tempting proposition for his brother. Will he accept or not? Msimelelo's efforts to break the ice between him and Funeka don't go as planned.Episode 223
Episódio 223 - 22 MinutosThulani declares war against Luzuko. Nomaflower thought she was off the hook but is caught up between Luzuko and Nozuko. Msimelelo decides not to fight Funeka about the divorceEpisode 224
Episódio 224 - 22 MinutosLuzuko remains determined to leave the old behind. Funeka and Msimelelo close the most important chapter of their lives. Nontle asks Ntando for answers, but he directs her to the love of her life.Episode 225
Episódio 225 - 22 MinutosLuzuko and Hlumelo are ready to take over the world together. Bulelwa drops a bombshell on her kids. Msimelelo is sad to see a former lover living her best without him.Episode 226
Episódio 226 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha and Nozuko's plan to get back into Luzuko's good books backfires badly. Msimelelo is crushed when he learns how Funeka has chosen to move on from their marriage.Episode 227
Episódio 227 - 22 MinutosNontle fights for her relationship. Funeka chooses herself, and Msimelelo discovers a silver lining in the dark cloud hanging over him.Episode 228
Episódio 228 - 22 MinutosNontle learns about Thulani's affair and fakes the kidnapping. Luzuko finds out about Zimkhitha's dirtiest secrets.Episode 229
Episódio 229 - 23 MinutosNontle leaves Thulani. Luzuko reveals he knows about Zimkhitha and Msimelelo's affair. Msimelelo gets what's his from Uhuru.Episode 230
Episódio 230 - 21 MinutosLuzuko is on a war path. Msimelelo wants to win his family back or die trying. Nontle's broken heart feels like it will never mend.Episode 231
Episódio 231 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha's actions cause a ripple effect that shatters her entire world. Msimelelo takes a bold step to try and win Funeka again.Episode 232
Episódio 232 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha unravels at the hands of her evil deeds. The Mxenge children bond over their grief. A tragedy reunites the Makwetus.Episode 233
Episódio 233 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo moves back home but is still unsure what that means for their relationship. Hurt by the loss of family, Ntando blames his mother, not knowing how right he is.Episode 234
Episódio 234 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha is losing her mind. Nontle tries to drown her sorrows with alcohol. Msimelelo misses his departed dear friend.Episode 235
Episódio 235 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha's guilt continues to haunt her. Nontle is not handling the end of her marriage well. An unexpected mourner interrupts proceedings at the wake.Episode 236
Episódio 236 - 22 MinutosHlumelo decides to let Zimkhitha bury her kids. Thulani finds it hard to accept his father's death. Nontle finally seeks help from the Pastor.Episode 237
Episódio 237 - 22 MinutosHlumelo lays down the law with his brother's family. To avoid dealing with her real issues, Nontle throws herself into something else, but Sivuyile can see through her.Episode 238
Episódio 238 - 22 MinutosNobomi wants the remaining Mxenges to unite and give Luzuko, Mpilo and Fundiswa the best send-off. Vathiswa is shocked to hear that Luzuko discovered that Ntando is not his son.Episode 239
Episódio 239 - 22 MinutosLuzuko, Mpilo and Fundiswa are laid to rest. Hlumelo makes it known at the funeral service that he will avenge his brother's death. Msimelelo finds it hard to reconcile with his friend's death.Episode 240
Episódio 240 - 22 MinutosLuzuko's Will leaves the family divided and Hlumelo confused. Nontle decides to deal with her heartbreak in the most shocking way.Episode 241
Episódio 241 - 22 MinutosHlumelo vows to get justice for his brother. Ntando extends an olive branch to his siblings, much to Zimkhitha's chagrin. Funeka has a heart-to-heart with her daughter.Episode 242
Episódio 242 - 22 MinutosAn unexpected find sends Ntando into a tailspin. Nontle finds out about Funeka and Msimelelo's secret. Nozuko considers an alliance with Hlumelo.GQEBERHA: THE EMPIRE 01 0243
Episódio 243 - 22 MinutosAn unexpected find sends Ntando into a tailspin. Nontle finds out about Funeka and Msimelelo's secret. Nozuko considers an alliance with Hlumelo.Episode 244
Episódio 244 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha does not want to live anymore. Msimelelo's romantic picnic for Funeka turns sour.Episode 245
Episódio 245 - 22 MinutosNozuko plans to use Hlumelo to advance her plans. Thulani plucks up the courage to ask Ntando a personal question, but things go left quickly. Msimelelo parties in celebration of his bachelor's.Episode 246
Episódio 246 - 22 MinutosIt's Thulani and Hlumelo vs Zimkhitha and Ntando in the ring, and the bets are in. Will Msimelelo make it to the altar the second time around? Nozuko finds purpose in the arms of another Mxenge.Episode 247
Episódio 247 - 23 MinutosThulani and Hlumelo close in on Zimkhitha, but she strikes back. Msimelelo is not ready to give up on Funeka.Episode 248
Episódio 248 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo is not ready to give up on Funeka. Hlumelo forces Nozuko to tell Detective Khawuta about Zimkhitha's involvement in Bulelwa's kidnapping.Episode 249
Episódio 249 - 22 MinutosReading Luzuko's pathology report brings Ntando's paternity to the spotlight. Nontle is conflicted when she hears that her parents want to support the Mxenges.Episode 250
Episódio 250 - 22 MinutosNontle loses her mind over Msimelelo's secrets. Thulani becomes a responsible big brother. Hlumelo does the unthinkable.Episode 251
Episódio 251 - 22 MinutosHlumelo and Thulani dig up Luzuko. Nontle breaks all ties with Ntando. Zimkhitha needs to do one more thing before leaving Gqeberha.Episode 252
Episódio 252 - 22 MinutosZimkhitha forces Ntando to cross over to the dark side. Hlumelo and Thulani get their hands on information that has them ready to start a war. Nontle finds herself unable to break her mother's heart.Episode 253
Episódio 253 - 22 MinutosHlumelo and Thulani get their hands on information that has them ready to start a war. Nontle finds herself unable to break her mother's heart.Episode 254
Episódio 254 - 22 MinutosMsimelelo confronts Nontle about her disrespect, but he's floored when he finds out what's been bothering her. Zimkhitha and Ntando get ready to flee Gqeberha.Episode 255
Episódio 255 - 21 MinutosHlumelo will shed blood to get his confession from Zimkhitha and his brother's empire back. Nontle decides to keep the truth from Funeka about Msimelelo being Ntando's father.Episode 256
Episódio 256 - 21 MinutosNozuko is pleased to be the first and only lady of the Mxenge Empire. Nontle wants Msimelelo to do the right thing. Thulani finds out that Hlumelo played him and is taking everything.Episode 257
Episódio 257 - 22 MinutosNozuko hosts a lavish party to celebrate being on top. Msimelelo makes a big mistake when he takes on Hlumelo. Nobomi feels there's no place for her in Gqeberha anymore.Episode 258
Episódio 258 - 21 MinutosThulani is at a crossroads, forced to decide whether or not to fight for everything he's ever loved. Msimelelo wants to do right by Ntando, so Ntando tells him there's only one way to do it.Episode 259
Episódio 259 - 22 MinutosThe Mxenge kids rally the troops to fight for their father's empire. Anathi faces one of the people she wronged.Episode 260
Episódio 260 - 23 MinutosThe battle for the soul of the Mxenge Empire goes down. Anathi finally gets to confront Nozuko. The wigs are off. With Msimelelo in the eye of the storm, will his marriage with Funeka survive another hurricane?
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