Getroud Met Rugby - Die Sepie

Getroud Met Rugby - Die Sepie

Getroud met Rugby focuses on the intrigues, relationships, scandals, aspirations and politics behind the scenes of professional rugby.
Nadia Beukes

Watch Full Episodes of Getroud Met Rugby - Die Sepie

Watch Getroud Met Rugby - Die Sepie Season 2

  • Episode 1

    Episode 1 - 23 Mins
    Sasha can't get a hold of Claudia, and Fafa receives Bella's test results. Blitz's first match as captain is a huge success, and Renate is still waiting for her muse.
  • Episode 2

    Episode 2 - 23 Mins
    Nina gives Renate some inspiration. Lorette surprises Blitz with her talents. Sasha receives upsetting news about Claudia and Tommie and Silvia have a difference of opinion.
  • Episode 3

    Episode 3 - 23 Mins
    Tommie and Silvia must deal with the consequences of last night's events. Sasha's plot takes a strange turn and Renate is excited about her newest project.
  • Episode 4

    Episode 4 - 23 Mins
    Tommie struggles to tell Gideon and Nina about what happened to him and Silvia. Fafa decides that their family needs a special evening.
  • Episode 5

    Episode 5 - 22 Mins
    Tommie asks Blitz for help. Sasha and Reitz mislead Gerald and Leatitita. Fafa, Maryke, Festus and Koekie have an emotional night ahead of them.
  • Episode 6

    Episode 6 - 23 Mins
    Sadness looms in the Beltrame home. Renate struggles to get her creative juices flowing. Sasha makes Gerald and Laetitia nervous.Tommie must deal with the consequences of his secret.
  • Episode 7

    Episode 7 - 23 Mins
    Tommie has his day in court. Koekie and Festus come to the realization that Fafa no longer needs them. Sasha's master plan comes to dramatic end.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E008

    Episode 8 - 23 Mins
    Almal praat nog oor gister se drama in Pottie's. Renate kry 'n voorsmakie van haar projek. Koekie luister 'n pompom af en versprei 'n groot geheim.
  • Episode 9

    Episode 9 - 23 Mins
    The pompoms are excited about their new sponsorship, but Bibi gets the feeling she's going to regret it. Nina and Gideon confront Tommie and Silvia. Sasha opens up to Iva.
  • Episode 10

    Episode 10 - 23 Mins
    It's Easter weekend. Renate struggles with her project and Bibi starts to doubt whether the pompoms sponsorship was a good idea.
  • Episode 11

    Episode 11 - 23 Mins
    Sasha tries to get her life back on track. Nina and Lorette are hard at work on the chapters for the book. Tommie tries to handle the aftermath of his nightmare.
  • Episode 12

    Episode 12 - 23 Mins
    Simon has recovered from his injury and is ready to re-join the team. Bibi and Maryke are bumping heads over the management of the salon. Gideon and Tommie make peace.
  • Episode 13

    Episode 13 - 23 Mins
    Maryke and Bibi are at it again. Koekie is at odds with a new young entrepreneur. Lorette sees someone from her past.
  • Episode 14

    Episode 14 - 23 Mins
    Lorette tries to make sense of what happened the previous day. The pompoms prepare for the dance-off. Tommie and Silvia struggle with their broken hearts.
  • Episode 15

    Episode 15 - 23 Mins
    Lorette lies about a date she had, and Tommie is still licking his wounds after Silvia left him. Maryke is livid with Bibi and makes a decision about their partnership.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E016

    Episode 16 - 23 Mins
    Maryke bevestig haar groot besluit. Vera kom maak vrede, maar dit veroorsaak chaos vir Koekie. Chrissie beraam 'n plan rakende Tommie en Silvia. Lorette beleef 'n ongemaklike situasie.
  • Episode 17

    Episode 17 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie has a cunning plan to reconcile Tommie and Silvia. The atmosphere between Bibi and Maryke is still tense. Ike teaches the Stryders a lesson and Lorette gets a job.
  • Episode 18

    Episode 18 - 22 Mins
    Renate awaits feedback on the first few chapters of her book. Maryke and Bibi reconcile. Nina has romantic plans for Gideon.
  • Episode 19

    Episode 19 - 23 Mins
    Renate is unhappy with the feedback she received on her book. Maryke and Bibi decide on a new name for the salon. Lorette is playing a dangerous game.
  • Episode 20

    Episode 20 - 21 Mins
    Thanks to Simon, Renate finally finds her groove with her writing. Denver is curious over the dynamic of Blitz and Lorette's relationship.
  • Episode 21

    Episode 21 - 23 Mins
    Renate receives criticism from her publishers. Silvia is still in the dark about Maryke's bachelorette party. The Stryders receive bad news.
  • Episode 22

    Episode 22 - 23 Mins
    Renate has more than one surprise for Simon. Chrissie condemns Lorette's friendship with Dolf. Reitz is uncomfortable with Sasha and Sean's meetings.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E023

    Episode 23 - 23 Mins
    Gideon en Chrissie maak planne vir Nina. Lorette probeer uitvind of mans en vrouens werklik eksklusief vriende kan wees. Die pompoms is in rep en roer met Maryke se bachelorette party.
  • Episode 24

    Episode 24 - 23 Mins
    Maryke has new plans for her wedding. Lorette organizes a special treat for Blitz to hide her guilt. The Stryders receive more bad news. Pottie gives Denver good advice.
  • Episode 25

    Episode 25 - 22 Mins
    The Stryders play against the Argentinian Foxes. Things get uncomfortable between Sasha and Reitz. Chrissie is upset about her school's election results. Lorette loses her temper over a simple kiss.
  • Episode 26

    Episode 26 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie gets another nasty surprise. Things become more tense between Sasha and Reitz.
  • Episode 27

    Episode 27 - 23 Mins
    Reitz and Sasha struggle to resolve an argument. Chrissie dreads her meeting with Francois. The coaches have serious news for the Stryders.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E028

    Episode 28 - 23 Mins
    Denver se nuwe stokperdjie dryf Blitz teen die mure uit. Sasha breek die moeilike nuus aan die Pompoms. Die Stadion word onkant betrap deur nog 'n terugslag.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E029

    Episode 29 - 23 Mins
    Lorette vertel 'n leuen vir Blitz. Sasha het 'n verrassing vir Reitz. Silvia het 'n plan hoe die pompoms geld kan insamel en 'n onverwagse kuiergas daag voor Fafa se deur op.
  • Episode 30

    Episode 30 - 22 Mins
    Gideon gives Chrissie fatherly advice. Sasha involves the Bekker-children in her Mother's Day plans and Koekie receives a nasty surprise.
  • Episode 31

    Episode 31 - 23 Mins
    Renate receives an unwanted guest. Tensions mount between Maryke and someone from Fafa's past. Iva tries to assert authority over TJ.
  • Episode 32

    Episode 32 - 23 Mins
    Renate must plan her book launch, but Yvonne stands in her way. Fafa wrestles with his past and Koekie becomes suspicious of Festus.
  • Episode 33

    Episode 33 - 23 Mins
    The Pompoms prepare for a big competition. Iva experiences the growing pains of motherhood. Gideon finds a solution that might save the stadium from financial ruin.
  • Episode 34

    Episode 34 - 24 Mins
    Iva tries to come to terms with motherhood. Koekie takes her duties for the wedding a little too seriously. Blitz finds out that Lorette lied to him.
  • Episode 35

    Episode 35 - 23 Mins
    Maryke and Fafa's big day arrive, but not without drama... Schalk and Iva must handle the situation with TJ as best possible. Blitz and Lorette must comfort Denver amidst their own hostility.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E036

    Episode 36 - 23 Mins
    Fafa en Maryke vertrek op hulle wittebrood. Iva probeer 'n nuwe aanslag met TJ. Koekie wil vir Festus jaloers maak. Blitz bevraagteken steeds Lorette se vriendskap met Dolf.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E037

    Episode 37 - 23 Mins
    Die Stryders pas aan na al die SportIkon drama. Dinge dreig tussen Simon en Renate. Chrissie is angstig oor haar komende partytjie en Festus en Koekie maak gereed vir die groot leerlinglisensietoets.
  • Episode 38

    Episode 38 - 23 Mins
    It's the day of the book launch and Renate is flustered. The book causes trouble between Lorette and Blitz. Tommie's App-idea gets shot down by Gideon.
  • Episode 39

    Episode 39 - 23 Mins
    It's Chrissie's birthday, and Tommie has a big surprise for her. Lorette and Blitz have a horrible experience. Maryke and Fafa's honeymoon does not go as planned.
  • Episode 40

    Episode 40 - 22 Mins
    Lorette and Blitz pick up the pieces after the previous night's decision. Renate needs a bright idea to promote her book. Fafa receives a visit from an unwelcome guest.
  • Episode 41

    Episode 41 - 22 Mins
    Tommie gets an unlikely investor for his business. Sean breaks exciting news to Sasha. Maryke gets a visit from a stranger.
  • Episode 42

    Episode 42 - 22 Mins
    Fafa tries to contact someone from Sasha's past. Tommie and Nina's partnership appears to be productive. Lorette and Blitz struggle to adapt to their new circumstances.
  • Episode 43

    Episode 43 - 22 Mins
    Lorette confronts Blitz, while Fafa seeks answers about Robbie. Tommie has a special gift for Chrissie, and Renate gets feedback on her book.
  • Episode 44

    Episode 44 - 23 Mins
    Fafa and Maryke's marriage hits the rocks, when the ghost from Fafa's past starts putting more pressure on him. Lorette is caught in the middle of a love triangle.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E045

    Episode 45 - 23 Mins
    Sasha kry ontstellende nuus oor haar opnames. Die situasie tussen Blitz en Lorette is steeds ongemaklik en dinge raak meer gekompliseerd in die Dirk-saga.
  • Episode 46

    Episode 46 - 23 Mins
    Fafa's strange behaviour triggers Maryke's suspicion. Sasha goes full throttle with her re-recordings. Festus stumbles upon a business idea and Reitz gets pulled into the Dirk- saga.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E047

    Episode 47 - 23 Mins
    Reitz sukkel om die waarheid vir Sasha weg te steek. Blitz word in die versoeking gelei. Tommie se besigheid begin uitbrei.
  • Episode 48

    Episode 48 - 22 Mins
    Maryke's emotions flare up. Fafa calls on an outsider to help with the Dirk situation. Virginia gives Simon some bad news and Lorette and Blitz struggle to patch things up.
  • Episode 49

    Episode 49 - 23 Mins
    Tommie makes great progress with his new business. Renate takes her involvement with Sasha's album launch very seriously. Maryke has big news for Fafa.
  • Episode 50

    Episode 50 - 23 Mins
    Festus finds Maryke's pregnancy test by accident. Ike discovers the reason why he isn't losing any weight, and Sasha has something up her sleeve.
  • Episode 51

    Episode 51 - 23 Mins
    Sasha gets help tracking Dirk down. Renate must collaborate with the pompoms to organise Sasha's album release party. Festus is still unsure if he's going to become a father.
  • Episode 52

    Episode 52 - 23 Mins
    Festus finally decides to talk things out with Koekie. Tommie realises that it's time to grow up and Gideon panics about his investment.
  • Episode 53

    Episode 53 - 22 Mins
    Sasha meets a mysterious figure who can help them track down Dirk. Virginia has to break bad news to Renate but decides not to. Blitz and Lorette are both forced to make a difficult decision.
  • Episode 54

    Episode 54 - 23 Mins
    Lorette and Blitz's relationship is at a crossroad. Maryke is on a mission to baby-proof the house. Simon pressures Virginia to break the sad news to Renate.
  • Episode 55

    Episode 55 - 22 Mins
    Lorette decides to spend Youth Day with Dolf. Schalk is worried when Gideon requests more money from the board and Reitz thinks someone is on their trail.
  • Episode 56

    Episode 56 - 22 Mins
    Fafa finds out what Sasha's been up to behind his back. Rumours about Lorette and Blitz spread like wildfire. Maryke reveals her pregnancy fears to Bibi.
  • Episode 57

    Episode 57 - 22 Mins
    Fafa gives Dirk an ultimatum, and Gideon worries about the Stryders' investment. Blitz enjoys his new freedom as a bachelor, and Denver keeps denying his feelings for Chantel.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E058

    Episode 58 - 23 Mins
    Die Dirk-saga neem 'n onverwagte nadraai. Koekie kom in opstand oor Maryke se planne met die baba. Gideon se oplossing vir sy probleme veroorsaak kommer. Sasha se album sien die lig.
  • Episode 59

    Episode 59 - 22 Mins
    Everyone slowly starts noticing that Blitz is missing. Fafa and Sasha start with a complicated plan to save him, while Schalk is irritated with his inexplicable absence.
  • Episode 60

    Episode 60 - 23 Mins
    Blitz's absence has everyone on edge. Fafa, Sasha and Reitz continue with their plan to save him. Virginia starts packing some of her stuff, leaving Renate's life in shambles.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E061

    Episode 61 - 23 Mins
    It's the day of the big rescue and Fafa, Reitz and Sasha undertake this dangerous mission with the help of Matt.
  • Episode 62

    Episode 62 - 23 Mins
    The day of Virginia's big move has finally arrived. Blitz's kidnapping takes its toll on Lorette. Gideon struggles to hide the truth from Nina.
  • Episode 63

    Episode 63 - 22 Mins
    Iva breaks the disappointing truth to Schalk about TJ's birthday wishes. Dolf and Lorette make their relationship public. Simon don't understand Renate's relationship with Princess Yvonne.
  • Episode 64

    Episode 64 - 22 Mins
    Gideon ontvang slegte nuus oor die Stryders se belegging. Lorette moet 'n baie groot besluit neem. Denver probeer Chantel oortuig dat hulle net vriende kan wees.
  • Episode 65

    Episode 65 - 23 Mins
    Renate's decides take on a new project. Schalk's meeting with the Board may hold great promise. The pressure over Lorette's future plans intensifies.
  • Episode 66

    Episode 66 - 22 Mins
    The Stryders get a new team manager. His wife, however, must be handled with kid gloves. Lorette decides to share her dilemma with Chrissie.
  • Episode 67

    Episode 67 - 23 Mins
    Renate and Kristien become bff's, but Kristien has her own agenda. Dolf makes Lorette an offer she cannot refuse. Denver struggles with the age-old question – can men and women just be friends?
  • Episode 68

    Episode 68 - 23 Mins
    Lorette must decide whether she's going to break the big news to her family. Renate's décor plans hit a snag. Fafa and Maryke prepare for their first sonar.
  • Episode 69

    Episode 69 - 22 Mins
    Lorette's travel plans materialise faster than she expected. Denver gets an epiphany that inspires him to change his life drastically. Renate's rebellious streak is flamed by Kristien.
  • Episode 70

    Episode 70 - 23 Mins
    Bart drops a bomb on the rest of the Stryder management members. Renate goes full steam ahead with her political campaign and Blitz supports Denver in the difficult decision he must make.
  • Episode 71

    Episode 71 - 21 Mins
    Kristien offers to help Renate with her campaign, and Maryke gets paranoid over her pregnancy. The coaches confront Denver about the rumours of his resignation.
  • Episode 72

    Episode 72 - 22 Mins
    Maryke's pregnancy phobias reach new heights. The Stryders receive good news but everything is not what it seems. The Bekker household celebrates Lorette's new adventure.
  • Episode 73

    Episode 73 - 23 Mins
    There's great anticipation for the “Virseker-Stryder-van-die-Jaar” award. Renate goes full throttle with her election campaign and Lorette's journey starts on a low note.
  • Episode 74

    Episode 74 - 22 Mins
    Tommie prepares for the Skype meeting of his life. Renate learns the fine art of politics. Sasha feels she is being judged for her decision on having children.
  • Episode 75

    Episode 75 - 23 Mins
    Tommie prepares for a meeting with potential investors. Sasha tries to make sense of her relationship with Reitz. Kristien has an intriguing proposal for Schalk.
  • Episode 76

    Episode 76 - 23 Mins
    Sasha organises an extra-special surprise for Reitz. Another Bekker decides to make Tommie a business offer and it is the final day before Renate's election.
  • Episode 77

    Episode 77 - 23 Mins
    Koekie receives an unexpected guest. Denver prepares for the big move. Tommie gets unbelievable news from Singapore, but it comes at a price.
  • Episode 78

    Episode 78 - 22 Mins
    The “Virseker-Stryder-van-die-Jaar” is finally announced, and Nina has good news for Tommie. Koekie gets discharged from the hospital, and Magda helps out with the cookie empire.
  • Episode 79

    Episode 79 - 23 Mins
    Fafa is curious about the sex of their baby. Chrissie receives good news from Tommie about her design and Renate gets opposition from a most unexpected place.
  • Episode 80

    Episode 80 - 23 Mins
    Lorette is back from the Netherlands – for now. Koekie is an impossible patient, and Renate struggles to deal with the pain of her betrayal.
  • Episode 81

    Episode 81 - 23 Mins
    There's great excitement in the Bekker household as Lorette and Tommie continue with their plans, but Chrissie feels left out. Iva realises that motherhood isn't always easy.
  • Episode 82

    Episode 82 - 23 Mins
    Tensions run high between Renate and Kristien. Nina struggles to come to terms with Lorette's decision. Tommie is nervous about sharing his news with Silvia.
  • Episode 83

    Episode 83 - 23 Mins
    Iva struggles to finish a school project. Chrissie realises she's more like her older sister than she thought. Tommie bites the bullet and tells Nina about Singapore.
  • Episode 84

    Episode 84 - 21 Mins
    Chrissie is ticked off about Tommie's news. TJ's punishment becomes a bigger one for Iva. Renate shows her mettle as a Stryder-wife, but Kristien refuses to back down.
  • Episode 85

    Episode 85 - 23 Mins
    Denver says his final goodbye to the Stryders, and TJ pulls a fast one on Iva and Schalk. Silvia has a serious conversation with Tommie about their relationship.
  • Episode 86

    Episode 86 - 21 Mins
    The news about the new Stryder starts spreading, but Schalk is unimpressed. The reality of Tommie's departure hits Silvia and Renate and Kristien's friendship kick starts again.
  • Episode 87

    Episode 87 - 23 Mins
    Just when Schalk thinks Bart can't sink any lower, he shows him a new trick. Fafa and Ike surprise the men with a last-minute change to the USN Challenge.
  • Episode 88

    Episode 88 - 23 Mins
    Tommie realises that nothing is simple when it comes to love. Fafa has a special request for the pompoms. Schalk learns the Bart Smith way of doing things.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E089

    Episode 89 - 23 Mins
    The time has come for Ike and Fafa's big USN Challenge. Tommie prepares to make an unexpected announcement. Kristien questions the Stryders' work ethic.
  • Episode 90

    Episode 90 - 23 Mins
    Blitz's relationship with Tina takes a dangerous turn. The Bekker-brothers try to make amends for their shenanigans. Despite all the pain and suffering, Fafa enjoys his USN Challenge victory.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E091

    Episode 91 - 22 Mins
    Blitz word vrygelaat na 'n naweek van aanhouding en die Stryders moet 'n plan van aksie uitwerk. Maryke inspireer Koekie om 'n nuwe vorm van oefening uit te probeer.
  • Episode 92

    Episode 92 - 22 Mins
    Everybody is talking about Blitz's court case, and on top of that he receives an unwanted guest with a special request. Kristien has a suggestion for Bart that they can use to their advantage.
  • Episode 93

    Episode 93 - 23 Mins
    Kristien and Renate's ‘friendly' competition continues. Blitz's dilemma worsens as his alleged crime is leaked to the media and we bid farewell to Tommie and Lorette.
  • Episode 94

    Episode 94 - 22 Mins
    The Stryders meet their new teammate, Liam Willemse. Blitz's situation is driving him up the wall and Reitz makes a different kind of promise to Sasha.
  • Episode 95

    Episode 95 - 22 Mins
    It's Liam's official welcoming to the Stryders, but things get out of hand when Blitz arrives. Renate is in seventh heaven over Simon's captaincy.
  • Episode 96

    Episode 96 - 21 Mins
    Just when he thought the world turned against him, Blitz gets a new supporter. A freak accident causes Lindy and Liam's paths to cross. Kristien's plans for the pompoms makes Sasha nervous.
  • Episode 97

    Episode 97 - 21 Mins
    Sasha struggles to juggle her singing career and the pompoms. Lindy is frustrated with Liam not noticing her. Blitz receives a strange message on Facebook.
  • Episode 98

    Episode 98 - 21 Mins
    Sasha's frustration with Kristien reaches breaking point. Schalk and Iva suspect that TJ's in love. Things are finally looking up for Blitz.
  • Episode 99

    Episode 99 - 22 Mins
    There is a big break in Blitz's case. The Stryders try to convince Liam that Lindy has feelings for him. Maryke is determined to stop Kristien's meddling in the pompoms.
  • Episode 100

    Episode 100 - 22 Mins
    Bibi feels that no one ever appreciates her advice. TJ has love troubles and Blitz is worried about his captaincy.
  • Episode 101

    Episode 101 - 23 Mins
    There is a great upheaval over the board's decision to terminate Blitz's contract. The Beltrames have a disagreement over the pregnancy and Koekie receives clarity over her cupcakes.
  • Episode 102

    Episode 102 - 23 Mins
    The pompoms teach Kristien an epic lesson. VraNet becomes the keyword to solving everybody's problems and Schalk comes up with a plan to save Blitz.
  • Episode 103

    Episode 103 - 23 Mins
    Tension rises as the Stryders try to make sense of Blitz's dismissal. Gideon comes up with a plan to celebrate Nina's birthday. Will Maryke's second honeymoon become a reality?
  • Episode 104

    Episode 104 - 23 Mins
    Schalk's plan to save Blitz is set in motion. Ike discovers how clever VraNet is and Nina finally goes to the doctor about menopause.
  • Episode 105

    Episode 105 - 22 Mins
    Nina receives two surprises on her birthday. The Stryders decide to throw their full support behind Blitz. Lindy takes a chance on Liam, and Bibi tries to stay on top of VraNet.
  • Episode 106

    Episode 106 - 23 Mins
    Nina is still coming to terms with the news of her pregnancy, and Schalk achieves a great victory. Lindy's feelings for Liam become more unbearable.
  • Episode 107

    Episode 107 - 23 Mins
    Nina and Gideon try to come to terms with Nina's pregnancy. Sasha makes a decision that will change her life. Renate decides to do something about the Stryders' captaincy situation.
  • Episode 108

    Episode 108 - 23 Mins
    Nina tells her children about her situation. Koekie and Magda prepare for their trip. Renate discovers Kristien's dark little secret.
  • Episode 109

    Episode 109 - 23 Mins
    Silvia keeps Sasha in suspense about the pompoms. Kristien is confronted with her past and Magda gets more than she bargained for.
  • Episode 110

    Episode 110 - 23 Mins
    Nina shares the news of her pregnancy with her girlfriends. Silvia shares her decision with Sasha and an unexpected revelation brings great excitement to the Greeffs.
  • Episode 111

    Episode 111 - 23 Mins
    The Stryders are shocked over their weekend loss. Renate prepares for motherhood and Koekie is at wits end with Magda.
  • Episode 112

    Episode 112 - 22 Mins
    Bibi and Koekie team up to surprise Magda. Sasha manages to bring peace to the pompoms and Liam and Lindy go on their first date.
  • Episode 113

    Episode 113 - 21 Mins
    Nina receives shocking news. Liam plans his second date with Lindy, and Renate has a big surprise for Kristien.
  • Episode 114

    Episode 114 - 23 Mins
    The Bekker-household struggles with their loss. Fafa and Maryke are back from honeymoon and the pompoms get a new leader.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E115

    Episode 115 - 22 Mins
    Gideon struggles to support Nina through a tough time. Ike and Bibi try to cope with the guilt over their Internet romance. Kristien comes up with a plan to get Renate back.
  • Episode 116

    Episode 116 - 23 Mins
    The Stryders try to figure out what went wrong after their second-straight loss. Chrissie struggles with a popularity issue. Kristien puts her plan with Simon into motion.
  • Episode 117

    Episode 117 - 22 Mins
    Schalk prepares for his meeting with the board. Maryke comes up with a plan to stop Bibi and Jozilover's relationship. Sasha receives exciting news from Sean.
  • Episode 118

    Episode 118 - 23 Mins
    The Stryders' losing streak drives Schalk up the walls. Simon receives shocking news from the shelter. Bibi cannot get Jozilover out of her head.
  • Episode 119

    Episode 119 - 21 Mins
    Both Sasha and Chrissie prepare for a weekend away from home. Ike and Bibi are still avoiding one another, and Simon shares the bad news with Renate.
  • Episode 120

    Episode 120 - 22 Mins
    Kristien uses Simon's situation to benefit her evil plan. Bibi decides to be honest with Ike, and Gideon makes a big sacrifice for Nina.
  • Episode 121

    Episode 121 - 23 Mins
    The pressure on Schalk intensifies after the Stryder's third loss. Nina and Gideon are more excited about Chrissie's school achievement than she is. Simon is still in Kristien's cross hairs.
  • Episode 122

    Episode 122 - 21 Mins
    Kristien becomes over friendly in her attempts to help Simon. Everyone starts having doubts in Schalk's abilities as head couch. Bibi is nervous about her date with Jozilover.
  • Episode 123

    Episode 123 - 22 Mins
    Bart prepares himself for the next phase of his plans. Chrissie is upset over Nina taking a joke she made too seriously. Bibi and Jozilover finally meet face-to-face.
  • Episode 124

    Episode 124 - 22 Mins
    Bibi and Ike try to make sense of their relationship. Nina is on a mission to teach Leandi a lesson. Fafa tries to pinpoint the team's weak link.
  • Episode 125

    Episode 125 - 22 Mins
    It's the day of the head girl election. Fafa suspects that one of the players might be leaking game plans, while also trying to help Ike with his engagement after the VraNet disaster.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E126

    Episode 126 - 22 Mins
    Nina motiveer Chrissie om haar nuwe rol aan te gryp. Schalk ontvang slegte nuus oor sy spel-patrone en Bibi vind die geslag uit van Fafa en Maryke se baba.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E127

    Episode 127 - 22 Mins
    Fafa probeer sy bes om die geslag van die baba uit te vind. Simon ontvang nuus oor die ondersoek en Schalk lek nog sy wonde na sy tydelike ontheffing.
  • Episode 128

    Episode 128 - 20 Mins
    Schalk's temporary demotion causes a divide amongst the players. Renate invites Bart and Kristien over for dinner and Maryke experiences disturbing stomach cramps.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E129

    Episode 129 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie maak gereed vir haar volgende uitdaging - haar leerlinglisensie. Sasha se Windhoek-optrede sit druk op haar en Reitz se verhouding. Simon besluit om Kristien nog 'n kans te gee.
  • Episode 130

    Episode 130 - 22 Mins
    The Stryders prepare themselves for their first match with Fafa as head coach. On the other side of the field, Mia doubts herself as head pompom.
  • Episode 131

    Episode 131 - 22 Mins
    The Pompoms are in the middle of a leadership crisis. Fafa's promotion causes conflict amongst the players. Chrissie receives exciting news about her learner's test.
  • Episode 132

    Episode 132 - 22 Mins
    Reitz isn't sure if he must confront Sasha about the Instagram photo. Chrissie hopes to pass her learner's test the second time around. Iva and Schalk discover new parenting challenges.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E133

    Episode 133 - 21 Mins
    Gideon neem vir Chrissie vir haar eerste bestuursles. Daar heers onmin in die Pompom-kamp en Festus arriveer uiteindelik terug by die huis.
  • Episode 134

    Episode 134 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie finally gets her way with her driving lessons. Silvia must make an important decision. Renate is devastated by a revelation from Kristien.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E135

    Episode 135 - 22 Mins
    Festus en Koekie is verlig oor Magda se vertrek. Bart word uitgevang dat hy agter Schalk se rug konkel. Renate raak benoud oor Simon se toewyding aan die liefdadigheidsorganisasie.
  • Episode 136

    Episode 136 - 22 Mins
    Schalk and Iva suspect that Bart is behind Schalk's temporary demotion. Renate treats herself to a makeover to get Simon's attention and the prank war between Blitz and Liam continues.
  • Episode 137

    Episode 137 - 22 Mins
    Blitz and Liam's prank war continues. Schalk decides to investigate Bart's past and Kristien makes things very difficult for Simon.
  • Episode 138

    Episode 138 - 22 Mins
    Blitz and Liam's prank war continues. Schalk decides to investigate Bart's past and Kristien makes things very difficult for Simon.
  • Episode 139

    Episode 139 - 22 Mins
    Liam takes things too far with his next prank. Renate is desperate to find out what's wrong with Simon. Fafa goes ahead with the new game-plans.
  • Episode 140

    Episode 140 - 22 Mins
    Bibi and Ike's big day finally arrives. Renate feels as if her world is crumbling down. Iva has her reservations about Schalk's plan.
  • Episode 141

    Episode 141 - 23 Mins
    The Stryders' win has Schalk more determined to uncover the truth. Renate convinces Simon that they need help with their marriage and Bart abuses his power.
  • Episode 142

    Episode 142 - 22 Mins
    Maryke involves everybody to help her with the surprise party. Iva finds herself in a difficult situation. Bart and Schalk are embroiled in a power struggle.
  • Episode 143

    Episode 143 - 23 Mins
    Preparations are underway for Ike and Bibi's surprise party. Kristien learns that her schemes run the risk of being exposed. Lindy struggles with her feelings for Liam.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E144

    Episode 144 - 23 Mins
    Iva se konfrontasie met Kristien laat haar met 'n etiese dilemma. Lindy en Liam oorweeg dit om weer vriende te word. Koekie gee vir Maryke ontstellende raad oor kind grootmaak.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E145

    Episode 145 - 22 Mins
    Kristien decides to visit Renate and Simon. Schalk receives news that may help him save his job. Liam struggles with his feelings for Lindy.
  • Episode 146

    Episode 146 - 22 Mins
    Liam returns home with a heavy heart after a weekend in Cape Town. Renate and Kristien reboot their friendship. Schalk gets his evidence ready for the upcoming board meeting.
  • Episode 147

    Episode 147 - 23 Mins
    Schalk must appear before the board to receive his fate. Koekie accidentally reveals something big to Maryke. Lindy has strong doubts about her current relationship.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E148

    Episode 148 - 23 Mins
    Blitz het opwindende nuus vir Lindy. Kristien het 'n prettige opdrag vir die Stryders. 'n Joernalis begin by die Stryders rondsnuffel.
  • Episode 149

    Episode 149 - 23 Mins
    Schalk is still struggling to get answers about the leaked game-plans. Fafa finds out he's going to have a boy. The pressure on Bart increases – how is he going to get out of this predicament?
  • Episode 150

    Episode 150 - 23 Mins
    The Bekkers welcome their new guest with open arms. Schalk and Iva decide it's time for TJ to learn how to work with money. Sasha performs in Pottie's again.
  • Episode 151

    Episode 151 - 23 Mins
    Pottie enlists the help of a few Stryder-ladies. Blitz tries to set boundaries in his relationship with one of the pompoms. TJ is occupied with his finances.
  • Episode 152

    Episode 152 - 22 Mins
    Bibi and Ike return from their trip in Kwazulu-Natal. Kristien decides to interfere in matters that don't concern her. Renate struggles to assert herself with Yvonne.
  • Episode 153

    Episode 153 - 21 Mins
    Liam warns Blitz about his escapades with the pompoms. Yvonne interferes with Simon and Renate's attempts to get pregnant, and Kristien confronts Lindy about her relationship with Liam.
  • Episode 154

    Episode 154 - 22 Mins
    Blitz learns that too much of a good thing can be tiring. Simon must intervene when things between Renate and his mother get out of hand. Everybody is excited about the Fancy Dress at Potties.
  • Episode 155

    Episode 155 - 22 Mins
    It is Fancy Dress time at Pottie's. Blitz devises a plan to attend the party without any of the pompoms seeing him. Bart makes a new friend.
  • Episode 156

    Episode 156 - 23 Mins
    Blitz must tread carefully after Friday's catastrophe. Everyone's suggestions for baby names drives Maryke up the walls. TJ learns money is more complicated than he thought.
  • Episode 157

    Episode 157 - 23 Mins
    Lindy and Liam test the waters with their relationship. Koekie prepares for the next phase of her empire. The pompoms become suspicious about Silvia and Blitz's relationship.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E158

    Episode 158 - 22 Mins
    Koekie gets resistance from Fafa about her tea garden. TJ is nervous about the transition to high school. Silvia makes Blitz's life difficult in her attempts to keep their friendship secret.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E159

    Episode 159 - 23 Mins
    It's a matter of life or death for Bibi and Maryke who are held captive by two robbers.
  • Episode 160

    Episode 160 - 23 Mins
    Bibi and Maryke try to go on with their lives after the hostage drama. Silvia reprimands the pompoms, while Kristien makes things difficult for Liam and Lindy.
  • Episode 161

    Episode 161 - 22 Mins
    Fafa starts upgrading the house's security protocols. Koekie's teagarden opens its doors. Kristien puts her plan for Liam into motion.
  • Episode 162

    Episode 162 - 23 Mins
    Maryke and Fafa butt heads because he wants to get a gun. Bibi's post-traumatic stress increases, and Festus' wish comes true.
  • Episode 163

    Episode 163 - 23 Mins
    Maryke and Bibi try to work through the trauma of the robbery in their own ways. Koekie comes up with a plan to get more customers for her teagarden. Tension between Reitz and Sasha escalates.
  • Episode 164

    Episode 164 - 23 Mins
    Maryke and Bibi are nervous about the popularity of Koekie's tea garden. Kristien prepares Liam for his big interview and Anna helps Chrissie find her style.
  • Episode 165

    Episode 165 - 22 Mins
    Liam has his interview with Pine Pienaar. Koekie's teagarden is getting out of hand and the Bekkers meet a new Chrissie.
  • Episode 166

    Episode 166 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie's new look has Gideon on edge. Lindy and Kristien bud heads over Liam's interview. Fafa is in a tizzy over Koekie's teagarden.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E167

    Episode 167 - 22 Mins
    Koekie's customers are busy taking over Fafa's house. Liam confronts Kristien about the article. Silvia, Anastasia and Mia have got Blitz exactly where they want him.
  • Episode 168

    Episode 168 - 22 Mins
    Koekie's teagarden is giving Fafa even more gray hairs. Sasha returns from her tour and can't help but feel left out. Liam and Lindy's situation becomes further complicated.
  • Episode 169

    Episode 169 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie's new hairstyle upsets Gideon. Lindy struggles to share Liam with his fans, and Fafa has bad news for Koekie.
  • Episode 170

    Episode 170 - 23 Mins
    Now that Koekie's teagarden is closed, she must come up with another plan. Liam and Blitz's love lives struggle to take off. Reitz is less than enthusiastic when Sasha organises a Charades-night.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E171

    Episode 171 - 22 Mins
    Sasha tries to convince Sean to allow her to record an original album. Simon is worried about Renate's new exercise routine and Nina discovers Gideon's secret.
  • Episode 172

    Episode 172 - 22 Mins
    Sasha fights against her uneasiness over Reitz and Anna's friendship. Renate can't stop raving about her new personal trainer. Gideon tries his best to regain Nina's trust.
  • Episode 173

    Episode 173 - 23 Mins
    Anna shares a big secret with Chrissie. Renate gets Bibi and Maryke to start exercising. Liam sees Schalk about his relationship with Lindy.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E174

    Episode 174 - 22 Mins
    Renate's personal trainer sparks a new interest in fitness among the ladies. Can Schalk find a way for Liam and Lindy to be together? Sasha and Sean argue about her performances at Pottie's.
  • Episode 175

    Episode 175 - 22 Mins
    Lindy and Liam finally cement their relationship. The men are up in arms about the women's fitness instructor and Reitz must explain himself to Sasha.
  • Episode 176

    Episode 176 - 23 Mins
    Anna tries to reassure Sasha about her friendship with Reitz. The women's obsession with Caleb gives Fafa a plan, while Bart is still sulking over Liam's triumph.
  • Episode 177

    Episode 177 - 23 Mins
    Sasha decides to do something to relieve the tension between her and Reitz. The Stryder-women are unhappy with the coaching team's new addition. Bart starts with a new plot against Schalk.
  • Episode 178

    Episode 178 - 23 Mins
    Maryke tries to get to the bottom of the appointment of the Stryders' new fitness instructor. Bart has one last surprise for Liam and Magda is back.
  • Episode 179

    Episode 179 - 22 Mins
    Anna shows Sasha a different side of herself. The pompoms insist on being a part of the Christmas pageant and Magda starts working on Koekie's nerves.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E180

    Episode 180 - 23 Mins
    Renate besluit om 'n tweede opinie by 'n ander dokter te kry. Die pompoms le 'n oudisie vir die Kersfeeskonsert af. Sasha het opwindende nuus vir Anna.
  • Episode 181

    Episode 181 - 22 Mins
    Sasha gives Reitz a preview of her new song. Bart shares some exciting news at the board meeting. Koekie struggles to put her foot down with Magda.
  • Episode 182

    Episode 182 - 23 Mins
    Schalk has reservations about Bart's plans. Simon tries his best to console Renate and things are starting to heat up between Pottie and Magda.
  • Episode 183

    Episode 183 - 23 Mins
    Koekie tries to put a stop to Magda and Pottie's romance. Chrissie discovers another one of Anna's secrets, and Renate struggles to come to terms with her test results.
  • Episode 184

    Episode 184 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie finds it difficult to come to terms with Anna's secret. Bart continues with his plan to dethrone Schalk. Renate and Simon try to go on with their lives.
  • Episode 185

    Episode 185 - 23 Mins
    Liam and Lindy's relationship becomes complicated again by an unwanted guest. Things become serious between Pottie and Magda. Yvonne surprises her family for the holidays.
  • Episode 186

    Episode 186 - 23 Mins
    Bart and Kristien have lunch at the Greeffs. Liam is forced to choose between his father and Lindy. Nina receives upsetting news about the Christmas dinner.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E187

    Episode 187 - 23 Mins
    Liam probeer om aan te beweeg, na die konfrontasie met sy pa. Yvonne en Renate se verhouding betree ongewone terrein. Koekie en Magda maak vrede.
  • Episode 188

    Episode 188 - 22 Mins
    Dolf and Lorette are in town. Maryke must hide her excitement for the surprise baby shower. The Greeffs have their hands full with Yvonne's meddling.
  • Episode 189

    Episode 189 - 22 Mins
    Dolf en Lorette soek die regte oomblik om hulle groot nuus te deel. Liam en Lindy wik en weeg oor hulle Kersfeesplanne. 'n Bom bars vir Sasha.
  • Episode 190

    Episode 190 - 23 Mins
    It is the night of the Christmas pageant. Fafa and Maryke receive an early Christmas present and Yvonne finally goes too far with her good intentions.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E191

    Episode 191 - 23 Mins
    Die struwelinge tussen Sasha en Reitz lei tot 'n stormagtige Kersfees-ete. Fafa is 'n trotse pa. Ondanks Renate en haar skoonma se geskiedenis, heers daar vrede in die Greeff-huishouding.
  • Episode 192

    Episode 192 - 23 Mins
    Magda, Koekie, Festus and Pottie bury the hatchet. The Bekker-family tries to come to terms with Lorette's pregnancy and things remain uncomfortable between Reitz and Sasha.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E193

    Episode 193 - 23 Mins
    Sasha begin Reitz op 'n afstand hou. Koekie besluit dat niks haar gaan keer om haar amper-kleinkind te sien nie. Renate se kortstondige vrede oor die swangerskap word kortgeknip.
  • Episode 194

    Episode 194 - 23 Mins
    Schalk and TJ are back. Renate struggles to come to terms with the news of Lorette's pregnancy. Reitz and Sasha try to save their relationship.
  • Episode 195

    Episode 195 - 22 Mins
    Maryke is back from the hospital, but the baby must remain there for the time-being. Anna tries to resolve the conflict between Reitz and Sasha.
  • Episode 196

    Episode 196 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie cannot stand the silence between Sasha and her brother any longer. Anastasia and Mia find out about one another. Bart puts Liam's career in jeopardy.
  • Episode 197

    Episode 197 - 22 Mins
    Bart has a surprise for the Stryders. Festus and Koekie's aches and pains become worse. Schalk discovers something shocking on his computer.
  • Episode 198

    Episode 198 - 23 Mins
    Schalk comes up with a plan to beat Bart at his own game. Koekie and Festus get their second wind. Reitz gives Anna the bad news.
  • Episode 199

    Episode 199 - 22 Mins
    Bart falls into Schalk's trap. Kristien is confronted with a scandal from her past. Sasha finds avoiding Anna is easier said than done.
  • Episode 200

    Episode 200 - 22 Mins
    Sasha's problem with Anna starts to affect all the Bekkers. Kristien reaches out to Renate for help. Anstasia and Mia get their claws out.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E201

    Episode 201 - 22 Mins
    Schalk konfronteer Bart oor die uitslae van die dwelmtoetse. Nina probeer om met Reitz te praat. Kristien is desperaat om Ronnie se afpersing stop te sit.
  • Episode 202

    Episode 202 - 23 Mins
    Sasha and Reitz turn to their friends for advice. Bart's power over Liam weakens. Renate comes to Kristien's aid.
  • Episode 203

    Episode 203 - 22 Mins
    Sasha extends a hand of friendship to Anna. Blitz turns to Reitz for advice on relationships. Schalk gets a new computer.
  • Episode 204

    Episode 204 - 22 Mins
    Schalk is on a warpath with his two computers. Maryke receives strange phone calls. Blitz has an awkward date with Silvia.
  • Episode 205

    Episode 205 - 23 Mins
    Maryke becomes paranoid over the constant mysterious phone-calls. Simon and Renate try to get certainty about in vitro fertilisation. Blitz realises that he cares about Silvia.
  • Episode 206

    Episode 206 - 23 Mins
    Maryke receives an unwelcome visitor from her past. Schalk feels he's not doing enough to protect the Stryders from Bart. Renate feels more assured about IVF.
  • Episode 207

    Episode 207 - 22 Mins
    Maryke refuses to talk to her father. Blitz becomes as giddy as a schoolgirl over his relationship with Silvia. Schalk and Bart work on their separate plans to take each other out.
  • Episode 208

    Episode 208 - 23 Mins
    Blitz's clinginess becomes too much for Silvia. Chrissie starts her first day of school with a spring in her step. Fafa meets his father-in-law.
  • Episode 209

    Episode 209 - 22 Mins
    Silvia and Blitz decide it's time for them to talk. Fafa tries to convince Maryke to give her father another chance. Bart involves Pine with his new plan.
  • Episode 210

    Episode 210 - 22 Mins
    Maryke is traumatised over her father. Pine posts a shocking article about Schalk online. Things are back to normal between Blitz and Silvia.
  • Episode 211

    Episode 211 - 22 Mins
    Pine's article increases the tension between Iva and Schalk. Silvia tells the pompoms about her and Blitz. Sakkie manipulates Maryke.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E212

    Episode 212 - 23 Mins
    Getroud Met Rugby is 'n gewilde daaglikse-drama wat fokus op professionele rugby spelers.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E213

    Episode 213 - 23 Mins
    Getroud Met Rugby is 'n gewilde daaglikse-drama wat fokus op professionele rugby spelers.
  • Episode 214

    Episode 214 - 23 Mins
    Schalk's spyware delivers shocking results about Bart. Sasha's original songs are finally getting recorded. Sakkie approaches Fafa with a promising proposition.
  • Episode 215

    Episode 215 - 23 Mins
    An emergency causes Reitz to miss Sasha's performance. Schalk must decide what to do with the information he has on Bart. Fafa contemplates whether he should invest in Sakkie's business.
  • Episode 216

    Episode 216 - 23 Mins
    Schalk waits for Bart's bomb to explode. Reitz and Schalk struggle to forgive each other. Koekie finds Kiki's old baby clothes.
  • Episode 217

    Episode 217 - 23 Mins
    Koekie drives Maryke crazy with Kiki's old baby clothes. Bart must appear in front of the board.
  • Episode 218

    Episode 218 - 22 Mins
    Maryke accidentally insults Koekie. Sasha departs for her tour and leave things unresolved with Reitz. Bart tries to find out who is going to lead the investigation against him.
  • Episode 219

    Episode 219 - 23 Mins
    Reitz is at his wit's end over his relationship with Sasha. The big day for Renate's IVF has arrived. Maryke overplays her hand with Koekie.
  • Episode 220

    Episode 220 - 23 Mins
    Blitz gets mixed signals from everyone over Silvia's birthday party. Lindy tells Iva of an exciting business opportunity and Reitz misses Sasha.
  • Episode 221

    Episode 221 - 23 Mins
    Blitz summons Renate to help him with Silvia's surprise party. Maryke tries to convince Koekie to move back home. TJ isn't happy at his new school.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E222

    Episode 222 - 23 Mins
    Reitz en Sasha sukkel om van die vorige aand se ongemaklikheid te vergeet. Iva probeer Silvia gerusstel oor haar toekoms. Fafa besef iets is nie pluis met hulle finansies nie.
  • Episode 223

    Episode 223 - 23 Mins
    Fafa questions Koekie about her business. Silvia is still wrestling with the big questions about her future, while Blitz struggles to plan her surprise party.
  • Episode 224

    Episode 224 - 23 Mins
    Fafa has a surprise for Koekie. Renate gives Blitz grey hairs over Silvia's party. Reitz desperately tries to break through to Sasha.
  • Episode 225

    Episode 225 - 23 Mins
    Fafa has a surprise for Koekie. Renate gives Blitz grey hairs over Silvia's party. Reitz desperately tries to break through to Sasha.
  • Episode 226

    Episode 226 - 23 Mins
    Silvia's surprise party has arrived. Koekie and Fafa come to an agreement over her debt. Sasha has her last performance at Pottie's.
  • Episode 227

    Episode 227 - 22 Mins
    Reitz and Sasha dread the thought of being single on Valentine's Day. Bart receives the results of his investigation and Fafa warns Koekie that she is on thin ice.
  • Episode 228

    Episode 228 - 22 Mins
    Fafa is fed up with Koekie's trickery. Chrissie is excited for the Valentine's Day dance and Sasha spends Valentine's Day with Renate.
  • Episode 229

    Episode 229 - 23 Mins
    The Bekker household is rocked by tragic news. Schalk must make peace with the results of Bart's investigation. Sasha looks for a new place to stay.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E230

    Episode 230 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie is nog in 'n toestand na Johanneke se dood. Blitz help vir Silvia met haar groot lewensbesluite. Kristien maak gereed vir haar oorsese reis.
  • Episode 231

    Episode 231 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie neem stappe om deur haar trauma te werk. TJ vertel vir Iva van iets ontstellend wat by die skool gebeur het. Die Stryders berei voor vir die nuwe seisoen.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E232

    Episode 232 - 22 Mins
    Die Bekkers ondersteun Chrissie by Johanneke se begrafnis. Reitz probeer sin maak van dit wat aangaan tussen hom en Sasha. Silvia oefen haar kamera-tegnieke.
  • Episode 233

    Episode 233 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie finds out why Johanneke committed suicide. Maryke can't bring herself to forgive her father and Nina leaves for the Netherlands.
  • Episode 234

    Episode 234 - 23 Mins
    Anna and Tommie are worried about Chrissie's mental wellbeing. Sasha turns to Sean for comfort. Gideon feels like a dinosaur in the modern world.
  • Episode 235

    Episode 235 - 23 Mins
    The Bekkers receive a phone call from Chrissie's school principal. Schalk considers a reshuffle in the team. Gideon tries to catch up with the latest advancements in technology.
  • Episode 236

    Episode 236 - 22 Mins
    Gideon's frustration with technology continues when he decides to get a password manager. Simon and Liam find out about the shift in their positions. Ike and Bibi receive shocking news.
  • Episode 237

    Episode 237 - 22 Mins
    Gideon makes a breakthrough with his computer. Simon is still cranky over his position change and Bibi realises that she intensely wants a wedding.
  • Episode 238

    Episode 238 - 22 Mins
    Maryke desperately tries to make Bibi and Ike's wedding a reality. Sasha has a guilty conscience over Sean. Simon and Liam are still at odds with one another.
  • Episode 239

    Episode 239 - 23 Mins
    Blitz prepares himself for a big reveal. Liam and Simon compete to see who is the strongest. Maryke refuses to give up on Ike and Bibi's wedding.
  • Episode 240

    Episode 240 - 23 Mins
    Blitz is livid because he couldn't express his feelings to Silvia. Liam and Simon's rivalry continues. Nina returns from the Netherlands.
  • Episode 241

    Episode 241 - 23 Mins
    Silvia spends more time with her new friend. Nina is concerned about Chrissie. Simon and Liam decide to solve their differences with an arm-wrestling challenge.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E242

    Episode 242 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie gaan sien weer vir Iva. Simon en Liam finaliseer die reelings vir die armdruk. Reitz vind uit van Sasha en Sean. #kykNETGMR
  • Episode 243

    Episode 243 - 23 Mins
    It's Simon vs. Liam in the arm-wrestling challenge. Blitz decides not to tell Silvia how he feels. Bibi is nervous about Maryke's plans for her wedding.
  • Episode 244

    Episode 244 - 23 Mins
    Sasha confronts Reitz over his attitude. Renate goes for another pregnancy test. Things are awkward between Blitz and Silvia.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E245

    Episode 245 - 22 Mins
    Gideon is geskok oor Anna se tatoeeermerk. Schalk weier om Liam en Simon se posisies terug te ruil. Reitz is steeds krapperig oor Sean.#kykNETGMR
  • Episode 246

    Episode 246 - 23 Mins
    Lindy warns Silvia about her friendship with Lynette. Maryke's wedding plans drives Bibi insane. Bart launches a new attack against Schalk.
  • Episode 247

    Episode 247 - 23 Mins
    Silvia is freaked out about her friendship with Lynette. Simon pays dearly for his arm-wrestling saga. Bibi puts her foot down with Maryke's wedding plans.
  • Episode 248

    Episode 248 - 23 Mins
    Anna is upset with Reitz over his performance last night. Festus and Koekie want to do something special for André. Simon and Renate forget an important date.
  • Episode 249

    Episode 249 - 22 Mins
    Iva is back home after the accident. Gideon and Nina get their second phone call from Chrissie's principal. Fafa is not entirely sold on Koekie and Festus's new investment.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E250

    Episode 250 - 23 Mins
    Renate het 'n verrassing vir Simon. Die Bekkers gaan sien Chrissie se skoolhoof. Blitz is bekommerd oor Silvia. #kykNETGMR
  • Episode 251

    Episode 251 - 22 Mins
    Silvia struggles to get Lynette out of her mind. Koekie and Festus receive bad news about their investment. Chrissie lands in trouble again.
  • Episode 252

    Episode 252 - 22 Mins
    Nina makes a shocking discovery about Chrissie. Iva decides she is ready to go back to work. Silvia makes a big decision.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E253

    Episode 253 - 23 Mins
    Silvia vertel vir Blitz hoekom sy werklik met hom uitgemaak het. Nina konfronteer Chrissie oor haar rokery. TJ is bekommerd oor Iva se operasie. #kykNETGMR
  • Episode 254

    Episode 254 - 23 Mins
    Blitz struggles to come to terms with the way his relationship ended. Everybody's nervous about Iva's operation. Fafa's good intentions have the opposite effect.
  • Episode 255

    Episode 255 - 22 Mins
    Koekie and Festus become reckless with their investment. Silvia feels judged by Blitz. Nina is still unhappy with Chrissie's smoking.
  • Episode 256

    Episode 256 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie clashes with her parents about her smoking. Festus and Koekie want answers about their investment. Sean has unexpected news for Sasha.
  • Episode 257

    Episode 257 - 22 Mins
    Chrissie must face the consequences of her actions. Iva's back at home after the operation. Sasha struggles with her big decision.
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E258

    Episode 258 - 22 Mins
    Sasha gee vir Sean haar antwoord. Chrissie veroosaak verdere wanorde in die Bekker-huishouding. Festus vind uit wat met hulle geld gebeur het. #kykNETGMR
  • Getroud Met Rugby Die Sepie S02E259

    Episode 259 - 23 Mins
    Chrissie voel dat Nina vir Gideon teen haar draai. Festus vertel vir Fafa van die geld. Sasha begin opgewonde raak oor die Kaap. #kykNETGMR
  • Episode 260

    Episode 260 - 22 Mins
    Blitz and Silvia finally reconcile. Reitz finds out about Sasha's news. Chrissie's rebellion reaches a breaking point.


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