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1802: Love Defies Time

1802: Love Defies Time

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Lusanda Mbane, Sikelelwa Vuyeleni, Vuyo Novokoza

Watch Full Episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time

Watch 1802: Love Defies Time Season 1

  • Episode 145

    Episode 145 - 22 Mins
    Season one comes to a thrilling end as the KwaMajola kingdom celebrates Khosi and Melisizwe's marriage. Zuko arrives to conclude his mission. Melisizwe and Khosi journey together to eternity.
  • Episode 144

    Episode 144 - 22 Mins
    Mamlambo receives devastating news. Zuko is struggling in the past, while Khosi and Melisizwe discuss their marriage.
  • Episode 143

    Episode 143 - 23 Mins
    Zuko kidnaps Khosi's baby, and Khosi does not take it lying down. Mdizeni finds out he is going to be a father. Melisizwe and Longamo come face to face.
  • Episode 142

    Episode 142 - 22 Mins
    Zuko tries his luck with Khosi once again. Nomasomi reveals Longamo's weakness to Melisizwe.
  • Episode 141

    Episode 141 - 21 Mins
    Melisizwe convinces the kings to follow him. Zuko is stabbed and sent on his mission, while Athi closes an important chapter.
  • Episode 140

    Episode 140 - 20 Mins
    Longamo has officially introduced Jongikhaya as his future heir and swears to squash Melisizwe like a bee for all the trouble he's causing. MaXhanti reveals that she saw Zuko kill Khosi in a vision.
  • Episode 139

    Episode 139 - 21 Mins
    Longamo tells Nomasomi he already has an heir. Athi packs up to walk out on Zuko. A young boy has the greatest adventure of his life.
  • Episode 138

    Episode 138 - 21 Mins
    The magic dome protects Melisizwe and his people. Nomasomi's plea for forgiveness falls on deaf ears. Zuko reveals his mission to Athi.
  • Episode 137

    Episode 137 - 21 Mins
    Longamo wastes no time calling for the heads of Melisizwe, Khosi, and the baby. Melisizwe and Khosi perform a ritual for the baby while Athi reluctantly agrees to go on a date with Detective Mafani.
  • Episode 136

    Episode 136 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe gets protection against Longamo. Mdizeni makes a bold request, and Athi's search takes an unexpected turn.
  • Episode 135

    Episode 135 - 21 Mins
    Melisizwe is at a loss when he learns the news of his brother's resurrection, and the kings withdraw their support out of fear of Longamo's power. Longamo is out for revenge.
  • Episode 134

    Episode 134 - 23 Mins
    A supernatural event prevents the burial of Longamo. Zuko learns he has a dark purpose. Nomakhala is happy to be able to come home.
  • Episode 133

    Episode 133 - 21 Mins
    Melisizwe and Khosi celebrate the death of a long-time enemy as they plan for their future. Mdizeni swears to avenge Longamo. Ayanda gets the police involved to help Athi.
  • Episode 132

    Episode 132 - 23 Mins
    Zuko finds himself in a strange world and learns shocking news about his family history. Longamo is caught off-guard when the Kwa Majola Village is attacked unexpectedly.
  • Episode 131

    Episode 131 - 21 Mins
    Zuko takes his obsession with the other world to a new level. Mthwakazi and Mdizeni find themselves betraying a person they both care about deeply.
  • Episode 130

    Episode 130 - 23 Mins
    Longamo's allies feel the brunt of his brutality, and it has devastating consequences. Zuko is willing to try anything to get answers.
  • Episode 129

    Episode 129 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe makes a call to kill Longamo. Zuko prepares to jump, and Mdizeni and Mthwakazi get closer.
  • Episode 128

    Episode 128 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe decides he is going to put an end to Longamo's reign of terror, and Khosi wants to help him. Mthwakazi is determined to show just how pathetic Longamo is.
  • Episode 127

    Episode 127 - 22 Mins
    Athi and Ayanda decide to follow Zuko to Imbo Village. After Nomakhala is banished, Mthwakazi tells her not to go, and Longamo is surprised when Mdizeni defies him.
  • Episode 126

    Episode 126 - 22 Mins
    Mthwakazi, Nomakhala and Mdizeni face Longamo's wrath after their secret comes out. The woman used as a decoy to feed Khosi's baby fails to show up, which leaves Nomasomi suspicious.
  • Episode 125

    Episode 125 - 23 Mins
    MaMpinga brings the baby to its mother for feeding, but Khosi sees this as her chance to run away. Longamo seeks help from MaMlambo. Zuko finds a strange DNA strand in his blood.
  • Episode 124

    Episode 124 - 21 Mins
    MaMpinga tells Khosi she cannot have what her heart is longing for. Zuko's obsession drives Athi away. Nomakhala is prepared to defy Longamo to be with Mdizeni.
  • Episode 123

    Episode 123 - 21 Mins
    Khosi's baby is in the hyena's den. Athi is disturbed by Zuko's increasingly bizarre behaviour. Mdizeni is tormented by his conscience.
  • Episode 122

    Episode 122 - 20 Mins
    While Khosi and Melisizwe are losing their minds, wondering where their child is, Nomasomi parades the child in the village. Athi gets stood up by Zuko, who's at the graveyard doing something dodgy.
  • Episode 121

    Episode 121 - 20 Mins
    After Longamo issues a decree to kill all the male babies, a weeping mother gives away Melisizwe's location. Khosi is compromised when she's spotted by Longamo's guards.
  • Episode 120

    Episode 120 - 22 Mins
    Longamo announces that all newborn babies must be killed. Mthwakazi promises to help Nomakhala and Mdizeni maintain their relationship.
  • Episode 119

    Episode 119 - 23 Mins
    Khosi and Melisizwe decide to change locations for the baby's safety. Mthwakazi is forced to lie about consummating her marriage with Mdizeni.
  • Episode 118

    Episode 118 - 22 Mins
    Longamo turns allies into enemies as he tries to maintain his grip on the throne. Zuko gets lost in his obsession with the amulet. Khawuta warns that the Oracle is going to be killed.
  • Episode 117

    Episode 117 - 22 Mins
    Khosi is pulled from the jaws of death. Nomasomi saves the Oracle and enrages Longamo. Athi's attempts to get rid of the amulet are thwarted.
  • Episode 116

    Episode 116 - 22 Mins
    Longamo becomes paranoid after three messengers from another tribe come to him and ask to see the newborn king. Later, he asks his wife to spy for him.
  • Episode 115

    Episode 115 - 21 Mins
    Longamo forces Mdizeni to choose one princess over another. Longamo threatens to execute Melisizwe if he finds out they're hiding something from him.
  • Episode 114

    Episode 114 - 23 Mins
    MaMpinga saves Khosi's life. Mdizeni finds himself between a rock and a hard place when Longamo dictates who he should marry. Athi is still dazed by her experience in the caves.
  • Episode 113

    Episode 113 - 23 Mins
    Longamo is unable to enjoy his wedding night, haunted by MaMlambo's revelation that the tides are about to turn against him.
  • Episode 112

    Episode 112 - 22 Mins
    After Khosi gives birth, the baby glows, and Khosi and the baby are transported to the past. They arrive to find Melisizwe gravely ill.
  • Episode 111

    Episode 111 - 23 Mins
    The Oracle predicts a sign that will tell of Khosi's return to the past with the baby. A bright star is seen by all after Longamo's wedding. Khosi goes into labour.
  • Episode 110

    Episode 110 - 23 Mins
    Melisizwe realises he's in a fight he cannot win. A vision from the past leaves Khosi devastated. Zuko arrives to take Khosi.
  • Episode 109

    Episode 109 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe believes he's going to die, and Khosi finds out that she can't return to the 1800s. Mdizeni asks Longamo for permission to take a wife.
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    Episode 108 - 23 Mins
    As Khosi and her aunts return to their humble home, Khosi grapples with uncertainty, unsure of her next move without the broken amulet.
  • Episode 107

    Episode 107 - 22 Mins
    Khosi hides out at her mother's house. Nkosazana steals the amulet from Zuko's house. A manic Longamo makes everyone in the village bow down to him.
  • Episode 106

    Episode 106 - 22 Mins
    With the help of MaMlambo, Longamo defeats a creature invoked by the tribal elders to kill him. Nodumo fights King Debeza to save her sister.
  • Episode 105

    Episode 105 - 22 Mins
    Vuyiseka tells Khosi that she is willing to help Khosi get medication for the people in Kwa Majola Village. The tribal elders are determined to make Longamo pay for his sins.
  • Episode 104

    Episode 104 - 22 Mins
    Longamo puts out fires with Nomasomi by asking her a question that will change her whole life. War from the tribal elders is brewing. Mthwakazi finds out her fate has been decided.
  • Episode 103

    Episode 103 - 22 Mins
    King Debeza's desire for sons leads to an unexpected proposal. Khosi's desperation is driving her to genuine insanity. Nodumo shows her true colours.
  • Episode 102

    Episode 102 - 21 Mins
    Longamo makes an unprecedented decision about the royal house while the royal women struggle to make sense of Longamo's arrogance. Khosi finds hope in a hopeless situation.
  • Episode 101

    Episode 101 - 22 Mins
    Khosi fears she will never get out of the mental institution. Nodumo is determined to save her sister from King Debeza, and Longamo is cruel to Nomasomi.
  • Episode 100

    Episode 100 - 22 Mins
    Longamo sleeps with MaMlambo to be empowered. Mthwakazi goes back to her abusive husband, and Khosi is admitted into a mental institution.
  • Episode 99

    Episode 99 - 21 Mins
    Melisizwe has to turn to Mdizeni to confirm the abuse Mthwakazi is suffering at the hands of King Debeza. He vows to make him pay for what he has done to his sister.
  • Episode 98

    Episode 98 - 21 Mins
    Longamo unleashes his wrath on his traitors, but the gods have their own plans for the day. Khosi's strange behaviour leaves Zuko convinced she's going crazy. Mdizeni finds Mthwakazi a safe shelter.
  • Episode 97

    Episode 97 - 22 Mins
    Longamo plans a celebration and revenge. Khosi tries to escape, and Mdizeni protects Mthwakazi from her husband.
  • Episode 96

    Episode 96 - 21 Mins
    Worried that Khosi might try to get away again, Zuko suggests they lock her up. Melisizwe discovers that Longamo's missing.
  • Episode 95

    Episode 95 - 21 Mins
    Mdizeni's shattering of an artefact rouses Longamo from an eternal slumber. However, as Khosi clings to the amulet, Zuko grabs it and smashes it, destroying her hope of returning to the past.
  • Episode 94

    Episode 94 - 21 Mins
    Khosi discovers that her aunt called the police to stop her from fulfilling her mission. Mdizeni and Nomasomi are visited by Longamo in a dream.
  • Episode 93

    Episode 93 - 22 Mins
    Mdizeni pulls a mat from under Dinga and his men and outsmarts them when they try to execute their plan to kill Longamo. Nompumelelo stumbles on Khosi's stash.
  • Episode 92

    Episode 92 - 23 Mins
    Longamo is lost among the spirits. Khosi has what she needs to return to the village, and the plot to murder the king is in motion. Melisizwe takes his new role as regent seriously.
  • Episode 91

    Episode 91 - 23 Mins
    Mdizeni and Nomasomi's fear becomes a reality when the villagers want Melisizwe to be king. Zuko asks Athi to come home with him after the hospital, and Khosi steals medication from the storage room.
  • Episode 90

    Episode 90 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe is still on a quest to save Mamthembu's life, but will Mamlambo's potion work? Zuko and Khosi suffer a devastating loss.
  • Episode 89

    Episode 89 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe refuses to sit and watch his mother die. He embarks on a dangerous journey to save MaMthembu's life. The doctor delivers the bad news to Khosi and Zuko.
  • Episode 88

    Episode 88 - 22 Mins
    The fate of the Queen hangs in the balance as Melisizwe makes a desperate decision to confront the powerful and dangerous Mamlambo. Khosi feels for Athi.
  • Episode 87

    Episode 87 - 21 Mins
    Longamo falls into a deep sleep while Mdizeni overhears a crucial piece of information concerning the marriage of Mthwakazi and King Debeza.
  • Episode 86

    Episode 86 - 22 Mins
    After learning that Khosi has gone missing, Longamo goes into the cave and he's not ready for what he discovers. Zuko believes Khosi's baby is his.
  • Episode 85

    Episode 85 - 22 Mins
    Time is running out for Khosi and MamThembu. The Tribal Council asks Longamo to step down, but he says he will solve the problems by marrying Khosi.
  • Episode 84

    Episode 84 - 22 Mins
    Tempers are high as the villagers have had enough of Longamo and plan to dethrone him. Khosi ruins Athi and Zuko's wedding.
  • Episode 83

    Episode 83 - 22 Mins
    Khosi and Melisizwe pray for her to return to the modern world to retrieve the vaccines. Khosi's return interrupts a crucial celebration.
  • Episode 82

    Episode 82 - 23 Mins
    Melisizwe is shocked to learn that Longamo is planning to do a ritual to stop the disease. Zuko is caught in a lie.
  • Episode 81

    Episode 81 - 23 Mins
    The plague is claiming lives by the minute. Khosi has a solution to end the plague, but she needs to do something extreme to make it happen. Mthwakazi makes a shocking revelation.
  • Episode 80

    Episode 80 - 23 Mins
    Melisizwe struggles with finding a solution to the smallpox problem, while Longamo pretends the problem doesn't exist. Zuko is torn between his future and his past.
  • Episode 79

    Episode 79 - 23 Mins
    Death and destruction loom over the village, while Athi suspects Zuko is still searching for Khosi.
  • Episode 78

    Episode 78 - 23 Mins
    The village faces a new challenge as a contagious disease breaks out and spreads quickly. Zuko hires an investigator to find Khosi. Nomabali's health condition deteriorates.
  • Episode 77

    Episode 77 - 23 Mins
    Longamo wants Nomabali to spy for him. Athi catches Zuko checking Khosi's social media. King Tshawe disowns his daughter.
  • Episode 76

    Episode 76 - 23 Mins
    Melisizwe is tortured but refuses to give up Khosi and the baby's location. Zuko learns of Athi's complicated family dynamic. MamThembu and the elders convince Longamo to stop torturing Melisizwe.
  • Episode 75

    Episode 75 - 23 Mins
    Longamo is determined to find Khosi and bring her back to the village, but Melisizwe won't have it. Zuko is not pleased with Lerumo going behind his back.
  • Episode 74

    Episode 74 - 22 Mins
    MamCwerha pushes Longamo over the edge, and it seals her fate. Zuko is surprised by the response he gets from his ex's family.
  • Episode 73

    Episode 73 - 22 Mins
    Khosi escapes to safety, but Melisizwe is captured by MamCwerha, who tries to kill him. Zuko goes big to charm Athi. Longamo fights with his mother over her interference.
  • Episode 72

    Episode 72 - 22 Mins
    Khosi's marriage to Longamo is called off. Khosi and Melisizwe are back together again after her pregnancy becomes public knowledge.
  • Episode 71

    Episode 71 - 21 Mins
    MaMthembu is happy to learn the news of Khosi's pregnancy, but they worry about Longamo and MamCwerha finding out. Melisizwe's attempt to rescue Khosi and their unborn baby proves futile.
  • Episode 70

    Episode 70 - 23 Mins
    After being deflowered by Longamo, Nomabali lies about it. Melisizwe is compromised. Khosi gives Melisizwe the ultimate gift.
  • Episode 69

    Episode 69 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe finds himself in a compromising position. Longamo does one last act of love as he bids Nomasomi farewell. Two expectant parents have different attitudes towards their unborn baby.
  • Episode 68

    Episode 68 - 22 Mins
    Khosi receives life-altering news. Zuko supports Athi, but she's not as impressed as he had hoped. Nomasomi asks to see Longamo.
  • Episode 67

    Episode 67 - 23 Mins
    Longamo is desperate to find a solution to the water crisis. Zuko reacts to the news that Athi is carrying his child. Nomasomi is offered a way out of her heartbreak.
  • Episode 66

    Episode 66 - 23 Mins
    MaMpinga is attacked for allowing a non-virgin to take part in the reed dance. The villagers fear for their lives as the lack of water continues to plague them.
  • Episode 65

    Episode 65 - 23 Mins
    Water turns to blood in the village. Is this another message from the ancestors? Athi insists on terminating her pregnancy because of all the strain she's getting from Zuko and his father.
  • Episode 64

    Episode 64 - 23 Mins
    MaMpinga has to tell MamCwerha that Khosi isn't a virgin when MamCwerha pushes for Khosi to do a virginity test. Khosi decides to return Longamo's cows.
  • Episode 63

    Episode 63 - 22 Mins
    Another nasty rash has plagued the kingdom and has everyone worried. Longamo resists his mother's idea to marry Khosi.
  • Episode 62

    Episode 62 - 23 Mins
    Khosi confronts Melisizwe about Nomabali. Nomabali isn't ready to give up on Melisizwe and teams up with an unlikely ally. Athi makes a big discovery.
  • Episode 61

    Episode 61 - 23 Mins
    After saying yes to Melisizwe's proposal, Khosi gathers the courage to confide in the Royal Inyanga about her infertility issues.
  • Episode 60

    Episode 60 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe comes clean to his mother about marrying Khosi, and MamThembu is overjoyed. Meanwhile, Nomabali wants Longamo to get rid of Khosi.
  • Episode 59

    Episode 59 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe and MamThembu are suspicious of Longamo's sudden change of heart concerning Khosi. Khosi's family apologises to Zuko for being left at the altar.
  • Episode 58

    Episode 58 - 23 Mins
    Khosi's return to the past is received with mixed emotions. Melisizwe and MamThembu beg for Khosi to stay, but their efforts are futile. Longamo wants Khosi dead.
  • Episode 57

    Episode 57 - 22 Mins
    MaMpinga is unimpressed with Nomasomi for sleeping with Longamo and calls her to task about it. Meanwhile, the plague is still taking lives.
  • Episode 56

    Episode 56 - 23 Mins
    The two lovers are finally reunited. Longamo continues to rule with an iron rod when he threatens to punish MaMpinga for helping a sick child during the national fast.
  • Episode 55

    Episode 55 - 23 Mins
    On their quest to get Khosi back, Melisizwe and Xesibe are met with an obstacle that demands the life of Melisizwe as payback for his past sins.
  • Episode 54

    Episode 54 - 23 Mins
    Longamo executes the twins. Xesibe joins Melisizwe's mission. Torn between two worlds, Khosi neglects her responsibilities and reaches out to the past.
  • Episode 53

    Episode 53 - 23 Mins
    Longamo is worried that Melisizwe has gone to find Khosi and orders his men to find him. The wedding day is around the corner and Khosi leaves for the village to prepare.
  • Episode 52

    Episode 52 - 22 Mins
    After being given a message in a dream, Melisizwe embarks on a mission with the help of the twins. Khosi tries hard to build a new life and move on with Zuko.
  • Episode 51

    Episode 51 - 23 Mins
    Longamo has proven that he'll rule with an iron fist when he's crowned and makes sure everyone knows he will not accept any move against him. Khosi tries to discourage Zuko from marrying her.
  • Episode 50

    Episode 50 - 23 Mins
    Khosi is not interested in Zuko's plans for the wedding and almost connects with Melisizwe. After discovering that Longamo is the one who deflowered Nomasomi, MaMpinga insists that they get married.
  • Episode 49

    Episode 49 - 22 Mins
    It's a sad day in the kingdom as MamThembu wants to mourn her departed husband in peace. The twins have a vision of the impending doom in the KwaMajola kingdom.
  • Episode 48

    Episode 48 - 23 Mins
    Zuko and Khosi have a dilemma, Khosi's best friend is carrying her fiancé's baby. Longamo's first act as the new king is to declare a fast to honour his father's memory.
  • Episode 47

    Episode 47 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe wakes up from a deep slumber and is shocked to find out what happened in his absence. Khosi and Zuko are shocked by Athi's pregnancy test results.
  • Episode 46

    Episode 46 - 22 Mins
    Khosi, who's finding it harder and harder to live without Melisizwe, finds a strange way to communicate with him. Longamo crosses a line by defying the laws of nature and the ancestors' wishes.
  • Episode 45

    Episode 45 - 22 Mins
    King Jonginamba tells confidential information to the wrong person who uses it to their advantage. MaMpinga shows Nomasomi that her plan was not as perfectly executed as Nomasomi thought.
  • Episode 44

    Episode 44 - 22 Mins
    MamCwerha's dreams for Longamo to be crowned the next king are close to becoming a reality. Khosi commits to her relationship with Zuko, but she's still preoccupied with Melisizwe.
  • Episode 43

    Episode 43 - 22 Mins
    MamCwerha pledges to support Melisizwe as the possible future King. Khosi finds it hard to settle back into her world because she can't get Melisizwe out of her mind and dreams.
  • Episode 42

    Episode 42 - 22 Mins
    King Jonginamba visits his ancestors, where he discovers what's been clouding his judgment. Nomasomi isn't too pleased that there'll be a virginity-testing session before the reed dance.
  • Episode 41

    Episode 41 - 22 Mins
    Khosi and Zuko spend their first night together since she found her way back, but they're haunted by a third party. Melisizwe and Longamo's brotherhood suffers more strain.
  • Episode 40

    Episode 40 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe, feeling betrayed by Longamo, has to pick himself up and forge a plan to escape. Athi's world crumbles when she finds out the truth about Zuko and Khosi.
  • Episode 39

    Episode 39 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe helps Longamo rescue MaMcwerha but learns that a leopard never changes its spots when Longamo and his mother do something despicable.
  • Episode 38

    Episode 38 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe and Longamo form an unlikely alliance and bond while on a mission to rescue the Queen Mother. Khosi decides to go back to work despite her mother's concerns.
  • Episode 37

    Episode 37 - 22 Mins
    Now that she's back in her world, Khosi wants to give her relationship with Zuko another go. Melisizwe is his brother's keeper when he goes on a quest with Longamo.
  • Episode 36

    Episode 36 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe is warned of the destruction that would follow if Longamo were to ascend to the throne. Meanwhile, Khosi's relationship with Zuko becomes more complicated.
  • Episode 35

    Episode 35 - 22 Mins
    Khosi receives the shock of her life when she walks in on Zuko and Athi in a compromising position. Longamo struggles to put a team together to search for MamCwerha.
  • Episode 34

    Episode 34 - 22 Mins
    Victorious Melisizwe presents the head of the dead Cannibal to King Tshawe. Khosi learns about her roots, while Longamo receives tragic news.
  • Episode 33

    Episode 33 - 21 Mins
    Khosi has finally gathered the courage to reach out to Zuko. The fight against the Cannibals intensifies, and Melisizwe gets some help from his mother.
  • Episode 32

    Episode 32 - 23 Mins
    Although back in her world, Khosi doesn't seem ready to face anything or anyone, not even her beloved Zuko. Melisizwe's attempt to negotiate with King Tshawe seems futile.
  • Episode 31

    Episode 31 - 22 Mins
    Weeks of persistent faith and efforts have finally paid off for Nkosazana. Melisizwe isn't coping too well with Khosi's absence. He decides to keep busy by trying to avert a war.
  • Episode 30

    Episode 30 - 23 Mins
    Instead of being put to death, Khosi is rewarded with what she's been yearning for the most. Zuko and Athi seem to have taken things to another level.
  • Episode 29

    Episode 29 - 22 Mins
    The trial has come to a conclusion, and Khosi is to be sentenced to death. On the other side, Zuko seems to have moved on with Athi.
  • Episode 28

    Episode 28 - 23 Mins
    Entering the forbidden forest has gotten Khosi into trouble as she stands trial for breaking yet another law. Mthwakazi's plan to kill Longamo is set in motion.
  • Episode 27

    Episode 27 - 22 Mins
    While running away from getting married to Longamo, Khosi enters the forbidden forest. Will Melisizwe come to her rescue?
  • Episode 26

    Episode 26 - 22 Mins
    Melisizwe's return to the kingdom brings Khosi back from her feigned death. Meanwhile, a vengeful Mthwakazi wants to make Longamo pay for the death of her lover.
  • Episode 25

    Episode 25 - 23 Mins
    A heartbroken Melisizwe decides to leave the kingdom because he can't bear seeing the love of his life married to his brother. Something tragic happens in Melisizwe's absence.
  • Episode 24

    Episode 24 - 23 Mins
    When the council of elders rules in favour of his brother, Melisizwe gives up the fight and walks away. Meanwhile, in the future, MaXhanti gives Nkosazana some glimmer of hope.
  • Episode 23

    Episode 23 - 22 Mins
    Kumkani Jonginamba is conflicted when his dream reveals who should be the next king. Nkosazana discovers Lukhanyo's whereabouts and receives shocking news from MaXhanti.
  • Episode 22

    Episode 22 - 22 Mins
    Longamo receives an unexpected reaction after murdering Zanemwula. Nkosazana goes to Khosi's father's family to get answers. Khosi and Melisizwe share a passionate kiss.
  • Episode 21

    Episode 21 - 22 Mins
    Seeing Mthwakazi suffer because of love, Khosi decides to step in and help her escape. Nkosazana gets the sign she's been waiting for.
  • Episode 20

    Episode 20 - 22 Mins
    After her abduction, Khosi puts up a fight. Nkosazana is tired of sitting and doing nothing and returns to Imbo village to find Khosi.
  • Episode 19

    Episode 19 - 22 Mins
    After finding out that she can't escape her destiny, Khosi finally relents. Zuko tries to convince Nkosazana that she's wrong about him.
  • Episode 18

    Episode 18 - 23 Mins
    MamCwerha has learnt of Khosi's importance to the throne and entices Longamo to marry her before Melisizwe does. Athi and Zuko hold a press conference to clear their names.
  • Episode 17

    Episode 17 - 23 Mins
    Feeling betrayed by Zuko and Athi, a grieving Nkosazana tells everyone who can hear that Zuko and Athi are sleeping together.
  • Episode 16

    Episode 16 - 22 Mins
    Conflict arises as Khosi refuses to embrace her destiny. Nkosazana confronts Athi and Zuko. Mthwakazi's relationship with Zanemvula is exposed.
  • Episode 15

    Episode 15 - 22 Mins
    Things take a different turn when Nkosazana starts thinking that Khosi didn't just disappear, but that Zuko murdered her. Meanwhile, Khosi has her first dream about Melisizwe.
  • Episode 14

    Episode 14 - 23 Mins
    After Nomabali speaks to Queen Mthembu about her findings, she decides to escalate the issue to Queen MamCwerha. Athi starts making herself comfortable around Zuko's house.
  • Episode 13

    Episode 13 - 22 Mins
    As Khosi and Melisizwe get closer and closer, Athi and Zuko seem to be headed in the same direction. Athi helps Zuko with a plan of healing.
  • Episode 12

    Episode 12 - 22 Mins
    Out in the bush, Melisizwe and Khosi discover Xesibe has been hiding a secret child with great powers. Princess Mthwakazi falls in love with a commoner.
  • Episode 11

    Episode 11 - 23 Mins
    The rivalry between the two princes continues when Melisizwe and Longamo get into a tussle that leads to King Tshawe getting injured.
  • Episode 10

    Episode 10 - 22 Mins
    MamCwerha finally sets her plan to murder Kumkani Jonginamba in motion. Unfortunately, her plot against the king is unmasked.
  • Episode 9

    Episode 9 - 22 Mins
    Khosi tells Melisizwe about the attempt on his life. Melisizwe reveals he knows his brother has bad intentions, and Khosi promises to help him overcome him.
  • Episode 8

    Episode 8 - 22 Mins
    In an attempt to get rid of Melisizwe once and for all, Longamo slips into Melisizwe's hut in the middle of the night to kill him. Khosi shows up to protect her patient.
  • Episode 7

    Episode 7 - 22 Mins
    A grief-stricken MaMthembu blames Khosi for the death of her son and punishes her. Longamo and his mother are disappointed to discover that Melisizwe is alive.
  • Episode 6

    Episode 6 - 24 Mins
    MamCwerha seeks the help of a witchdoctor to put a spell on Melisizwe's spear. When news of his death reaches the kingdom, Khosi thinks her only chance of getting back home is gone.
  • Episode 5

    Episode 5 - 23 Mins
    Melisizwe pleads with Kumkani Jonginamba to release Khosi from the pit. Khosi admits to Melisizwe that she has his missing magical amulet.
  • Episode 4

    Episode 4 - 23 Mins
    After helping Melisizwe get better, Khosi is told she's no longer useful to the Royal homestead. MamThembu has her thrown into the pit for creating too many enemies with her Western medicine.
  • Episode 3

    Episode 3 - 22 Mins
    While nursing her patient back to health, Khosi and Prince Melisizwe grow closer. To prove which of the brothers should rule after King Jonginamba, Melisizwe and his brother Longamo have to kill the dreaded Mamlambo.
  • Episode 2

    Episode 2 - 22 Mins
    After Khosi arrives in the past, she saves a dying man only to discover he is a prince of the Majola kingdom. When the community start accusing her of being a witch, her gift of healing saves her.
  • Episode 1

    Episode 1 - 43 Mins
    Khosi and Zuko, a newly engaged couple, run away together to celebrate their engagement. Things take a turn when Khosi gets transported back in time by a magical amulet.


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Showmax currently has 1 season of 1802: Love Defies Time available for streaming.

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