My Brother'S Keeper
A story about an overly ambitious son tired of being side-lined by his father, who decides to break the family rules by going after his brother's widow.
Wiseman Mncube, Zola Nombona, Lindani Nkosi
Watch Full Episodes of My Brother'S Keeper
Watch My Brother'S Keeper Season 1
Episode 1
Episode 1 - 23 MinsThe Shabalala Empire is under threat of closing, and Nqubeko has a plan of how he will save the family company and earn his place at the top.Episode 2
Episode 2 - 22 MinsTragedy befalls the Shabalala family. Mshengu resorts to drastic measures to save his son from misery. Ndumiso returns home after being bailed out.Episode 3
Episode 3 - 22 MinsAmid the tragedy, Fakazile makes a move that shocks the Shabalalas to the core. Nqubeko finds himself caught between two warring camps.Episode 4
Episode 4 - 22 MinsFakazile gives in to Mshengu's demand; however, she holds an ace up her sleeve. Thoba prepares to break the grip of his mother in order to claim a place at the Mshengu table.Episode 5
Episode 5 - 21 MinsNqubeko prepares for his moment of glory when Mshengu calls a family meeting and delivers a blow that shocks everyone. Koketso sets the record straight with Sibusiso when he stands up for her at work.Episode 6
Episode 6 - 23 MinsFakazile is left shocked when the Shabalalas tell her she must marry one of Khwezi's brothers. Thoba orders the canteen manager to reinstate Sombi.Episode 7
Episode 7 - 22 MinsMshengu dangles the CEO carrot in his sons' faces, promising it to whoever will ngena Fakazile. A grief-stricken widow feels the walls closing in on her as her world crumbles around her.Episode 8
Episode 8 - 21 MinsNomusa clears obstacles for Nqubeko, paving the way for him to be CEO. Sombi tries to break Musa's spirit.Episode 9
Episode 9 - 22 MinsNqubeko is on a quest that puts him on a collision course with the family patriarch. Sombi does everything in her power to ward off the advances of a determined suitor.Episode 10
Episode 10 - 21 MinsMshengu reveals how Fakazile's new husband will be chosen. Sibusiso goes all out for Sombi. Maskhosana, Mam'Sarah's neighbour, makes a scandalous discovery.Episode 11
Episode 11 - 22 MinsEveryone is infuriated by Mshengu's idea of Isigqoko, but he doesn't care about their emotions. Thoba tries to convince Sibusiso to forget about Sombi, but Sibusiso is already in too deep.Episode 12
Episode 12 - 22 MinsNomshado tells her sister to watch her back. Sombi tells Sibusiso it'll never work out between them. MaSkhosana witnesses an innocent interaction and assumes the worst.Episode 13
Episode 13 - 22 MinsNqubeko scores a win with Nomshado. Fakazile sees Nqubeko in action and is attracted to him. A crisis forces Sombi to bond with Sibusiso, and she begins to see him in a different light.Episode 14
Episode 14 - 22 MinsMaMchunu is shocked when Fakazile asks her to rig the isigqoko contest in Nqubeko's favour. Sombi finds herself in trouble with Mam'Sarah for not sleeping at home.Episode 15
Episode 15 - 21 MinsThe cultural practice of Isigqoko takes place. A mother-in-law, her son and her makoti collude in the crooked place by messing with fate. Sombi feels like a curse to her parents.Episode 16
Episode 16 - 22 MinsThe outcome of Isigqoko leaves the whole Shabalala family reeling with shock, especially the chosen one. Donga is at the tail end of a lashing he does not deserve. Fakazile makes a dangerous decision.Episode 17
Episode 17 - 22 MinsMshengu announces the wedding date. Sombi and Sibusiso bond over her assignment results.Episode 18
Episode 18 - 22 MinsDonga finds a blessing in not being chosen to ngena Fakazile. Sibusiso and Sombi take a big step in their budding relationship.Episode 19
Episode 19 - 22 MinsMshengu finds a way to spin his web so that Nqubeko grooms Thuthuka. Fakazile knocks an ace up her sleeve by fooling Thuthuka into signing a prenup. Sbu shoots his cupid arrow, landing straight in Sombi's heart.Episode 20
Episode 20 - 22 MinsOn the first night of her wedding, Fakazile gets a taste of what life will be like with Thuthuka. Mam'Sarah finally accepts that Sombi is dating and gives her a pep talk.Episode 21
Episode 21 - 21 MinsSombi and Sibusiso cause a stir and ruffle some feathers. Fakazile has a bombshell in store for the Shabalalas.Episode 22
Episode 22 - 22 MinsSarah is not pleased that Sombi came home in the early hours. Fakazile uses culture to keep Mshengu at bay. Mshengu puts all his trust in Nqubeko to bring the Merger home.Episode 23
Episode 23 - 22 MinsMshengu works his magic on Nqubeko, and he works his magic on Fakazile. Sarah walks in on Sombi and Sbu and makes a big deal out of it. Thoba is disappointed by Nkululeko.Episode 24
Episode 24 - 22 MinsNqubeko pulls out all the stops to bring the merger home. Sombi's parental responsibilities interfere with Sibusiso's date night plans. MaMchunu goes straight to the pit of hell for her son's sake.Episode 25
Episode 25 - 22 MinsMshengu is pleased and touched when Nqubeko presents him with the signed merger documents. Donga asks Nkululeko and Lerato to represent him to Nomalanga's family about imbeleko for Thoba.Episode 26
Episode 26 - 22 MinsThuthuka learns a painful truth about the people he calls family and is forced to stake his claim on his wife.Episode 27
Episode 27 - 22 MinsFakazile is exposed to another side of Thuthuka, and their relationship takes a surprising turn.Episode 28
Episode 28 - 22 MinsThuthuka flaunts what he knows Nqubeko wants in front of him, torturing him with a smile.Episode 29
Episode 29 - 22 MinsMshengu is forced to deliver on a promise he made with his mouth to maintain being a man of his word.Episode 30
Episode 30 - 22 MinsAn undelivered promise puts two brothers at odds with each other, with Fakazile in the centre of the conflict.Episode 31
Episode 31 - 21 MinsNomusa steps up to clean the Thuthuka mess Nqubeko is in. After consummating their relationship, guilt quickly swallows Koketso.Episode 32
Episode 32 - 22 MinsThuthuka fails to attend an important meeting, leaving the family wondering and speculating about his whereabouts. Mam'Sarah is on a mission to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself with Koketso.Episode 33
Episode 33 - 22 MinsThere is grief and devastation as a family and community come to terms with an untimely death. When Nqubeko comes face-to-face with his dark deed, he makes a devastating decision.Episode 34
Episode 34 - 21 MinsMaMchunu is barred from burying her son. Phindi makes a shocking announcement to the bereaved Shabalalas. Koketso and Sibusiso fail to fix things in their relationship.Episode 35
Episode 35 - 22 MinsMaMchunu defies Mshengu and shows up at the funeral; Mshengu returns the gesture, but not in kind. Koketso gets conflicting advice on the way forward with Sbu.Episode 36
Episode 36 - 22 MinsMshengu tells MaMchunu to come clean to the family about her wrongdoings.Episode 37
Episode 37 - 22 MinsMshengu kicks MaMchunu out of the house, but her children rescue her. Fakazile defies Mshengu and refuses to wear the clothes of ukuzila.Episode 38
Episode 38 - 22 MinsWith Thuthuka dead, will Mshengu finally do the right thing, or will he cling to power and continue side-lining Nqubeko? Koketso and Sibusiso build castles in the air.Episode 39
Episode 39 - 22 MinsMshengu pushes MaMchunu too far. Nomusa is ready for the next phase of their lives, but Nqubeko's guilt is holding them back. Donga and Khathazile's new reality causes them serious humiliation.Episode 40
Episode 40 - 22 MinsMshengu sees his life flashing before his eyes. Donga is embarrassed when he learns Sibusiso gave the twins money to go shopping.Episode 41
Episode 41 - 21 MinsFakazile freaks out, smelling rotten chicken. Donga is angry at Sibusiso for humiliating him. Hlelo and Lwethu get their exam results.Episode 42
Episode 42 - 22 MinsSomeone in the family is pregnant, but who is the lucky wife? Mshengu extends an olive branch to MaMchunu. Thoba finds out a secret that could turn Donga's family upside down.Episode 43
Episode 43 - 22 MinsFakazile tells Nqubeko she will claim Thuthuka is the father of her unborn baby. Donga is excited that he got the tender but is quickly disappointed that funding won't come before Christmas.Episode 44
Episode 44 - 22 MinsNqubeko tells his parents that he impregnated another woman. Donga's desperation to get the money for the tender leads him down a slippery slope with Ndumiso.Episode 45
Episode 45 - 22 MinsNqubeko and Fakazile face the wrath of the Shabalalas. Donga's hopes are crushed as his pride does more harm than good. Ndumiso is on a deeply conflicted mission.Episode 46
Episode 46 - 22 MinsThe elders advise Fakazile to report her pregnancy to Nomusa. Donga has a lonely, miserable Christmas. An unexpected visitor joins the Mmamaila's for Christmas lunch.Episode 47
Episode 47 - 22 MinsNomusa learns the truth. Fakazile regrets crossing paths with Nqubeko. Mam'Sarah learns Paledi is there to stay.Episode 48
Episode 48 - 22 MinsMshengu has a solution to the infidelity mess. Nomusa feels betrayed by her confidante. Mam'Sarah discovers the truth about a particular visitor.Episode 49
Episode 49 - 22 MinsMshengu's solution does more damage than good for Nomusa and Fakazile. Sibusiso discovers a secret that may break hearts in their home. Paledi has a crush on someone out of his league.Episode 50
Episode 50 - 22 MinsNqubeko calls Nomusa and Fakazile and presents them with a bombshell of a proposal. Donga has Sibusiso get him money from loan sharks. Sibusiso confronts Lwethu and Hlelo about faking their results.Episode 51
Episode 51 - 22 MinsNomusa feels like she's losing Nqubeko to Fakazile. Donga rubs his victory in Mshengu's face. Koketso officially introduces Sibusiso as her boyfriend to her parents.Episode 52
Episode 52 - 22 MinsWhen Nomusa is pushed into a corner, she makes a dangerous move. Donga makes a desperate attempt to save his skin. Nqubeko doesn't seem to know when to stop.Episode 53
Episode 53 - 21 MinsMshengu welcomes Khathazile at Shaba's snacks. Donga tells Khathazile to rule herself. Nomusa waits for Nqubeko.Episode 54
Episode 54 - 22 MinsDonga puts Khathazile in a compromising and humiliating situation. Paledi goes all broke for the girl of his dreams. Will she be impressed?Episode 55
Episode 55 - 22 MinsNqubeko insists on marrying Fakazile, but Mshengu gives him an ultimatum. Khathazile is embarrassed when she has to clean up after her girls at the shisanyama.Episode 56
Episode 56 - 22 MinsNqubeko fails to sway Mshengu to let him marry Fakazile, while Nomusa's hopes of falling pregnant hang by a thread. Donga's woes mount as Sibusiso takes the fall for his sins.Episode 57
Episode 57 - 22 MinsNomusa has a health scare that forces Nqubeko to miss his baby's first ultrasound with Fakazile. Feeling backed up against a wall, Donga resorts to desperate measures to protect his family.Episode 58
Episode 58 - 22 MinsNqubeko can't stop hopping between the fire and the frying pan. Donga has to say a deeply sorrowful goodbye. Mshengu is faced with a painful reality.Episode 59
Episode 59 - 22 MinsFakazile states her claim. Mashonisa Sibusiso, while Bra Mesh notices things are missing.Episode 60
Episode 60 - 22 MinsNqubeko makes a compelling plea to get his family's support to marry Fakazile. Bra Mesh accuses Piet of sabotage. Nomusa makes a decision about her marriage that surprises everyone.Episode 61
Episode 61 - 22 MinsFakazile is caught on the back foot by Nomusa's terms and conditions for their marriage. Nqubeko fails to convince her as Fakazile finds an ace up her sleeve.Episode 62
Episode 62 - 22 MinsFakazile has to choose between Nqubeko and her family. Ndumiso lies to Puseletso about the money. Piet and Bra Mesh's war is far from over, and no one wants to submit.Episode 63
Episode 63 - 22 MinsFakazile feels like everything is falling apart and begins to doubt that she can go through with the wedding. Ndumiso and Donga pay Nomalanga inhlawulo for Thoba.Episode 64
Episode 64 - 21 MinsNomusa gives Nqubeko an ultimatum. Thoba learns that Sbu gets more money. The foot soldiers deliver a package for Ndumiso.Episode 65
Episode 65 - 22 MinsNqubeko is brought face-to-face with horrors from his past, both recent and distant. Fakazile has a gut-wrenching, crushing realisation. Piet is on a mission.Episode 66
Episode 66 - 22 MinsIsithembu rears its ugly head for a wife in Nqubeko's Family. Ndumiso is caught red-handed swimming in money, and damage control isn't cheap.Episode 67
Episode 67 - 22 MinsWhen Thoba learns how his father made his money, he starts dreaming big, but Ndumiso refuses to cut him any slack.Episode 68
Episode 68 - 23 MinsMshengu reveals his treacherous plan to Donga. Nomusa consoles Nqubeko, who's still smarting over Mshengu's Betrayal. Thoba steals Donga's money to pursue illicit dealings.Episode 69
Episode 69 - 22 MinsNqubeko rejects the choices made by Mshengu and feels snubbed and betrayed, while Ndumiso's lifestyle lures Thoba in.Episode 70
Episode 70 - 22 MinsThings get very ugly for Nqubeko. Puseletso faces a challenge she never imagined. Thoba is treading on very dangerous ground.Episode 71
Episode 71 - 22 MinsNomusa accuses Fakazile of wanting to alienate Nqubeko from his family. Thoba gets arrested for his fake money scheme, and Ndumiso does the unthinkable.Episode 72
Episode 72 - 22 MinsNqubeko and Fakazile make a move that has Mshengu sweating. Khathazile is scandalised upon learning the truth about Koketso.Episode 73
Episode 73 - 22 MinsMshengu and Nqubeko's confrontation threatens to take the family to the brink. Nomusa begs Nqubeko to make peace with the family, while Fakazile reminds him that the winner takes it all.Episode 74
Episode 74 - 22 MinsNomusa begs Mshengu not to give up on Nqubeko. Ndumiso tries to bribe cops to return his confiscated money.Episode 75
Episode 75 - 22 MinsMshengu disowns Nqubeko and pits him against Donga. Trouble comes knocking on Ndumiso's doorstep. A blast from Koketso's past crawls out of the woodwork.Episode 76
Episode 76 - 22 MinsNqubeko is reeling from the aftermath of recent events and fails to notice something shifting in both his marriages. Donga gets a dose of what his father is truly capable of.Episode 77
Episode 77 - 22 MinsNqubeko shows Donga the door. Koketso is between a rock and a hard place. Thoba is disappointed in Sbu.Episode 78
Episode 78 - 22 MinsShaba Snacks and Majola Munchies battle it out for clients. Ndumiso is strong-armed into transporting dangerous goods for the government.Episode 79
Episode 79 - 22 MinsNqubeko and Fakazile continue with their kamikaze operation, stealing Mshengu's clients under his nose. Sbu's heart grows tender with the arrival of Koketso's baby daddy.Episode 80
Episode 80 - 22 MinsNdumiso discovers he made a deal with the devil. Bra Mesh kicks out the Mphahleles, and Koketso sets Kgoshi straight. Donga is convinced that Nqubeko is under Fakazile's love spell.Episode 81
Episode 81 - 22 MinsDonga lies to Nqubeko about a cleansing ceremony. A Shaba Snacks truck is found with illicit rhino horns. Bra Mesh finally forgives the Mphahleles.Episode 82
Episode 82 - 22 MinsMshengu blames Nqubeko for the rhino horn smuggling. Ndumiso reveals to Thoba that he's the culprit. Koketso and Kgoshi still have a long way to go before settling in a good place again.Episode 83
Episode 83 - 22 MinsMshengu gets released from jail and goes on the attack. Nomusa tries to sow division between Nqubeko and Fakazile, but Nqubeko won't bite. Mshengu tells Ndumiso that he knows the gold bars were his.Episode 84
Episode 84 - 22 MinsNqubeko's lines against the family are all drawn in the sand. Thoba gets the shock of his life. Kgoshi makes all his intentions clear.Episode 85
Episode 85 - 22 MinsNdumiso's well-meaning intention to redeem Puseletso in Mshengu's eyes blows up in his face. Thoba's careless remarks earn him a strong tongue-lashing from Donga.Episode 86
Episode 86 - 22 MinsIn the aftermath of the rhino horn saga, Ndumiso ducks and dives. Koketso's trip to her baby daddy's home threatens her relationship with Sibusiso. Thoba is desperate to leave his uncle's pigsty.Episode 87
Episode 87 - 22 MinsNdumiso's marital woes send him packing. Koketso finds herself caught between an old flame and a new one. Thoba celebrates being out of exile.Episode 88
Episode 88 - 22 MinsMshengu is on a mission to save one of his children from themselves. Koketso is at a crossroads. Meanwhile, Ndumiso is forced to face some harsh truths.Episode 89
Episode 89 - 22 MinsNdumiso plans a lavish proposal for Puseletso. Sibusiso takes Lerumo and Koketso out on a fun date, much to Kgoshi's annoyance. Mshengu surprises Puseletso and praises her as CEO.Episode 90
Episode 90 - 22 MinsPuseletso makes an emotional decision. MaMchunu is offended by one of her makoti's statements.Episode 91
Episode 91 - 22 MinsPuseletso decides against leaving Ndumiso. She conquers Mshengu's heart with a business quest. Koketso's poor choices lead to a fight between Sibusiso and Kgoshi.Episode 92
Episode 92 - 22 MinsMthobisi gives Puseletso some fat to chew on when he poses a hard-hitting question. Koketso finds herself facing fire from all directions in her life.Episode 93
Episode 93 - 22 MinsPuseletso's earth has tilted on its axis. Koketso's day holds some possibly life-changing surprises. Fakazile and Nqubeko are shocked by an unexpected proposal.Episode 94
Episode 94 - 22 MinsPuseletso dangles Jungle Wholesalers in Nqubeko's face to get him to hire her. Ndumiso has plans to gift Puseletso with something sentimental on their lobola day.Episode 95
Episode 95 - 22 MinsMshengu finds out about Puseletso's betrayal. Koketso finds a lovely surprise at the end of a scavenger hunt.Episode 96
Episode 96 - 22 MinsNdumiso has to step up for those he loves. Koketso finds herself distraught over one man while with another man.Episode 97
Episode 97 - 21 MinsIn the aftermath of Mshengu's brawl with Nqubeko, he feels like a wounded lion that no one wants. Sibusiso is super adamant that Koketso is his and his alone.Episode 98
Episode 98 - 22 MinsNomusa arranges an intervention between Mshengu and Nqubeko. Koketso misses Kgoshietsile and succumbs to her desires. Moketsi continues making moves on Puseletso.Episode 99
Episode 99 - 22 MinsNqubeko tries to confront his father about his pain but fails yet again. Puseletso tries to establish boundaries with Moketsi in vain. Sbu finds out that Koketso cheated on him.Episode 100
Episode 100 - 22 MinsMshengu faces an unexpected rebellion. Fakazile confronts Puseletso about what she saw her doing. Sbu receives another shocking revelation from Koketso.Episode 101
Episode 101 - 22 MinsNqubeko accuses Mshengu of trying to kill him. Nomusa alleges that Fakazile has a curse on her, and she's the reason Nqubeko landed in the hospital.Episode 102
Episode 102 - 21 MinsNqubeko reveals what he believes to be true about the shooting at the launch. Ndumiso receives a chilling threat and revelation. Thoba acquires a new wingman in the life of single-hood.Episode 103
Episode 103 - 22 MinsNqubeko's dream confirms what he has always known. Puseletso and Mthobisi's romantic date continues. Sibusiso struggles to get over Koketso.Episode 104
Episode 104 - 22 MinsMshengu's world begins to spin way out of his control as Nqubeko backs him into a dangerous corner. Nomusa seeks the help of an unexpected ally.Episode 105
Episode 105 - 22 MinsNqubeko corners Mshengu into confessing the truth about Khwezi's death. Puseletso is caught between love and duty.Episode 106
Episode 106 - 22 MinsHulumeni has MaMchunu isolated from everyone. Nomusa leaves Moketsi's house in a rush. Thoba and Sbu joke about the draining family meetings.Episode 107
Episode 107 - 22 MinsMshengu and Nqubeko take their first steps towards reconciliation. Sibusiso is starting to heal from Koketso's heartbreak. Didi is catching feelings for Sibusiso.Episode 108
Episode 108 - 22 MinsMshengu returns from the hospital. Ndumiso asks for forgiveness from Nqubeko. Mshengu asks Nqubeko to come back home, but he rejects himEpisode 109
Episode 109 - 22 MinsNdumiso comes face to face with the wrath of his actions. MaMchunu's quest for peace and reconciliation in the Mshengu household blows up in smoke.Episode 110
Episode 110 - 22 MinsMaMchunu pleads with Ndumiso to apologise to Nqubeko. Fakazile asks Moketsi to leave Puseletso alone. Moketsi proposes to Puseletso.Episode 111
Episode 111 - 22 MinsPuseletso makes a hard choice between the men she loves. Didi's friend is shocked by Didi's confession and intentions. Sibusiso is surprised and touched by Donga's support.Episode 112
Episode 112 - 22 MinsMaMchunu finds out about Puseletso's affair and wants to expose it, but Mshengu forbids her. Ndumiso stands up to his father and makes him apologise for disrespecting Puseletso.Episode 113
Episode 113 - 22 MinsNdumiso threatens to move out of home over his parents disrespecting his wife. MaMchunu reveals the truth of the affair to Donga.Episode 114
Episode 114 - 22 MinsMaMchunu sets the record straight with Puseletso about where they stand. Ndumiso has the wrong end of the stick, thinking Khathazile cheated on Donga.Episode 115
Episode 115 - 22 MinsPuseletso has turned into a pariah in the Mshengu Household. Ndumiso is still oblivious to the scandal unfolding around him. Sibusiso betrays Thoba by unleashing the beast in Didi.Episode 116
Episode 116 - 22 MinsMaMchunu is unyielding about forgiving Puseletso. Ndumiso finds a pregnancy test kit in Puseletso's bag and is excited to be a father again. Sibusiso finds himself in a complicated situation.Episode 117
Episode 117 - 22 MinsPuseletso and MaMchunu find uneasy common ground. Ndumiso's hopes and excitement about the next phase in his marriage are dashed. Thoba's attempt at dating is thwarted by the girl he likes.Episode 118
Episode 118 - 22 MinsMshengu shows MaMchunu his romantic side. Ndumiso apologises to Nqubeko for insulting him. Dumped lover Moeketsi learns of Puseletso's wedding.Episode 119
Episode 119 - 22 MinsNqubeko is livid about Moeketsi and wants to teach him a lesson. MaMchunu's daughters-in-law play a silly trick on MaMchunu, leaving her giddy and buzzing.Episode 120
Episode 120 - 22 MinsPuseletso's long-awaited wedding to Ndumiso is threatened. A family betrayal comes to the surface while Puseletso's oblivious family is excited about her overdue wedding.Episode 121
Episode 121 - 22 MinsThe Mshengus are forced to deal with the fallout of their betrayal of Ndumiso. Thoba vows to box in his father's corner, while Majola Munchies lose their biggest client.Episode 122
Episode 122 - 22 MinsNdumiso's hurt drives him and Puseletso to a dangerous place. Nqubeko and Fakazile find out the gender of their child. Thoba unravels after finding out that Puseletso cheated on his father.Episode 123
Episode 123 - 22 MinsMshengu apologises to his sons and begins reuniting his family. Ndumiso feels things will never change and rejects Puseletso's efforts to make peace. Thoba confronts Puseletso and gets burnt.Episode 124
Episode 124 - 22 MinsNdumiso sets off to Ekuthuleni for introspection. MaMchunu reminds a down-spirited Nomusa that she can still bear Nqubeko as an heir.Episode 125
Episode 125 - 22 MinsNqubeko's desperation and grudge to fight Mshengu leads him to a dangerous decision. The gulf between Ndumiso and Thoba is far from over.Episode 126
Episode 126 - 22 MinsNqubeko's heroic mission to topple Mshengu and ride gloriously into town backfires when he realises that he has been sold a 'dummy'. Puseletso's guilt grows by the minute.Episode 127
Episode 127 - 22 MinsMshengu and MaMchunu consider a vow renewal. Ndumiso returns home from the villages with shocking news about his wife and father.Episode 128
Episode 128 - 22 MinsThe chickens come home to roost for Mshengu when Nqubeko exposes what only he knows about Mshengu. Ndumiso finds it hard to forgive Puseletso.Episode 129
Episode 129 - 21 MinsMaMchunu is torn after finding out she's been sharing her bed with the man who has dealt her the most significant blow. A confrontation between MaMchunu and Fakazile turns Fakazile's world upside down.Episode 130
Episode 130 - 22 MinsFakazile comes guns blazing for the Mshengu. Despite Donga's shared feelings about Mshengu's actions, he cannot do anything to stop the collapse of the Shabalala family.
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How many seasons of My Brother'S Keeper are there?
Showmax currently has 1 season of My Brother'S Keeper available for streaming.

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