The Johnsons
The JohnsonsA family sitcom that focus on an average family based in Lagos Nigeria; their diverse traits and how they cope with what life has to offer them
Charles Inojie, Chinedu Ikedieze, Ada Amen
Watch Full Episodes of The Johnsons
Watch The Johnsons Season 5
Episode 592
Episode 592 - 26 MinsEfe alerts the family that Spiff has not returned home after they've received their JAMB results. Did he go back to Pablo's house? Or did he run away?Episode 591
Episode 591 - 27 MinsThe JAMB results are out, but not everyone has reason to celebrate. Mohammed gets big news.Episode 590
Episode 590 - 26 MinsWhile Emu, Tari and Jennifer try to convince Lucky to accept a kinship, Spiff and Abulu get mixed up with a very bad person who is looking for a bald head to offer as burial gift...Episode 589
Episode 589 - 24 MinsMohammed discovers a bag of money. He is scared that it might be fake, but devise a dangerous plan to confirm his suspicions...Episode 588
Episode 588 - 21 MinsPablo and Deputy pretends to be Lucky's gate men and take acceptance of a very important package that arrives for Lucky...Episode 587
Episode 587 - 22 MinsMohammed overhears part of a heated argument between Pablo and Lucky: The part where Pablo says that Spiff will die in two days' time...Episode 586
Episode 586 - 23 MinsAbulu causes Efe to get injured and miss a seminar. He devises a plan to make up for it. Lucky forces Spiff to apologise for insulting a potential business partner's daughter.Episode 585
Episode 585 - 19 MinsSpiff and Abulu use their Saturday to prepare for the WAEC exam. Have they turned a new leaf? Mohammed agrees that Aisha tries her hand at sales at Pablo's shop a second time.Episode 584
Episode 584 - 20 MinsEfe and Spiff must collect items for Charity Day at school, but they lose sight of what charity day should be about.Episode 583
Episode 583 - 21 MinsEfe tries to convince Lucky to buy him online versions of his textbooks. Aisha borrows money to get what she wants. Will she be able to repay her debt?Episode 582
Episode 582 - 25 MinsAisha is in a foul mood after Lucky told her that she can't open a small kiosk in front of the house. Her mood works in the boys' and Drip's favour. Or does it?Episode 581
Episode 581 - 24 MinsEverybody wants to buy a car. But if an advertisement sounds too good to be true, it probably is...Episode 580
Episode 580 - 22 MinsWhen Lucky rewards Blessing and Tari for being honest and taking responsibility for their actions, Spiff also owns up to his mistakes. Unknowingly Lucky puts Efe under extreme pressure to perform well in his exams.Episode 579
Episode 579 - 20 MinsSpiff learns about recycling and that you can reuse unwanted things. He wants to do the right thing, but his recycling gets him into a lot of trouble.Episode 578
Episode 578 - 25 MinsEmu's youngest sister, Ese, comes for a visit. Ese is very angry that she wasn't invited to the wedding and demands that Jennifer and Goodluck comes over to beg her forgiveness.Episode 577
Episode 577 - 22 MinsAbulu comes up with another idea to avoid him and Spiff writing the WAEC exam.Episode 576
Episode 576 - 27 MinsPablo is convinced he is going to be the next millionaire of Lagos. Tari shows Spiff and Abulu ways to make the upcoming exams a little easier...Episode 575
Episode 575 - 27 MinsLucky brainwashes Spiff and Abulu into believing that he can monitor the amount of preparations they do for their exams with a special device.Episode 574
Episode 574 - 27 MinsA young man arrives at the Johnson house with a letter from his late mother. Is the boy Lucky's son?Episode 573
Episode 573 - 24 MinsLucky allows a film crew in the house to record scenes for a movie. While Spiff desperately wants to land a small role in the film, Drip is scared to stay in the 'haunted room'.Episode 572
Episode 572 - 26 MinsLucky tells Deputy and Pablo about a son who buried his father in a golden casket. It's not long before they hatch a plan to get their hands on the treasure. Abulu tells Efe that not all lies are bad...Episode 571
Episode 571 - 21 MinsSpiff skips school. Lucky catches him and gives him a proper hiding. On the other hand, Pablo showers Spiff with gifts. Does he have a hidden agenda?Episode 570
Episode 570 - 27 MinsDeputy offers to help everyone with their problems. At a small fee of course...Episode 569
Episode 569 - 21 MinsSpiff tries to save money for a meal at a very expensive restaurant. He asks Drip to give him the money equivalent of his daily meals instead of cooking for him. How long will he be able to starve himself?Episode 568
Episode 568 - 23 MinsAbulu is really trying hard to study and do well in the exams. Lucky notices it and rewards him for his efforts. Efe is jealous of the attention Abulu is receiving.Episode 567
Episode 567 - 27 MinsTari is tired of doing chores at Jennifer's place and runs back home to hide. He asks Efe and Spiff to cover for him. Deputy is rounding up mourners for a funeral.Episode 566
Episode 566 - 21 MinsSpiff and Abulu make fun of Efe when he sets out to repair the broken UPS. Aisha tells Drip that she knows how to make meat pie. She gets Mohammed to assist her in the kitchen.Episode 565
Episode 565 - 27 MinsLucky agrees to borrow money to Deputy and Pablo, on condition that they find a person in the Johnson house to stand surety for them. Aisha wants to earn her own money.Episode 564
Episode 564 - 21 MinsEfe is jealous and upset when Drip announces that she is going to accompany Lucky and his staff on a company retreat.Episode 563
Episode 563 - 21 MinsLucky tells Mohammed that he and Aisha should stop fighting and be more romantic. Efe teaches Mohammed to be more romantic.Episode 562
Episode 562 - 27 MinsDrip receives a phone call from someone who threatens to report her to immigration officers. Spiff goes on a hunger strike. The family agrees to support him but throws a secret birthday celebration for Efe.Episode 561
Episode 561 - 26 MinsMohammed is having a very lucky day. But as the day goes on, it gets more problematic. Pablo is driving Lucky crazy, even in his sleep.Episode 560
Episode 560 - 21 MinsPablo cons Mohammed into buying his wife's ring for Aisha,but Mohammed has the last laugh. Drip asks Efe for relationship advice, but he doesn't say what she wants to hear.Episode 559
Episode 559 - 21 MinsPablo vows that he will not put foot in the Johnson house again. There is a strong attraction between Drip and her friend Simon, but then she meets Temmy...Episode 558
Episode 558 - 23 MinsIt's time for the JAMB exam. Spiff and Abulu realise that they are not prepared. Even Efe feels the strain.Episode 557
Episode 557 - 26 MinsTracy tells Lucky that she is doing a work report on foolish people. She finds more than one in the Johnson's house.Episode 556
Episode 556 - 25 MinsDrip reads in a book that in the olden days it was believed that left-handed people was cursed. Spiff decides to stop using his left hand. Efe and Abulu uses Mohammed in a series of bets.Episode 555
Episode 555 - 26 MinsLucky tells Drip that he can sell more herbal products in three days than she can sell in a week. He soon realises that it is easier said than doneEpisode 554
Episode 554 - 26 MinsAfter badmouthing Drip and Efe, Spiff and Abulu realise that it is very important for them to pass their JAMB exam, and that the only people who can help them pass is Efe or Drip.Episode 553
Episode 553 - 26 MinsSpiff has a recurring bad dream and fears that it might come true. Goodluck asks Lucky and Drip to be godparents to his and Jennifer's child and also to name the baby.Episode 552
Episode 552 - 27 MinsDeputy claims he is a changed man and begs everyone he has ever wronged forgiveness. While Lucky doesn't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, Aisha puts the new Deputy to the test.Episode 551
Episode 551 - 27 MinsLucky catches Spiff and Abulu playing video games while they are supposed to be studying. As if they are not in enough trouble, they play a nasty prank on Efe.Episode 550
Episode 550 - 24 MinsDrip warns Efe not to mess around in Lucky's lab, but Efe doesn't listen. Akpos believes he has found the perfect manager to manage his career.Episode 549
Episode 549 - 24 MinsLucky believes his on the verge of a breakthrough and asks Drip to be his lab assistant. She is initially very interested but then another prospect seems more appealing.Episode 548
Episode 548 - 22 MinsAbulu is upset when Spiff chooses meat over their friendship. Pablo is also distressed that Lucky doesn't value him as a friend.Episode 547
Episode 547 - 21 MinsMohammed wants to have a child to get money from the government, but Aisha is not ready for pregnancy, and takes contraceptives behind Mohammed's back.Episode 546
Episode 546 - 27 MinsMohammed dreams that someone wants to steal Aisha from him, and doesn't want her to leave their room. Lucky learns that Efe no longer wants to become a scientist.Episode 544
Episode 544 - 25 MinsUncle Hassan indicates that he is on his way to Lagos to see for himself if Mohammed takes good care of Aisha. Money causes a lot of problems in the Johnson house.Episode 543
Episode 543 - 24 MinsInstead of writing her speech on women empowerment, Drip spends her time planning her wardrobe for the event. The boys must prepare for JAMB, but Spiff and Abulu have better things to do.Episode 542
Episode 542 - 24 MinsAnother cousin of the Johnsons arrives in Lagos. Lucky is horrified when he finds out that Akpos wants to become a stand-up comedian instead of a scientist, but agrees to let him stay.Episode 541
Episode 541 - 27 MinsPablo learns that he will be the next head of his family and will control a great deal of land. Deputy is immediately interested to buy the land. Will Pablo sell of his family's inheritance?Episode 540
Episode 540 - 25 MinsDrip's ex-fiancé from Cameroon arrives at the Johnson house to make Drip his wife and whisk her away to America. Will Drip follow her heart or her head?Episode 539
Episode 539 - 26 MinsGoodluck has sleepless nights and feels that he is going crazy. But it is not the baby that causes his anguish. Goodluck's problem becomes Lucky's problem.Episode 538
Episode 538 - 22 MinsMohammed wants a gun. Efe wants to be cool. And as always Deputy wants to make a quick buck.Episode 537
Episode 537 - 21 MinsSpiff and Abulu make a gruesome discovery and run to seek refuge at home. The boys, Lucky, Drip and Mohammed are terrified when gunshots go off.Episode 536
Episode 536 - 28 MinsPablo gets himself a Youth Corp uniform to score free transport. Deputy arrives at the Johnson house but find everyone in a meditative state.Episode 535
Episode 535 - 23 MinsPablo is appointment in a position of power. Lucky warns him not to abuse his position of authority.Episode 534
Episode 534 - 24 MinsSpiff owes Mohammed money. Mohammed asks Pablo to collect it on his behalf. As always, Pablo comes up with an idea to make money out of the situation...Episode 533
Episode 533 - 27 MinsA cougar showers Abulu with money in return for his friendship. Pablo encourages Abulu to keep the sugar mommy happy, but Lucky steps in.Episode 532
Episode 532 - 22 MinsBoth Spiff and Efe asks Drip to lie for them. Drip refuses to lie, as bad things happen when she does.Episode 531
Episode 531 - 21 MinsGoodluck complains to Mohammed about Jennifer's lack of support. When Mohammed takes Goodluck's side, it causes marital problems for him and Aisha. Drip wants to earn a proper salary.Episode 530
Episode 530 - 23 MinsLucky tries to teach Efe that patience pays. Efe can't wait to get the inverter in the house fixed, and goes behind Lucky's back to get the money to fix it.Episode 529
Episode 529 - 22 MinsDeputy pitches another business idea to Lucky. When Lucky passes on the deal, Drip seizes the opportunity.Episode 528
Episode 528 - 23 MinsDeputy is in serious trouble and begs Lucky to convince his lawyer friend to take his case. When Spiff has severe stomach cramps, Drip must convince him to drink Pablo's herbal mix.Episode 527
Episode 527 - 24 MinsA neighbour's son comes to stay at the Johnson's. It quickly becomes clear that Richard is a spoiled brat. Drip and Aisha set out to teach him a lesson.Episode 526
Episode 526 - 21 MinsLucky receives a very large product order. Will he be able to deliver it on time? Aisha dreams of having her own smart phone.Episode 525
Episode 525 - 21 MinsTari wants to instill a new house law: No complaining! If you do, you need to cough up 100 Naira.Episode 524
Episode 524 - 24 MinsThe Prison's car breaks down in front of the Johnson's. As there are no other options available, Lucky agrees to keep a prisoner under lock in the Johnson house...Episode 523
Episode 523 - 26 MinsLucky must step in when Mohammed applies extreme measures so that no-one can lay eyes on his beautiful wife.Episode 522
Episode 522 - 27 MinsMohammed is not ready for marriage and wants to resign and run away. That is until he lays eyes on his new wife, Aisha.Episode 521
Episode 521 - 26 MinsGoodluck comes to Lucky with a strange request that can have a big impact on Tari's life. Mohammed's uncle phones him to inform him that he must take a wife.Episode 520
Episode 520 - 26 MinsEfe returns home from the Spelling Bee. Lucky is not impressed with the boy's Australian accent and mannerisms. Emu must leave the comforts of her home to look after Jennifer and her baby.Episode 519
Episode 519 - 21 MinsEmu is alarmed when Goodluck needs to go away on business for a week while Jennifer's due date is looming.Episode 518
Episode 518 - 21 MinsThe show is a family sitcom majorly focused on an average family based in Lagos Nigeria; their diverse traits and how they cope with what life has to offer them.Episode 517
Episode 517 - 27 MinsEmu learns that Lucky has an important meeting at the Inland hotel and towers. To her dismay he asks Drip to accompany him. Smart wants to give up law and become a stand-up comedian.Episode 516
Episode 516 - 27 MinsWhen Emu serves Lucky breakfast in bed, he suspects she has ulterior motives.Episode 514
Episode 514 - 27 MinsGoodluck tries to convince Emu that the way forward is to go cashless. She wants to know nothing about it, until Lucky is robbed. Pablo also wants his business to go cashless.Episode 513
Episode 513 - 26 MinsSpiff drives Lucky up the walls with requests to spend quality father and son time together. Smart is getting ready to audition for a comedy show.Episode 512
Episode 512 - 27 MinsSpiff reads that the world is coming to an end in two days' time. Abulu convinces him that they should enjoy their last days on earth to the fullest. Lucky bring Emu's TV addiction to a halt.Episode 511
Episode 511 - 24 MinsLucky's friend, a rural leader, will be coming to town. Lucky organises a royal welcome for him. Everyone, except Emu is excited about king Titu's visit.Episode 510
Episode 510 - 19 MinsSmart is looking for something and everyone in the house offer to help him find it. Only problem is: He can't remember what he is looking for...Episode 509
Episode 509 - 25 MinsLucky wants Emu to get rid of her old clothes. She agrees on one condition, he must get rid of his unused stuff as well. The Johnsons are holding a Garage Sale.Episode 508
Episode 508 - 19 MinsPablo forces Drip to pretend she is pregnant in order to generate more business. Smart gets arrested and Kube needs money to bail him out.Episode 507
Episode 507 - 21 MinsKube asks Spiff to spy on Drip and Smart. Lucky and Pablo have a big fall-out over money.Episode 506
Episode 506 - 19 MinsDrip is feeling down. Kube knows just how to cheer her up. Mohammed learns an important lesson.Episode 505
Episode 505 - 22 MinsEmu is looking for a PA. Everyone in the house is interested in the position. Drip desperately wants the position, but she also wants to assist Lucky at a science exhibition.Episode 504
Episode 504 - 25 MinsDrip and Kube wants to convince Emu to embrace technology and get machines to make housework easier. Emu decides to teach the lazy girls a lesson...Episode 503
Episode 503 - 26 MinsKube meets Tracey, is immediately jealous, and make wild accusations about her. That is, until she hears that Tracey are looking for someone with an American accent for a radio program.Episode 502
Episode 502 - 23 MinsKube tries to help Spiff resist temptation and stop overeating. Smart gets drunk and does something stupid.Episode 501
Episode 501 - 20 MinsKube resigns as Smart's assistant and starts working for Pablo. Smart offers Kube's job to Drip, but it soon clear that the ladies are not cut out for each other's jobs.Episode 500
Episode 500 - 22 MinsEmu won't let go of the idea of throwing Jennifer a big wedding. Kube want Smart to proof his love for her.Episode 499
Episode 499 - 27 MinsGoodluck asks Emu to stay with him and Jennifer untill the baby is born. Emu refuses to leave the comforts of her house. Smart wants to take Spiff to America to better his education.Episode 498
Episode 498 - 20 MinsEmu insist that Kube pulls her weight around the house. Kube has no choice but to start cooking.Episode 497
Episode 497 - 27 MinsPablo fears for his life. Lucky burns the candle at both ends. Kube has her hands full keeping alcohol away from cousin Smart.Episode 496
Episode 496 - 23 MinsThe Johnson's have a new house guests, and trouble follows as soon as they set foot in the door...Episode 495
Episode 495 - 24 MinsNow that Efe is away for a month, Jennifer is married and Blessing is staying with her aunt, Lucky and Emu wants to rekindle their love and celebrate their newfound freedom. How long will it last?Episode 494
Episode 494 - 27 MinsGoodluck and Jennifer wants to get married. Will Lucky and Emu give them their blessing?Episode 493
Episode 493 - 27 MinsEmu's anger knows no bounds when Goodluck shows his face at the Johnson house. Pablo comes to beg forgiveness on Goodluck's behalf, but Emu is unbendable.Episode 492
Episode 492 - 27 MinsEfe is selected to represent Nigeria at a spelling bee in Ghana. Lucky refuses to let him go. Goodluck's mother arrive at the Johnson house...Episode 491
Episode 491 - 27 MinsPablo's worldly possessions are carried away by a flood. Lucky offers him a roof over his head. How long will the Johnsons be able to put up with Pablo?Episode 490
Episode 490 - 27 MinsThe parlour chairs need serious repair work. Lucky decides to do the job himself... Efe fakes an illness in the hope that a pretty nurse will come to treat him.Episode 489
Episode 489 - 27 MinsPablo tells a very strange story to Mohammed. Is there any truth to his tall tale? The Johnsons realise they are not prepared for the arrival of Jennifer's baby...Episode 488
Episode 488 - 27 MinsA friend of the pastor's wife comes to stay at the Johnson house. She is back in Nigeria to reconnect with her roots.Episode 487
Episode 487 - 25 MinsLucky and Emu go away for the weekend and leave the kids alone at home with aunt Tive...Episode 486
Episode 486 - 27 MinsA very difficult and nosey aunt Tive is making life very difficult for the Johnsons.Episode 485
Episode 485 - 26 MinsEmu's aunt Tive comes to visit but are strict doctors' instructions not to eat any starch or sugary food. Blessing and Spiff go behind their parents back to give Tive the food she craves...Episode 484
Episode 484 - 27 MinsEmu's oil business is booming. She dreams of making it an international success and wants the kids to learn how to prepare palm oil and continue her legacy when she is old.Episode 483
Episode 483 - 24 MinsDrip deposits her savings in an unused bank account of Emu. Emu doesn't trust the bank's recent updates and withdraw the money. Before long she starts using some of it...Episode 482
Episode 482 - 24 MinsLucky wants put up the house as collateral to buy new machines for his factory. Emu is strongly opposed to the idea.Episode 481
Episode 481 - 27 MinsA fellow blogger wants to team up with Jennifer. Drip realises the girl pretends to be someone she is not.Episode 480
Episode 480 - 25 MinsEmu is very upset when Lucky cuts her daily allowance to 2500 Naira. Tari convinces Spiff to write the WAEC exam in his place.Episode 479
Episode 479 - 25 MinsA money-offering to the gods causes big trouble in the Johnson house.Episode 478
Episode 478 - 24 MinsLife is good in the Johnson house when orders start rolling in for Lucky's project. Blessing starts to do good deeds. Does she have a hidden agenda?Episode 477
Episode 477 - 27 MinsPablo lands a government contract based on a white lie and immediately starts to spend the money. He also involves Deputy in the deal...Episode 476
Episode 476 - 26 MinsSpiff's uncle from America comes for a visit. Pablo and Lucky are not impressed with his American ways...Episode 475
Episode 475 - 23 MinsDrip is in love. Against Emu's wishes, Lucky agrees that Tony comes over for dinner...Episode 474
Episode 474 - 27 MinsDrip is tired of Pablo's nonsense and doesn't want to work for him anymore. Emu gives her a solution to her predicament...Episode 473
Episode 473 - 26 MinsSpiff aspires to be like the actor Clifford Otega, who is very generous and helpful. Lucky can't stand the smell of Emu's special cream from Warri and comes up with a plan to get rid of it.Episode 472
Episode 472 - 27 MinsOut of the blue Drip are offered a scholarship to go and study abroad. Emu warns her that she is being scammed, but Drip doesn't listen to reason...Episode 471
Episode 471 - 27 MinsEveryone is over the moon when Lucky installs Wifi in the house. The boys see an opportunity to make money off it.Episode 470
Episode 470 - 27 MinsLucky wants to make sure that his legacy lives on after his death and decide to teach the boys about business. Pablo discovers the wonders of social media...Episode 469
Episode 469 - 27 MinsTari realises that Spiff wants to read his diary and decides to prank him. Emu is looking forward to visiting the deputy governor's wife.Episode 468
Episode 468 - 24 MinsLucky and Emu realize that their children are very selfish. They set out to teach them a valuable lesson but, in the process, they too, learn a thing or two from life.Episode 467
Episode 467 - 21 MinsTari and Spiff compete to see who is the strongest between the two of them, with Blessing as the referee. To save money, Emu makes her own liquid detergent for their laundry...Episode 466
Episode 466 - 25 MinsEmu wants to try to learn how to drive again. Lucky doesn't like the idea at all, but offers to give her driving lessons.Episode 465
Episode 465 - 27 MinsTari starts his own reality series, and gets Spiff to record every second of his daily life. But his viewers are more interested in seeing Jennifer than Tari.Episode 464
Episode 464 - 25 MinsBlessing finally figures out what career she wants to follow. Will she be the next Oprah Winfrey?Episode 463
Episode 463 - 23 MinsAn important document from Lucky gets mixed up with Drip's GCE registration forms.Episode 462
Episode 462 - 24 MinsThe kids are getting unruly and Emu wants them to take holiday lessons. Deputy offers to give them computer lessons. Will Drip get the registration money she needs before the cut-off time?Episode 461
Episode 461 - 27 MinsDrip is in a fix, GCE registration closes the next day and she still don't have enough money saved up.Episode 460
Episode 460 - 24 MinsLucky and Emu make a deal to cut out meat from their diet. How long will they be able to resist temptation?Episode 459
Episode 459 - 27 MinsBlessing seeks advice from her siblings and parents on what career path to follow one day. Lucky feels she must become a medical doctor while Emu thinks she will become a fantastic lawyer.Episode 458
Episode 458 - 27 MinsDeputy and Pablo start campaigning for the position of chairman of Crystal Estate. Things quickly get out of hand.Episode 457
Episode 457 - 25 MinsSpiff wants to drop out of school, while Tari and Abulu are getting excited about learning.Episode 456
Episode 456 - 25 MinsEmu still wants to hide Jennifer's pregnancy from friends of the family. Lucky and Drip comes up with an elaborate plan to change her mind.Episode 455
Episode 455 - 27 MinsA commissioner makes a call at the Johnson house. But it is not Lucky she wants to see...Episode 454
Episode 454 - 25 MinsLucky and Emu puts a new policy in place: No more friends can visit the Johnson house.Episode 453
Episode 453 - 22 MinsLucky tells the boys that it is alright to bring girls over to the house. Will Spiff and Tari finally get their first kiss? Jennifer returns to school.Episode 452
Episode 452 - 26 MinsLucky comes home in a fowl mood and don't want to talk to Emu about it. Is there a serious problem at Lucky's factory?Episode 451
Episode 451 - 26 MinsSpiff has a terrible toothache but are too scared to go to the dentist. Emu finally opens up about her feelings over Jennifer's misstep.Episode 450
Episode 450 - 26 MinsA dear family friend, Dr. Evans, comes to visit. The Johnsons try very hard to keep Spiff from talking about Jennifer's pregnancy.Episode 449
Episode 449 - 24 MinsLucky asks Efe and Tari to keep an eye on Spiff and make sure he doesn't tell anybody about Jennifer's condition. Emu has arranged for Jennifer to go to Warri behind Lucky's back.Episode 448
Episode 448 - 20 MinsJennifer is still not eating. Spiff and Tari are very concerned and decide to cook for her to cheer her up.Episode 447
Episode 447 - 27 MinsEmu's heart has hardened. She doesn't want to accept Jennifer's apologies and wants to send her to Warri to give birth. The Johnsons try to keep their circumstances secret.Episode 445
Episode 445 - 26 MinsGoodluck wants to start his own business and asks Lucky to stand collateral for him. When Jennifer keeps on picking up weight, Emu suspects that she is pregnant.Episode 444
Episode 444 - 26 MinsWhen Emu is constantly feeling ill and tired, the rest of the Johnsons get increasingly concerned.Episode 443
Episode 443 - 25 MinsEmu feels so good after giving financial aid to a suffering family at church, that she decides to give money to whomever asks for it...Episode 442
Episode 442 - 27 MinsMohammed catches Drip trying to run away at night. Emu and Lucky confront her and Drip finally reveal the shocking truth...Episode 441
Episode 441 - 27 MinsSpiff and Efe get into a fight at school and can be expelled. Their parents' presence is required at school... Drip wants to find her long lost father.Episode 440
Episode 440 - 25 MinsEfe and Tari wants to enter a game show on which you need to show how well you know your best friend. How well do they really know each other?Episode 439
Episode 439 - 27 MinsLucky wants to land a big government contract, but to qualify to get it, his business must have a charity benefactor. The only one he knows who has a registered charity organization, is Goodluck...Episode 438
Episode 438 - 27 MinsJennifer uses psychological manipulation tactics on her family members. They discover what she is doing and give her some of her own medicine.Episode 437
Episode 437 - 26 MinsSpiff is the only one in school who failed the mock exam. If he doesn't pass his WAEC exam, he will have to repeat SS3 and risk being thrown out of the Johnson house...Episode 436
Episode 436 - 27 MinsLucky claims he invented a formula that can make a person obey instructions. Pablo gets his hands-on Lucky's powerful new invention...Episode 435
Episode 435 - 25 MinsThe show is a family sitcom majorly focused on an average family based in Lagos Nigeria; their diverse traits and how they cope with what life has to offer them.Episode 434
Episode 434 - 27 MinsMohammed hits the jackpot, but his Lottery ticket gets ruined and he loses his job. The new gate man takes his security duties very serious.Episode 433
Episode 433 - 24 MinsEmu's birthday is coming up, and that means, she wants an expensive gift from Lucky. Will this be the year Lucky gives her what her heart desires?Episode 432
Episode 432 - 26 MinsLucky teaches Tari and Spiff never to run away from their troubles. But soon he too lands in trouble and decides to run away...Episode 431
Episode 431 - 27 MinsLucky asks the kids to motivate Spiff to better himself. They set out to make Spiff feel special and loved, but it becomes very hard to keep up the positive encouragement.Episode 430
Episode 430 - 27 MinsWhen Pablo gets injured on a company premises Jennifer advise him to sue the company for compensation. But Pablo's greed knows no bounds.Episode 429
Episode 429 - 26 MinsJennifer must break her exam results to Emu. Lucky wants to save money and decide to start farming instead of buying produce. The kids come up with a plan to scare him of the idea.Episode 428
Episode 428 - 27 MinsEmu is planning an environmental make-over for the estate. Jennifer is excited about going on a double date with Tracy, but things don't work out as planned.Episode 427
Episode 427 - 27 MinsThe flu virus hits the Johnson house. One of Lucky's experiments gets mixed up with the cough syrup and the singing Johnson's are born.Episode 426
Episode 426 - 25 MinsEmu falls ill. As the medicine the prescribed for her is very expensive, Lucky wants to recreate the drug in his lab. Effe tries to help Spiff and Abulu prepare for an important exam.Episode 425
Episode 425 - 24 MinsA pretty girl mistakes Tari as the son of a senator. Tari plays along to impress her but is soon caught up in a bundle of lies.Episode 424
Episode 424 - 27 MinsLucky introduce a new rule in the house: No responsibility, no allowance.Episode 423
Episode 423 - 27 MinsLucky declares a state of emergency in the Johnson house to find the culprit who stole a piece of meat from a special soup and caused it to spoil.Episode 422
Episode 422 - 27 MinsLucky is shocked and angry that none of his children know their National anthem or important facts about Nigeria and force them to study their country's history.Episode 421
Episode 421 - 26 MinsBoth Lucky and Emu are expecting important visitors on the same night. They can't agree on anything and are locked in a big fight. The children decide it is time for an intervention.Episode 420
Episode 420 - 27 MinsMohammed's most prize possession gets broken and he swears revenge... Tari's lies catch up with him.Episode 419
Episode 419 - 23 MinsSpiff gets on everyone's wrong side and the Johnson kids decide to get rid of him...Episode 418
Episode 418 - 27 MinsDrip tells Jennifer to stop using a military ruling style to keep the boys in check in their parents' absence. But when the boys drive Drip over the edge, she turns to boxing.Episode 417
Episode 417 - 27 MinsThe kids learn that their house has been sold and they have 24 hours to vacate the premises. Deputy comes to their rescue.Episode 416
Episode 416 - 27 MinsLucky and Emu are away, and Jennifer is in charge. She draws up an extensive list of rules and duties for her siblings.Episode 415
Episode 415 - 22 MinsDrip will do anything to escape her current circumstances. Does that mean she will agree to marry the first man who proposes to her?Episode 414
Episode 414 - 27 MinsEmu's dreams of travelling abroad is shattered when Lucky rejects a free Visa offer from Goodluck.Episode 413
Episode 413 - 27 MinsTari tries very hard to show his worth to Lucky. Efe feels that everybody deserves a second chance. Will he regret putting his faith in an old criminal?Episode 412
Episode 412 - 24 MinsEmu must explain to Spiff what reincarnation means for a school assignment. Jennifer is freaked out by what she hears.Episode 411
Episode 411 - 27 MinsThe court is in session in the Johnson house. Pablo is arrested for selling expired herbal medicine.Episode 410
Episode 410 - 26 MinsEmu's nephew Isaac comes to visit. How long will Emu and Lucky tolerate the very rude and flashy boy?Episode 409
Episode 409 - 27 MinsSpiff is sad that his name has no meaning and want to adopt another name. Efe introduces Emu to Social media, but things soon get out of hand...Episode 408
Episode 408 - 26 MinsLucky gets recognised for his hard work and suddenly everyone wants to partner with him. Lucky appoints Emu as his assistant to secure a lucrative business deal...Episode 407
Episode 407 - 27 MinsDrip and Lucky tries to warn Emu that another lady is making advances on Lucky, but Emu thinks very highly of Cherry. Tari devices a plan to break Efe and Diana up.Episode 406
Episode 406 - 25 MinsEveryone in the Johnson household is sick and tired of Tari's laziness and bad behaviour. They come together, to teach him a lesson.Episode 405
Episode 405 - 27 MinsThere is a plaque of robberies in the estate and Lucky asks his family to be more vigilant. Lucky also installs a special lock on the boy's bedroom, one that can only open from the inside...Episode 404
Episode 404 - 27 MinsLucky pretends to be very ill, in order to get some much-deserved rest. But then, Emu finds out about his lies...Episode 403
Episode 403 - 27 MinsEfe gets an opportunity to write a story for a magazine. None of his family members wants to listen to his story, so he sends it straight to the magazine. When they finally find out what it is about, they are furious.Episode 402
Episode 402 - 27 MinsLucky showers his kids with gifts and attention hoping they will see him as a cool dad so he can make a good impression on a business tycoon who is a big family man. Spiff takes the role of secret agent.Episode 401
Episode 401 - 27 MinsEmu cooks up a storm to win a cooking competition. Jennifer struggles with her studies and asks Goodluck to do her a huge favour.Episode 400
Episode 400 - 26 MinsDrip is preparing for an important interview. Tari is becoming a responsible student. How long will he keep up the hard work?Episode 399
Episode 399 - 23 MinsTari is very upset and jealous when he sees that Efe and Diana spend a lot of time together. He refuses to talk to Efe, and then do the unthinkable...Episode 398
Episode 398 - 27 MinsOne by one Goodluck convince the Johnson's to invest in his new business venture. Will they get the return on their investments he promised them?Episode 397
Episode 397 - 27 MinsEmu tries to convince Lucky to share the secret of their happy marriage with a struggling couple. But, when the couple comes over for some advice, the cracks in Lucky and Emu's relationship start to show.Episode 396
Episode 396 - 23 MinsSpiff is convinced Goodluck is a bad person. Soon after, Efe and Tari feels the same way, and the three musketeers set out to teach Goodluck a lesson.Episode 395
Episode 395 - 27 MinsLucky needs business advice. Goodluck offers to help him, but Lucky insists that he needs professional advise to take his business to the next level...Episode 394
Episode 394 - 27 MinsThe boys are get so hooked on a television program that they don't notice an intruder enter the house and steal their food. The Johnson's set out to find the culprit who has left his one shoe behind...Episode 393
Episode 393 - 27 MinsWhile Spiff goes to great lengths to avoid an exam, Efe is eager to tackle multiple exams to proof his intellectual ability. Pablo buys a car and Jennifer gets a tutor in entrepreneurship.Episode 392
Episode 392 - 26 MinsDrip overhears a secret conversation between Jennifer and Pablo and jump to the wrong conclusion with far reaching consequences.Episode 391
Episode 391 - 27 MinsTari is too scared to leave the house. Jennifer will do anything to get an international passport.Episode 390
Episode 390 - 27 MinsSpiff is excited about the father-son-trip Pablo planned for them. Will they have an unforgettable experience?Episode 389
Episode 389 - 26 MinsTari and Spiff ask Abulu to teach them how the football betting game works. Drip dreams of winning the biggest football fan competition to hit Nigeria.Episode 388
Episode 388 - 25 MinsLucky makes a scientific breakthrough - a cure for everything. When Efe falls ill, Lucky gives him some of his secret elixir. Efe seems to bounce back quickly, but the formula might have side effects...Episode 387
Episode 387 - 25 MinsMr. Martin offer to help Drip with her studies, while Jennifer thinks Mr. Martin has ulterior motives...Episode 386
Episode 386 - 27 MinsDrip is becoming invaluable in the Johnson house, but Pablo doesn't see her true worth, suspects her of stealing and are becoming increasingly jealous of her accomplishments.Episode 385
Episode 385 - 27 MinsSpiff is deeply in love. How far will he go to proof his love to Tracy?Episode 384
Episode 384 - 27 MinsWhen a heatwave hits Lagos, the Johnsons try to find various ways to stay cool.Episode 383
Episode 383 - 26 MinsJennifer discovers that Drip and Mohammed keeps all their money stashed away in their rooms and advise them that they should rather deposit it in the bank. Pablo finds out about it.Episode 382
Episode 382 - 26 MinsTari and Spiff propose to Lucky that he should send them off to boarding school like Blessing. Pablo wants to draw up his last will and testament. Deputy sends a lawyer to assist him with the paperwork.Episode 381
Episode 381 - 27 MinsLucky is locked out of his own factory and the kids fear that things might go back to the way it was before. While Lucky suspects Pablo of foul play, Emu wants the family to fast to solve their predicament.Episode 380
Episode 380 - 22 MinsEmu has a terrifying dream, but when she wakes up the dream continues. To help her mother recuperate from illness, Emu introduce a three day fast for the family.Episode 379
Episode 379 - 22 MinsCaptain Eric asks Lucky's permission to take Jennifer out. Lucky agrees on condition that someone chaperone her. The siblings compete for the position of chaperone.Episode 378
Episode 378 - 27 MinsAbulu is preparing for an audition as backup singer for a big sing star. Tari assumes the role of his manager, but also wants to audition. Jennifer and Drip tries to help Blessing to find her singing voice.Episode 377
Episode 377 - 27 MinsWhile Drip is upset because she has gained weight since she moved into the Johnson house, Jennifer goes to great lengths to pick up weight.Episode 376
Episode 376 - 28 MinsLucky wants to surprise the most hardworking kid with a gift. He asks Emu to keep it a surprise. Lucky is not smitten with a military man seeking Jennifer's attention.Episode 375
Episode 375 - 27 MinsThe kids are instructed to clean the house from top to bottom. Lucky slips and falls on a wet floor and suffer from amnesia. Will Lucky regain his memory?Episode 374
Episode 374 - 26 MinsEfe tries to study but can't find a quiet place anywhere in the house. Lucky is invited to a prestigious party but can only take one of the children along. Who will it be?Episode 373
Episode 373 - 26 MinsTari changes his marks on his test. Will Lucky find out? Blessing drives everyone mad with her acting pranks. When she really gets hurt, no one believes her...Episode 372
Episode 372 - 27 MinsLucky gives the children an art project. Spiff accidentally mess up his canvas with paint. Lucky sends the 'artwork' to the trash, but an art expert notice it.Episode 371
Episode 371 - 27 MinsEfe is tired of being ignored and not loved, and decides to run away in order to find out if his family cares about him. Will the rest of the Johnson's realise that he is gone?Episode 370
Episode 370 - 24 MinsBlessing is having WhatsApp chats with an older boy. Jennifer warns her to put an end to her conversations with the stranger, but Blessing likes the attention...Episode 369
Episode 369 - 27 MinsThe kids win a drama competition and a trip to Dubai. But only one parent can accompany the group of five on their excursion. Who will it be?Episode 368
Episode 368 - 27 MinsLucky brings home an antique clock with a great family history to pass on to his first-born son. Will the precious clock be safe in the Johnson house?Episode 367
Episode 367 - 23 MinsJennifer wants to enter a hairstylist competition. Will she be able to convince Blessing or Tari to be her model?Episode 366
Episode 366 - 27 MinsLucky doesn't want one of Jennifer's friends to come over to the house, that is until he learns she is an ambassador's daughter.Episode 365
Episode 365 - 25 MinsJennifer wants to buy a new dress for an 'old-school' party but nobody will give her money. When all Jennifer's clothes disappear from her wardrobe, Emu lends her one of her real old-school dresses.Episode 364
Episode 364 - 26 MinsEmu breaks the news to Lucky that her mother wants her to take over her booming oil business in Warri.Episode 363
Episode 363 - 27 MinsIt's celebration time when Emu, Tari, Efe and Blessing return home. Until Drip comes to greet the lady of the house...Episode 362
Episode 362 - 24 MinsA family sitcom majorly focused on an average family [the Johnsons] based in Lagos Nigeria; their diverse traits and how they cope with what life has to offer themEpisode 361
Episode 361 - 26 MinsLucky gives Jennifer start-up capital for a part-time business selling handbags. Lucky test the market for a soap with maximum fragrance and maximum cleaning effect.Episode 360
Episode 360 - 26 MinsJennifer wants to start up an interior design business. Lucky gives her two opportunities to proof that she is serious about it and can make a success of it.Episode 359
Episode 359 - 20 MinsBoth Spiff and Abulu are sweet on one of Jennifer's friends and will do anything to get her number. Drip must cover for Jennifer who wants to sneak out to a party.Episode 358
Episode 358 - 27 MinsSpiff dreams of becoming a soldier. Abulu is on hand to teach him courage under fire. Drip is being pestered by a sly man.Episode 357
Episode 357 - 27 MinsThe Johnson's economy is going through very hard times. How long can they endure a diet of only beans and no running water?Episode 356
Episode 356 - 27 MinsPablo tells Lucky that he owes a native doctor a lot of money. If he can't repay his debt, Spiff will need to go and work for the doctor for four years.Episode 355
Episode 355 - 26 MinsLucky and Deputy organise a march to protest against the traffic congestion in Lagos. Pablo gets an outrageous idea to make money.Episode 353
Episode 353 - 26 MinsLucky and Deputy enter into a business partnership to secure a tender. Will the partnership and their friendship last? Jennifer, Drip and Spiff must battle the flu virus.Episode 352
Episode 352 - 27 MinsSpiff wants to be Lucky's lab assistant. He soon realises that it is hard work.Episode 351
Episode 351 - 26 MinsSpiff is on a mission to kill a rat that is making Jennifer's life miserable. Lucky and Pablo each choose a candidate to train for the upcoming Crystal Estate marathon.Episode 350
Episode 350 - 23 MinsJennifer still dreams of becoming a lawyer and wants to quit her Igbo studies.Episode 349
Episode 349 - 27 MinsSpiff rents a room in the Johnson 'guest house' to a man he meets on the street. Deputy informs the family that a psychotic killer was last spotted in the Crystal Estate area...Episode 348
Episode 348 - 26 MinsA Johnson relative who studied hypnosis in India comes for a visit. The family is intrigued and wants him to proof that he can truly hypnotise a person. Be very careful what you wish for...Episode 347
Episode 347 - 27 MinsSpiff wants to enter a "Cool Dude" competition with big prize money. Jennifer offers to coach him for the competition. Lucky gets everyone to assist him with a competition of his own.Episode 346
Episode 346 - 25 MinsPablo wants to develop new products in Lucky's home lab. Lucky refuses him access to the lab, but Pablo rope the kids in to help him get access to the lab...Episode 345
Episode 345 - 30 MinsSpiff has never won an award in his life. He dreams of having his name entered in the Guinness book of World Records.Episode 344
Episode 344 - 28 MinsDeputy tries to lure Lucky into a new business venture. Drip and Spiff make a bet to see who can go the longest without any sleep.Episode 343
Episode 343 - 29 MinsSpiff's eating habits, Jennifer's gaming and Drip's excessive cleaning are getting out of control. Who or what is to blame?Episode 342
Episode 342 - 30 MinsLucky and Deputy go head to head in an invention competition. It's not long before they start to play dirty.Episode 341
Episode 341 - 20 MinsJennifer and Drip are held hostage by Augustina. Will Mohammed and Spiff realise that the girls are not playing a game and come to their rescue?Episode 340
Episode 340 - 21 MinsMohammed brings his girlfriend Augustina to meet the Johnson's. Spiff and Drip discovers that Augustina is wanted in connection with fraud...Episode 339
Episode 339 - 27 MinsSpiff wants to look his best for a party. Jennifer gets back at Spiff who embarrassed her by asking Drip to be his stylist and fashion him in a ridiculous outfit.Episode 338
Episode 338 - 26 MinsJennifer struggles with preparations for her Igbo exam. She gets a classmate to tutor her free of charge. Deputy is convinced that the boy has ulterior motives.Episode 337
Episode 337 - 29 MinsMohamed asks Lucky to interpret a letter for him. Lucky shares the news in the letter with Jennifer but decides to keep it secret from Mohamed. Meanwhile Mohamed is living a royal life at the Johnson's.Episode 336
Episode 336 - 28 MinsJennifer is excited when she finds an old diary, but upset when she realises that she has not accomplished any of the goals she set out to accomplish before she turns 21.Episode 335
Episode 335 - 29 MinsSpiff wants to travel to the UK with his mother, but Pablo doesn't want him to go. Mohamed is driving Lucky up the walls with his business ideas.Episode 334
Episode 334 - 30 MinsPablo introduces his new employee to Lucky as his niece and begs Lucky to let her stay over for the night. Spiff suspects that Drip is Pablo's girlfriend and convinces Lucky to investigate.Episode 333
Episode 333 - 30 MinsPablo wants to expand his business and uses Spiff as a hawker. Lucky refuses that Pablo exploit his son for his own gain. Jennifer helps Pablo to find a suitable employee.
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How many seasons of The Johnsons are there?
Showmax currently has 12 seasons of The Johnsons available for streaming.

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